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Raditya Wisnu Pratama
"Konsep gender dipahami sebagai suatu sifat yang melekat pada kaum laki-laki dan perempuan yang dikonstruksi secara sosial maupun kultural. Di mana digambarkan bahwa laki-laki merupakan seorang yang diunggulkan, peran yang lebih menentukan dalam berbagai proses sosial dan memiliki kekuasaan yang lebih besar daripada kaum perempuan. Berbagai polemik ketimpangan gender masih umum terjadi. Perempuan masih terbelenggu budaya dan norma yang lebih menempatkan mereka pada pekerjaan domestik dibanding pekerjaan di sektor publik. Karena itulah banyak pekerja perempuan yang mencoba untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang umumnya dilakukan oleh pekerja laki-laki seperti pada perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang teknik. Beberapa perusahaan mungkin dikatakan tidak anti terhadap pekerja perempuan, meskipun kenyataannya masih ada beberapa perusahaan yang belum berani menempatkan perempuan dalam pekerjaan operasional teknik. Dalam memahami hubungan tersebut, peneliti melakukan pengamatan terhadap para pekerja operasional teknik bergender perempuan di PT Telkom Akses Jakarta Utara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi stereotip gender di dalam suatu organisasi, dengan menggunakan bingkai studi kasus diharapkan di samping isu gender, ditekankan bahwa kondisi ekonomi, ras, dan orientasi seksual adalah tambahan identitas budaya yang dapat membawa seseorang di antara masyarakat atau justru mengucilkan mereka dari lingkungannya. Peneliti mendapati peran perempuan dalam pekerjaan opersional teknik tidak hanya sekedar pelengkap, tapi juga menjadi peran penting di dalam sebuah perusahaan.

The concept of gender is understood as an inherent trait of men and women who are socially and culturally constructed. Where it is described that men are superior, have more decisive roles in various social processes and have greater power than women. Various polemics on gender inequality are still common. Women are still shackled by culture and norms that place them more in domestic work than in work in the public sector. That's why many female workers try to do jobs that are generally done by male workers, such as in companies engaged in engineering. Some companies may be said to be not anti-women, even though in reality there are still some companies that have not dared to put women in technical operational work. In understanding this relationship, the researcher observed the female technical operational workers at PT Telkom Akses Jakarta Utara. The purpose of this study is to identify gender stereotypes within an organization, using a case study frame. It is hoped that in addition to gender issues, it is emphasized that economic conditions, race, and sexual orientation are additional cultural identities that can bring a person into society or exclude them from society. environment. Researchers found that the role of women in technical operational work is not only complementary, but also an important role in a company."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Kholisoh
"Penanggulangan terorisme masih menjadi tantangan global termasuk Indonesia, tahun 2014 Negara Islam Irak dan Suriah (ISIS) mendeklarasikan sebagai Khilafah Islamiyah yang mentriger agresi Warga Negera Indonesia (WNI) baik laki-laki maupun perempuan, Di sisi lain, regulasi terkait penanganan tindak pidana terorisme di Indonesia belum bisa menjawab pola-pola kejahatan baru terorisme tersebut, sehingga hal ini menghambat upaya hukum dalam penanganan WNI eks pro ISIS yang dipulangkan dari Suriah termasuk rombongan keluarga yang melibatkan suami, istri dan anak-anak. Dalam pola terorisme lama, perempuan hanya diberikan peran sebagai support system. Sedangkan, perkembangan terbaru perempuan justru menjadi aktor utama. Tesis ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kasus untuk menggambarkan dimensi gender dalam proses penanganan dan pengaruhnya dalam proses hukum penanganan keluarga returnee. Dimensi gender sebagai pendekatan untuk melihat perang, fungsi dan tanggung jawab laki-laki dan perempuan yang terlibat kelompok ekstrem, dalam kasus penanganan returnee persoalan mekanisme penanganan yang tidak jelas serta kekosongan hukum berpengaruh pada subjektivitas penegak hukum yang masih menggunakan logika kemanusiaan dan pandangan yang bias gender dalam menanangan kasus perempuan dan laki-laki eks pro ISIS.

Counter terrorism is still challenges in global area, In 2014, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was declared Khilafah Islamiyah (Islamic State) which triggered aggression of Indonesian citizens (WNI) decide to move to Suriah. On the other side, regulations relating to combatting terrorist acts in Indonesia have not been able to answer the new patterns of terrorism crime, so this is hampering legal efforts in addressing ex-ISIS Indonesian citizens repatriated from Syria including family groups involving husbands, wives and children. Thus, the handling pattern is different from the previous models of terrorism crimes. In the old pattern of terrorism, women were only given a role in the domestic sphere and ensured the regeneration of their groups. Meanwhile, the latest development of women has become the main actor and recruitment agent for new group members. This thesis uses a descriptive analysis method using a case approach to describe the gender dimension is related to handling and how it influences the views of gender in the legal process of handling family returnees. The gender dimension as an approach to see war, functions and responsibilities of men and women involved in extreme groups, in the case of handling returnees the problem of unclear handling mechanisms and legal vacuum affect the law enforcement subjectivity that still uses humanitarian logic and gender biased views in tackling the case of women and men ex-ISIS. Therefore, in the future law enforcers must use agenda theory in which each individual, both men and women have their respective roles involved in extreme groups"
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novi Nursyahbani
"Penelitian ini mengkaji kesetaraan gender pada hubungan romansa dalam salah satu drama Korea terlaris di 2021, yaitu Hospital Playlist season 2. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep – konsep tercapainya kesetaraan gender yang didefinisikan oleh Badan Perancanaan Pembangunan Nasional serta Kementrian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak di Indonesia. Teknik pemilihan dan pengumpulan data atau adegan yang ada di dalam drama dilakukan menggunakan beberapa kriteria adegan – adegan romansa yang sering muncul pada drama televisi dan didefinisikan oleh Galician (2004). Fase – fase tersebut adalah natural connect, traditional role assignment dan supremacy of love. Setelah data dikumpulkan, maka data dianalisis menggunakan level denotasi dan konotasi pada semiotika Roland Barthes. Kemudian, data dianalisis melalui semiotika, dan data didiskusikan serta dikaitkan dengan gender dalam drama Hospital Playlist season 2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih adanya adegan – adegan dalam drama Hospital Playlist season 2 yang tidak mewakilkan kesetaraan gender dalam hubungan romansa melalui pemenuhan mitos – mitos Galician (2004). Hal yang cukup terlihat adalah penampilan, status jabatan, pekerjaan dari karakter perempuan yang masih lebih rendah dibandingkan laki – laki. Akan tetapi, di samping itu drama Hospital Playlist season 2 menunjukkan kriteria kesetaraan gender dalam mengakses sumber daya, pendidikan, politik dan sebagainya, serta kesetaraan perempuan dalam menentukan pilihan hidupnya.

This study examines the representation of gender equality in romantic relationships in one of the most-popular Korean dramas in 2021, named Hospital Playlist season 2. This study use the concepts of gender equality defined by the Badan Perancanaan Pembangunan Nasional and Kementrian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak in Indonesia. The technique of selecting and collecting data in the drama is done by using several criteria for romantic scenes that often appear in television dramas and defined by Galician (2004). These phases are natural connect, traditional role assignment and supremacy of love. After the data were collected, the data were analyzed using the denotative and connotative levels of Roland Barthes' semiotics. After the data were analyzed, the data will be discussed and interpreted with semiotics and gender equality in Hospital Playlist season 2. The results of the study indicate that there are still scenes in Hospital Playlist season 2 that do not indicate gender equality in romantic relationships through the fulfillment of Galician myths (2004). What is quite visible with gender inequality is the appearance, position status, occupation status of the female characters still lower than the male characters. However, in addition, the drama Hospital Playlist season 2 shows the gender equality criteria. These criteria are women in accessing educational resources, politics and so on, as well as women in determining their life choices."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prilly Priscillia Harventhy
Dalam sebagian besar film Hollywood dengan genre action-spionase spy , protagonis utama dimainkan oleh seorang agen rahasia laki-laki, sementara karakter perempuan dimainkan sebagai ldquo;kaki tangan rdquo; dari agen rahasia tersebut. Namun, film Spy 2015 menantang stereotip dan peran jender yang dikaitkan dalam film action-spionase pada umumnya dengan memerankan wanita sebagai protagonis agen rahasia utama dan menggambarkan karater laki-laki kebalikan dari stereotip agen rahasia. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana pergeseran stereotip dan peran jender sebagai agen rahasia tersebut digambarkan dalam film Spy. Analisis tekstual digunakan untuk menyelidiki pergeseran dan pengaruhnya, dan kerangka teoritis yang digunakan adalah Women Existence in Espionage Movies oleh Amalina 2015 dan The Evolution of Female Gender Roles oleh Bayard 2015 . Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ada perubahan yang signifikan antara karakterisasi tokoh perempuan dan laki-laki sebagai agen rahasia.

AbstractIn most of Hollywood action espionage movies, the main protagonists are male secret agents, while female characters play the role of the secret agents rsquo sidekicks. However, Spy 2015 challenges the stereotypes and the attributed gender roles in action espionage movies by having female protagonist as the lead secret agent and depicting the male characters the opposite of secret agent stereotypes. This research focuses on how the shift of stereotypes and gender role of secret agents are portrayed in Spy. Textual analysis is used to investigate the shifts and its effects, and the theoretical frameworks used are Women Existence in Espionage Movies by Amalina 2015 and The Evolution of Female Gender Roles by Bayard 2015 . The research findings reveal that there are significant changes between the female and the male characterizations as secret agents.Keywords Gender Role, Stereotype, Secret Agent"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanna Amalia
"Penelitian ini membahas munculnya stereotip gender pada pekerjaan yang disajikan dalam buku ajar bahasa asing dari aspek visual. Bab 7 berjudul Berufe dalam buku ajar bahasa Jerman studio [21] A1 dipilih menjadi korpus penelitian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif dan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dan menjelaskan fenomena stereotip gender dalam pekerjaan yang tersaji dalam gambar menggunakan teori visual grammar dari Kress dan van Leeuwen (2006) dan teori gender nature dan nurture dari Wilson (1975). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teori nature lebih banyak digambarkan pada jenis-jenis pekerjaan dalam buku ajar, seperti die Sekretärin dan die Kinderbetreuerin yang mencerminkan peran domestik, serta der Kfz-Mechatroniker, der Sport- und Fitnesskaufmann dan der Chef yang juga mencerminkan nature pada laki-laki yaitu menjadi logis, kuat, dan menjadi pemimpin. Akan tetapi, ada jenis-jenis pekerjaan yang tidak dikhususkan untuk gender tertentu atau mencerminkan teori nurture, seperti der Koch dan die Köchin serta der Friseur dan die Friseurin.

This study discusses the emergence of gender stereotypes in occupations presented in foreign language textbooks from the visual aspect. Chapter 7 entitled Berufe in the German textbook studio [21] A1 was chosen as the research corpus. The method used in this research is qualitative and purposive sampling technique. This research aims to see and explain the phenomenon of gender stereotypes in work presented in images using Kress and van Leeuwen's (2006) visual grammar theory and Wilson's (1975) nature and nurture gender theory. The results show that the nature theory is mostly depicted in the occupations in the textbook, such as die Sekretärin and die Kinderbetreuerin which reflect domestic roles, as well as der Kfz-Mechatroniker, der Sport- und Fitnesskaufmann and der Chef which also reflect the nature in men, namely being logical, strong, and being a leader. However, there are occupations that are not gender-specific or reflect nurture theory, such as der Koch and die Köchin and der Friseur and die Friseurin."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jova Febrina
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kekerasan dalam pacaran
antara perempuan remaja akhir yang memiliki stereotip gender dan tidak memiliki
stereotip gender di JABODETABEK. Kekerasan dalam pacaran adalah
penyerangan fisik atau perilaku melukai tubuh, termasuk kekerasan psikologis
dan emosional, verbal atau tersirat, yang terjadi di situasi tertutup maupun umum,
dimana perbedaan utama dengan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga adalah pada
pasangan berpacaran tersebut tidak adanya ikatan darah atau hukum (Ely,
Dulmus, & Wodarski; Burgess & Robert, dalam Schnurr & Lohman, 2008).
Sementara itu, stereotip gender merupakan kumpulan keyakinan dan budaya
mengenai karakteristik, perilaku, dan kepribadian perempuan dan laki-laki
(Archer & Llyod, 2002; Hyde, 2007). Pengukuran kekerasan dalam pacaran
menggunakan alat ukur The Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships
Inventory (CADRI) (Wolfe, 2001) dan pengukuran stereotip gender menggunakan
alat ukur Bem Sex Role Inventory Short-form (BSRI) (Bem, 1981) yang telah
diadaptasi oleh peneliti. Partisipan berjumlah 194 perempuan remaja akhir yang
berusia 15-22 tahun di JABODETABEK. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak
terdapat perbedaan kekerasan dalam pacaran yang signifikan antara perempuan
remaja akhir yang memiliki stereotip gender dan tidak memiliki stereotip gender.
Namun, ditemukan adanya rata-rata nilai kekerasan tertinggi pada responden yang
memiliki stereotip gender (feminine). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, perlu diadakan
program-program intervensi dan edukasi kepada remaja agar mengenali dan dapat
terhindar dari kekerasan dalam pacaran.;This research conducted to find the differences of dating violence between
females in late adolescent with feminine, masculine, androgyny, and
undifferentiated gender stereotype in JABODETABEK. Dating violence
defined as physical assault or acts of bodily harm, including psychological and
emotional abuse, verbal or implied, that take place in private or in social
situations, which primarily differs from domestic violence in that the dating
couple is not bound by blood or law (Ely, Dulmus, & Wodarski; Burgess &
Robert in Schnurr & Lohman, 2008) and gender stereotype defined as a set of
beliefs and cultural characteristics, behavior, and personality in females and
males (Archer & Llyod, 2002; Hyde, 2007). Dating violence measured using an
adaptation instrument, The Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships
Inventory (CADRI) (Wolfe, 2001) and gender stereotype measured using Bem
Sex Role Inventory Short-form (BSRI) (Bem, 1981). 194 females in late
adolescent in JABODETABEK aged 15-22 were assessed. The result shows
that dating violence and gender stereotype has no significant difference between
females with gender stereotype and without gender stereotype. But the highest
means score for dating violence found in females with stereotype gender
(feminine). Based on these result, an intervention and education program for
adolescent is necessary for any prevention against dating violence., This research conducted to find the differences of dating violence between
females in late adolescent with feminine, masculine, androgyny, and
undifferentiated gender stereotype in JABODETABEK. Dating violence
defined as physical assault or acts of bodily harm, including psychological and
emotional abuse, verbal or implied, that take place in private or in social
situations, which primarily differs from domestic violence in that the dating
couple is not bound by blood or law (Ely, Dulmus, & Wodarski; Burgess &
Robert in Schnurr & Lohman, 2008) and gender stereotype defined as a set of
beliefs and cultural characteristics, behavior, and personality in females and
males (Archer & Llyod, 2002; Hyde, 2007). Dating violence measured using an
adaptation instrument, The Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships
Inventory (CADRI) (Wolfe, 2001) and gender stereotype measured using Bem
Sex Role Inventory Short-form (BSRI) (Bem, 1981). 194 females in late
adolescent in JABODETABEK aged 15-22 were assessed. The result shows
that dating violence and gender stereotype has no significant difference between
females with gender stereotype and without gender stereotype. But the highest
means score for dating violence found in females with stereotype gender
(feminine). Based on these result, an intervention and education program for
adolescent is necessary for any prevention against dating violence.]"
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sharpe, Alex
"This book is a legal and political intervention into a contemporary debate concerning the appropriateness of sexual offence prosecutions brought against young gender non-conforming people for so-called 'gender identity fraud'. It comes down squarely against prosecution. To that end, it offers a series of principled objections based both on liberal principles, and arguments derived from queer and feminist theories. Thus prosecution will be challenged as criminal law overreach and as a spectacular example of legal inconsistency, but also as indicative of a failure to grasp the complexity of sexual desire and its disavowal. In particular, the book will think through the concepts of consent, harm and deception and their legal application to these specific forms of intimacy. In doing so, it will reveal how cisnormativity frames the legal interpretation of each and how this serves to preclude more marginal perspectives. Beyond law, the book takes up the ethical challenge of the non-disclosure of gender history. Rather than dwelling on this omission, it argues that we ought to focus on a cisgender demand to know as the proper object of ethical inquiry. Finally, and as an act of legal and ethical re-imagination, the book offers a queer counter-judgment to R v McNally, the only case involving a gender non-conforming defendant, so far, to have come before the Court of Appeal"
London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
345 SHA s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesenjangan gender dalam pemerataan dan perluasan akses pendidikan dilihat dari empat hal, yaitu: 1) sasaran umum pendidikan bagi perempuan, 2) akses pendidikan bagi perempuan 3) kontrol pendidikan bagi perempuan dan 4 ) manfaat pendidikan bagi perempuan....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Peningkatan minat masyarakat urban Jerman terhadap olahraga digital eSports menimbulkan kesadaran masyarakat urban Jerman terhadap isu kesetaraan gender dalam bidang eSports. Tim eSports profesional Jerman ternama “SK Gaming” melaksanakan program “Project Avarosa” yang bertujuan meningkatkan kesetaraan gender dalam dunia eSports. Penelitian ini secara kualitatif menganalisis representasi gender perempuan dan nonbinary dalam video dokumentasi program “Project Avarosa” menggunakan teori representasi oleh Stuart Hall. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk memahami kesetaraan gender menurut video dokumentasi, menyelidiki unsur yang merendahkan representasi gender dalam video dokumentasi, serta menyediakan bentuk representasi alternatif sebagai solusi yang dapat meningkatkan kesetaraan gender dalam eSports. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan representasi gender perempuan dan nonbinary dalam video dokumentasi yang memberdayakan, namun tidak dapat menyelesaikan isu kesetaraan gender, serta mengandung unsur eksploitasi. Dinilai kesetaraan gender dalam video dokumentasi perlu perbaikan.

The rise of interest towards eSports game within the German urban society has prompted the call for gender equality in the eSports sector. Famous German professional eSports team “SK Gaming” launched a program called “Project Avarosa” which purpose is to recruit more women and nonbinary eSports athletes to be introduced to the wider audience of eSports community, by doing so lifting minorities out of gender inequalities. This research qualitatively analysed the representation of women and nonbinary eSports athletes through a series of “Project Avarosa” documentation video by utilizing Stuart Hall’s representation theory. The purpose of this research is to understand the form of gender equality according to the documentation video, investigating the undermining element found within the documentation video, and providing an alternative solution to a better representation that could improve gender equality inside the eSports’ sphere. Result of analysis shows an empowerment of women and nonbinary gender, albeit possesses exploitation element as well as the prospect of continuous inequality conflict. It is determined that the image of gender equality based on the documentation video requires improvement."
[Depok, Depok]: [Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan ], 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rika Saraswati
Jakarta: Convention Watch & UI dengan NZAID, 2000
345 Sav p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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