"[Skripsi ini membahas komponen makna ?memisahkan? dalam bahasa Jawa. Batasan memisahkan dalam skripsi ini adalah tindakan memisahkan objek dari induknya. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari majalah Panjebar Semangat edisi tahun 2014 sebagai data primer, dan masukan responden, serta dosen penguji skripsi sebagai data sekunder. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kata-kata yang bermakna ?memisahkan? dalam bahasa Jawa, serta komponen makna umum dan komponen makna khusus dari kata-kata tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori medan makna dan teori komponen makna oleh Nida (1979). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitis. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ada 39 kata-kata yang bermakna ?memisahkan? dalam bahasa Jawa, dan dari ketiga puluh sembilan kata tersebut ditemukan 4 komponen makna umum dan 57 komponen makna khusus.
;This undergraduate thesis discusses semantic features of 'separating' in Javanese. Data that are used in this study come from Panjebar Semangat magazine 2014 edition as primary data, and respondents? as well as thesis examiners? input as secondary data. This research aims to find Javanese words which have meanings of 'separating' and also its semantic features (common components and distinctive components) . This research uses a theory of semantic field and a theory of semantic features by Nida (1979). The method that is used in this research is descriptive analysis. The results from this study show that: (1) there are thirty-nine words that have 'separating' meaning in Javanese and (2) from those thirty-nine words, this research found 4 common components and 57 distinctive components of ?separating? meaning.
;This undergraduate thesis discusses semantic features of 'separating' in Javanese. Data that are used in this study come from Panjebar Semangat magazine 2014 edition as primary data, and respondents? as well as thesis examiners? input as secondary data. This research aims to find Javanese words which have meanings of 'separating' and also its semantic features (common components and distinctive components) . This research uses a theory of semantic field and a theory of semantic features by Nida (1979). The method that is used in this research is descriptive analysis. The results from this study show that: (1) there are thirty-nine words that have 'separating' meaning in Javanese and (2) from those thirty-nine words, this research found 4 common components and 57 distinctive components of ?separating? meaning.
, This undergraduate thesis discusses semantic features of 'separating' in Javanese. Data that are used in this study come from Panjebar Semangat magazine 2014 edition as primary data, and respondents’ as well as thesis examiners’ input as secondary data. This research aims to find Javanese words which have meanings of 'separating' and also its semantic features (common components and distinctive components) . This research uses a theory of semantic field and a theory of semantic features by Nida (1979). The method that is used in this research is descriptive analysis. The results from this study show that: (1) there are thirty-nine words that have 'separating' meaning in Javanese and (2) from those thirty-nine words, this research found 4 common components and 57 distinctive components of ‘separating’ meaning.