ABSTRAKTourist Satisfaction (kepuasan wisatawan) berperan penting dalam industri
pariwisata. Penting bagi pemasar untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang
menyebabkan terjadinya kepuasan wisatawan tersebut dan bagaimana
konsekuensinya dimasa yang akan datang. Penelitian ini mencoba mengungkapkan
faktor-faktor pembentuk kepuasan wisatawan terkait dengan destination image,
tourist expectation, dan perceived value serta bagaimana kepuasan tersebut
berpengaruh pada tourist complaint yang terjadi dan dampaknya terhadap tourist
Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti pengaruh faktor-faktor di atas
terhadap wisatawan di Kota Banjarmasin. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 185
responden yang terdiri dari wisatawan domestik dan wisatawan asing.
pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah nonprobability sampling dengan
teknik judgement / purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan
adalah kuesioner dan dianalisis dengan software LISREL 8.8 untuk mengetahui
pengaruh masing-masing variabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh
positif antara destination image terhadap tourist expectation, destination image
terhadap perceived value, tourist expectation terhadap perceived value, perceived
value terhadap tourist satisfaction, serta tourist satisfaction terhadap tourist loyalty.
Sedangkan tourist satisfaction berpengaruh secara negatif terhadap tourist
complaints. Selebihnya, hasil menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh diantara tourist
expectation terhadap tourist satisfaction serta tourist complaints terhadap tourist
ABSTACTTourist Satisfaction plays important roles in tourism industry. It is very
important to clarify the factors affecting tourist satisfaction and what are the
consequences in the future. This research tries to evaluate factors affecting tourist
satisfaction related to destination image, tourist expectation, and perceived value and
how satisfaction affecting tourist complaint and the impact to tourist loyalty.
The focus of this research investigates the effect of those factors for
tourists in Banjarmasin. The samples comprise of 185 respondents, consist of
domestic tourists and also foreign tourists. The samples collected using
nonprobability sampling with judgement/ purposive sampling as its technique.
reasearch used questionnaire as reaserch instrument and analize by using LISREL
8.8 to determine the effect of each variable. The result of this research showed
positive effects between destination image to tourist expectation, destination image
to perceived value, tourist expectation to perceived value, perceived value to tourist
satisfaction, and tourist satisfaction to tourist loyalty. While tourist satisfaction
negatively affecting tourist complaints. The rest of the result showed there’s no
effect between tourist expectation to tourist satisfaction and between tourist
complaints to tourist loyalty."
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013