"Latar belakang. Pandemi Covid-19 membawa perubahan yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk menekan penyebaran Covid-19 sehingga diberlakukan aturan Work From Home (WFH) bagi dunia kerja. Saat kasus Covid-19 mulai menurun, perkantoran perlahan mulai kembali ke Work From Office (WFO). Perubahan sebelum dan selama pandemi Covid-19 menimbulkan tekanan yang membuat persepsi tertentu terhadap stres dan stressor kerja setiap saat.
Metode. Penelitian dilakukan di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Tangerang dengan menggunakan metode campuran, metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk mendapatkan gambaran deskriptif stres kerja dan stresor menggunakan kuesioner SV-NBJSQ (Short Version New Brief Job Stres Questionnaire) versi bahasa Indonesia dan metode kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam semi terstruktur untuk mendapatkan gambaran persepsi pekerja terhadap stres kerja dan stresor di masa sebelum dan selama pandemi Covid-19.
Hasil. Prevalensi stres kerja saat WFO masa pandemi Covid-19 sebesar 28%, dengan gejala stres kerja yaitu kurangnya vigor sebesar 18.3 %, kelelahan 12.2%, kecemasan 9.8%, dan stres reaksi fisik 3.7%. Hasil stresor kerja adalah tuntutan emosional 31.7%, konflik peran 28 % , keseimbangan kerja negatif 24.4%, dan kelebihan beban kuantitatif 15.4%. Didapatkan kategori persepsi stres dan stresor kerja di masa sebelum pandemi Covid-19, WFH dan WFO masa pandemi Covid-19 sesuai dengan kata kuncinya.
Kesimpulan. Wawancara mendalam dapat menggali jawaban kuesioner tentang gejala stres yang ada dan penyebab stres yang mendasarinya. Terdapat perbedaan dan persamaan persepsi stres dan stresor kerja pada pekerja pelayanan publik saat sebelum dan selama pandemi Covid-19 yang selanjutnya dapat menjadi pertimbangan bagi perusahaan yang akan terus dapat mengalami perubahan akibat pandemi Covid-19 yang masih belum berakhir.
Background. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought changes that made by the government to suppress the spread of Covid-19 so that Work From Home (WFH) regulation were held for the world of work. As Covid-19 cases began to decline, offices slowly began going back to the Work From Office (WFO). Changes before and during the Covid-19 pandemic created a pressure that made certain perceptions of stress and work stressors at all times. Method. The research was carried out at the Tax Service Office in Tangerang using a mixed method where quantitative methods are used to get a descriptive picture of work stress and stressors using the Indonesian version of the SV-NBJSQ ( Short Version New Brief Job Stres Questionnaire) and qualitative methods with semi-structured in-depth interviews to obtain in period before, during the WFH, along with the WFO Covid-19 pandemic to workers in public service offices.Results. The prevalence of work stress during WFO during the Covid-19 pandemic was 28%, with the results of work stress in the form of low vigor of 18.3%, fatigue of 12.2%, anxiety of 9.8%, stress of physical reactions 3.7%. The results of work stressors are emotional demands 31.7%, role conflict 28%, negative work balance 24.4%, and quantitative load 15.4%. The categories of perception stress and work stressors were obtained before the Covid-19 pandemic, WFH and WFO during the Covid-19 pandemic according to the keywords.Conclusion. In-depth interviews could explore the questionnaire answers about existing stress symptoms and the underlying stressors. There are differences and similarities between perceptions of stress and work stressors for public service workers before, and during the Covid-19 pandemic which could then be a factor of consideration for companies that will necessarily continue to experience changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic which currently is still happening."