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Ahmad Fadly
"Bahasa yang diekspresikan dalam artikel ilmiah tidak hanya berfungsi merepresentasikan realitas (ideasional), tetapi juga menjalin hubungan sosial (interpersonal). Fungsi ideasional menghendaki objektivitas; fungsi interpersonal mengharapkan interaksi sosial dalam mempertukarkan kebenaran atau pandangan. Penulis artikel ilmiah dihadapkan pada dua tuntutan beroposisi: objektivitas dan evaluatif-kritis dalam mengekspresikan realitas dan kebenaran. Setakat ini belum ditemukan pemetaan bahasa evaluatif dalam artikel ilmiah berbahasa Indonesia yang dapat dijadikan strategi objektivasi dan negosiasi kebenaran. Melalui kerangka Appraisal, penelitian ini bertujuan memadukan dua orientasi yang beroposisi itu dalam artikel ilmiah berbahasa Indonesia. Peneliti menggunakan ancangan kualitatif untuk memperoleh kedalaman analisis atas fungsi interpersonal pada artikel ilmiah. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah artikel-artikel ilmiah nasional, yang terakreditasi dan terindeks Science and Technology Index (SINTA), dan memiliki faktor dampak peringkat sepuluh teratas. Data yang dikumpulkan berasal dari artikel-artikel ilmiah berbahasa Indonesia, yang diklasifikasikan ke dalam sepuluh bidang ilmu, yaitu ilmu kesehatan, ilmu sosial, humaniora, ilmu pertanian, ilmu agama, sains, ilmu ekonomi, ilmu pendidikan, teknik, dan seni. Berdasarkan analisis data, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa preferensi sikap penulis artikel ilmiah berpengaruh pada tingkat objektivitas dan subjektivitasnya. Pada artikel ilmiah bidang kesehatan, penulis menghindari subjektivitas dengan nominalisasi dan objektivasi perasaan atau emosi. Pada artikel ilmiah bidang ilmu sosial, penulis mengupayakan pasivasi dan menggeser sumber daya Afek menjadi Penilaian, yang berimplikasi pada pelembagaan sumber daya emosi dan perasaan. Pada bidang-bidang lainnya ekspresi sikap yang dinominalisasi paling banyak digunakan untuk mengupayakan objektivitas. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk penulis artikel ilmiah dalam mengoperasikan bahasa evaluatif.

Writers of scientific articles are required to avoid subjectivity through their language. On the other hand, he is expected to provide an evaluation of phenomena or meta-phenomena so that he is considered critical. So far, no evaluative language mapping has been found in scientific articles in Indonesian that can be used as a strategy for objectivation and negotiation of truth. Through the Appraisal framework, this study aims to reconcile two opposing orientations in writing scientific articles: objective and evaluative-critical. This researcher uses qualitative elements to obtain in-depth analysis of scientific articles. The data sources for this research are national scientific articles, which are accredited and indexed by the Science and Technology Index (SINTA), and have an impact factor ranking in the top ten. The data collected comes from scientific articles in Indonesian, which are classified into ten disciplines, namely health sciences, social sciences, humanities, agriculture, religion, exact sciences, arts, economics, education, and engineering. Based on data analysis, this study found that the attitude preferences of scientific article writers affect the level of objectivity and subjectivity. In scientific articles in the field of health, the authors avoid subjectivity by nominalizing and objectifying feelings or emotions. In scientific articles in the field of social sciences, the author seeks passivation and shifts Affect resources to Judgement, which has implications for the institutionalization of emotional and feeling resources. In other fields, the expressions of attitudes that are nominated are most widely used to strive for objectivity. The results of this study can be used for scientific article writers in operating evaluative language."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gastel, Barbara
Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood, 2016
808.066 GAS h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: UI Publishing, 2021
808.066 BUK
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"buku ini membahas tentang penulisan karya ilmiah daalam bentuk laporan tertulis dan diterbitkan, sebagai hasil penelitian."
Malang: Universitas Brawijaya Press, 2017
808.066 FAT s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sya`baningrum Prihhartini
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek pengulangan tugas dan balikan
terfokus terhadap aspek akurasi. Produksi bahasa pelajar yang diteliti meliputi:
dua tugas tertulis, satu tugas lisan, dan satu post-test tertulis. Hasil tulisan dan
transkripsi tugas lisan dianalisis dan tingkat akurasinya diukur, yang berdasarkan
pada rasio penggunaan struktur target yang benar. T-test untuk sampel
berpasangan dan ANOVA with Repeated Measure digunakan untuk menentukan
apakah terdapat perbedaan rerata yang signifikan. Temuan analisis
memperlihatkan pelajar dengan tingkat kemahiran menulis yang rendah sebagai
pihak yang berhasil meraih manfaat terbesar, yang terlihat dari perbaikan struktur
kalimat serta perolehan jumlah struktur berterima yang dihasilkan.

This study aimed to investigate the effect of task repetition and focused feedback
on students? accuracy. The students? language output that was investigated
included: two writing tasks, one oral task, and one written post-test. Students?
writings and transcription of oral task were analyzed and the level of accuracy
was measured, which was based on the ratio of the correct use of the targeted
structure. T-test for paired samples and ANOVA with Repeated Measure were
used to see if there were any significant differences between the means. The
findings found that learners with low writing skills were the ones who gained the
benefits the most, which were shown from the improvement in sentence structure
and the number of the target structure produced.;This study aimed to investigate the effect of task repetition and focused feedback
on students? accuracy. The students? language output that was investigated
included: two writing tasks, one oral task, and one written post-test. Students?
writings and transcription of oral task were analyzed and the level of accuracy
was measured, which was based on the ratio of the correct use of the targeted
structure. T-test for paired samples and ANOVA with Repeated Measure were
used to see if there were any significant differences between the means. The
findings found that learners with low writing skills were the ones who gained the
benefits the most, which were shown from the improvement in sentence structure
and the number of the target structure produced.;This study aimed to investigate the effect of task repetition and focused feedback
on students? accuracy. The students? language output that was investigated
included: two writing tasks, one oral task, and one written post-test. Students?
writings and transcription of oral task were analyzed and the level of accuracy
was measured, which was based on the ratio of the correct use of the targeted
structure. T-test for paired samples and ANOVA with Repeated Measure were
used to see if there were any significant differences between the means. The
findings found that learners with low writing skills were the ones who gained the
benefits the most, which were shown from the improvement in sentence structure
and the number of the target structure produced., This study aimed to investigate the effect of task repetition and focused feedback
on students’ accuracy. The students’ language output that was investigated
included: two writing tasks, one oral task, and one written post-test. Students’
writings and transcription of oral task were analyzed and the level of accuracy
was measured, which was based on the ratio of the correct use of the targeted
structure. T-test for paired samples and ANOVA with Repeated Measure were
used to see if there were any significant differences between the means. The
findings found that learners with low writing skills were the ones who gained the
benefits the most, which were shown from the improvement in sentence structure
and the number of the target structure produced.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teresa Angelina Kaluge
"Riset yang mengkaji pengaruh regulasi diri terhadap strategi menulis di Indonesia belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh perbedaan individu khususnya gender terhadap strategi menulis berbasis regulasi diri dengan melibatkan minat akademik sebagai mediator dan bertujuan menghubungkan strategi menulis dengan gender siswa seraya
memperhitungkan minat akademik ketika belajar bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain korelasional. Data diperoleh lewat survei dengan instrumen berupa kuesioner yang disebarkan secara daring kepada 324 orang pemelajar
bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing dari empat sekolah menengah atas swasta di kota Malang.
Analisis statistik deskriptif dan inferensial multivariat digunakan untuk mengolah data yang diperoleh peneliti. Hasil olah data mengungkap bahwa penggunaan strategi menulis berbasis regulasi diri oleh siswa tergolong baik. Perbedaan gender ditemukan pada strategi "perencanaan". Apabila minat akademik Bahasa Inggris dimasukkan sebagai variabel kovariat, maka perbedaan gender ditemukan pada lebih banyak strategi menulis. "Nilai" berpengaruh terhadap "prakarsa diri", "perencanaan", dan "menghasilkan teks". "Pengetahuan"
berpengaruh pada kelima dimensi strategi menulis. Selain itu, "keterlibatan" berpengaruh terhadap "prakarsa diri", "revisi", dan "respon terhadap balikan". Secara teoretis, penelitian ini berkontribusi memaparkan perbedaan gender terhadap strategi menulis dalam praktik belajar dan mengajar. Pengajar disarankan untuk memertimbangkan perbedaan gender ketika memperkenalkan strategi menulis, baik secara eksplisit maupun implisit.

Studies on the effect of self-regulation towards writing strategies in Indonesia had not been
widely carried out. This research attempted to test the effect of individual differences,
particularly gender on writing strategies based on self-regulation while taking into account the
academic interest as mediator. This research was conducted quantitatively using a correlational
design. Data were obtained through a survey model where online questionnaires were
distributed to 324 high school students who were studying English as a foreign language. Four
private schools from Malang city were the sources of samples. The data were processed using
descriptive and inferential multivariate statistical analyses. The results showed that the use of
self-regulation-based writing strategies by students was classified as good with gender
differences was found in the 'planning' strategy. However, after inputing variables of academic
interest as covariates, then gender differences were found in several writing strategies. 'Value'
influences 'self-initiating', 'planning', and 'text-generating'. 'Knowledge' affects the five
dimensions of writing strategy. In addition, 'engagement' affects 'self-initiating', 'revising',
and 'acting on feedback'. Theoretically, this research contributed to explaining gender
differences in writing strategies in teaching and learning practices. Teachers were advised to
consider gender differences when introducing writing strategies, either explicitly or implicitly.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Kuswandari Banuwa
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat efektivitas program SRSD (Self-Regulation
Strategy Development) berdasarkan metakognisi untuk meningkatkan
keterampilan menulis karangan pada siswa sekolah dasar. Intervensi yang
dirancang ini diharapkan dapat membantu siswa mengembangkan kemampuannya
dalam meregulasi proses menulis karangan secara mandiri. Penelitian ini
menggunakan single subject design dengan melibatkan satu orang partisipan,
yaitu siswa perempuan berusia 11 tahun yang memiliki kecerdasan di atas ratarata
(Skala Wechsler), namun kesulitan dalam menulis karangan. Intervensi dibagi
ke dalam 10 sesi dengan durasi 60 menit pada setiap sesinya. Setelah dilakukan
analisis perbandingan hasil pre-test dan post-test, ditemukan bahwa model SRSD
yang diberikan efektif dalam mengembangkan kemampuan metakognisi, baik
dalam hal planning maupun reviewing dan meningkatkan keterampilan menulis

The purpose of this study was to know the effectiveness of SRSD program (Self-
Regulation Strategy Development) based on metacognition in improving story
writing skills on elementary students. This intervention expected to help
elementary students to develop their skill in regulating writing process
independently. This study is a single subject research with one student involved.
Participant is an eleven years old girl with an above average intelligent quotient
(Wechsler Scale), but having problem in story writing. This intervention was
given in ten session and 60 minutes for each session. Qualitative analysis was
applied to measure changes of writing score before and after the intervention. The
result of this study shows that SRSD model is effective in developing
metacognition, not only planning but also reviewing and improving story writing
skills., The purpose of this study was to know the effectiveness of SRSD program (Self-
Regulation Strategy Development) based on metacognition in improving story
writing skills on elementary students. This intervention expected to help
elementary students to develop their skill in regulating writing process
independently. This study is a single subject research with one student involved.
Participant is an eleven years old girl with an above average intelligent quotient
(Wechsler Scale), but having problem in story writing. This intervention was
given in ten session and 60 minutes for each session. Qualitative analysis was
applied to measure changes of writing score before and after the intervention. The
result of this study shows that SRSD model is effective in developing
metacognition, not only planning but also reviewing and improving story writing
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Krisnowati Djojosoedarsono
Jakarta : UI-Press, 2008
808.066 61 KRI b (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keraf, Gorys
Ende : Nusa Indah, 1973
499.28 KER k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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