Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dan memberikan pandangan mengenai
inherent fraud risk pada satu organisasi pengawasan industri di Indonesia. Analisisinherent fraud risk yang akan diteliti menggunakan langkah-langkah yangmerupakan kombinasi dari standar ISO 31000:2018 dan COSO:2016. Berdasarkanobservasi terhadap tugas pokok dan unit kerja organisasi diidentifikasi 18 skemafraud. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 4 skema fraud tertinggi yaitu“Pemerasan kepada pihak ke-3”, “Benturan kepentingan perizinan”, “Benturankepentingan pengaturan eksternal”, dan “Benturan kepentinganPenindakan/pemeriksaan”. Terkait tugas pokok terdapat 3 hal yang harusdiperhatikan yaitu pengelolaan sistem informasi, logistik, dan pengawasan industri.This research aims to analyze and provide views on inherent fraud risk of an
Industrial Supervisory in Indonesia. The inherent fraud risk analysis will beexamined using the combination of the methods presented in ISO 31000:2018 andCOSO: 2016. Based on observations of the main tasks and work units of theorganization, there are 18 fraud schemes identified. The results of this study indicatethat the four highest fraud schemes are "Extortion to the 3rd party", "Conflict ofinterest in licensing", "Conflict of interests in external arrangements", and "Conflictof interest in Enforcement/inspection". As for related tasks, there are three thingsthat must be considered: management of information systems, logistics, andindustrial supervision."