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Purba, Suryawati Endaningsih
"Dalam Undang Undang Nomor 29 Tahun 2004 pasal 29 menyatakan bahwa setiap dokter dan dokter gigi yang melakukan praktik kedokteran di Indonesia wajib memiliki STR sesuai sertifikat kompetensi yang dimiliki. STR berlaku lima (5) tahun. Jika sampai masa berlaku STR habis dokter atau dokter gigi tidak melakukan registrasi ulang, akan kehilangan kewenangan untuk melakukan praktik kedokteran. Sanksi bagi yang menjalankan praktik dengan sengaja tanpa STR dan surat ijin adalah denda maksimal Rp 100 juta ( pasal 75). Hasil pencapaian registrasi ulang belum 100%.
Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap kebijakan dan analisis untuk menyusun rekomendasi (analysis of policy dan analysis for policy) registrasi ulang dokter dan dokter gigi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan untuk analisis data digunakan model content analisis diolah dengan pendekatan model Patton Savicky dengan kriteria boulton disajikan berdasarkan analysis of policy dan analisis for policy sebagai rekomendasi.
Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa dokter dan dokter gigi kurang bersedia melakukan registrasi ulang karena : alur sertifikasi kompetensi untuk persyaratan registrasi ulang terlalu panjang, pemenuhan persyaratan terlalu sulit, pengisian borang borang terlalu banyak, pengumpulan SKP untuk memperoleh sertifikat kompetensi bagi registrasi ulang kurang menilai kompetensi (skill) lebih untuk menilai administrasi, pendidikan dan pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh organisasi profesi membutuhkan biaya dan hanya untuk peningkatan pengetahuan (knowledge) bukan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan (skill), proses penerbitan sertifikat kompetensi dan STR ulang menjadi terlalu lama.Kesimpulannya, implementasi kebijakan registrasi ulang dokter dan dokter gigi kurang efektif pelaksanaannya karena dipengaruhi oleh peraturan itu sendiri, upaya dokter atau dokter gigi, institusi yang melaksanakan kebijakan serta kondisi lingkungan.
Peneliti menyarankan agar mengembangkan sistem registrasi, meningkatkan komitmen, meningkatkan otoritas KKI, meningkatkan resources, meningkatkan pemahaman dan kesepakatan terhadap tujuan dan stakeholder agar meningkatkan pembinaan dan pengawasan.

According to the Law Number 29 in 2004 article 29 States that every doctors and dentists who conduct medical practices in Indonesia must have a certificate of competence in accordance STR owned .STR is expired after five (5) years. If until the expiration date of STR, doctor and dentist do not apply for the re-registration, so doctors or dentists will loss their authority to conduct medical practices. The consequence for doctors and dentists who running practice without STR and licence intentionally is a fine of up to Rp 100 million (article 75). The achievements of re-registration have not been 100% yet.
This study aimed to analysis the policy and analysis to make recomendations for reregistration policy of doctors and dentists in Indonesia. This study used qualitative approach and for data analysis using the content analysis model, prepared by "Patton Savicky model approach with Boulton criteria based on the analysis of policy and analysis for policy as a recommendation.
The study has found that doctors and dentists are less willingness to be registered as the competencies certification flow for the reregistration are too long, too difficult STR making requirements, too many forms must be fulfilled, the SKP activity colllecting to have competence certificate for the reregistration is not to assess the competencies (skills) but to assess the administration, education and training organized by professional organizations to expensive and only for knowledge increase, not for the skills the,and the waiting time for STR publishing is too long. To sum up, the implementation of the re-registration policies of doctors and dentists have not performed well because it was influenced by the re-registration policy and efforts of the doctors and dentists and institutions in implementing the policy and environmental circumstance.
Researchers suggests to develop a registration system, to increase the commitment, to improve KKI authority, increase resources, to increase the understanding and agreement on goals and stakeholders in order to improve the guidance and supervision
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizza Norta Villeny Rosita Dewi
"Rasio kebutuhan dokter di Indonesia masih dibawah standar WHO. Sesuai dengan amanat Undang-undang, Kementerian Kesehatan berkomitmen memenuhi kebutuhan dokter spesialis di seluruh wilayah Indonesia melalui Kebijakan bantuan biaya Pendidikan dokter spesialis atau dokter gigi spesialis. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis implementasi kebijakan yang sudah dilaksanakan yaitu kebijakan bantuan biaya Pendidikan dokter spesialis-dokter gigi spesialis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain penelitian Rapid Assesment Procedure. Penelitian ini menggabungkan model implementasi kebijakan Edward III dan Van Meter Van Horn dengan menggunakan 6 variabel yaitu ukuran dan tujuan kebijakan, komunikasi, sumber daya, disposisi, karakteristik organisasi pelaksana, serta lingkungan politik, sosial dan ekonomi. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, telaah dokumen dan observasi. Informan Penelitian terdiri dari ketua dan anggota tim kerja penyelenggaraan beasiswa PPDS-PPDGS, Pengelola IT Dinas Kesehatan provinsi Riau, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Maluku dan Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian dilakukan mulai bulan Mei-Juni 2023. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan sudah berjalan dengan baik namun masih ada beberapa hal yang masih perlu diperbaiki. Pada variabel ukuran dan tujuan Kebijakan bantuan biaya PDS-DGS telah jelas dan dapat diukur dan tertuang kedalam indikator kinerja kegiatan Direktorat Penyediaan Tenaga Kesehatan yang terdapat dalam Rencana Strategis Kementerian Kesehatan. Komunikasi kebijakan antar organisasi berjalan baik antara Direktorat penyediaan Tenaga Kesehatan, Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi dan stakeholder lainnya melalui sosialisasi dan koordinasi secara rutin. Sumber daya dalam implementasi kebijakan bantuan biaya PDS-DGS baik sumber daya manusia, anggaran, dan kewenangan telah dioptimalkan dengan baik oleh Direktorat Penyediaan Tenaga Kesehatan, namun untuk sumber daya fasilitas yaitu sistem informasi masih diperlukan pengembangan agar dapat digunakan secara optimal. Karakteristik organisasi pelaksana didukung dengan ketersediaan SOP penyelenggaraan kebijakan yang sudah lengkap dan pembagian wewenang antar organisasi yang sudah jelas. Pada variabel disposisi, komitmen pimpinan dan tim kerja dalam implementasi kebijakan bantuan biaya PDS-DGS dengan melaksanakan tugas sesuai peran dan tanggung jawab masing-masing. Variabel lingkungan ekonomi, sosial dan politik menunjukkan besarnya dukungan stakeholder terkait dalam implementasi kebijakan bantuan biaya PDS-DGS.

The ratio of the need for doctors in Indonesia is still below the WHO standard. In accordance with the mandate of the law, the Ministry of Health is committed to meeting the needs of specialist doctors in all regions of Indonesia through a policy of assistance with the cost of education for specialist doctors or specialist dentists. This study aims to analyze the implementation of policies that have been implemented, namely the policy of educational assistance for specialist doctors-dental specialists. This research is a qualitative research by using a Rapid Assessment Procedure research design. This study combines the policy implementation model of Edward III and Van Meter Van Horn by using 6 variables, namely policy size and objectives, communication, resources, dispositions, characteristics of implementing organizations, as well as the political, social and economic environment. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, document review and observation. The research informants consisted of the heads and members of the PPDS-PPDGS working team members, IT managers at the Riau, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and South Sulawesi Provinces Health Offices. The research was conducted from May-June 2023. The research results show that the policy implementation has been going well, but there are still a number of things that still need to be improved. The size and objective variables of the PDS-DGS cost assistance policy are clear and can be measured and are contained in the performance indicators for the Directorate of Health Workforce Provision activities contained in the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Health. Inter-organizational policy communication runs well between the Directorate for the provision of health workers, the Provincial Health Office and other stakeholders through regular outreach and coordination. The resources in implementing the PDS-DGS financial assistance policy, both human resources, budget, and authority, have been well optimized by the Directorate for Provision of Health Personnel, but for facility resources, namely the information system, development is still needed so that it can be used optimally. The characteristics of implementing organizations are supported by the availability of complete policy implementation SOPs and a clear division of authority between organizations. In the disposition variable, the commitment of the leadership and the work team in implementing the PDS-DGS financial assistance policy by carrying out tasks according to their respective roles and responsibilities. The economic, social and political environment variables show the amount of support from relevant stakeholders in the implementation of the PDS-DGS financial assistance policy."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tarigan, Ferdinan S.
"Walaupun sejak tahun 1992 telah diterapkan kebljakan penempatan dokter dan dokter gigi PIT tetapi penyebaran tenaga kesehatan khususnya dokter dan dokter gigi belum menggembirakan. Sekitar 25 - 40% Puskesmas tidak memiliki tenaga dokter, khususnya puskesmas yang berada di kawasan timur indonesia dan daerah konflik. Penyebaran dokter dan dokter gigi belum merata khususnya di daerah di kawasan Indonesia Bagian Timur. Rasio ldealnya I 00.000 jiwa dilayani 40 dokter, tetapi hanya 4 Propinsi yang mencapai rasio tersebut.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menganalisis kebijakan pemerintah pusat da1am pemerataan dokter dan dokter gigi di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini data yang digunakan terdiri atas data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dengan me!akukan wawancara mendalam. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui telaah dokumen. Data primer digali dari berbagai inforrnan yang berkompeten, yakni: Biro K!!pegawaian Departemen Kesehatan RJ. Biro Hukum dan Organisasi Departemen Kesehatan RI, Pusat Perencanaan dan Pendayagunaan SDM Kesehatan Badan PPSDM Depkes RI, Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia, Ditjen Dikti Depdiknas, Pengurus Besar IDI dan PDGI.
Hasii penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyusunan kebijakan pemerataan dokter dan dokter gigi menjadi hal dilematis, ditengah-tengah issue pe]anggaran Hak Azasi Manusia, sementara disisi Iain masyarakat memerlukan pelayanan k.esehatan, tanpa membedakan status ekonomi. Koordinasi antara stakeholders di tingkat pusat masih kurang nptimal khususnya dalam penyusunan kebijakan serta monitoring implementasi kebijakan pemerataan doktcr dan dokter gigi.

Since 1992, the temporary placement policy of general practitioner and dentist (PTT) has been applied even though it distribution> particularly dentists and general practitioner, not satisfactory yet. Approximately 25 - 40% of local health center do not have general practitioner, especially those in eastern part of Indonesia and regional conflict. Within it ideal ratio where 40 general practitioners served 100,000 inhabitants, only 4 provinces could fulfill it.
This is a qualitative approach research aim of analyzing the central government policies on equity distribution of general practitioners and dentists in Indonesia, In this research, data used consists of primary obtained through in depth interview and secondary data obtained through the document assessment. Primary data gathered from various competent informants, namely the Bureau Employee Affair of Health Department, Bureau of Legal and Organization Affairs of Health Department, The Center of Human Resource Planning and Utility of Health~ PPSDM Agency of Health Department, the Indonesian Medical Council, the General Directorate of High Education Ministry, the Indonesian Association of Medical Doctor, and the Dentist Association of Indonesia.
The results of research showed that this policies fall into a dilemma in the middle issue of human rights violations, while in the other side people need a health care without distinction on economic status. Coordination between stakeholders at the central level is not optimal yet, particularly In the policies preparation and monitoring on the policy implementation.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anny Fadmawaty
"Tenaga kesehatan di luar dokter, dokter gigi dan pekerja kefarmasian selama ini melakukan perizinan dalam bentuk registrasi yang bersifat administrasi tanpa melihat dan menilai kemampuan tenaga tersebut. Hal ini menjadi pertanyaan bagaimana mutu dan kualitas tenaga kesehatan yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mempengaruhi mutu layanan kesehatan saat ini. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada proses formulasi kebijakan registrasi tenaga kesehatan yang meliputi bagaimana proses formulasi kebijakan, sumberdaya pendukung, peran dan fungsi dan peran pemangku kebijakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa formulasi kebijakan Registrasi Tenaga Kesehatan dalam Permenkes Nomor 1796/MENKES/PER/VIII/2011 dalam menjamin mutu tenaga kesehatan terhadap peningkatan pelayanan terhadap tenaga kesehatan."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Raksi Padmasari
"Puskesmas memerlukan SDM kesehatan sebagai motor penggerak. Salah satu SDM kesehatan adalah dokter umum. Ketersediaan dokter umum dalam segi jumlah harus memadai dan terdistribusi secara merata. Kebijakan pendayagunaan dokter umum puskesmas yang berlaku di Provinsi DKI Jakarta memberikan keluluasaan bagi puskesmas kecamatan selaku instansi pelaksana dalam melakukan manajemen SDM. Salah satu variabel yang mempengaruhi proses implementasi kebijakan adalah kapabilitas instansi pelaksana. Kapabilitas ini ditunjukkan dengan kemampuan manajemen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran implementasi kebijakan pendayagunaan dokter umum puskesmas di Puskesmas Kecamatan Kemayoran. Penelitian menggunakan mixed method yang menggabungkan hasil kualitatif dengan hasil kuantitatif. Gambaran implementasi kebijakan adalah masih terjadi ketidakseimbangan beban kerja dokter umum antara puskesmas kelurahan dan puskesmas kecamatan. Hal ini disebabkan karena tidak ada aturan yang baku mengenai penempatan dokter umum sampai dengan tingkat puskesmas kelurahan dan kemampuan manajemen puskesmas kecamatan masih kurang. Salah satu rekomendasi kebijakan yang diajukan adalah perbaikan manajemen dengan menggunakan model simulasi distribusi dokter umum berdasarkan penyeimbangan forecasting beban kerja dokter umum di puskesmas wilayah Kemayoran.

Public health centre needs health human resources as a driving force. One of the health workforce is general practitioner. The availibity of general practitioners in terms of the amount should be adequate and evenly distributed. The policy of physician utilization at public health centre in the province of DKI Jakarta, gives authority for district public health centre as the implementing agency in managing human resources. One of the variables that influence the process of policy implementation is the capability of implementing agencies. This capability is indicated by the ability of management. The purpose of the study is to describe policy implementation of physician utilization at public health centre in Kemayoran. Research using a mixed methods that combines qualitative and quantitative results. As an overview of policy implementation, there is an imbalance of physician workload between district and sub district public health centre in Kemayoran. This is because there are no standard rules regarding the placement of a physician up to sub district level and lack of management skills at district public health centre. One of the proposed policy recommendation is improved management using simulation models of physician distribution which is based on physician workload balancing in Kemayoran public health centre."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pengaruh Globalisasi, telah membuat bangsa Indonesia harus bersiap dengan masuknya pengaruh luar terhadap kehadiran dengan salah satunya adalah Tenaga Kesehatan Asing di Indonesia, untuk itu Kementerian Kesehatan telah mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan no 317 tahun 2010 Tentang Pendayagunaan Tenaga Kesehatan Warga Negara Asing di Indonesia. Tesis ini menganalisis implementasi Kebijakan Tenaga Kesehatan Asing Di Indonesia pada tahun 2013.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan model analisis implementasi kebijakan Edward III. Lokasi penelitian dari pusat ke pemerintah daerah di Provinsi Banten.
Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Kebijakan Tenaga Kesehatan Asing Di Provinsi Banten pada tahun 2013 belum berjalan dengan baik. Oleh karena itu Kementerian Kesehatan harus segera melakukan pembenahan baik dari segi segi proses input kebijakan, proses pelaksanaan dan proses evaluasi pelaksanaan kebijakan dengan melibatkan instansi terkait baik horizontal maupun vertikal.

The influence of globalization, have made the Indonesian nation must prepare with the inclusion of external influence on the presence of one of them is Foreign Health Workers in Indonesia, to the Ministry of Health has issued a Ministerial Decree No. 317 of 2010 Health Reform On Health Workers Foreigners in Indonesia. This thesis analyzes the implementation of Health Foreign Worker Policy in Indonesia in 2013.
This study uses qualitative research methods using analytical models of policy implementation Edward III. Locations research from central to local governments in the province of Banten.
Research results indicate that the implementation of Health Personnel Foreign Policy In Banten province in 2013 has not been going well. Therefore the Ministry of Health should immediately make improvements both in terms of policy in terms of the process input, process implementation and process evaluation of the implementation of the policy by involving relevant agencies both horizontally and vertically.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ingrid Masithoh
"Ketersediaan tenaga kesehatan yang berkesinambungan sangat vital dalam mendukung pemberian layanan kesehatan yang berkesinambungan pula. Di daerah yang kekurangan tenaga kesehatan; mengoptimalkan retensi menjadi sangat penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran retensi dokter dan dokter gigi Pegawai Tidak Tetap di daerah terpencil dan sangat terpencil serta faktor yang mempengaruhi retensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cohort retrospective dengan analisis survival dancox regresi. Sampel penelitian 10.361 dokter dan 3.496 dokter gigi yang berasal daridata pengangkatan Pegawai Tidak Tetap tahun 2008 ndash; 2015 milik Biro Kepegawaian Kementerian Kesehatan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin lama masa penugasan minimum yang diwajibkan kepada dokter/dokter gigi PTT maka semakin banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi retensinya. Seiring peningkatan minimal masa tugas; pada 2 tahun pertama retensinya semakin meningkat; akan tetapi PTT yang berhenti sesudah penugasan pertamanyapun semakin meningkat. Tidak terdapat perbedaan retensi antar jenis kelamin; dan fasilitas kesehatan dengan kriteria sangat terpencil memiliki retensi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang terpencil.

The availability of sustainable health workers is vital in supporting the delivery ofsustainable health services as well. In areas that are short of health personnel,optimizing retention is critical. This study aims to determine the retention of doctors anddentists in Non Permanent Personnel Appointment Program in remote and rural areas,and factors that affect their retention. This study used a retrospective cohort design withsurvival and cox regression analysis. The sample was 10,361 doctors and 3,496 dentistsin Non Permanent Personnel Appointment Program; from 2008 until 2015 that belongto the Bureau of Personnel Ministry of Health.
The results showed that the longer therequired minimum assignment period to the doctor dentist; the more factors will affectthe retention; and the longer minimum assignment the retention increase until the first 2years; There is no difference in retention between the types of marital status.Doctors dentists who are assigned to very remote criteria have higher retention than inremote criteria.Keywords retention of Non Permanent Personnel Appointment Program; retentionfactors; doctors dentists of Non Permanent Personnel Appointment Program.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Enny Maratus Sholihah
"Dengan adanya Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 2052/Menkes/Per/X/2011 tentang Izin Praktik dan Pelaksanaan Praktik Kedokteran menyatakan bahwa dokter dan dokter gigi yang telah memiliki SIP dan memberikan pelayanan kedokteran atau memberikan konsultasi keahlian dalam hal diminta oleh suatu fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan. Penelitian ini dibatasi pada implementasi kebijakan ijin praktik dokter pada pelayanan kesehatan dengan melihat dari indikator kinerja, sumber daya, kejelasan tujuan, ketepatan dan konsistensi komunikasi, struktur birokrasi, pengaruh social, pengaruh politik, pemahaman tentang kebijakan serta tanggapan terhadap kebijakan sehingga diharapkan memberikan gambaran implementasi kebijakan pembuatan ijin praktik bagi dokter di pelayanann kesehatan sesuai dengan van meter van horn. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Pelayanan Kesehatan wilayah Kabupaten Bekasi Bulan Juli sampai dengan Oktober 2021. informan dipilih pada penelitian ini, Dinas Kesehatan, DPMPTSP Kab Bekasi, Rumah Sakit Swasta, Rumah Sakit Publik. Secara garis besar rumah sakit sudah mematuhi kebijakan dengan sesuai dengan permenkes 2052/Menkes/Per/X/2011.

With the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2052/Menkes/Per/X/2011 concerning Licenses for Practice and Implementation of Medical Practices, it is stated that dentists who already have SIP and provide services or provide expertise consultation if requested by a health service facility. This research is limited by the implementation of the practice of doctors' policies by looking at the performance indicators, resources, goal achievement, accuracy and consistency, organizational communication, social influence, understanding of policy, as well as on policy so that it is hoped that an overview of the implementation of the policy of making practice permits for doctors in service is expected. health according to van meter van horn. This research was carried out in the Health Service of the Bekasi Regency from July to October 2021. The selected informants in this study were the Health Office, DPMPTSP Bekasi Regency, Private Hospitals, Public Hospitals. The outline of the hospital has complied with the policy in accordance with the Minister of Health Regulation 2052/Menkes/Per/X/2011"
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simatupang, Heaven Lord Trainer
"Tesis ini membahas penilaian kinerja dokter umum dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja dokter umum di RSU UKI Jakarta Timur. Penilaian kinerja dokter umum dilakukan dengan cara penilaian kinerja 360 derajat dan penilaian diri sendiri, dengan menggunakan lima aspek penilaian kinerja dokter umum. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Dilakukan wawancara mendalam kepada para informan yaitu dokter umum, rekan sekerja, dan atasan dokter umum. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa kinerja dokter umum di RSU UKI dalam penelitian ini dinyatakan baik. Seluruh variabel dalam input yaitu faktor-faktor motivasi dinyatakan seluruhnya mempengaruhi kinerja dokter umum di RSU UKI dalam penelitian ini. Tetapi faktor yang menjadi motivasi utama dokter umum dalam penelitian ini ingin bekerja di RSU UKI adalah faktor ingin melanjutkan sekolah ke tingkat pendidikan dokter spesialis. Perlunya perbaikan dalam perlengkapan alat-alat kedokteran di RSU UKI, pemberian pendidikan dan pelatihan kepada para dokter umum di RSU UKI, supervisi, penghargaan, dan pemantauan pembuatan dokumentasi pasien dari dokter umum perlu dilakukan oleh pihak rumah sakit.

The focus of this study is the estimation of medical doctors work and factors that influence medical doctors work at UKI Hospital. The estimation of medical doctors work has been done by 360 degrees estimation of work and self assesment, by using five aspecs of medical doctor work. This research is a qualitative descriptive interpretive. Deep interview has been done to the informan which is medical doctors, work partner, and the superior of medical doctors. This research showed that estimation of medical doctors work at UKI Hospital are good. All of the variabel in input which is motivation factors are proved influenced medical doctors work at UKI Hosptal in this research. But the main motivation for medical doctors is the factor that they want to continue their education to specialist level. UKI Hospital needs to renew the medical tools, education and training should be given to medical doctors, supervision and appreciation to medical doctors, and supervision in the making of patient documentation from medical doctors is need to be done by UKI Hospital."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kms Anhar
"[Instalasi gawat darurat (IGD) rumah sakit adalah bagian dari rumah sakit yang memberikan layanan terdepan. Di Rumah Sakit dr. Mohammad Hoesin (RSMH) Palembang sudah terdapat IGD berdasarkan SK Direktur Utama Rumah Sakit yang menetapkan struktur organisasi, tugas dan tanggung jawab, visi dan misi, dan prosedur tetap pelayanan gawat darurat. IGD RSMH Palembang dikepalai oleh seorang dokter spesialis bedah urologi dibantu oleh dua orang kepala ruangan.
Standar pelayanan di IGD sudah menerapkan standar layanan sesuai dengan standar akreditasi KARS 2012. IGD keberadaannya di rumah sakit diatur oleh Kepmenkes RI No. 856/Menkes/SK/IX/2009 tentang Standar IGD. Kepemenkes ini mengatur tentang standarisasi pelayanan gawat darurat di rumah sakit, dalam Kepmenkes tersebut
diatur standar organisasi, sumber daya manusia, pelayanan, kelengkapan sarana prasarana di IGD. Di RSMH Palembang telah dilaksanakan dokter spesialis jaga on site di IGD sejak 30 Januari 2014 sebagai tindak lanjut Kepmenkes RI tersebut. Sejak dilaksanakan kebijakan dokter spesialis jaga on site di IGD masih dijumpai kepatuhan para dokter masih belum optimal dan walaupun mutu layananan semakin membaik sejalan dengan telah terakreditasi paripurna rumah sakit versi KARS 2012. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi kebijakan dokter spesialis jaga on site di IGD sudah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkan sesuai dengan Kepmenkes. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam pada informan. Informan yang diwawancarai adalah jajaran Direktur RSMH Palembang, Ketua Komite Medik, Kabag. Keuangan, Kepala ruangan IGD dan para dokter spesialis. Penilaian hasil wawancara menggunakan kerangka fikir model implementasi kebijakan George Edward III dengan variabel
sumber daya, komunikasi, disposisi dan struktur organisasi.
Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan implementasi kebijakan dokter spesialis jaga on site belum berjalan dengan baik, disebabkan karena faktor komunikasi, disposisi dan struktur organisasi belum berjalan baik dan masih banyak perlu dukungan sumber daya. Usulan yang diberikan adalah penambahan dan kompetensi tenaga sesuai standar, revisi SOP, penyediaan media komunikasi, perbaikan fasilitas,
meningkatkan koordinasi dan fungsi pengawasan secara berkala, advokasi ke Kemenkes RI.;Emergency department (ED) is a part of hospital which giving advanced services. In dr. Mohammad Hoesin (RSMH) Palembang hospital already own an emergency department based on SK director of the hospital whom establishes the organizational structure, duties and responsibilities, vision and mission, and standard operating procedures emergency services. ED RSMH Palembang is lead by a specialist urology and assisted by two heads of the room. Standard service of ED has implementing service standards according to accreditation standards KARS 2012. ED in the hospital arranged Indonesian health minister No. 865/Menkes/SK/IX/2009 about ED standards. The head of health minister regulates the standardization of emergency services at the hospital, which managing standard organizations, human resources, services, completeness infrastructure in ED. RSMH Palembang has been implemented specialist doctors duty on site in the ER since January, 30th 2014 as a follow-up of the head of the Indonesian health minister. Ever since implemented a policy specialist on duty in the ER site still found the compliance of the doctors are still not optimal and although the quality of service has improved in line with acreditation hospital KARS version 2012. This research aims to determine how the implementation of policy specialists doctors on site in the ER has been implemented in accordance with the expected goals in accordance with the head of health minister. Research done with qualitative method by performing in-depth interviews on informants. Informants interviewed are RSMH Palembang board of directors, chairman of the medical committee, chief financial officer, head of the ED room and specialist doctors. Assessment interview results are using logical framework policy implementation model George Edward III with variable resources, communications, disposition and organizational structure. From the results of this study, the implementation of policy specialist doctors
on site guard has not run well, due to the communication factor, disposition and organizational structure has not been going well and much needed resource support. The given proposal is the addition of appropriate power and competence standards, the revised SOP, provision of communication media, improvement of facilities,
improving the coordination and monitoring functions regularly, advocacy to the head of the Indonesian health minister, Emergency department (ED) is a part of hospital which giving advanced
services. In dr. Mohammad Hoesin (RSMH) Palembang hospital already own an
emergency department based on SK director of the hospital whom establishes the
organizational structure, duties and responsibilities, vision and mission, and standard
operating procedures emergency services. ED RSMH Palembang is lead by a
specialist urology and assisted by two heads of the room. Standard service of ED has
implementing service standards according to accreditation standards KARS 2012.
ED in the hospital arranged Indonesian health minister No.
865/Menkes/SK/IX/2009 about ED standards. The head of health minister regulates
the standardization of emergency services at the hospital, which managing standard
organizations, human resources, services, completeness infrastructure in ED. RSMH
Palembang has been implemented specialist doctors duty on site in the ER since
January, 30th 2014 as a follow-up of the head of the Indonesian health minister. Ever
since implemented a policy specialist on duty in the ER site still found the
compliance of the doctors are still not optimal and although the quality of service has
improved in line with acreditation hospital KARS version 2012.
This research aims to determine how the implementation of policy specialists
doctors on site in the ER has been implemented in accordance with the expected
goals in accordance with the head of health minister. Research done with qualitative
method by performing in-depth interviews on informants. Informants interviewed are
RSMH Palembang board of directors, chairman of the medical committee, chief
financial officer, head of the ED room and specialist doctors. Assessment interview
results are using logical framework policy implementation model George Edward III
with variable resources, communications, disposition and organizational structure.
From the results of this study, the implementation of policy specialist doctors
on site guard has not run well, due to the communication factor, disposition and
organizational structure has not been going well and much needed resource support.
The given proposal is the addition of appropriate power and competence standards,
the revised SOP, provision of communication media, improvement of facilities,
improving the coordination and monitoring functions regularly, advocacy to the head
of the Indonesian health minister]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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