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Tia Atnawanty
"Nyeri punggung bawah merupakan salah satu keluhan yang paling sering ditemukan di masyarakat. Hernia Nukleus Pulposus (HNP) adalah penyebab nyeri punggung bawah terbanyak yang dapat mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari dan gangguan tidur pada penderitanya, sehingga menjadi masalah kesehatan utama dan memerlukan tindak lanjut yang serius. Dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan yang berkualitas dan profesional, diperlukan landasan teori untuk mengatasi masalah keperawatan sesuai dengan kondisi pasien. Teori adaptasi Roy dipilih karena pada teori ini perawat didorong untuk mempromosikan adaptasi yang diharapkan dapat dicapai pasien selama masa perawatannya. Metode yang kami gunakan adalah studi kasus, pada pasien laki-laki berusia 62 tahun dengan HNP Thoracal 12, Lumbal 1,2,3. Pasien mengalami nyeri punggung sampai tungkai bawah, dan memiliki riwayat post operasi laminektomi dekompresi atas indikasi HNP Thoracal 8-11 dua tahun sebelumnya. Pada perawatan ini pasien menjalani operasi stabilisasi posterior. Hasil implementasi keperawatan pada masalah utama nyeri, pasien adaptif dengan rasa nyeri dengan mampu melakukan teknik distraksi nyeri dan melaporkan skala nyeri ringan (1-2) saat pulang. Pada masalah mobilitas, pasien adaptif terhadap keseimbangan dengan mampu berjalan menggunakan alat bantu tongkat setelah 5 hari post operasi. Pasien tidak mengalami komplikasi selama perawatan. Pasien adaptif pada masalah obesitas dengan mampu kontrol diri terhadap gangguan makan untuk menurunkan berat badan dan terjadi peningkatan performa peran dengan kondisi sakitnya. Kesimpulan yang didapat adalah bahwa pendekatan model adaptasi Roy berguna dalam kasus ini karena berfokus pada kemampuan beradaptasi pasien dan sesuai untuk digunakan dalam manajemen keperawatan perioperatif pada Hernia Nukleus Pulposus.

Low back pain is one of the most common complaints in society. Hernia Nucleus Pulposus (HNP) is the most common cause of low back pain which can interfere with daily activities and disrupt sleep in sufferers, so that it becomes a major health problem and requires serious follow-up. In providing quality and professional nursing care, a theoretical basis is needed to address nursing problems according to the patient's condition. Roy's adaptation theory was chosen because in this theory nurses are encouraged to promote adaptations that are expected to be achieved by patients during their treatment period. The method we use is a case study, in a 62 year old male patient with HNP Thoracal 12, Lumbar 1,2,3. The patient experienced back pain down to the lower limbs, and had a postoperative history of decompressive laminectomy for indications of HNP Thoracal 8-11 two years previously. In this treatment the patient underwent posterior stabilization surgery. The results of the implementation of nursing on the main problem of pain, patients are adaptive to pain by being able to perform pain distraction techniques and report a mild pain scale (1-2) when they go home. In terms of mobility problems, the patient is adaptive to balance by being able to walk using a cane after 5 days post surgery. The patient had no complications during treatment. Patients adaptive to the problem of obesity by being able to control themselves against eating disorders to lose weight and there is an increase in role performance with their illness. The conclusion obtained is that Roy's adaptation model approach is useful in this case because it focuses on patient adaptability and is suitable for use in perioperative nursing management of Hernia Nucleus Pulposus."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Baskoro Cahyo Pramudito
"Pendahuluan: Hernia inguinal strangulata merupakan kasus kegawatdaruratan bedah yang sering ditemui dan dapat terjadi translokasi bakteri. Klinis strangulata bisa menjadi faktor risiko terjadinya infeksi daerah operasi (IDO) pascaoperasi. Penggunaan mesh merupakan standar tata laksana untuk operasi hernia inguinal elektif, namun penggunaannya pada operasi hernia inguinal strangulata masih kontroversial karena diduga meningkatkan risiko terjadinya IDO. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai kejadian IDO pasca operasi hernia inguinal strangulata dengan/tanpa penggunaan mesh.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan tinjauan sistematis yang disusun berdasarkan Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Kriteria inklusi meliputi artikel yang melaporkan keluaran kejadian IDO pada operasi hernia menggunakan mesh (Lichtenstein) dan tanpa mesh (Bassini). Artikel yang digunakan diambil dari basis data Cochrane, MEDLINE, EBSCOhost, Scopus, Proquest, ClinicalTrials.gov, dan ICTRP.
Hasil: Pencarian literatur didapatkan 275 studi dengan 5 studi yang memenuhi kriteria. Jumlah total subjek 382 orang, 228 (59,7%) di antaranya menjalani prosedur operasi menggunakan mesh (Lichtenstein). Kejadian IDO pada kelompok yang menggunakan mesh (Lichtenstein) 8,3%, lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok yang tidak menggunakan mesh (Bassini) 12,9%. Selain itu, kejadian rekurensi juga lebih rendah pada kelompok yang menggunakan mesh (Lichtenstein)dibandingkan kelompok yang tidak menggunakan mesh (Bassini), yaitu 0,4% vs 1,9%.
Kesimpulan: Penggunaan mesh (Lichtenstein) merupakan tata laksana yang lebih baik untuk pasien dengan hernia inguinal strangulata tanpa perforasi usus dibandingkan tanpa mesh (Bassini). Penggunaan mesh tidak meningkatkan kejadian IDO dan rekurensi pasca operasi.

Introduction: Strangulated inguinal hernia is a common surgical emergency case that can cause bacterial translocation. Hernia strangulation is a risk factor for surgical site infection (SSI) following hernia surgery. The use of mesh is the standard treatment for an elective inguinal hernia operation, however, its use in strangulated inguinal hernia is still controversial because it is thought to increase the risk of SSI.
Aim and Goal: The aim of this study is to evaluate the better treatment between repair with mesh and without mesh in patients with strangulated inguinal hernia.
Method: This study is a systematic review written based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The inclusion criteria are articles that report SSI incidence following operation with mesh (Lichtenstein) and without mesh (Bassini). Studies were obtained from Cochrane, MEDLINE, EBSCOhost, Scopus, Proquest, ClinicalTrials.gov, and ICTRP databases.
Result: A total of 275 studies were obtained from literature searching, 5 of which were included in this study. Of the total 382 subjects, 228 subjects (59.7%) underwent repair with mesh (Lichtenstein). The incidence of SSI in operation with mesh (Lichtenstein) was 8.3%, lower compared to those without mesh (Bassini) which was 12.9%. In addition, the incidence of hernia recurrence is also lower in operation with mesh (Lichtenstein) compared to without mesh (Bassini), 0.4% vs 1.9%.
Conclusion: The use of mesh is the better treatment procedure for strangulated inguinal hernia compared to without mesh. It does not increase SSI and hernia recurrence following operation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satrio Kusumo Lelono
"Salah satu terapi mengatasi Perilaku Kekerasan, Halusinasi dan Harga Diri Rendah pada Skizofrenia adalah dengan melakukan terapi CBT dan REBT. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas CBT dan REBT terhadap klien Perilaku Kekerasan, Halusinasi dan Harga Diri Rendah di RS Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor. Desain penelitian quasi experimental pre-post test with control group. Sampel berjumlah 60 orang yang meliputi 30 orang kelompok intervensi dan 30 orang kelompok kontrol.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penurunan tanda gejala klien Perilaku Kekerasan, Halusinasi dan Harga Diri Rendah lebih tinggi pada kelompok intervensi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (p value<0.05). Terapi CBT dan REBT efektif menurunkan Perilaku Kekerasan sebesar 61 %, Halusinasi 52,1% dan Harga Diri Rendah 66,2%. Peningkatan kemampuan kognitif, afektif dan perilaku pada kelompok intervensi sebesar 74,53%. Terapi CBT dan REBT direkomendasikan diterapkan sebagai terapi keperawatan lanjutan dalam merawat klien Skizofrenia dengan Perilaku Kekerasan, Halusinasi dan Harga Diri Rendah.

One of behavior therapy to overcome violence, hallucinations and Low Self- Esteem in Schizophrenia is to do a CBT and REBT. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of CBT and REBT Violence against the client behavior, hallucinations and Low Self-Esteem in RS Dr. H. Mahdi Marzoeki Bogor. Quasiexperimental research design pre-post test with control group. Samples numbered 60 people including 30 people the intervention group and 30 control group.
The results showed conduct client signs symptoms of decreased violence, hallucinations and Low Self-Esteem is higher in the intervention group compared to the control group (p value <0.05). CBT and REBT therapy effectively lowered by 61% Violent behavior, hallucinations 52.1% and 66.2% of Low Self-Esteem. Increased cognitive skills, affective and behavior in the intervention group at 74.53%. CBT and REBT therapy is recommended as a therapy applied in the advanced nursing care for schizophrenia clients with violent behavior, hallucinations and Low Self-Esteem.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pendahuluan: Meningioma merupakan tumor primer intrakranial yang paling sering ditemui, tumbuh dari membran protektif yaitu meningen, ekstraaksial, berasal dari sel araknoid yang menempel pada duramater. Karakteristik meningioma yaitu tumbuh dengan besar, cenderung menghasilkan hiperostosis, infiltrasi atau juga mengerosi tulang. Prevalensi meningioma sekitar 36% dari seluruh tumor otak dengan perkiraan rasio antara wanita dan pria adalah 2:1. Masalah yang ditimbulkan tergantung pada lokasi tumor, ukuran tumor, serta keterlibatannya dengan struktur jaringan sekitar sehingga kasus meningioma cukup menarik untuk disajikan sebagai kasus klinis dengan model rencana asuhan keperawatan. Kasus: pasien laki-laki, umur 33 tahun, dengan meningioma atipikal WHO grade II dengan keluhan nyeri kepala, kelemahan tubuh sebelah kiri, kedua mata tidak dapat melihat, mata kanan proptosis. Pasien beradaptasi dengan keluhan tersebut kurang lebih selama satu tahun dengan minum obat warung dan melakukan pengobatan alternatif. Upaya tersebut tidak membuahkan hasil. Keluhan dirasakan semakin lama malah semakin memberat kemudian pasien melakukan pengobatan ke rumah sakit dan oleh dokter dianjurkan untuk operasi craniotomy. Kami menggunakan Model Adaptasi Roy dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan kepada pasien. Kebutuhan utama yang kami temukan antara lain yaitu aktivitas (gangguan mobilitas fisik), sensasi dan penginderaan (gangguan persepsi sensori: penglihatan), proteksi (risiko infeksi, risiko jatuh), neurologi (penurunan kapasitas adaptif intrakranial), konsep diri (kecemasan) dan peran (ketidakefektifan performa peran). Kesimpulan: Asuhan keperawatan pada pasien meningioma dengan kebutuhan utama penurunan kapasitas adaptif intrakranial, gangguan mobilitas fisik, gangguan persepsi sensori, risiko infeksi, risiko jatuh, kecemasan dan ketidakefektifan performa peran dapat teratasi dengan menggunakan pendekatan salah satu teori keperawatan yaitu Model Adaptasi Roy. Model Adaptasi Roy berasumsi bahwa dasar ilmu keperawatan adalah pemahaman tentang proses adaptasi manusia dalam menghadapi situasi hidupnya. Roy memandang manusia merupakan sistem terbuka dan adaptif yang dapat merespon stimulus yang datang baik dari dalam maupun luar. Pasien mengalami perbaikan kondisi dari hari kehari, keluhan dirasakan berkurang, kecemasan tidak ada dan pasien lebih menerima peran serta kondisinya saat ini, sehingga dengan demikian tujuan dari asuhan keperawatan tercapai yaitu pasien mencapai kondisi adaptif dengan penyakitnya.

Introduction: Meningioma is the most common primary intracranial tumor, growing from a protective membrane, namely the meninges, extraaxial, originating from arachnoid cells attached to the dura mater. The characteristics of a meningioma are that it grows large, tends to cause hyperostosis, infiltrates or also erodes the bone. The prevalence of meningioma is about 36% of all brain tumors with an estimated ratio between women and men is 2:1. The problems that arise depend on the location of the tumor, the size of the tumor, and its involvement with the surrounding tissue structures so that meningioma cases are quite interesting to be presented as clinical cases with a cost-loss plan model. Case: male patient, aged 33 years, with WHO grade II atypical meningioma with complaints of headache, left side weakness, unable to see both eyes, proptosis of right eye. The patient adapted to this complaint for about a year by taking drug stalls and taking alternative treatments. These efforts did not produce results. Complaints that are felt the longer they get worse, then the patient goes to the hospital for treatment and the doctor recommends craniotomy surgery. We use the Roy Adaptation Model in providing care to patients. The main needs that we found include activity (impaired physical mobility), sensation and sensing (impaired sensory perception: vision), protection (risk of infection, risk of falling), neurology (decreased intracranial adaptive capacity), self-concept (anxiety) and role (role performance ineffectiveness). Conclusion: Caring for involvement in meningioma patients with the main need for decreased intracranial adaptive capacity, impaired physical mobility, impaired sensory perception, risk of infection, risk of falling, anxiety and ineffectiveness of role performance can be overcome by using the approach of one of the partnership theories, namely the Roy Adaptation Model. Roy's Adaptation Model assumes that the basis of expertise is an understanding of the process of human adaptation in dealing with their life situations. Roy sees humans as an open and adaptive system that can respond to stimuli that come from both inside and outside. The patient experiences an improvement from day to day, complaints are felt to decrease, anxiety is absent and the patient is more accepting of the role and condition of his current condition, so that in this way the goal of humanitarian assistance is achieved, namely the patient reaches an adaptive condition with his illness."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pendahuluan: Meningioma merupakan tumor primer intrakranial yang paling sering ditemui, tumbuh dari membran protektif yaitu meningen, ekstraaksial, berasal dari sel araknoid yang menempel pada duramater. Karakteristik meningioma yaitu tumbuh dengan besar, cenderung menghasilkan hiperostosis, infiltrasi atau juga mengerosi tulang. Prevalensi meningioma sekitar 36% dari seluruh tumor otak dengan perkiraan rasio antara wanita dan pria adalah 2:1. Masalah yang ditimbulkan tergantung pada lokasi tumor, ukuran tumor, serta keterlibatannya dengan struktur jaringan sekitar sehingga kasus meningioma cukup menarik untuk disajikan sebagai kasus klinis dengan model rencana asuhan keperawatan. Kasus: pasien laki-laki, umur 33 tahun, dengan meningioma atipikal WHO grade II dengan keluhan nyeri kepala, kelemahan tubuh sebelah kiri, kedua mata tidak dapat melihat, mata kanan proptosis. Pasien beradaptasi dengan keluhan tersebut kurang lebih selama satu tahun dengan minum obat warung dan melakukan pengobatan alternatif. Upaya tersebut tidak membuahkan hasil. Keluhan dirasakan semakin lama malah semakin memberat kemudian pasien melakukan pengobatan ke rumah sakit dan oleh dokter dianjurkan untuk operasi craniotomy. Kami menggunakan Model Adaptasi Roy dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan kepada pasien. Kebutuhan utama yang kami temukan antara lain yaitu aktivitas (gangguan mobilitas fisik), sensasi dan penginderaan (gangguan persepsi sensori: penglihatan), proteksi (risiko infeksi, risiko jatuh), neurologi (penurunan kapasitas adaptif intrakranial), konsep diri (kecemasan) dan peran (ketidakefektifan performa peran). Kesimpulan: Asuhan keperawatan pada pasien meningioma dengan kebutuhan utama penurunan kapasitas adaptif intrakranial, gangguan mobilitas fisik, gangguan persepsi sensori, risiko infeksi, risiko jatuh, kecemasan dan ketidakefektifan performa peran dapat teratasi dengan menggunakan pendekatan salah satu teori keperawatan yaitu Model Adaptasi Roy. Model Adaptasi Roy berasumsi bahwa dasar ilmu keperawatan adalah pemahaman tentang proses adaptasi manusia dalam menghadapi situasi hidupnya. Roy memandang manusia merupakan sistem terbuka dan adaptif yang dapat merespon stimulus yang datang baik dari dalam maupun luar. Pasien mengalami perbaikan kondisi dari hari kehari, keluhan dirasakan berkurang, kecemasan tidak ada dan pasien lebih menerima peran serta kondisinya saat ini, sehingga dengan demikian tujuan dari asuhan keperawatan tercapai yaitu pasien mencapai kondisi adaptif dengan penyakitnya.

Introduction: Meningioma is the most common primary intracranial tumor, growing from a protective membrane, namely the meninges, extraaxial, originating from arachnoid cells attached to the dura mater. The characteristics of a meningioma are that it grows large, tends to cause hyperostosis, infiltrates or also erodes the bone. The prevalence of meningioma is about 36% of all brain tumors with an estimated ratio between women and men is 2:1. The problems that arise depend on the location of the tumor, the size of the tumor, and its involvement with the surrounding tissue structures so that meningioma cases are quite interesting to be presented as clinical cases with a cost-loss plan model. Case: male patient, aged 33 years, with WHO grade II atypical meningioma with complaints of headache, left side weakness, unable to see both eyes, proptosis of right eye. The patient adapted to this complaint for about a year by taking drug stalls and taking alternative treatments. These efforts did not produce results. Complaints that are felt the longer they get worse, then the patient goes to the hospital for treatment and the doctor recommends craniotomy surgery. We use the Roy Adaptation Model in providing care to patients. The main needs that we found include activity (impaired physical mobility), sensation and sensing (impaired sensory perception: vision), protection (risk of infection, risk of falling), neurology (decreased intracranial adaptive capacity), self-concept (anxiety) and role (role performance ineffectiveness). Conclusion: Caring for involvement in meningioma patients with the main need for decreased intracranial adaptive capacity, impaired physical mobility, impaired sensory perception, risk of infection, risk of falling, anxiety and ineffectiveness of role performance can be overcome by using the approach of one of the partnership theories, namely the Roy Adaptation Model. Roy's Adaptation Model assumes that the basis of expertise is an understanding of the process of human adaptation in dealing with their life situations. Roy sees humans as an open and adaptive system that can respond to stimuli that come from both inside and outside. The patient experiences an improvement from day to day, complaints are felt to decrease, anxiety is absent and the patient is more accepting of the role and condition of his current condition, so that in this way the goal of humanitarian assistance is achieved, namely the patient reaches an adaptive condition with his illness."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devby Ulfandi
Nama:Devby UlfandiProgram Studi:Ilmu BedahJudul:Perbandingan Insiden Komplikasi Pascaoperasi Herniorafi dengan Mesh Teknik Lichtenstein dengan Teknik Laparoskopi di RSCMPembimbing:dr. Wifanto S.J, SpB-KBD Latar belakang: Angka komplikasi dan kekambuhan pascaoperasi herniorafi cukup tinggi dan menuntut teknik operasi terbaik. Teknik Lichtenstein merupakan gold standard untuk open herniorafi hernia inguinalis. Saat ini teknik laparoskopi minimal invasive semakin berkembang dan banyak studi menunjukkan hasil lebih baik dibandingkan Lichtenstein. Studi ini bertujuan membuktikan perbedaan insidensi komplikasi pascaoperasi herniorafi dengan mesh teknikLichtenstein dan teknik laparoskopi pada pasien hernia inguinalis di RS dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dalam 5 tahun 2011-2015 . Metode: Studi ini bersifat potong lintang/cross sectional deskriptif analitik terhadap 62 subjek dewasa yang telah menjalani operasi elektif herniorafi dengan mesh di RS dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Dengan stratified random sampling subjek dibagi dua kelompok,Lichtenstein dan laparoskopi, kemudian dilakukan analisis statistik dengan Chi square atau uji Fisher, dan regresi logistik multivariat. Didapatkan hubungan apabila ditemukan nilai p

ABSTRACT Name Devby UlfandiProgram General SurgeryTitle Comparison of Postoperative Complications Incidence Hernioraphy with Mesh between Lichtenstein Technique and Laparoscopic Technique at RSCMCounsellor Wifanto S.J, MD, Digestive Surgeon Background The complication rate and postoperative recurrence hernioraphywas high enough and demanded for the best surgical technique. Lichtenstein is the gold standard technique for open inguinal hernioraphy. Nowadays, a minimally invasive laparoscopic technique is growing and studies showed better results in laparoscopy than Lichtenstein. This study is aimed to To prove THE difference incidence of postoperative complications hernioraphy with mesh by Lichtenstein techniques and laparoscopic techniques in inguinal hernia patients in dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital within 5 years 2011 2015 . Methods We run a cross sectional descriptive analytic research enrolled of 62 adult subjects who had undergone hernioraphy with mesh in elective surgery in dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. With stratified random sampling subjects was divided into two groups, Lichtenstein and laparoscopic, then all the data is performed to statistical analyze using Chi square or Fisher test, and a multivariate logistic regression. Significancy was found as the difference met "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rr. Tutik Sri Hariyati
"Sistem informasi keperawatan adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan. Sistem informasi keperawatan di Indonesia saat ini masih belum optimal dan umumnya masih bersifat manual. Riset dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi dan dilanjutkan pengembangan model sistem informasi manajemen keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO") yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi rumah sakit. Model "SIMPRO" yang telah dicustomization diujicobakan di dua rumah sakit dengan karakteristik yang berbeda yaitu rumah sakit swasta dan rumah sakit pemerintah. Setelah implementasi, dilaksanakan evaluasi dengan desain pre- post test without control group. Jumlah sampel dokumentasi yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja "SIMPRO" adalah 219 dokumentasi dari setiap kelompok rumah sakit. Hasil riset menyampaikan ada perbedaan kinerja sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan "SIMPRO" yang diidentifikasikan dari perbedaan kualitas, kelengkapan, kesinambungan, bukti aspek legal dan fungsi membantu membuat keputusan (p=0.001). Ada perbedaan efisiensi waktu: baik di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Bunda Jakarta dan RS. Fatmawati (p= 0.01). Setelah menggunakan "SIMPRO" waktu yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan dokumentasi di RS Fatmawati adalah 40.29 menit atau 25.27% dari total waktu dalam satu shift, sedangkan di RS Ibu dan Anak Bunda Jakarta membutuhkan waktu 24.62 menit atau 9.60% dari total waktu dalam satu shift. "SIMPRO" juga mempengaruhi efisiensi biaya, dimana dengan "SIMPRO" dokumentasi tidak setiap waktu harus dicetak. "SIMPRO" menjamin continuity of care dari asuhan keperawatan, sebagai bukti aspek legal, membantu mengambil keputusan dan meningkatkan keselamatan pasien. "SIMPRO" mengefisiensikan waktu dokumentasi sehingga waktu perawatan langsung ke pasien lebih optimal. "SIMPRO" juga meningkatkan edukasi kesehatan kepada pasien dan keluarga."Pada riset ini "SIMPRO" juga dapat meningkatkan peran manajer keperawatan dalam melaksanakan fungsi manajemen terutama pada peran pemberiaan motivasi, pengarahan, evaluasi dan monitoring terhadap pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan. Dukungan aspek perawat, aspek manajemen dan teknik dapat mengoptimalkan kinerja "SIMPRO" sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan keperawatan. Berdasarkan manfaat dari "SIMPRO", maka sistem ini dapat direkomendasikan untuk digunakan di setiap Rumah Sakit serta dapat mendukung peningkatan kualitas mutu pelayanan keperawatan dan kesehatan.

Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects.;Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects.;Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects.;Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ganong, Joan M.
Londong: An Aspen , 1980
362.173 068 GAN n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2002
610.733 NUR m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Salemba Medika, 2014
610.733 NUR m (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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