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Siti Muthoharoh
"Latar belakang Gagal tumbuh atau failure to thrive adalah kondisi keterlambatan pertumbuhan fisik pada anak, dimana terjadi kegagalan penambahan berat badan yang sesuai dengan grafik pertumbuhan normal, dibandingkan dengan tinggi badan. Beberapa kondisi menjadi faktor risiko terjadinya gangguan pertumbuhan terutama pada neonatus. Studi ini memberikan gambaran penerapan Model Adaptasi Roy dalam asuhan keperawatan pada lima kasus neonatus dengan risiko gangguan pertumbuhan.
Presentasi kasus Kasus 1 neonatus laki-laki, dengan extremely preterm usia gestasi 27 minggu, berat badan lahir 870 gram, neonatus kurang bulan kecil masa kehamilan (NKB-KMK), RDS, TTN, septikemia, tersangka SNAD, neonatal jaundice, terpasang ventilator mode high frequency oscilation (HFO), terpasang orogastric (OGT), diet ASI 12x1 ml, TPN PG 2 dengan GIR 4,7, kebutuhan kalori kurang dari target, interpretasi kurva Fenton dibawah persentil 50, berat badan menurun, usia enam hari 860 gram. Kasus 2 perempuan, extremely preterm usia gestasi 26 minggu, berat badan lahir 744 gram, NKB-KMK, RDS, tersangka SNAD, PDA, neonatal jaundice. Terpasang ventilator, sementara puasa, grafik Fenton berada dibawah persentil 50, kebutuhan kalori kurang dari target. Kasus 3 dan 4 neonatus berjenis kelamin perempuan, lahir dengan extremely preterm dan very preterm, terpasang ventilator, kebutuhan kalori kurang dari target, sementara dipuasakan karena kondisi belum stabil. Kasus 5 perempuan, usia gestasi 37 minggu, BBL 2610 gram, berat badan saat dikaji 2340 gram. Diagnosis medis gastroschizis post tutup defek hari ke 27, terpasang non invasif ventilasi, sementara puasa produksi OGT kehijauan, BB/PB berada di -3SD s/d <-2 SD (gizi kurang). Evaluasi respons adaptif dari kelima pasien didapatkan kebutuhan kalori terpenuhi sesuai target.
Kesimpulan Hasil pengkajian perilaku dan stimulus mode fisiologis-fisik kelima kasus didapatkan empat kasus berisiko mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan dari kondisi neonatus lahir prematur, terpasang ventilator, penundaan pemberian makan karena kondisi klinis, risiko infeksi/sepsis serta kondisi medis lain yang mempengaruhi. Satu neonatus aterm gagal tumbuh karena gastroschizis post tutup defek, dengan produksi OGT kehijauan. Nutrisi optimal baik enteral maupun parenteral diperlukan pada kondisi neonatus tersebut untuk meningkatkan respons adaptif.

Background Failure to thrive or failure to thrive is a condition of delayed physical growth in children, in which there is a failure to gain weight according to the normal growth chart, compared to height. Several conditions are risk factors for growth disorders, especially in neonates. This study provides an overview of the application of the Roy Adaptation Model in nursing care to five cases of neonates with a risk of growth retardation.
Case presentation Case 1 male neonate, with extremely preterm gestational age 27 weeks, birth weight 870 gram, small preterm neonate for gestational age (NKB-KMK), RDS, TTN, septicemia, TSK SNAD, neonatal jaundice, put on ventilator mode high frequency oscillation (HFO), installed orogastric (OGT), diet ASI 12x1 ml, TPN PG 2 with GIR 4.7, caloric requirement less than target, interpretation of Fenton curve below 50th percentile, decreased body weight, age six days 860 gram. Cases of 2 women, extremely preterm, gestational age 26 weeks, birth weight 744 grams, NKB-KMK, RDS, suspected SNAD, PDA, neonatal jaundice. Installed on a ventilator, while fasting, the Fenton chart is below the 50th percentile, calorie needs are less than the target. Cases 3 and 4 female baby were born extremely preterm and very preterm, were attached to a ventilator, their caloric needs were less than the target, while they were fasted because their condition was not yet stable. Case 5 female, gestational age 37 weeks, BBL 2610 grams, body weight when studied 2340 grams. Medical diagnosis of gastroschizis post closed defect on day 27, installed non-invasive ventilation, while fasting green OGT production, BB/PB was in -3SD to <-2 SD (malnutrition). Evaluation of the adaptive response of the five patients found that the calorie needs were fulfilled according to the target.
Conclusion The results of the assessment of the behavior and stimulus of the physiological-physical mode of five cases found that four cases were at risk of experiencing growth retardation from the condition of the neonate born prematurely, being placed on a ventilator, delaying feeding due to clinical conditions, risk of infection/sepsis and other affecting medical conditions. One term neonate failed to thrive because of a closed post gastroschizis defect, with greenish OGT production. Optimal nutrition, both enteral and parenteral, is needed in these neonatal conditions to increase adaptive responses.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Muthoharoh
"Latar belakang Gagal tumbuh atau failure to thrive adalah kondisi keterlambatan pertumbuhan fisik pada anak, dimana terjadi kegagalan penambahan berat badan yang sesuai dengan grafik pertumbuhan normal, dibandingkan dengan tinggi badan. Beberapa kondisi menjadi faktor risiko terjadinya gangguan pertumbuhan terutama pada neonatus. Studi ini memberikan gambaran penerapan Model Adaptasi Roy dalam asuhan keperawatan pada lima kasus neonatus dengan risiko gangguan pertumbuhan. Presentasi kasus Kasus 1 neonatus laki-laki, dengan extremely preterm usia gestasi 27 minggu, berat badan lahir 870 gram, neonatus kurang bulan kecil masa kehamilan (NKB-KMK), RDS, TTN, septikemia, tersangka SNAD, neonatal jaundice, terpasang ventilator mode high frequency oscilation (HFO), terpasang orogastric (OGT), diet ASI 12x1 ml, TPN PG 2 dengan GIR 4,7, kebutuhan kalori kurang dari target, interpretasi kurva Fenton dibawah persentil 50, berat badan menurun, usia enam hari 860 gram. Kasus 2 perempuan, extremely preterm usia gestasi 26 minggu, berat badan lahir 744 gram, NKB-KMK, RDS, tersangka SNAD, PDA, neonatal jaundice. Terpasang ventilator, sementara puasa, grafik Fenton berada dibawah persentil 50, kebutuhan kalori kurang dari target. Kasus 3 dan 4 neonatus berjenis kelamin perempuan, lahir dengan extremely preterm dan very preterm, terpasang ventilator, kebutuhan kalori kurang dari target, sementara dipuasakan karena kondisi belum stabil. Kasus 5 perempuan, usia gestasi 37 minggu, BBL 2610 gram, berat badan saat dikaji 2340 gram. Diagnosis medis gastroschizis post tutup defek hari ke 27, terpasang non invasif ventilasi, sementara puasa produksi OGT kehijauan, BB/PB berada di -3SD s/d <-2 SD (gizi kurang). Evaluasi respons adaptif dari kelima pasien didapatkan kebutuhan kalori terpenuhi sesuai target.
Kesimpulan Hasil pengkajian perilaku dan stimulus mode fisiologis-fisik kelima kasus didapatkan empat kasus berisiko mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan dari kondisi neonatus lahir prematur, terpasang ventilator, penundaan pemberian makan karena kondisi klinis, risiko infeksi/sepsis serta kondisi medis lain yang mempengaruhi. Satu neonatus aterm gagal tumbuh karena gastroschizis post tutup defek, dengan produksi OGT kehijauan. Nutrisi optimal baik enteral maupun parenteral diperlukan pada kondisi neonatus tersebut untuk meningkatkan respons adaptif.

Background Failure to thrive or failure to thrive is a condition of delayed physical growth in children, in which there is a failure to gain weight according to the normal growth chart, compared to height. Several conditions are risk factors for growth disorders, especially in neonates. This study provides an overview of the application of the Roy Adaptation Model in nursing care to five cases of neonates with a risk of growth retardation. Case presentation Case 1 male neonate, with extremely preterm gestational age 27 weeks, birth weight 870 gram, small preterm neonate for gestational age (NKB-KMK), RDS, TTN, septicemia, TSK SNAD, neonatal jaundice, put on ventilator mode high frequency oscillation (HFO), installed orogastric (OGT), diet ASI 12x1 ml, TPN PG 2 with GIR 4.7, caloric requirement less than target, interpretation of Fenton curve below 50th percentile, decreased body weight, age six days 860 gram. Cases of 2 women, extremely preterm, gestational age 26 weeks, birth weight 744 grams, NKB-KMK, RDS, suspected SNAD, PDA, neonatal jaundice. Installed on a ventilator, while fasting, the Fenton chart is below the 50th percentile, calorie needs are less than the target. Cases 3 and 4 female baby were born extremely preterm and very preterm, were attached to a ventilator, their caloric needs were less than the target, while they were fasted because their condition was not yet stable. Case 5 female, gestational age 37 weeks, BBL 2610 grams, body weight when studied 2340 grams. Medical diagnosis of gastroschizis post closed defect on day 27, installed non-invasive ventilation, while fasting green OGT production, BB/PB was in -3SD to <-2 SD (malnutrition). Evaluation of the adaptive response of the five patients found that the calorie needs were fulfilled according to the target.
Conclusion The results of the assessment of the behavior and stimulus of the physiological-physical mode of five cases found that four cases were at risk of experiencing growth retardation from the condition of the neonate born prematurely, being placed on a ventilator, delaying feeding due to clinical conditions, risk of infection/sepsis and other affecting medical conditions. One term neonate failed to thrive because of a closed post gastroschizis defect, with greenish OGT production. Optimal nutrition, both enteral and parenteral, is needed in these neonatal conditions to increase adaptive responses.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Neonatus prematur seringkali mengalami gagal napas dan gangguan ventilasi spontan akibat dari kegagalan adaptasi ekstrauterin, sehingga membutuhkan bantuan ventilasi mekanik. Extremely preterm, very preterm, dan kondisi klinis yang kompleks dapat mengakibatkan perlunya dukungan ventilasi mekanis yang berkepanjangan, kadangkadang membutuhkan trakeostomi. Tujuan karya ilmiah ini untuk mengaplikasikan Model Adaptasi Roy dalam asuhan keperawatan pada neonatus dengan gangguan ventilasi spontan. Desain yang digunakan adalah studi kasus terhadap lima neonatus prematur yang mengalami gangguan ventilasi spontan dengan pendekatan proses keperawatan. Aplikasi Model Adaptasi Roy diimplementasikan untuk meningkatkan respons adaptif dan menurunkan respons inefektif pada empat mode adaptasi fisiologisfisik, konsep diri, fungsi peran, dan interdependensi. Intervensi keperawatan berdasarkan evidence-based nursing practice seperti manajemen ventilasi mekanik, pemantauan respirasi, dan perawatan rutin trakeostomi dengan menggunakan bundel TRACHE-T, serta intervensi lainnya. Pada evaluasi, dua neonatus menunjukkan respons adaptif meningkat dan gangguan ventilasi spontan teratasi. Tiga neonatus lainnya menunjukkan respons inefektif. Respons inefektif tersebut dipengaruhi oleh imaturitas dengan PMA kurang dari 28 minggu pada dua neonatus, dan satu neonatus dengan BPD berat dengan trakeostomi. Edukasi perawatan trakeostomi neonatal dengan menggunakan game terbukti efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan perawat di ruang perinatologi.

Premature neonates often experience respiratory distress and spontaneous ventilation disorders due to the failure of extrauterine adaptation, which requires mechanical ventilation. Extremely preterm, very preterm, and medically complex infants need prolonged mechanical ventilation support, sometimes tracheostomy. This study aims to apply Roy's Adaptation Model in nursing care for neonates with impaired spontaneous ventilation. We adopted a case study of five premature neonates who experience impaired spontaneous ventilation through a nursing process approach. The application of Roy's Adaptation Model is implemented to increase adaptive responses and reduce ineffective responses there are four adaptation modes: physiological-physical mode, self-concept mode, role function mode, and interdependence mode. Nursing interventions are based on evidence-based nursing practice such as mechanical ventilation management, respiratory monitoring, and routine tracheostomy care using the TRACHE-T bundle, and other interventions. On evaluation, two neonates showed an increased adaptive response and resolved impaired spontaneous ventilation. Three neonates had ineffective responses to impaired spontaneous ventilation that have not resolved. The ineffective response was caused by immaturity at Post-menstrual Age (PMA) less than 28 weeks in two neonates, one neonate with severe BPD, and tracheostomy. Neonatal tracheostomy care education using games has been proven effective in improving the knowledge and skills of nurses in the perinatology ward."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imelda Yanti
"Masalah oksigenasi merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian pada neonatus. Karya ilmiah ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran aplikasi teori Comfort Kolcaba dalam asuhan keperawatan pada neonatus yang mengalami masalah oksigenasi. Empat dari lima kasus adalah bayi prematur. Penerapan teori Comfort pada kelima kasus dapat mendukung terpenuhinya rasa nyaman klien, sehingga konsumsi oksigen menurun, dan dapat mempertahankan saturasi oksigen yang optimal. Dengan penerapan teori ini, maka perawat akan memberikan intervensi yang sesuai dan tepat waktu, penuh perhatian dan empati, serta berfokus pada kenyamanan klien.

Oxygenation problems are one of the causes of death in neonates.This paper aims to provide an overview of applications Kolcaba Comfort Theory in nursing care to neonates who have oxygenation problems. Four of the five cases were premature babies. Application of the theory of comfort on the fifth case can support the fulfillment of the client’s sense of comfort, so that oxygen consumption decreases, and can maintain optimal oxygen saturation. With the application of this theory, then the nurse will provide appropriate intervention andtimely, attentive and emphatic, and focused on client comfort.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titik Ambar Asmarini
"Bayi baru lahir memiliki kebutuhan fisiologis khusus untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan ekstrauterin dan seringkali membutuhkan perawatan khusus. Rutinitas perawatan di ruang rawat dapat membuat bayi baru lahir berisiko mengalami gangguan integritas kulit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas edukasi integritas kulit terhadap kompetensi perawat dalam pemantauan risiko cedera kulit neonatus. Studi menggunakan metoda Pre- experimental dengan rancangan pre and post-test without control design. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 62 perawat yang bekerja di ruang Perinatologi sebuah rumah sakit rujukan di Jakarta. Sampel diambil secara purposive. Intervensi penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu memberikan edukasi secara blended learning dengan memberikan informasi melalui link video presentasi integritas kulit dan diskusi secara langsung saat praktik pemantauan kulit. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata nilai pengetahuan responden naik sebesar 3,93, rerata nilai sikap naik sebanyak 32,1 dan rerata keterampilan naik sebanyak 14,41. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kenaikan nilai rerata secara bermakna dengan p value <0,001, sehingga ada pengaruh intervensi edukasi integritas kulit mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan perawat dalam pemantauan risiko cedera kulit. Untuk mencapai kualitas kompetensi perawat yang optimal, sebaiknya dilakukan mentoring, supervisi, pendampingan dan pengarahan secara terintegrasi. Pembuat kebijakan diharapkan dapat membuat standar pemantauan integritas kulit yang terkini sesuai dengan kondisi neonatus yang memerlukan perawatan intensif.

Newborns are physiologically adapted to the extrauterine environment and often require special care. Routine care in the ward has the risk of increasing skin integrity disorders. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of skin integrity education on the competence of nurses in monitoring the risk of skin injury. The study used a quasi-experimental method with pre and post-test without a control design. Sampling was done by purposive sampling, where 62 nurses worked in the Perinatology section of a hospital in Jakarta. The interventions carried out were education via video links presentations on skin integrity, and direct discussions during practice. The results of this study are the average score of respondents' knowledge values increased by 3.93, the average score of attitude scores increased by 32.1, and the average score of skills increased by 14.41. The results of the analysis showed a positive average increase, with a p-value <0,001 so there was an effect of skin integrity education intervention, being able to increase the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of nurses in monitoring the risk of skin injury. The implementation of an educational program for five days can improve the competence of nurses in monitoring the prevention of skin injuries. To achieve optimal quality of nurse competence, mentoring, supervision, mentoring and guidance must be carried out in an integrated manner. Hospital policymakers are also expected to develop new standards for monitoring skin integrity according to the condition of neonates in intensive care."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Klaus, Marshall H.
Jakarta : EGC , 1998
618.920 1 KLA p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eugene Nathania
"Pola isapan nutritif pada neonatus cukup bulan sehat penting untuk diketahui, namun selama ini belum ada bukti ilmiah yang tersedia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pola isapan nutritif pada neonatus cukup bulan sehat berdasarkan berat badan lahir dan usia gestasi. Desain studi yang digunakan adalah pendekatan potong lintang pada neonatus cukup bulan sehat di beberapa Puskesmas tingkat Kecamatan di Jakarta. Sebanyak 88 neonatus cukup bulan sehat dinilai karakteristik pola isapan nutritif dengan Sucking Mechanism System Equipment. Dari hasil penilaian tersebut, tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan bermakna pada pola isapan nutritif neonatus cukup bulan sehat berdasarkan usia gestasi dan berat badan lahir. Rerata amplitudo tekanan isapan adalah -86,69 (76.0 – 102,68) mmHg, rerata frekuensi isapan 0,847 (0,717 – 0,97) isapan/detik, rerata durasi satu isapan nutritif 0,858 0,124 detik, rerata durasi satu burst 13,4 (8,49 – 22,48) detik, rerata jumlah burst dalam satu menit 3,74 1,53 burst/menit, rerata jumlah isapan per burst 15,36 (9,19 – 24,45) isapan/burst. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa pola isapan nutritif terus berkembang seiring dengan peningkatan usia gesatasi dan berat badan lahir.

Nutritive sucking pattern in healthy term neonates is important to know, but so far there is no scientific evidence available The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of the nutritive suction pattern in healthy term neonates based on birth weight and gestational age. A cross-sectional approach was applied among healthy term neonates in several sub-district health centres in Jakarta. A total of 88 healthy term newborns were assessed for nutritional sucking pattern characteristics using the Sucking Mechanism System Equipment. The result showed no significant difference in terms of nutritive suction pattern based on gestational age and birth weight. The mean amplitude of suction pressure was -86.69 (76.0 - 102.68) mmHg, mean suction frequency was 0.847 (0.717 - 0.97) sucks/second, mean duration of a nutritional suction was 0.858 ± 0.124 seconds, mean duration of a burst was 13.4 (8.49 - 22.48) seconds, mean number of bursts per minute was 3.74 ± 1.53 bursts/minute, mean number of sucks per burst was 15.36 (9.19 - 24.45) sucks/burst. This study suggests that the nutritional sucking pattern continues to evolve with increasing age and birth weight"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Aryani
"Penyakit kolestasis pada bayi dan anak memberikan dampak negatif bagi status nutrisi, pertumbuhan serta perkembangan sehingga berdampak pada mortalitas. Sistem imunitas pada bayi dan anak yang lemah meningkatkan morbiditas dan berdampak pada status nutrisi sehingga meningkatkan angka mortalitas pada anak kolestasis.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan data rekam medis pasien bayi dan anak kolestasis yang dirawat inap serta rawat jalan di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2010-2015.
Dengan menggunakan desain cohort retrospektif, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan status nutrisi dan morbiditas pada anak dengan kolestasis di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo.
Hasil penelitian pengukuran status nutrisi berdasarkan lingkar lengan atas per umur (n=37) didapatkan, status gizi normal 10(27%), gizi kurang 10(27%), dan gizi buruk 17(46%). Dengan pengukuran indeks lingkar lengan atas per umur (LLA/U), hubungan morbiditas common cold memiliki hubungan yang bermakna p<0,05. Namun morbiditas terhadap status nutrisi berdasarkan tinggi badan per umur (TB/U) p>0,05.

Cholestasis disease in infants and children adversely affects nutritional status, growth and development which impact on mortality. The weak immune system in infants and children can increase morbidity and nutritional status thus increasing the mortality rate in children with cholestasis.
This research was conducted using data from medical records patients of infants and children with cholestatic who are hospitalized and given outpatient treatment at Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo 2010-2015.
By using a retrospective cohort design, this research aims to determine the relationship of nutritional status and morbidity in children with cholestasis in Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo.
Research results measuring of nutritional status with the index mid upper arm circumference for age (n=37), normal nutritional status 10(27%), under nutrition 10(27%) and severe nutrition 17(46%). With the index mid upper arm circumference for age (MUAC/A), morbidity relationship common cold against nutritional status has a significant relationship p<0.05. However, the morbidity of the nutritional status based high for age (H/A) p> 0.05.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tobing, Kurniaty Ika Sari
"Pemulangan bayi dengan pemakaian selang orogastrik dapat berisiko terjadinya masalah risiko gangguan pertumbuhan karena ketidaksiapan orang tua/pengasuh dalam perawatan bayi di rumah. Studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran penerapan Model Adaptasi Roy terhadap asuhan keperawatan pada neonatus dengan risiko gangguan pertumbuhan di ruang perinatologi. Terdapat tiga kasus dengan masalah keperawatan risiko gangguan pertumbuhan yang didapat melalui pengkajian perilaku mode fisiologis dan interdependensi selama perawatan di ruang perinatologi. Tindakan keperawatan yang dilakukan dengan mengelola stimulus untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan perilaku adaptif pada bayi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Model Adaptasi Roy dapat digunakan dalam asuhan keperawatan pada bayi dengan masalah risiko gangguan pertumbuhan melalui penggunaan media video tentang pemberian minum bayi melalui selang orogastrik sebagai sarana edukasi kepada ibu sebagai pengasuh utama bayi di rumah. Terjadi respons efektif pada mode interdependensi melalui peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan ibu dalam pemberian minum bayi melalui selang orogastrik. Model Adaptasi Roy diharapkan dapat diterapkan dalam optimalisasi asuhan keperawatan bayi dengan masalah risiko gangguan pertumbuhan di ruang perinatologi.

Infant’s discharge using orogastric tube could pose a risk growth failure due to the incapable of the parents/caregivers in caring for infant at home. This case study aims to provide an overview of the application of Roy's Adaptation Model in nursing care for infants at risk of growth failure in perinatology. There are three cases with nursing problems at risk of growth failure obtained through the assessment of physiological mode behavior and interdependence during hospitalization. Nursing intervention are carried out by managing stimuli to increase and maintain adaptive behavior in infants. The results show that Roy's Adaptation Model could be used in nursing care for infants with risk of growth failure through the use of video about infant feeding through an orogastric tube as media education for mothers as being main caregivers of infants at home. There was an effective response in the interdependence mode with the increasing mother's knowledge and skill in orogastric tube feeding. Roy Adaptation Model is expected to be applied in optimizing nursing care for infants with risk of growth failure in perinatology."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Nur Ngaisah
"Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) masih merupakan penyumbang mortilitas tertinggi bagi neonatus yang gagal dalam melakukan adaptasi ektrauterin. Pemasangan Peripheral Intravenous Canulla (PIVC) merupakan tindakan invasif yang lazim digunakan sebagai akses untuk pemberian cairan, nutrisi maupun obat-obatan, namun demikian PIVC memiliki komplikasi seperti plebitis, ekstravasasi/ infiltrat, kebocoran akibat bergesernya kanula. Pemasangan spalk merupakan salah satu intervensi konservasi integritas struktural dalam Model Konservasi Levine dalam asuhan keperawatan guna mempertahankan pengeluaran energi pada bayi RDS dengan menghindarkan bayi dari dwell time yang pendek. Tujuan karya tulis ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran asuhan keperawatan dengan Model Konservasi Levine terhadap neonatus dengan RDS yang terpasang PIVC menggunakan intervensi spalk. Desain: lima kasus kelolaan dengan menggunakan Model Konservasi Levine. Asuhan keperawatan diberikan selama tiga hari. Hasil: Empat prinsip konservasi telah diterapkan pada kelima kasus kelolaan dan menunjukkan respon organismik yang baik dengan dibuktikan oleh penurunan penggunaan alat bantu pernapasan dan dwell time PIVC lebih dari 72 jam sehingga tidak terdapat pemasangan akses PIVC berulang selama asuhan keperawatan diberikan. Simpulan: Melalui intervensi spalk ini adaptasi dapat tercapai dan keutuhan kesehatan terpenuhi. Model Konservasi Levine dapat direkomendasikan dalam penerapan kasus RDS pada neonatus yang terpasang PIVC.

Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) is still the highest contributor to mortality for neonates who fail to make extrauterine adaptations. Proper oxygen support as well as fulfillment of fluids and nutrients is needed in addition to treatment such as giving antibiotics, steroids or caffeine citrate. Installation of Peripheral Intravenous Canulla (PIVC) is an invasive procedure that is commonly used as access, however PIVC has complications such as phlebitis, extravasation/infiltrates, and leaks due to shifting of the cannula. Spalk installation is one of the structural integrity conservation interventions in the Levine Conservation Model in nursing care to maintain energy expenditure in RDS babies by preventing babies from short dwell times. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of nursing care with the Levine Conservation Model for neonates with RDS attached to PIVC using spalk intervention. PIVC dwell time is more than 72 hours so there is no repeated PIVC access installation while nursing care is given. Through this spalk intervention, adaptation can be achieved and health integrity is fulfilled. The Levine Conservation Model can be recommended in the application of RDS cases in PIVC- attached neonates.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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