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Nurul Afifah Pradekso
"Tantangan di masa remaja berpotensi menimbulkan internalizing problem. Penting bagi remaja untuk mencari bantuan dari berbagai sumber yang tersedia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan preferensi mencari bantuan dari sumber formal dan informal berdasarkan tingkat internalizing problem siswa SMP di Banyuwangi. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan desain cross-sectional pada 1.217 siswa (M = 13,52, SD = 1,04). Analisis independent samples t-test menunjukkan perbedaan preferensi mencari bantuan yang signifikan dari sumber formal, t(1215) = 2,271, p < 0,05 dan sumber informal, t(1215) = 3,681, p < 0,01 antara siswa dengan internalizing problem rendah dan tinggi. Siswa dengan internalizing problem rendah lebih cenderung mencari bantuan, baik dari sumber formal maupun informal.

Challenges during adolescence can potentially cause internalizing problem. It is important for adolescents to seek help from all available sources. This study aims to look at differences in help-seeking preferences from formal and informal sources by the level of internalizing problem among middle school students in Banyuwangi. The study was conducted using a cross-sectional design on 1,217 students (M = 13.52, SD = 1.04). Independent sample t-test analysis showed significant differences in help-seeking preference from formal sources, t(1215) = 2.271, p < 0.05 and informal sources, t(1215) = 3.681, p < 0.01 between students with low and high internalizing problem. Students with low internalizing problem are more likely to seek help, both from formal and informal sources."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Turnip, Sherly Saragih
"Conflicts and wars in several areas in Indonesia have caused a large number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). IDPs adolescents are a vulnerable group for developing psychological problems. There was a concern about the form of time perspective that these adolescents have and its relationship with the occurrence of psychological problems in the
future. However, there is a lack of studies of internally displaced persons that assess the relationship between psychological distress and time perspective in low income countries. The study aim was to assess psychological status and time perspective of adolescents who were affected by violent conflict in Indonesia. Cross sectional community based study. Questionnaires were used to obtain data from 129 adolescents whose lives were affected by violent conflict, both displaced and non-displaced. Subjects were selected by simple random sampling. Displaced adolescents
were present-past oriented, while non-displaced adolescents were future oriented. Displaced adolescents had more difficulties compared to non-displaced adolescents, especially in emotional symptoms. Factors like migration status, gender and religion have partial significance toward time dominance and psychological problems. There is a significant association between time perspective and psychological problems in which present-past oriented adolescents had greater difficulties than future oriented adolescents. The most common problem was emotional symptoms, especially anxiety problems."
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Putra
"Bencana pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) dapat menimbulkan ansietas pada kelompok usia produktif yang dengan cepat mengaktifkan suatu upaya pertahanan. Tinjauan literatur ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat ansietas dengan mekanisme koping pada bencana pandemi COVID-19. Tinjauan literatur ini merupakan telaah informasi dari berbagai artikel/jurnal yang relevan dengan topik bahasan. Artikel/jurnal dengan tahun publikasi 2015-2020 yang telah diseleksi dan dinilai kualitasnya disajikan dalam bentuk tabulasi. Hasil studi literatur menjelaskan bahwa sebagian besar responden berada dalam tahapan dewasa muda (20-40 tahun), mengalami ansietas ringan, dan mekanisme koping berfokus pada masalah. Hasil analisis terhadap respons emosional (ansietas, ketakutan, kesedihan, dan kemarahan) dan koping menunjukkan ada korelasi positif yang signifikan dengan p < 0,001. Analisis arah hubungan antara respons emosional dan koping menunjukkan bahwa problem focused coping memiliki efek prediksi yang signifikan pada ansietas dan kesedihan. Temuan dalam tinjauan literatur ini menambah bukti baru tentang ansietas dan mekanisme koping diantara kelompok usia produktif pada bencana pandemi COVID-19. Perlu adanya keterlibatan berbagai pihak dalam memberikan bantuan berupa dukungan, motivasi, dan pendidikan kesehatan kepada masyarakat khususnya kelompok usia produktif selama pandemi COVID-19.

The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic disaster can cause anxiety in productive age groups which can quickly activate a defense effort. This literature review aims to determine the relationship between anxiety levels and coping mechanisms in the COVID-19 pandemic disaster. This literature review is a review of information from various articles/journals that are relevant to the topic discussed. Articles/journals with publication years 2015-2020 that have been selected and assessed for quality are presented in tabulated form. The results of the literature study explain that most respondents are in the stage of young adulthood (20-40 years), experiencing mild anxiety, and coping mechanisms focus on problems. The results of the analysis of emotional responses (anxiety, fear, sadness, and anger) and coping showed a significant positive correlation with p < 0.001. Analysis of the direction of the relationship between emotional responses and coping showed that problem focused coping has a significant predictive effect on anxiety and sadness. The findings in this literature review add new evidence about anxiety and coping mechanisms among productive age groups in the COVID-19 pandemic disaster. There needs to be the involvement of various parties in providing assistance in the form of support, motivation, and health education to the community, especially productive age groups during the COVID-19 pandemic."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angelina Roida Eka
"Perilaku agresif orang dengan gangguan jiwa (ODGJ) tidak hanya membuat masalah bagi keluarga tetapi bagi masyarakat. Tua golo memiliki peran untuk menjaga kedamaian lingkungan termasuk dari perilaku agresif ODGJ. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi tua golo selaku tokoh masyarakat informal terhadap pemasungan pada ODGJ melalui pendekatan budaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi semantik dengan menggunakan Spradley Development Reseacrh Sequence sebagai pengumpulan data dan analisa data. Partisipan adalah tua golo yang memiliki pengalaman menagani pemasungan di kampungnya sebanyak 11 orang yang berasal dari 11 desa di Kabupaten Manggarai. Metode pengumpulan data adalah indepth interview dengan tipe pertanyaan semi terstruktur. Hasil wawancara dalam bentuk transkrip dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisa domain, analisa struktural, analisa kontras, dan analisa tema. Empat analisa menghasilkan 9 domain, 9 taksonomi, 7 paradigma, dan 3 tema utama yaitu (1) Pemasungan merupakan proses kontrol sosial berjenjang. (2) Fenomena paradoks pada pemasungan  (3) Peran tu`a golo sebagai sesepuh dalam proses pemasungan. Temuan penelitian ini menggambarkan proses pemasungan yang dilakukan secara bertahap mulai dari keluarga hingga masyarakat dan tua golo sebagai tokoh masyarakat informal berperan tidak hanya sebelum pemasungan tetapi saat pemasungan dan setelah pemasungan. Temuan penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan untuk oleh praktisi keperawatan baik area praktik maupun pendidikan untuk mengembangkan penanganan yang tepat untuk mengatasi pemasungan terutama melalui pendekatan budaya. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar membedayakan tokoh masyarakat informal sebagai kader kesehatan jiwa

Aggressive behaviour of mentally ill people gives family and community major problem as well. Tua Golo as informal leader in culture of Manggarai have a role to maintain community safety. The aim of tis research is to gain an understanding of tua golo cultural perception about physical restrain of mentally ill people. The research method was ethnography semantic used Spradley development research sequence to collected and analysed the data. The research was conducted in 11 villages in Manggarai by interviewed 11 tua golo who had experience with confinement of mentally ill people.  In-depth interview was also conducted to collect data. The interview question were semi-structured, consisting of descriptive, structural, and contrast question in relation to each stage of data collection process. The question was based on Spradley`s interview question in ethnographic study. The interview was tape recorded and transcribed verbatim. The transcript verbatims were analysed four time, consisting of domain, structural, contras, and theme analyse. There were 9 domains, 9 taxonomies, and 7 paradigms found in this research. Three cultural themes were found in this research (1) confinement is a sequence process of social control (2) The paradox phenomena of confinement (3) The role of tu`a golo as an elder in confinement process.  The result of this study described the sequence proses of confinement that started from family to the community guided by tua golo as informal leader. Tua golo has big role not only before the confinement proses but also during and after confinement. The result of this research can be used as a reference for further nursing interview to reduce the practice of confinement in community used cultural approach. The recommendation of this research was to use tua golo as mental health agent for promoting mental health care in community"
Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jacques, Melanie
"The prohibition of forced displacement in international armed conflicts -- The prohibition of forced movement of civilians in non-international armed conflicts -- Case study : Israeli settlements, the separation wall and displacement of civilians in the occupied Palestinian territory -- Forced displacement as an international crime -- The protection of refugees under international humanitarian law -- Internally displaced persons as civilians in time of war -- International humanitarian law and the protection of refugee and IDP camps."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2012
341.4 JAC a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Healthy Hidayanty
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menentukan efek program
gaya hidup sehat (HLP) berdasarkan teori kognitif sosial (SCT) pada remaja
dengan kelebihan berat badan di Kota Makassar. Studi ini terdiri dari tiga tahap.
Tahap pertama bertujuan untuk mengembangkan HLP. Tahap selanjutnya
bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan memvalidasi instrument untuk mengukur
efek HLP. Tahap akhir dari studi ini bertujuan untuk menilai efek HLP terhadap
efikasi diri remaja untuk berperilaku sehat, efikasi diri orang tua, perilaku remaja
dan indeks anthropometri dengan menggunakan desain uji kluster acak terkontrol.
Sebanyak delapan (8) sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) diramndomisasi untuk
menentukan sekolah intervensi dan kontrol. Total 238 remaja dengan kelebihan
berat dan orang tuanya diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini. Perubahan outcome
dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji ANCOVA dengan pendekatan intention to
treat. HLP adalah sebuah program yangh terdiri atas dua belas (12) sesi
pendidikan yang menerapkan beberapa strategi perubahan perilaku dari SCT
antara lain penguatan positif, monitoring diri, penentuan tujuan dan keterlibatan
orang tua yang disampaikan sekali seminggu oleh para fasilitator terlatih melalui
sesi kelompok. HLP berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan efikasi diri remaja untuk
mempraktikkan perilaku sehat, menurunkan kebiasaan cemilan, dan perubahan
pada BMI Z-score menurut umur dan lingkar pinggang.

The study aimed to develop and determine the effect of healthy lifestyle program
(HLP) based on Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) among overweight adolescents in
Makassar City. It consisted of three stages. Stage one was to develop HLP. Next
stage was to develop and validate the instruments for measuring the effect of
HLP. The last was to measure the effects of HLP on adolescents? self-efficacy on
healthy behaviors, parents? self-efficacy, adolescents? behaviors, and
anthropometry indices using cluster randomized controlled trial design. Eight
SMP were randomly assigned to intervention and control schools. A total of 238
overweight adolescents and their parents were involved. Changes in outcomes
were analyzed using ANCOVA on an intention to treat basis. HLP is twelve
sessions of education applied behavior change strategies from SCT including
positive reinforcement, self-monitoring, goal setting and parents? involvement
delivered by trained facilitators through weekly group sessions. HLP contributed
in increasing adolescents? self-efficacy for practicing healthy behavior, reducing
snacking habit, and changing BMI for age Z-score and waist circumference"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ristia Angesti
"Penggunaan internet bermasalah dapat dipengaruhi oleh kepribadian individu. Fenomena fear of missing out yang baru muncul beberapa tahun terakhir diduga dapat menjadi mediator antara kepribadian dengan penggunaan internet bermasalah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh fear of missing out (FOMO) yang berperan sebagai mediator antara kepribadian dan penggunaan internet bermasalah. Sebanyak 182 partisipan telah mengisi secara lengkap skala kepribadian, FOMO, dan penggunaan internet bermasalah. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu terdapat mediasi parsial antara trait neurotis dengan penggunaan internet bermasalah yang dimediasi oleh FOMO. Kemudian, terdapat mediasi yang sempurna antara trait conscientiousness dengan penggunaan internet bermasalah yang dimediasi oleh FOMO.

Problematic internet use can be influenced by individual personality. Recently, there has been a phenomena that we called fear of missing out (FOMO). The internet user who tend to be FOMO may lead to problematic internet use (Przybylski, Murayama, DeHaan, & Gladwell, 2013). The phenomena of fear of missing out (FOMO) was presumed to be a mediator between personality and problematic internet use. The purpose of this study was to examine the  influence of fear of missing out as a mediator between personality and problematic internet use. One hundred eighty two emerging adulthoods participated in the study by completing personality scale, FOMO scale, and problematic internet use scale. As a result, the effects of neuroticism on problematic internet use scale can be parsial mediated through FOMO. The second result, the effects of conscientiousness on problematic internet use scale can be mediated through FOMO."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rara Firlina
"JKT48, grup penyanyi yang merupakan sister group idola asal Jepang AKB48, saat ini merupakan penyanyi yang cukup dikenal di Indonesia karena fanatisme fansnya. Salah satunya adalah Kaskus JKT48 yang merupakan komunitas fandom penggemar JKT48 dan terbentuk online dari forum online kaskus. Kaskus JKT48 cukup terkenal karena kekompakan dan eksistensinya di kalangan fans JKT48. Penelitian ini kemudian ingin mengetahui bagaimana dinamika hubungan yang terjadi pada Kaskus JKT48 sehingga membuat Kaskus JKT48 sebagai komunitas online menjadi kompak. Dinamika hubungan dapat terjadi dari interaksi online dan offline, ikatan, pemaknaan identitas anggota sebagai bagian dari Kaskus JKT48, dan penggunaan media sosial (forum online dan Twitter) sebagai media komunikasi komunitas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan paradigma interpretif dan menggunakan strategi etnografi.
Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu terjadi dinamika komunitas Kaskus JKT48 karena interaksi online offline yang terus menerus terjadi. Dinamika berdampak pada ikatan dan kekompakan komunitas yang berkurang. Dinamika juga terjadi karena identitas anggota mulai terkontestasi dan muncul clique (kelompok dalam kelompok). Interaksi online dengan menggunakan berbagai media sosial juga menjadi pemicu munculnya dinamika dalam Kaskus JKT48 akibat adanya overload information dan membuat kejenuhan pada anggota komunitas.

JKT48, a singer group which is Japanese idol sister group of AKB48 , is now a well-known singer in Indonesia because of fanaticism fans. One of them is Kaskus JKT48, the fandom community JKT48 fan that formed online by online forums known as Kaskus. Kaskus JKT48 is quite famous because of its coheisveness and its existence among JKT48 fans. This study want to know how the dynamics of the relationships that occur on Kaskus JKT48 thus making Kaskus JKT48 as a cohessive online community. The dynamics of the relationship can occur from online and offline interaction, bonding, meaning the identity of members as part of JKT48 Kaskus, and the use of social media ( online forums and Twitter ) as a community communication medium. This research use qualitative and interpretive paradigm by using ethnographic strategy.
The results of this study are the dynamics of JKT48 Kaskus community due to online and offline interactions that keep happen in it. The dynamics caused impact on bond and reduced community cohesiveness. Dynamics also occur because of the identity of the members began contested and appear clique ( groups within groups ). Online interaction using a variety of social media is also a trigger of dynamics in Kaskus JKT48 due to information overload and began appearing saturation on community members.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A state as one of International law subjects has rights and obligations based on international law. One of the international obligations of a State is to assist and protect the right of IDP's in its territory. If a State is inability and unwillingness to assist and protect the IDP's rights, it means the State has already violated its international obligation. In this condition, is the humanity assistance of international organization can be justified as an obligation that must be accepted based on international law perspective?. Consequently, the refusal to accept assistance can be classified as a violation of international law, and it raises state responsibility."
JHUII 12:29 (2005)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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