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Freddy S.
Pemeriksaan pajak merupakan bentuk penegakan hukum oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) yang bertujuan untuk mengamankan penerimaan pajak dan meningkatkan kepatuhan wajib pajak. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan wajib pajak adalah persepsi kemungkinan diperiksa. Jika kemungkinan diperiksa tinggi, maka kemungkinan ketidakpatuhan terdeteksi juga tinggi. Untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan wajib pajak diperiksa tinggi, maka DJP seharusnya memperluas lingkup pemeriksaan atau biasa yang disebut dengan rasio cakupan pemeriksaan pajak. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor penyebab rendahnya rasio tersebut dan sektor yang seharusnya menjadi fokus pemeriksaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rasio cakupan pemeriksaan rendah karena masalah pemilihan bahan baku dan kurang berbasis risiko dan potensi penerimaan.
ABSTRACT Tax audit as one of the law enforcements is conducted by Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) Indonesia to achieve tax national revenue targeted and increase voluntary compliance. One cause of taxpayer?s compliance is the probability of being audited. The higher taxpayer?s probability is audited, the higher of non-compliance will be detected. To ensure that taxpayer?s probability of being audited is high, DGT should enlarge the scope of audit or audit coverage ratio. This study uses qualitative approach and analyzes the factor that cause audit coverage ratio in Indonesia is low, and primary sector that should become the focus of tax audit. The result of this research indicates that low of audit coverage ratio because of the selection of taxpayer?s that has less risk-based assessment and less potential revenue
;Tax audit as one of the law enforcements is conducted by Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) Indonesia to achieve tax national revenue targeted and increase voluntary compliance. One cause of taxpayer?s compliance is the probability of being audited. The higher taxpayer?s probability is audited, the higher of non-compliance will be detected. To ensure that taxpayer?s probability of being audited is high, DGT should enlarge the scope of audit or audit coverage ratio. This study uses qualitative approach and analyzes the factor that cause audit coverage ratio in Indonesia is low, and primary sector that should become the focus of tax audit. The result of this research indicates that low of audit coverage ratio because of the selection of taxpayer?s that has less risk-based assessment and less potential revenue
;Tax audit as one of the law enforcements is conducted by Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) Indonesia to achieve tax national revenue targeted and increase voluntary compliance. One cause of taxpayer?s compliance is the probability of being audited. The higher taxpayer?s probability is audited, the higher of non-compliance will be detected. To ensure that taxpayer?s probability of being audited is high, DGT should enlarge the scope of audit or audit coverage ratio. This study uses qualitative approach and analyzes the factor that cause audit coverage ratio in Indonesia is low, and primary sector that should become the focus of tax audit. The result of this research indicates that low of audit coverage ratio because of the selection of taxpayer?s that has less risk-based assessment and less potential revenue
;Tax audit as one of the law enforcements is conducted by Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) Indonesia to achieve tax national revenue targeted and increase voluntary compliance. One cause of taxpayer?s compliance is the probability of being audited. The higher taxpayer?s probability is audited, the higher of non-compliance will be detected. To ensure that taxpayer?s probability of being audited is high, DGT should enlarge the scope of audit or audit coverage ratio. This study uses qualitative approach and analyzes the factor that cause audit coverage ratio in Indonesia is low, and primary sector that should become the focus of tax audit. The result of this research indicates that low of audit coverage ratio because of the selection of taxpayer?s that has less risk-based assessment and less potential revenue
, Tax audit as one of the law enforcements is conducted by Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) Indonesia to achieve tax national revenue targeted and increase voluntary compliance. One cause of taxpayer’s compliance is the probability of being audited. The higher taxpayer’s probability is audited, the higher of non-compliance will be detected. To ensure that taxpayer’s probability of being audited is high, DGT should enlarge the scope of audit or audit coverage ratio. This study uses qualitative approach and analyzes the factor that cause audit coverage ratio in Indonesia is low, and primary sector that should become the focus of tax audit. The result of this research indicates that low of audit coverage ratio because of the selection of taxpayer’s that has less risk-based assessment and less potential revenue
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erwin Freddy
"Pasar merupakan faktor kunci dalam hukum persaingan. Struktur pasar dari pasar persaingan tidak sempurna dapat dijadikan kriteria untuk mengukur tingkat persaingan yang terjadi di pasar. Ketika terjadi persaingan di pasar, hal yang harus dipertimbangkan adalah penguasaan pasar. Penguasaan pasar diatur dalam Pasal 19 UU No. 5 Tahun 1999. Ada empat penyalahgunaan yang dilakukan pelaku usaha dari Pasal 19 huruf a-d. Pelaku usaha yang dapat melakukan persaingan tidak sehat atas penguasaan pasar adalah pelaku usaha yang memiliki posisi dominan. Jadi, penguasaan pasar selalu sinonim dengan posisi dominan. Tanpa adanya posisi dominan, tidak mungkin pelaku usaha dapat melakukan penguasaan pasar. Kriteria posisi dominan dapat dilihat Dalam Pasal 25 UU No. 5 Tahun 1999. Perhitungan kuantitatif ini berkaitan dengan pasar bersangkutan, yang terdiri dari pasar geografis dan pasar produk. Tetapi penyalahgunaan atas penguasaan pasar tidak secara kaku memperhatikan batas pangsa yang harus dipenuhi agar dapat dikatakan mempunyai posisi dominan. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada Pasal 1 angka 4. Ada batasan posisi dominan secara umum, yaitu kemampuan untuk menghambat masuk pasar, jaringan dengan perusahaan lain. Ada dua pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, yang pertama adalah bagaimana KPPU menerapkan Pasal 19 dan apa parameter Pasal 19. Dari empat kasus yang menjadi obyek penelitian dapat dilihat bahwa setiap kasus mempunyai situasi dan kondisi yang berbeda-beda sehingga posisi dominan dan penyalahgunaan yang dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha juga tidak sama satu sama lain."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitorus, Markus Freddy
"Penelitian ini diilhami dari pihak perusahaan yang ingin meningkatkan pelayanan kepada nasabah khususnya di lingkungan teller Bll KCP Kyoei Prince. Kondisi yang terjadi saat ini adalah nasabah sering merasa kecewa terhadap pelayanan di Bll KCP Kyoei Prince karena antriannya yang panjang dan menyita waktu. Hal ini dapat membawa kerugian bagi nasabah dan perusahaan.
Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas, maka dilakukan penelitian tentang hal-hal apa saja yang mempengaruhi kondisi layanan di BIl KCP Kyoei Prince. Pada penelitian ini, faktor-faktor yang diambil adalah kondisi layanan dan karakteristik nasabah di BII Kyoei Prince. Kondisi antrian dianalisa dengan menggunakan metode antrian untuk mengetahui rata-rata lama menunggu yang dialami oleh nasabah yang terbagi dalam empat bagian waktu dan karakter dari masing-masing nasabah dari hasil kuesioner yang disebar secara purposive kepada nasabah.
Dalam penelitian ini digunakan teknik statistik untuk menganalisa data, yaitu menggunakan Teknik Analisis Rentang Kriteria dan teknik perhitungan sesuai dengan metode antrian. Untuk menunjang penelitian ini kuesioner telah disebarkan secara purposive kepada nasabah Bll Kyoei Prince dan kepada nasabah BII yang sempat datang ke Bll KCP Kyoei Prince sebanyak 55 kuesioner dan seluruhnya kembali. Kuesioner telah diuji validitas instrumen dan reliabilitas instrumennya sebelum dibagikan kepada responden dengan hasil uji adalah sangat valid dan reliabel. Setelah melakukan perhitungan dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin maka jumlah kuesioner minimum yang harus dipenuhi adalah sebanyak 43 kuesioner atau responden.
Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi layanan di Bll KCP Kyoei Prince berada pada tahap biasa-biasa saja, hal ini sesuai dengan hasil analisa rentang kriteria atas kondisi layanan secara keseluruhan yang didalamnya sudah temasuk dalam prinsip-prinsip service quality yaitu Tangibie, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Emphaty. Hasll analisa dengan menggunakan metode antrian menyatakan bahwa tlngkat kesibukan teller per jam (p) dalam satu hari secara rata-rata dapat diukur sebesar 78,06 %, panjang antrian (Lq) terpanjang adalah 15 orang yaitu pada kondisi ramai II dan waktu menunggu untuk dilayani (Wq)pa|ing1ama adalah 13,83 menit yang terjadi pada kondisi ramai II namun masing-masing responden memiliki ukuran waktu tunggu pelayanan yang berbeda, sehingga antrian di BII KCP Kyoei Prince sangat relatif, tergantung dari karakter dan Iatar belakang nasabah.
Untuk itu, manajemen perlu mengetahui kecenderungan karakter nasabah di Bll KCP Kyoei Prince. Oleh karena itu, manajemen dituntut untuk mengambil langkah-langkah agar kondisi Iayanan di BII KCP Kyoei Prince dapat diperbaiki agar nasabah tidak dirugikan dan perusahaan akan mendapat keuntungan yang optimal.

This research has been initiated by the company in order to enhance the service to the customers, focusing in the teller service area at BII Kyoei Prince Sub-branch. in the current condition, there have been several complaints from the customer in regards to the services performed at BII Kyoei Prince Sub-branch, mainly due to long queue that wastes their time. On the other hand, this situation can create huge loss to both, the customers and the company.
Based on the above obstacles, the research was conducted to identify the factors that influenced the services performance at BII Kyoei Prince Sub-branch. In this research, some of the factors taken into account are service conditions and customer characteristic at BII Kyoei Prince. The analysis of queuing condition has been conducted by using the queuing method to calculate the average length of time spent by the customer in the queue, in which, it is divided into four different time ranges and characters of each customer, the data is taken from the result of the questionnaires that has been give purposively to the customer.
The Statistical tools that have been utilized to analyze the data are the techniques of criteria span analysis and queuing method analysis. To support the conduct of the research, questionnaires have been given purposively to the customer of BII Kyoei Prince Sub-branch and also to the customer of other BII Branches or Sub-branches who came to BII Kyoei Prince Sub-branch. There are the totals of 55 questionnaires and all of the questionnaires were back to the researcher appropriately. Prior to the distribution, the questionnaires were tested first in term of the validity and the reliability of the instruments, the result was found valid and reliable. After the counting has been conducted using Slovin Formula, it is discovered that the minimum number of questionnaires completed must not lower than 43 respondents.
The conclusion that can be drawn from the research is that the level of service at BII Kyoei Prince Sub-branch can be categorized into normal condition. This is in line with the result of Criteria Span Analysis of the overall service condition, in which it is include the principles of service quality which are tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The result analysis using the queuing method shows that teller occupancy level per hour (p) in one given day is equal to an average of 78.06%, the longest length of queue (Lq) is 15 people during peak condition ll, and the longest time spent for waiting to be served (Wq) is equal to 13.83 minutes during peak condition ll. However, each and every respondent has a different attitude towards the amount of time spent for waiting to be served. Thus, the queuing condition at Bll Kyoei Prince is totally dependent to the characteristic and the background of the customer itself. It is no doubt that management need to know the character of the majority of its customer at Bll Kyoei Prince Sub-branch. ln addition, management need to set action plan to improve service level at Bll Kyoei Prince Sub-branch, so it wilt avoid the potential loss that might occur to the customers and in addition, it can also improve the profit of company.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
T 22144
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pardede, Jannes Freddy
"The objectives of this research are to find the relationship between language attitude and self-concept with English writing ability and to describe the language attitude, self-concept, and English writing ability based on social factors such as gender, ethnicity, and college background. The survey was conducted at five universities/colleges in Jakarta.
There are three approaches used in this research. sociolinguistic, psychological, and language teaching approaches. The collecting data technique applied in this research was randomly purposive sampling. Questionnaires are used to obtain the language attitude and self-concept data. Writing tests are conducted to get the writing ability scores. The obtained writing scores are the mean provided by two qualified writing raters. All data in the form of numbers are statistically analyzed by computer using SPPS (Slalislical Packages./or Social Studies) 1 1.0 for windows by using parametric and nonparametric tests such as Pearson Product Moment, Regression, Anova, T-testnd Kruskal-Wallis H.
The study reveals that there are positive relationships between:
(1) attitude toward English and English writing ability;
(2) self-concept and English writing ability; and
(3) attitude toward English and self-concept with English writing ability.
The study also proves that:
(4) except for the kind of work that needs English, the social variables such as gender, ethnicity, college background do not seem to contribute to the attitude toward English;
(5) the social variables do not seem to contribute to the writing self-concept; and
(6) except for college background and the kind of work that needs English, the social variables do not seem to contribute to the writing self-concept.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manalu, Iwan Freddy
Konflik tawuran menjadi suatu kejadian yang sangat intensif terjadi di Kecamatan Johar Baru, DKI Jakarta. Para pelaku tawuran tersebut berasal dari remaja-remaja membentuk suatu geng tawuran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif guna mengetahui pemetaan konflik dan perilaku yang dilakukan secara massal sebagai reaksi dari kondisi berkonflik di Kecamatan Johar Baru secara komprehensif melalui analisi intelijen. Beberapa faktor pemicu terjadinya konflik terutama faktor sosial, ekonomi serta politik menjadikan tawuran menjadi salah satu kegiatan yang tergolong menyimpang dari norma sosial dan terjadi secara berkelanjutan. Bahkan disinyalir bahwa kelanggengan kegiatan tawuran antar warga remaja di Kecamatan Johar Baru merupakan alibibdari tindak kriminalitas terorganisir yaitu transaksi bandar narkoba di suatu wilayah di Kecamatan Johar Baru. Melalui análisis intelijen pula tawuran dianalisi dari perspektif sosial guna memberikan resolusi konflik bagi warga di wilayah Kecamatan Johar Baru. Sehingga dapat dipetakan peluang dan potensi yang dimiliki warga serta menyusun strategi dari kelemahan dan kendala yang dihadapi melalui analisa SWOT.

Conflicts brawl into a very intensive occurrence occurred in the district JoharBaru, DKI Jakarta. The brawlers are from teenagers forming a brawl gang. Through using qualitative research method, we began to know the mapping of conflict and the collective behavior as an action and reaction from conflict condition in JoharBaru sub-district comprehensively by intelligence analysis.Several factors trigger the occurrence of conflicts, especially social, economic and political factors make the brawl into one of the activities that belong to deviate from social norms and occur in a sustainable manner. In
fact, it is alleged that the perpetuation of brawl activities among adolescents in the district of JoharBaru is an alibi of organized crime acts of drug dealer transactions in an area in the district JoharBaru. This intelligence analysis, adolescent torturing or somewhat similar here is analyzed from a social perspective to provide conflict resolution for citizens in the JoharBaru sub-district. Hence, we can do the mapping of opportunities and potentials of its citizens and develop strategies of weaknesses and obstacles encountered,
referred to as SWOT analysis"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latumahina, Freddy
"Teori politik Hobbes hanya merupakan sebagian saja dari pada suatu sistim yang didudunnya berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip ilmiah. Sistim itu kita kenal sebagai materialisme. Meskipun Hobbes mempelajari matematika dan fisika pada usia tuanya, namun akhirnya ia mengerti juga tentang tujuan dari pada ilmu-ilmu itu yang disebut Ilmu Alam. Bagi Hobbes inti dari pada Ilmu ALam adalah gerak. Dengan demikian dunia fisik adalah sistim mekanisme yang murni, artinya, semua peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi dapat dijelaskan dengan kepastian ilmu ukur dengan jalan menempatkan hubungan benda-benda antara yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Hobbes telah memegang prinsip ini dan menjadikannya sebagai pusat dari pada sistimnya..."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samosir, Freddy A.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Freddy
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui pengaruh dari information quality, website design, merchandise attributes, transcation capability, response, privacy,payment, delivery, dan customer service terhadap kepuasan konsumen yang melakukan belanja online. Penelitian sebelumnya Xia Liu, Mengqiao He, Fang Gao, Peihong Xie (2008) membahas bagaimana faktor- faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen China dalam berbelanja secara online dalam perspektif pengalaman berbelanja konsumen China. Responden dari penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden yang berdomisili di Jabodetabek dan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode conventional sample. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa information quality, website design, merchandise attributes, transcation capability, response, privacy,payment, delivery, customer service memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap kepuasan konsumen yang melakukan belanja online. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah dalam belanja online ada sembilan dimensi yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap kepuasan belanja online.

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of information quality, website design, merchandising attributes, Transcation capability, response, privacy, payment, delivery, and customer service to the satisfaction of consumers who make online shopping. Previous studies Xia Liu, Mengqiao He, Fang Gao, Peihong Xie (2008) discusses how the factors that influence China's consumer satisfaction in shopping online in the perspective of the consumer shopping experience China. Respondents of the study were 100 respondents who live in Greater Jakarta and samples used in this study using conventional methods of sample. The method used in this study is multiple regression. The results show that information quality, website design, merchandising attributes, Transcation capability, response, privacy, payment, delivery, customer service has a positive influence on customer satisfaction online shopping. The conclusion of this study is to shopping online, there are nine dimensions that have an influence on online shopping satisfaction."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Santo Freddy
"Indonesia memiliki potensi yang cukup besar pada sumber energi dari Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Listrik Mini Hidro (PLTM) namun pemanfaatannya masih tergolong sangat sedikit. Pengembangan sumber energi ini tentu perlu diimbangi dengan peningkatan infrastruktur yang membutuhkan investasi yang tidak sedikit. Investasi pada PLTM memiliki risiko yang tinggi, baik pada perencanaan atau pada proses pembangunannya nanti sehingga diperlukan rencana strategis untuk mengantisipasi risiko-risiko yang ada.
Skripsi ini menganalisis faktor-faktor risiko secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk mengetahui dampak dari faktor-faktor risiko tersebut pada keberlangsungan PLTM dengan metode Manajemen Risiko. Pendekatan yang dilakukan untuk penilaian risiko adalah Value at Risk (VaR) dan model finansial.
Hasil dari perhitungan tersebut adalah daftar kemungkinan risiko yang mungkin akan terjadi dalam bentuk model Risk Register dan nilai risiko yang memetakan pengaruh faktor-faktor risiko terhadap PLTM secara finansial untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi mitigasi risiko. Skripsi ini bisa dapat menjadi referensi atau pertimbangan bagi pihak ? pihak yang berkepentingan dalam mengelola risiko dan mitigasi risiko sebagai salah satu usaha pengembangan potensi PLTM.
......Indonesia has considerable potential in the energy sources of Mini-Hydro Power Plant (MHPP) but its utility is still relatively not significant. Development of these sources of energy would need to be offset by increased infrastructure that requires abundant amount of investment. Investments in MHPP was included in investments with high risk, either in construction planning or in the process of its construction at a later so we need strategic plan to anticipate the risks that can occurs.
This thesis will mapping risk factors for quantitative and qualitative analysis to know the impact of these risk factors on the sustainability of the MHPP with the method of risk management. The approach of risk assessment is Value at Risk (VaR) and financial models.
The result of model calculation is a list of risks which may occur in the form of model Risk Registers and value of risks that mapping the influence of risk factors on financial aspect of MHPP to get recommendations for risk mitigation. This thesis can be can be a reference or consideration for the stakeholders in managing risk and risk mitigation as one of the potential MHPP development efforts."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rangkuti, Freddy
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2000
297.55 RAN p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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