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Nur Aisyah Aurelia Puteri
"Studi ini mengeksplorasi pengaruh Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) terhadap transformasi ekonomi pedesaan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana infrastruktur TIK dan penggunaan ponsel berkontribusi terhadap transisi dari pekerjaan pertanian ke non-pertanian dan mendukung diversifikasi ekonomi dalam rumah tangga pedesaan. Metodologi yang digunakan melibatkan penggunaan model Random-Effect Panel Logit untuk menganalisis dampak infrastruktur TIK, seperti Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) dan kekuatan sinyal, terhadap pergeseran ekonomi menuju sektor non-pertanian. Selain itu, Propensity Score Matching (PSM) digunakan untuk memperkirakan efek kausal penggunaan ponsel pada hasil pertanian, dengan mengontrol bias seleksi potensial. Data diperoleh dari Potensi Desa (PODES) dan Survei Kehidupan Keluarga Indonesia (IFLS-5), mencakup infrastruktur tingkat desa dan penggunaan ponsel serta praktik pertanian tingkat rumah tangga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kehadiran BTS dan kekuatan sinyal yang kuat secara signifikan meningkatkan kemungkinan penduduk desa beralih ke sektor non-pertanian, menyoroti peran penting konektivitas teknologi dalam memfasilitasi diversifikasi ekonomi. Selain itu, penggunaan ponsel di kalangan petani meningkatkan pekerjaan di luar pertanian, budidaya tanaman non-pangan, dan diversifikasi pertanian, menunjukkan bahwa alat TIK memfasilitasi akses ke informasi penting dan mengoptimalkan alokasi sumber daya. Temuan ini menegaskan pentingnya kesiapan dan penggunaan TIK dalam mendorong transformasi ekonomi pedesaan. Tidak hanya mentransisikan daerah pedesaan ke sektor yang lebih produktif, tetapi juga memaksimalkan manfaat bagi mereka yang tetap berada di sektor pertanian.

This study explores the influence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on rural economic transformation in Indonesia. The study aims to explain how ICT infrastructure and cellphone usage contribute to the transition from agricultural to non-agricultural employment and support economic diversification within rural households.  The methodology involves using a Random-Effect Panel Logit model to analyze the impact of ICT infrastructure, such as Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) and signal strength, on the economic shift towards non-agricultural sectors. Additionally, Propensity Score Matching (PSM) is employed to estimate the causal effects of cellphone usage on agricultural outcomes, controlling for potential selection bias. Data is sourced from the Rural Potential Data (PODES) and the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS-5), covering village-level infrastructure and household-level cellphone usage and agricultural practices. The results reveal that the presence of BTS and strong signal strength significantly increases the likelihood of villagers transitioning to non-agricultural sectors, highlighting the critical role of technological connectivity in facilitating economic diversification. Furthermore, cellphone usage among farmers enhances off-farm employment, the cultivation of non-grain crops, and agricultural diversification, demonstrating that ICT tools facilitate access to vital information and optimize resource allocation. These findings underscore the importance of ICT readiness and usage in driving rural economic transformation. Not only transitioning rural area to a more productive sector, but also maximize the benefits for those who stays in agricultural sector.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
TEKNODIK 18(1-2)2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putu Indah Rahmawati
"ICT based instruction implemented at the department of hotel and tourism roles opportunities and challenges. The development of ICT was running very quickly and it was getting easier to access. However in reality many students from the departement of hotel and tourism were found very hard to operate computer and internet. In addition so many instructors were also found so many problems in integrating the ICT into their intructions process because of many mythos they had already believed. The aim of this article was to study the roles of ICT in the aspects hotell and tourism industry as well as any ideas in terms of opportunities and challenges of implementing ICT in the process of instruction at the departement of hotel and tourism. The results of the study indicated that (1) ICT had been found to have very important roles in the aspects of hotels and tourism in particular to assist promotion to take managerial decision to imporve productivity and service quality (2) some opportunities were found in relation to implementingICT based instruction at the departement of hotel and touurism like to encourage the students to obtain wider sets of information from the internet and send them via e-mail to their instructors(conceptual l learning) to have the students to make online interaction (collaborative learning) and to provide them opportunities to conduct a research and analysis (research and analysis ( research and analysis) and (3) there were also found some challenges or problems encountered by the instructor in implementing the the ICT based instuction at the departement of hotel and tourism like limited capacity of the insturcitor as the students limed nurmber of supporting facilitie and financial. Sine the skills in using IT was found very important as professional manager in the aspects of hotel industry the students were aoso required to get used to using techmology in the process of instructional activities."
Singaraja: Lembaga pendidikan tenaga kependidikan Universitas pendidikan Ganesha, 2011
370 JPP 44:1-3 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ringgy Masuin
Kinerja pembangunan perumahan mengatasi backlog di Indonesia belum memuaskan. Pendelegasian penanganan backlog oleh Kemenpera. Salah satu programnya melalui Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) perumahan dan kawasan permukiman. Dalam pelaksanaannya masih terdapat deviasi anggaran sebesar 33%–39% pada Tahun 2011–2013. Deviasi anggaran disebabkan antara lain rendahnya realisasi komponen infrastruktur perumahan terutama terhadap Permenpera 01/2014. Perlu diperhatikan komponen infrastruktur apa yang meningkatkan penyerapan DAK melalui analisis deskriptif, Relative Importance Index, one-sample t-test serta seberapa besar mengoptimalisakan penyerapan anggaran DAK melalui simulasi monte carlo. Sehingga diperoleh komponen infrastruktur (x) mengoptimalkan penyerapan DAK sebesar z % dan proporsi per unit rumah sebesar y %.

Performance of housing development in Indonesia address by backlog has’t been satisfactory. One of the programs through the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) housing and residential areas. In practice there is a budget deviation of 33% -39% in the year 2011-2013. Budget deviation is caused the low realization of housing infrastructure components especially against Permenpera 01/2014. Please note what infrastructure components can increase DAK absorption through descriptive analysis, Relative Importance Index, one-sample t-test and how much DAK absorption through monte carlo simulation. Thus obtained infrastructure components (x) to optimize the DAK absorption by z% and the proportion per unit of y%."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ineswari Syifa Hayuningtiyas
"Infrastruktur adalah salah satu sarana penunjang pembangunan. Sistem transportasi merupakan bagian penting dan stategis bagi pembangunan suatu negara dan merupakan sarana penunjang kemajuan ekonomi karena akan mendukung mobilitas penduduk dan mendistribusikan barang dari satu daerah ke daerah lain. Namun, adanya ketidakmerataan akses masyarakat dan kesenjangan pengembangan wilayah dalam bidang infrastruktur transportasi di Indonesia. Maka perlunya pemetaan infrastruktur transportasi pada Ibukota Provinsi di Indonesia diharapkan dapat menentukan pola pembangunan dan pembenahan infastruktur transportasi pada pembangunan masa mendatang.
Metode penelitian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah studi literatur untuk menetapkan indikator penilaian pada pemetaan infrastruktur transportasi di Indonesia dan penyebaran 30 kuesioner pada stakeholder terkait untuk melakukan pembobotan pada setiap indikator dengan AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) dengan perhitungan manual. Setelah mendapatkan pembobotan pada setiap indikator, dilakukan scoring atau penilaian pada setiap infrastruktur pada 33 Ibukota Provinsi di Indonesia dan didapatkan pemetaan infrastruktur transportasi pada 33 Ibukota Provinsi di Indonesiadari nilai tertinggi sampai terendah.
Hasil yang didapatkan adalah pada kuadran I yaitu Kota Jakarta di posisi pertama, disusul oleh Kota Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Padang, Palembang dan Makassar. Pada kuadran II, Kota Yogyakarta berada pada posisi kesembilan diikuti oleh Kota Ambon, Pontianak, Denpasar, Banjarmasin, Mataram, Banda Aceh dan Samarinda. Pada kuadran III, Kota Jambi pada posisi ke-17 diikuti oleh Manado, Kendari, Bengkulu, Pangkal Pinang, Kupang, Pekanbaru dan Bandar Lampung. Pada kuadran IV, Kota Gorontalo berada pada posisi ke-25 diikuti oleh Jayapura, Tanjung Pinang, Palu, Manokwari, Serang, Mamuju, Ternate, Palangka Raya.
Dibuktikan dari pemetaan infrastruktur transportasi ini sebagian besar kota-kota pada bagian barat Indonesia memperoleh penilaian yang lebih baik dari kota-kota di bagian timur Indonesia. Maka perlu adanya pembenahan infrastruktur transportasi pada kota-kota dengan nilai rendah yaitu sebagian besar berada pada kota-kota di bagian timur Indonesia.

Infrastructure is one of the definitions of supporting development. The transportation system is an important and strategic part of the development of economic progress of a country because it will support the mobility of people and to distribute goods from one place to another. However, There are the existence of inequality in access and gap in the sector of transportation infrastructure in Indonesia. Hence, the need for mapping of transportation infrastructure in the Capital of Provinces in Indonesia is expected to determine the pattern of development and improvement of future transportation infrastructure?s development.
Reasearch methodology for this research are study of literature to establish the indicators of mapping transport infrastructure in Indonesia and spread of 30 quetioners on the related stakeholders to get weight for each indicator with manual counting of AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). After weighting of each indicator, the next step is scoring the transport infrastructure components at 33 Capital of Provinces in Indonesia to get the results of mapping transportation infrastructure from the highest to lowest score.
The results on this reaseach are in quadrant I, the city of Jakarta in the first position, followed by the city of Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Padang, Palembang dan Makassar. In quadrant II, the city of Yogyakarta is at ninth position followed by the city of Ambon, Pontianak, Denpasar, Banjarmasin, Mataram, Banda Aceh dan Samarinda. In quadrant III, City of Jambi in the 17th position followed by Manado, Kendari, Bengkulu, Pangkal Pinang, Kupang, Pekanbaru dan Bandar Lampung. In quadrant IV, Kota Gorontalo are at the 25th position followed by Jayapura, Tanjung Pinang, Palu, Manokwari, Serang, Mamuju, Ternate, Palangka Raya.
Evidenced from the result of mapping of transport infrastructure is mostly cities in the western part of Indonesia get better scores than the cities in the eastern part of Indonesia. Hence the improvement of transport infrastructure is needed for the cities with low scores that are mostly located in the eastern part of Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samantha Constantia
Infrastruktur berperan penting dalam mendukung pembangunan ekonomi suatu negara. Untuk membangun sebuah proyek infrastruktur sendiri dibutuhkan sebuah proses mulai dari tahap perencanaan, desain, konstruksi, operasi, pemeliharaan, diikuti oleh pembongkaran atau perbaikan, di mana pada setiap tahap tersebut dibutuhkan pembiayaan. Pembiayaan infrastruktur berbasis syariah menjadi salah satu alternatif pembiayaan infrastruktur di Indonesia untuk mengurangi beban anggaran pemerintah. Saat ini pembiayaan infrastruktur berbasis syariah telah diterapkan pada pembiayaan Proyek Pengembangan Pelabuhan Belawan, Medan. Proyek ini didanai dengan skema istishna oleh Islamic Development Bank (IDB) dan pada akhir masa konstruksi selesai Pemerintah wajib untuk segera mengembalikan pembiayaan kepada IDB dengan menggunakan akad-akad syariah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah murabahah dapat diterapkan sebagai skema pengembalian pembiayaan Proyek Pengembangan Pelabuhan Belawan. Selain itu penelitian ini juga akan membahas mengenai kondisi perkembangan Proyek Pengembangan Pelabuhan Belawan saat ini, kemudian mengidentifikasi kendala-kendala yang dapat mempengaruhi serta syarat-syarat yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penerapan murabahah sebagai skema pengembalian pembiayaan Proyek Pengembangan Pelabuhan Belawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, studi dokumentasi dan studi pustaka.

Infrastructure plays an important role in supporting the economic delvelopment of a country. To build an infrastructure project require a process begin from planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance, followed by demolition or refurbishment, where every phase requires financing. Islamic financing became one of Indonesia's infrastructure financing alternatives to reduce the burden on the government budget. Currently Islamic financing for infrastructure has been applied in The Development of Belawan Port Project. This project is funded by Islamic Development Bank (IDB) with istisna financing and at the end of the construction period, the government is obliged to immediately return the financing to the IDB by using sharia contracts. This study aims to determine whether the murabaha can be applied as an alternative financing in The Development of Belawan Port Project. In addition, this study will discuss the current condition of The Development of Belawan Port Project, and then identify the constraint of murabaha financing implementation and the requirements that need to be considered in the implementation of murabaha as an alternative financing in The Development of Belawan Port Project. This study used qualitative method with techniques of collecting data through in-depth interview, documentary study and literature.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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