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Gunawan Sumodiningrat
Bogor: Sains Press, 2014
370.115 GUN e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunawan Sumodiningrat
Bogor: Sains , 2014
658.4 GUN e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elis Fauziyah
"The pressure from non marketing to the company getting bigger as public society and world awareness about big part of the company to human life getting higher. This pressure in later on push the development of application of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) concept as one of company's strategy to guarantee its business. The development of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) has been assumed to existed along time ago but the definition of its concept start in 1950 (Carol], 1999). The development of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) create Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) definition that has its meaning from carivative activities to the one that integrated to business. But there are some similarities which is balance between looking for the profit and concerning social activities and environment (SWA 2005; 46). The development of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) in Indonesia has been in discussion since 1995.
The purpose of this research are to know: (I) company's understanding of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) ; (2) how far CSR application has been implemented, (3) factors that influenced CSR implementation. This research is expected to catch diversity of pattern of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) that can contribute to the knowledge in mapping of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) practice in Indonesia.
Type of research in Qualitative research method is explorative with study case research strategy. Companies that being researched are four companies with different industry background but all of them been operated in Indonesia as also the main player in each industry. Four companies that been selected are PT. NEWMONT INDONESIA in mining field, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk in agriculture business, PT PLN Jakarta and Tangerang (Persero) and KOMPAS-GRAMEDIA Group in services. Data that been collected is analized by using comparative study to see comparative to see the similarities and differencies in CSR implementation between companies.
The result of this research shown that the four companies have different pattern in understanding and maintain CSR implementation. Newmont understood CSR as a form of responsibility for having privilege to operate and develop (threatened demand). PT PLN and AAL understood as a care form to the society around the company in order to be part of the society as in the end they can support its operation (profit). Different that the three companies earlier, KKGN not really take CSR to company's profit. KKG understood CSR as a form of care that comes from moral obligation and to answer society expectation (moral).
The similarities from the four companies are they realize the importance of CSR implementation in their operation process. Generally, the companies understood the CSR concept as an effort of the company to have society support by giving them positive contribution to external stakeholder company. There is a similarity in Respondent definition in four companies, confidence in existence of take and give law.
CSR definitions in four companies in general have three propositions where CSR are:
1. Company's obligation, which can be seen from company's commitments in its policy, programs, resources allocation (funding, human resources, time and energy), organizational structure, evaluation and reporting process as a responsible manner to its operation to society.
2. To improve the welfare of society, for example through improvement in economic, education, health, infrastructure, etc.
3. To support company's operation, such as resources supply, asset protection, consumer creation, etc.
From CSR implementation side, this research concluded that (I) CSR policy still in general form of company's Code of Conduct; (2) trend to choose CSR issues that appropriate with company's competency and resources. (3) trend to use CSR in charity form; (4) put CSR in external relation function; (5) except Kompas, company use internal funding for CSR initiatives; (6) CSR evaluation and reporting tend to be internally conducted. Based on Malkasian (2004) Newmont has the higher level of commitment then the other three companies.
Factor that seem to be influencing CSR understanding and implementation are context, operational impact, and internal condition of company.
Suggestions for managerial in implementing CSR are (I) give attention on internal CSR; (2) give attention also in minimalize negative impact on operation; (3) integrating CSR with business process; (4) increasing transparency in evaluating and reporting CSR to external stakeholders.
Suggestions for next research are (1) conduct explanative study in proofing factors that influence CSR understanding and implementation; (2) deep research in the real process of CSR in the field; (3) historical study to find CSR motives; (4) deeper examination about CSR and business process and value chain management.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lely Fachrul Ilmi Wahyudi
"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas corporate social responsibility untuk corporate branding, dengan analisis kasus yang digunakan Program SATU Indonesia Awards dari PT Astra International Tbk. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Informan yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah beberapa penerima apresiasi SATU Indonesia Awards. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat gap antara identitas yang dikomunikasikan korporasi melalui aktivitas corporate social responsibility yang berada di dalam konteks corporate branding dengan persepsi stakeholder. Serta adanya dampak dari pelaksanaan kontinuitas program corporate social responsibility dapat menjadi sebuah katalisator untuk keterlibatan beberapa elemen sosial dalam keberlangsungan program, atau biasa disebut dengan konsep penta-helix.

This research aim to analyze the corporate social responsibility activities in the context of corporate branding, with the case analysis used is SATU Indonesia Awards program of PT Astra International Tbk. The research used qualitative approach with descriptive design. Informants involved in this research are several recipients of awards. The research indicated that there was a gap between corporate identity through corporate social responsibility within the corporate branding context, and with the stakeholder perceptions. As well as the impact a form of continuity from corporate social responsibility program can be a catalyst for the involvement of some social elements in the sustainability of the program or commonly called the concept of penta helix."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rati Afina Qurrata Ayun
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai strategi penguatan rantai nilai yang dilakukan oleh Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra (YDBA) di Sentra Industri Logam Ngingas. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi literatur, wawancara maupun observasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa strategi penguatan rantai nilai oleh YDBA dilakukan dengan cara optimalisasi pada aktivitas pengadaan melalui pemberdayaan UKM sebagai pemasoknya. Hal ini telah mampu meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing perusahaan dan menciptakan hubungan saling menguntungkan bagi Astra maupun UKM. Pelaksanaan strategi ini juga menunjukkan adanya upaya pengintegrasian antara kegiatan bisnis dan sosial dimana kegiatan pemberdayaan yang dilakukan YDBA tak hanya dapat memenuhi tujuan sosial tetapi juga mempengaruhi strategi bisnis perusahaan. Namun perlu adanya peran yang lebih optimal dari LPB untuk menjaga konsistensi UKM serta menjalin kerjasama dengan pemerintah daerah terutama dalam menghadapi hambatan keterbatasan bahan baku yang dialami oleh UKM.

This thesis discusses the strategy of strengthening value chains conducted by Dharma Bhakti Astra Foundation (YDBA) in the Ngingas Metal Industry Center. With a qualitative approach, data collection is done through literature studies, interviews and observations. The results of this study indicate that the strategy of strengthening the value chain is done by optimizing procurement activities through empowering SMEs as suppliers. This activities has been able to increase the company's competitive advantage and create mutual benefit for Astra and SMEs. The implementation of this strategy also shows that there are an integration between business and social activities where YDBA's empowerment activities not only fulfill social mission but also affect the company's business strategy. But there needs to be a more optimal role from LPB to maintain the consistency of SMEs as well as establish cooperation with local governments, especially in facing obstacles to the limitations of raw materials experienced by SMEs."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Ryan Muhammad
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji secara empiris apakah ketiga
praktik pelaporan CSR yang akhir-akhir ini banyak diimplementasikan oleh
perusahaan berpengaruh terhadap kualitas pengungkapan CSR perusahaan. Ketiga
praktik tersebut adalah penggunaan laporan CSR yang berdiri sendiri, kerangka
pelaporan GRI, dan jasa asurans eksternal atas laporan CSR. Kualitas
pengungkapan CSR dalam penelitian ini diukur berdasarkan konten dari informasi
yang diungkapkan, tipe informasi yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan
informasi CSR, dan orientasi manajerial dari informasi CSR. Penelitian ini
menggunakan sampel sebanyak 50 perusahaan terbuka non-keuangan yang
memiliki nilai kapitalisasi pasar di atas rata-rata seluruh perusahaan yang tercatat
di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2011-2013. Teori legitimasi digunakan
sebagai dasar bagi penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa
penggunaan laporan CSR yang berdiri sendiri berpengaruh negatif terhadap
kualitas pengungkapan CSR. Sementara itu, adopsi kerangka pelaporan GRI dan
penggunaan jasa asurans eksternal memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kualitas
pengungkapan CSR suatu perusahaan.

The aim of this study is to examine empirically whether three CSR reporting
practices, which recently are frequently implemented by many firms, have any
effect on the quality of CSR disclosures. The three CSR reporting practices that
being examined in this study are the use of standalone reports, GRI reporting
framework, and external assurance. The quality of CSR disclosures on this study
is measured based on the content of the information disclosed, the type of
information that are being used to describe CSR informations, and the managerial
orientation of the CSR informations. This research is conducted based on 50
samples of nonfinancial listed companies with above average market
capitalization on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the years 2011-2013.
Legitimacy theory is being used to conduct this research. The result shows that
the use of standalone CSR report has negative influence on the quality of CSR
disclosures. On the other hand, adoption of GRI reporting framework and the use
of external assurance have positive incluences on the quality of CSR disclosures."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh struktur kepemilikan terhadap luas pengungkapan tanggungung jawab sosial perusahaan (CSR dislosure) pada laporan tahunan perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Jakarta tahun 2006. Variabel dependen penelitian ini adalah CSDI dengan menggunakan indikator GRI. Selanjutnya, variabel independen terdiri dari struktur kepemilikan asing dan kepemilikan institusi pada perusahaan. Variabel kontrol yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ukuran perusahaan dengan proksi asset yang di-Log, tipe industri, serta kategori BUMN dan Non BUMN. Unit analisa dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan publik di BEJ, sedangl-can data yang digunakan adalah Iaporan tahunan dan laporan keuangan perusahaan untuk tahun 2006. Sampel yang digunalcan adalah sebanyak 107 perusahaan.
Kepemilikan asing dapat menjadi faktor yang mendorong pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, karena jika perusahaan memiliki kontrak dengan foreign stakeholders baik dalam ownership dan trade, maka perusahaan akan lebih didukung dalam rnelakukan pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial. Sehingga hipotesis yang digunakan adalah kepemilikan asing berpengaruh positif terhadap luas pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dalam Iaporan tahunan 2006.
Tingkat kepemilikan institusional yang tinggi akan menimbulkan usaha pengawasan yang lebih besar oleh pihak investor institusional sehingga dapat rnenghalangi perilaku opportunistic manager. Kepemilikan institusional umumnya bertindak sebagai pihak yang rnemonitor perusahaan. Sehingga hipotesis yang dapat dibuat dalam penelitian ini adalah kepemilikan institusi berpengaruh positif terhadap pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dalam laporan tahunan 2006.
Teori yang mendasari dalam menguji pengaruh struktur kepernilikan dengan luas pengungkapan CSR perusahaan yaitu Organizational Legitimacy Theory, terutama untuk struktur kepemilikan asing. Seperti kita ketahui, bahwa negara-negara asing memiliki perhatian yang lebih terhadap isu sosial dan lingkungan, sehingga kepemilikan asing dalam perusahaan Indonesia akan lebih concern terhadap luas pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. Hal yang sama juga mendasari pentingnya CSR bagi institusi, dimana jika mereka mempertimbangkan kriteria sosial dan lingkungan dalam investasi, maka institusi juga akan memerlukan pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial.
Hasil pengujian statistik dengan regresi menunjukkan hasil bahwa kepemilikan asing tidak berpengaruh terhadap terhadap luas pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. Hasil ini konsisten dengan penelitian Marwata (2006). Pengujian statistik juga mernperlihatkan kepemilikan institusi tidak berpengaruh terhadap luas pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. Hasil penelitian ini konsisten dengan penelitian Mani (2004) serta penelitian Barnae dan Rubin (2005).
Selanjutnya untuk variabel kontrol, ukuran perusahaan signifikan terhadap luas pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial. Hasil ini mendukung penelitian penelitian-penelitian terdahulu bahwa semakin besar perusahaan maka inisiatif dalam melakukan serta mengungkapkan CSR akan semakin tinggi yaitu penelitian Chow dan Wong-Boren (1987) serta Tanimoto dan Suzuki (2005). Variabel kontrol tipe industri juga menunjukkan signifikan terhadap luas pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dalam laporan tahunan. Hasil ini konsisten dengan penelitian Hackstone dan Milne (1996) dan penelitian Kasmadi dan Susanto (2006). Kategori BUMN dan Non BUMN sebagai variabel kontrol menunjukkan hasil tidak signifikan terhadap luas pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dalam laporan tahunan.

The objectives of this research observed the ownership structure that are considered by corporate to disclose social responsibility at annual report 2006. Dependent variable at this research used CSDI that observed six indicators in GRI for corporate social responsibility disclosure. Then I examined the factors that are considered by corporate to disclose social responsibility disclosure. I identified ownership structures that may be considered.
Ownership structure at this study use foreign shareholder (ownership) and institutional ownership. The study hypothesizes that the foreign shareholder and institutional ownership have positive affects to the extent of Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure. This hyphotestees presumes that foreign shareholder more awareness than others ownership Structure abaout CSR disclosure, because foreign country like European Union and United Stated more concern with social and environment issues.
In this research also used three control variable. These are company size that proxy with total assets, type of industry, and categories BUMN or Not. The data used in this research were pooling data for 107 firms.
This study based on Organizational Legitimacy Theory to see impact ownership structure to corporate social responsibility, especially for the structure of foreign to ownership. As we know, that foreign nations have more attention to environmental and social issue, so that foreign ownership in company of Indonesia will be more wide of concern to social responsibility. Same thing also constitute importantly of CSR to institution, where if them consider environmental and social criterion in invesrnent, hence institution also will need social responsibility disclosure.
The test result for the first hyphotesis indicated that the impact of foreign ownership to CSR disclosure was not significant. The test result for the second hyphotesis indicated that the impact of institution ownership to CSR disclosure was not significant too. These means the both of structure ownership in this study haven't concern with CSR disclosure to make investment decision. Thus, all of the test result consistent with the research of Marwata (2006), Mani (2004) and Bamae & Rubin (2005).
While for the variable of control, size that proxy with total assets have significant to CSR disclosure social. This result support research of Chow and Wong-Boren (1987) and also Tanimoto and Suzuki ( 2005) that is ever greater of company hence initiative in doing/ conducting and also lay open CSR disclosure. Variable control industrial type also show significant to CSR disclosure of company in annual report. This result consistence with research of Hackstone and Milne (1996) and research of Kasmadi and Susanto (2006). Category BUMN and Non BUMN as control variable show result not signifikan to social responsibility expression of company in annual report."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Danang Ajianto Adhi Pratama
"Skripsi ini meneliti mengenai inisiatif Corporate Social Responsibility PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. Tujuan penelitian, adalah untuk melihat inisiatif pelaksanaan CSR dan faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan CSR di PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa inisiatif pelaksanaan CSR di PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia berdasarkan visi dan misi serta kebijakan dari pemerintah dalam hal ini Kementerian BUMN. Selain itu faktor pelaksanaan CSR di PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia, diketahui dari upaya memenuhi kewajiban serta adanya dorangan dari dalam bahwa CSR selain memberikan bantuan juga ada dukungan bisnis.

The focus of this study is to describe initiative of the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia. The purpose is to decribe initiative of CSR program and influence factor during of CSR implementation program at BRI. The data were collected by literature study and means of interview. The output showed that implementation CSR at BRI based on vision and mission, and also the rules from government especially BUMN ministry of Indonesia. The implementation focussing charity and support business."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Brafly Bintang Dipapraja
"Ada beberapa strategi bagi perusahaan untuk mendapatkan ekuitas pasar yang lebih besar atau meningkatkan niat beli pelanggan di pasar dunia. Namun, lebih banyak kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan dari negara berkembang untuk mencapai hal-hal tersebut di atas, dan dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan apakah Corporate Social Responsibility dapat membantu perusahaan dari negara berkembang untuk mendapatkan pengakuan di pasar maju. Sebuah survei online disebarluaskan kepada calon konsumen Eropa untuk menguji premis bahwa Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan mengarah pada peningkatan niat beli dan ekuitas merek. Responden secara acak ditugaskan ke salah satu dari dua kelompok (dengan atau tanpa kegiatan CSR) dan diminta untuk berkontribusi pada kelompok mereka ditugaskan masing-masing. Sebuah sampel t-test independen digunakan untuk menilai tanggapan. Temuan mengungkapkan sedikit pengaruh ke arah yang diharapkan, di mana tindakan CSR yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan dengan negara asal berkembang akan membantu dalam menghasilkan ekuitas merek dan niat beli yang lebih baik. Mengingat interaksi yang signifikan antara faktor, hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis yang diajukan didukung.

There are several strategies for companies to gain greater market equity or increase customer purchase intention in world markets. However, more difficulties are faced by companies from developing countries to achieve the things mentioned above, and in this study the aim is to prove whether Corporate Social Responsibility can help companies from developing countries to gain recognition in developed markets. An online survey was disseminated to potential European consumers to test the premise that Corporate Social Responsibility leads to increased purchase intention and brand equity. Respondents were randomly assigned to one of two groups (with or without CSR activity) and were requested to contribute to the group they were assigned in respectively. An independent sample t-test was used to assess the responses. The findings revealed a slight influence in the expected direction, where CSR actions carried out by firms with a developing country of origin will assist in producing better brand equity and purchase intention. Given the significant interaction between the factors, these results show that the proposed hypothesis was supported."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lukman Nurul Hakim
"Penelitian evaluasi program ini bertujuan untuk menemukan model evaluasi yang mampu menjelaskan kaitan antara dampak dan keberlanjutan program CSR dengan menggunakan kombinasi metode evaluasi Main Analytical Categories (MAC) dan Social Return On Investment (SROI). Studi sebelumnya menunjukkan kecenderungan implementasi program CSR perusahaan yang diharuskan memberikan dampak secara signifikan. Sementara, program yang bersifat pemberdayaan pada perusahaan ekstraktif masih sulit menghasilkan dampak dan keberlanjutan secara optimal karena minimnya upaya metode evaluasi. Fokus penelitian ini ingin melihat konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat sebagai karakteristik program CSR. Dibutuhkan studi evaluasi terhadap program Desa Mandiri Energi (DME) menggunakan model Main Analytical Categories untuk melihat konsep dampak dan keberlanjutan menjadi fokus keberhasilan program. Selain itu, untuk menghitung monetisasi dampak program menggunakan model pengukuran SROI melalui studi wawancara mendalam. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa program sangat baik dalam hal relevansi, efektivitas, efisiensi, dampak, dan keberlanjutan yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti penyadaran manfaat potensi biogas, pemberian kapasitas manajemen sapi perah, serta pemberian wewenang masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan program. Pengelolaan program menunjukkan keberhasilan terhadap dampak dan keberlanjutan, namun replikabilitas program masih perlu dimaksimalkan. Program menghasilkan rasio nilai dampak sebesar Rp. 1:4.43, dari setiap Rp. 1,- nilai investasi yang menghasilkan Rp. 4,43,- dampak sosial program. Hasil keberhasilan program dipengaruhi oleh perencanaan dan pendampingan program yang mampu memproduksi input secara efektif dan efisien serta kesadaran kolektif penerima manfaat dalam mencapai modal sosial masyarakat.

This program evaluation research aims to find an evaluation model that is able to explain the link between the impact and sustainability of CSR programs by using a combination of Main Analytical Categories (MAC) and Social Return On Investment (SROI) evaluation methods. Previous studies have shown a tendency for the implementation of corporate social responsibility programs to have a significant impact. Meanwhile, programs that are empowering in extractive companies are still difficult to produce optimal impact and sustainability due to the lack of evaluation method efforts. The focus of this research looks at the concept of community empowerment as a characteristic of the CSR program. An evaluation study of the DME (Energy Independent Village) program is needed using the Main Analytical Categories model to see the concept of impact and sustainability, which is the focus of the program's success. In addition, to calculate the impact monetization of the program using the SROI measurement model through in-depth interview studies. The evaluation results show that the program is very good in terms of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability which is influenced by several factors such as awareness of the potential benefits of biogas, provision of capacity to manage dairy cows, and granting of community authority over program management. Program management has demonstrated success in terms of impact and sustainability, but program replication still needs to be maximized. The program produces an impact value ratio of Rp. 1:4.43, from every Rp. 1, - investment value that generates Rp. 4.43,- the social impact of the program. The program's success results are influenced by program planning and assistance that is able to produce inputs effectively and efficiently as well as the collective awareness of beneficiaries in achieving community social capital."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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