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Abstrak :
Kavitas kelas I sering ditemui pada permukaan gigi molar karena mempunyai bentuk anatomi pit dan fisur yang dalam sehingga sering menyebabkan sisa makanan tertinggal yang nantinya dapat menyebabkan karies gigi. Bahan restorasi yang sesuai untuk penumpatan kavitas kelas I adalah resin komposit. Namun resin komposit memiliki kelemahan yaitu mengalami penyusutan polimerisasi yang menyebabkan kebocoran tepi. Kavitas kelas I juga memiliki c-factor terbesar dibandingkan kavitas lainnya yang dapat menyebabkan kebocoran, sehingga untuk mengatasinya dapat menggunakan liner SIKMR serta teknik Bulk-fill dan inkremental oblik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kebocoran tepi restorasi resin komposit teknik Bulk-fill dengan liner dan teknik inkremental dengan liner. Sebanyak 70 sampel dipreparasi dibagian bukal dengan ukuran 3 mm x 3 mm, terdiri dari 10 sampel kelompok Bulk-fill, 30 sampel kelompok Bulk-fill dengan liner SIKMR dan 30 sampel kelompok inkremental oblik. dengan liner SIKMR direndam dalam air destilasi selama 24 jam. Kemudian dilakukan Thermocycling 250x, suhu 5-550C dilanjutkan dengan aplikasi cat kuku dan rendam dalam metilen biru selama 24 jam. Sampel dibelah dalam arah buko-palatal dan dilakukan pengamatan menggunakan mikroskop stereo kemudian hasilnya diuji statistik menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna diantara semua kelompok dengan nilai signifikansi p≤0,05. Inkremental oblik dengan liner menunjukkan tingkat kebocoran lebih rendah dibandingkan Bulk-fill dengan liner.
Cavity class I often found on the surface of the molars because they have the anatomical shape of pits and fissures are deep that often cause food scraps left behind which can later lead to dental caries. Restorative material suitable for cavities penumpatan class I is the composite resin. However, a drawback of composite resin namely polymerization shrinkage which causes microleakage. Cavity class I also have a c-factor compared to most other cavity which can cause leaks, so to overcome SIKMR can use the liner as well as bulk-fill technique and incremental oblique. The purpose of this study was to analyze the microleakage of composite resin restorations Bulk-fill technique and oblique incremental techniques with liner. A total of 70 samples were prepared on the buccal with the size of 3 mm x 3 mm, consisting of 10 groups of Bulk-fill samples, 30 samples of Bulk-fill groups with liner SIKMR and oblique incremental groups of 30 samples. with liner SIKMR soaked in distilled water for 24 hours. Then do the Thermocycling 250X, 5-550 C temperature followed by application of nail polish and soak in methylene blue for 24 h. Samples were cleaved in buko-palatal direction and made observations using a stereo microscope and the result was tested statistically using Chi-Square. Statistical analysis showed significant differences among all groups with significant value p≤0,05. Incremental oblique with liner show a lower leakage rate than the Bulk-fill with liner.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Freya Annisa Mahardhika
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mengenai keberhasilan penelitian sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi pada karyawan yang mengikuti pelatihan VMV di PT ERI. pelatihan berisi materi visi, misi dan nilai yang penting untuk kesuksesan perusahaan. berdasarkan hasil evaluasi pelatihan ini disusun intervensi yang diukur dan kemudian persepsi keberhasilan pelatihan pun diukur. pengukuran dilakukan dengan kuesioner evaluasi pelatihan, kuesioner intervensi dan kuesioner perilaku setelah intervensi. Dari hasil evauasi diketahui bahwa pelatihan VMV telah berhasil memunculkan reaksi posirif peserta pada dan berhasil merubah pengetahuan peserta, namun belum berhasil merubah perilaku peserta sesuai yang diharapkan perusahaan. dari hasil ini disusun modul pelatihan yang berisi arahan perilaku konkrit dari pelatihan VMV. selanjutnya persepsi keberhasilan pelatihan yang diukur melalui indikator perubahan perilaku didapatkan hasil yang baik, dengan kata lain sudah dapat dipersepsi adanya perubahan perilaku. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan VMV dipesepsi memenuhi 3 indikator keberhasilan yakni reaksi, pembelajaran, dan perubahan perilakusetelah dilakukannya intervensi. hasil penelitian menyarankan perlunya penelitianlebih lanjur dengan melibatkan banyak responden.
This study is about the success of the study before and after the intervention of employees who participated in VMV training at PT ERI. training contains material vision, mission and values ​​that are important for the success of the company. based on the results of this training evaluation, interventions were measured and then the perception of training success was measured. measurements were made by training evaluation questionnaire, intervention questionnaire and behavioral questionnaire after intervention. From the evaluation results, it was found that VMV training had succeeded in generating positive reactions from participants on and successfully changing participants' knowledge, but had not succeeded in changing the behavior of participants as expected by the company. from this result a training module was prepared which contained concrete behavioral directions from VMV training. Furthermore, the perception of the success of training that is measured through behavioral change indicators results in good results, in other words it can be perceived as a change in behavior. Thus it can be concluded that VMV training is perceived as fulfilling 3 indicators of success namely reaction, learning, and behavior change after intervention. the results of the study suggest the need for more research by involving many respondents.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niken Mahardhika
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai edukasi peranan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi secara umum kepada masyarakat. Peranan tersebut mencakup pemanfaatan dan penyalahgunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan di masyarakat. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah Museum Telekomunikasi yang terletak di Taman Mini “Indonesia Indah”, Jakarta Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Tesis ini merupakan bentuk penelitian yang mengangkat isu-isu terkini yang belum dapat ditampilkan di museum, mengingat kondisi masyarakat yang cepat menerima informasi dan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di Indonesia yang tergolong cukup pesat, hal ini dapat menimbulkan berbagai dampak baik positif maupun negatif. Dari hasil analisis penelitian dengan menggunakan teori pembelajaran konstruktivis dapat disimpulkan bahwa edukasi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi melalui ekshibisi penggunaan perangkat teknologi informasi dan komunikasi digital dan aplikasi software dalam memberikan informasi memberikan nilai tambah tersendiri bagi metode pembelajaran di museum.
This thesis discusses study of the educational role of information and communication technologies in general communication to the public. The role covers the use and misuse of information and communication technologies in various areas of life in society. The location of this research is the Telecommunications Museum is located in Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah", East Jakarta. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This thesis is a form of research that address current issues that can not be displayed in the museum, given the condition of the people who quickly receive the information and the development of information and communication technology in Indonesia, which is quite rapid, it can cause a variety of impacts, both positive and negative. From the analysis of the study using constructivist learning theory can be concluded that education through information and communication technology exhibition devices use digital information and communication technologies and software applications to provide information provide added value for learning methods in the museum.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sadhu Mahardhika
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Pertumbuhan industri pasar modal di Indonesia dapat dinilai dari meningkatnya nilai transaksi bursa efek harian. Peningkatan nilai transaksi bursa efek harian ini mengakibatkan semakin tinggi risiko pada transaksi bursa. Salah satu alat yang digunakan untuk meminimalisir risiko tersebut adalah Dana Jaminan, dimana KPEI sebagai Lembaga Kliring dan Penjaminan penyelesaian Transaksi Bursa wajib melakukan pengukuran atas Dana Jaminan yang dikelola KPEI. Di sisi lainnya, Anggota Kliring sebagai pelaku pasar melihat bahwa Dana Jaminan yang dikelola oleh KPEI sudah cukup besar sehingga pungutan atas Dana Jaminan sebaiknya sudah tidak dilakukan. Namun, pada kenyataannya Dana Jaminan yang dikelola oleh KPEI belum cukup untuk menutupi risiko pasar. Oleh sebab itu, Penulis melakukan analisis atas kecukupan Dana Jaminan dengan melakukan stress testing atas faktor pendorong risiko (transaksi harian bursa efek, return IHSG, efisiensi netting, agunan/jaminan dan pangsa pasar Anggota Kliring dengan menggunakan Montecarlo Simulation. Sehingga, melalui analisis tersebut Penulis dapat mengetahui besarnya Dana Jaminan yang dibutuhkan oleh KPEI. Hasil yang diperoleh Penulis melalui Montecarlo Simulation menunjukkan bahwa Dana Jaminan yang dikelola oleh KPEI masih belum mencukupi untuk menutupi risiko pasar. Oleh sebab itu, hingga saat ini pungutan atas Dana Jaminan atas setiap transaksi bursa yang dilakukan oleh Anggota Kliring masih masih berlaku.
ABSTRACT The Indonesian capital market industry growth can be observed through the increase of daily stock exchange transaction value. This impacts to the rise of risk exposure of stock exchange transaction. Guarantee funds is a tool to minimize this risk. KPEI, as an Clearing and Guarantee Institution for Exchange Transaction, is obligated to take measurements over the guarantee funds it manages. On the other hand, Clearing Members, as capital market participants, notice that the guarantee fund shares owned by KPEI is sufficiently large so the charges for guarantee funds should be eliminated, while in fact, the guarantee fund have is not sufficient to cover the risks. For this reason, the writer conducted an analysis with stress testing in Risk Factors (daily transaction value, JCI index returns, netting efficiency, collateral / guarantees, and market shares of Clearing Members) using the Montecarlo Simulation. Through this analysis, the writer obtained the amount of the guarantee fund required by KPEI. The result of the analysis is that the guarantee funds are still not sufficient to cover the market risks. For this reason, the guarantee fund charges for each clearing member transaction are still needed.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ressa Mahardhika
Abstrak :
Pemahaman mengenai interaksi laut dan atmosfer merupakan kunci untuk menjelaskan fenomena iklim dan cuaca di benua maritim Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini, akan dikaji hubungan antara energi radiasi gelombang panjang yang dipantulkan oleh bumi ke atmosfer, Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), dengan suhu muka laut (SST). Sebagai ilustrasi, uap air (terutama awan), merupakan gas yang cukup efektif menyerap radiasi gelombang panjang. Namun jumlah uap air di atmosfer selalu berubah karena terjadi proses penguapan dan kondensasi secara terus-menerus, sementara sumber uap air utama adalah lautan. Data yang digunakan adalah OLR dan SST tahun 1979 hinggga 2011. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui bahwa nilai koefisien korelasi di wilayah Indonesia menunjukkan ikatan hubungan yang sedang (r = 0,5). Sedangkan hasil pemetaan korelasi dan signifikansi menunjukkan bahwa hubungan OLR dan SST di wilayah Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh fenomena ENSO dan IODM.
Ocean and atmosphere interactions are the key to explain the phenomenon of climate and weather in Indonesia. This study will be assessed the relationship between the energy of longwave radiation reflected by the earth into the atmosphere, Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), and sea surface temperature (SST). As an illustration, water vapor (especially cloud), is an effective gas to absorb longwave radiation. But the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is always changing due to evaporation and condensation processes continously, while the main source of water vapor is the ocean. The data used is OLR and SST in 1979 until 2011. Based on the analysis it is known that the value of the correlation coefficient in the region of Indonesia shows r = 0,5. While the results of the mapping correlation and significance shows that OLR and SST relationship in Indonesia affected by ENSO and IODM.;Ocean and atmosphere interactions are the key to explain the phenomenon of climate and weather in Indonesia. This study will be assessed the relationship between the energy of longwave radiation reflected by the earth into the atmosphere, Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), and sea surface temperature (SST). As an illustration, water vapor (especially cloud), is an effective gas to absorb longwave radiation. But the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is always changing due to evaporation and condensation processes continously, while the main source of water vapor is the ocean. The data used is OLR and SST in 1979 until 2011. Based on the analysis it is known that the value of the correlation coefficient in the region of Indonesia shows r = 0,5. While the results of the mapping correlation and significance shows that OLR and SST relationship in Indonesia affected by ENSO and IODM.;Ocean and atmosphere interactions are the key to explain the phenomenon of climate and weather in Indonesia. This study will be assessed the relationship between the energy of longwave radiation reflected by the earth into the atmosphere, Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), and sea surface temperature (SST). As an illustration, water vapor (especially cloud), is an effective gas to absorb longwave radiation. But the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is always changing due to evaporation and condensation processes continously, while the main source of water vapor is the ocean. The data used is OLR and SST in 1979 until 2011. Based on the analysis it is known that the value of the correlation coefficient in the region of Indonesia shows r = 0,5. While the results of the mapping correlation and significance shows that OLR and SST relationship in Indonesia affected by ENSO and IODM.;Ocean and atmosphere interactions are the key to explain the phenomenon of climate and weather in Indonesia. This study will be assessed the relationship between the energy of longwave radiation reflected by the earth into the atmosphere, Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), and sea surface temperature (SST). As an illustration, water vapor (especially cloud), is an effective gas to absorb longwave radiation. But the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is always changing due to evaporation and condensation processes continously, while the main source of water vapor is the ocean. The data used is OLR and SST in 1979 until 2011. Based on the analysis it is known that the value of the correlation coefficient in the region of Indonesia shows r = 0,5. While the results of the mapping correlation and significance shows that OLR and SST relationship in Indonesia affected by ENSO and IODM.;Ocean and atmosphere interactions are the key to explain the phenomenon of climate and weather in Indonesia. This study will be assessed the relationship between the energy of longwave radiation reflected by the earth into the atmosphere, Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), and sea surface temperature (SST). As an illustration, water vapor (especially cloud), is an effective gas to absorb longwave radiation. But the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is always changing due to evaporation and condensation processes continously, while the main source of water vapor is the ocean. The data used is OLR and SST in 1979 until 2011. Based on the analysis it is known that the value of the correlation coefficient in the region of Indonesia shows r = 0,5. While the results of the mapping correlation and significance shows that OLR and SST relationship in Indonesia affected by ENSO and IODM., Ocean and atmosphere interactions are the key to explain the phenomenon of climate and weather in Indonesia. This study will be assessed the relationship between the energy of longwave radiation reflected by the earth into the atmosphere, Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), and sea surface temperature (SST). As an illustration, water vapor (especially cloud), is an effective gas to absorb longwave radiation. But the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is always changing due to evaporation and condensation processes continously, while the main source of water vapor is the ocean. The data used is OLR and SST in 1979 until 2011. Based on the analysis it is known that the value of the correlation coefficient in the region of Indonesia shows r = 0,5. While the results of the mapping correlation and significance shows that OLR and SST relationship in Indonesia affected by ENSO and IODM.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Mahardhika
Abstrak :
Tujuan: Meningkatkan peranan ultrasonografi sebagai alternatif Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) dalam menilai persentase lemak tubuh total secara akurat. Metode: Dari April hingga September 2020, terdapat 28 pasien dewasa (14 laki-laki, 14 perempuan) yang menjalankan pemeriksaan DXA untuk menilai persentase lemak tubuh total (%LT total) dan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi untuk mengukur tebal lemak subkutis (TLS) pada beberapa lokasi tubuh. Dilakukan uji korelasi antara TLS pada beberapa lokasi tubuh menggunakan ultrasonografi serta data antropometri (IMT, lingkar pinggang, lingkar paha tengah) dengan %LT total berdasarkan DXA pada kedua jenis kelamin. Selanjutnya, variabel yang memiliki korelasi kuat dipilih untuk dimasukkan dalam analisis regresi multipel untuk mendapatkan formula regresi untuk memprediksi %LT total pada masing-masing jenis kelamin. Hasil: Formula prediksi terbaik untuk menentukan %LT total pada laki-laki adalah %LT total = 13,7 + 5,5(TLS triceps) + 10,0(TLS paha depan); R2 0,91, sedangkan pada perempuan adalah %LT total = - 1,73 + 1,07(IMT) + 10,30(TLS paha depan); R2 0,88 Kesimpulan: Pemeriksaan TLS menggunakan ultrasonografi dikombinasikan dengan pengukuran antropometri dapat direkomendasikan untuk memperkirakan %LT total secara akurat dengan formula yang berbeda pada kelompok laki-laki dan kelompok perempuan. ......Objective: To improve the use of ultrasonography as an alternative way to Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) in assesing total body fat percentage (%BF) accurately. Methods: From April to September 2020, there were 28 adult patients (14 male, 14 female) underwent DXA examination to assess %BF and ultrasonography examination to measure subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT) at multiple sites. Correlation test was conducted between SFT sites using ultrasonography and anthropometric data (BMI, waist circumference, mid-thigh circumference) with %BF based on DXA in both genders. Furthermore, variables that had strong correlation were selected to be included in the multiple regression analysis in order to obtain a regression formula to predict the %BF for each gender. Results: The best predictive formula to determine %BF for male is %BF = 13,7 + 5,5(SFT triceps) + 10,0(SFT quads); R2 0,91, while for female is %BF = - 1,73 + 1,07(BMI) + 10,30(SFT quads); R2 0,88. Conclusions: SFT examination using ultrasonography that is combined with anthropometric measurements can be recommended to estimate %BF accurately with different formulas in the male and female group.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jessica Joanne Mahardhika
Abstrak :
Dewasa ini, User Generated Content (UGC) merupakan salah satu media utama bagi konsumen untuk membangun keterikatan dengan merek (customer brand engagement) dengan mengaitkan nilai fungsional dan nilai emosional yang dirasakan pengguna UGC. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti content quality, design quality, dan technology quality UGC yang dapat mempengaruhi keterikatan konsumen dengan merek (customer brand engagement), melalui nilai fungsional dan emosional sebagai mediator pada hubungan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan model yang terdapat pada teori Stimulus-Organisme-Respons (S-O-R). Responden pada penelitian ini merupakan generasi Z dan milenial berusia 18-41 tahun, memiliki akun media sosial Youtube, Instagram, dan/atau Tiktok, serta pernah melihat UGC selama satu bulan terakhir. Kuesioner disebarkan secara online. Data sebanyak 286 responden yang terdapat pada penelitian utama diolah dengan menggunakan metode Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara umum, nilai fungsional dan emosional memiliki peran sebagai mediator dalam hubungan antara kualitas UGC dan keterikatan konsumen dengan merek (customer brand engagement). Secara lebih lanjut, ditemukan bahwa content quality mampu memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap keterikatan konsumen dengan merek (customer brand engagement) dengan bantuan nilai fungsional dan nilai emosional sebagai mediator. Kemudian, technology quality dapat memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap keterikatan konsumen dengan merek (customer brand engagement) dengan bantuan nilai emosional dan design quality dapat memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap keterikatan konsumen dengan merek (customer brand engagement) dengan bantuan nilai emosional. ......Nowadays, User Generated Content (UGC) is one of the main media for consumers to build brand engagement by linking the functional value and emotional value felt by UGC users. The purpose of this study is to examine the content quality, design quality, and technology quality of UGC that can affect consumer brand engagement, through functional and emotional values as mediators in the relationship. This study uses the model contained in the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) theory. Respondents in this study were Generation Z and millennials aged 18-41 years, had social media accounts on Youtube, Instagram, and/or Tiktok, and had seen UGC for the past month. Questionnaires were distributed online. The data of 286 respondents in the main study was processed using the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) method. The results of this study indicate that in general, functional and emotional values have a role as a mediator in the relationship between UGC quality and consumer brand engagement. Furthermore, it was found that content quality was able to have a positive influence on consumer brand engagement with the help of functional values and emotional values as mediators. Then, technology quality can have a positive influence on consumer brand engagement with the help of emotional values and design quality can have a positive influence on consumer brand engagement with the help of emotional values.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Addina Mahardhika
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pengungkapan kinerja berbasis Web dan menganalisis faktor-faktor pasar modal dan pasar produk apa saja yang mempengaruhi pengungkapan kinerja berbasis Web oleh perusahaan. Total observasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 62 perusahaan dalam Indeks Kompas100 pada tahun 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengungkapan kinerja berbasis Web oleh perusahaan dalam Indeks Kompas100 masih tergolong cukup rendah, yaitu sebesar 40%. Selain itu, dari delapan faktor gabungan pasar modal dan produk, hanya empat faktor yang berpengaruh signifkan terhadap pengungkapan kinerja berbasis Web oleh perusahaan, yaitu leverage, kepemilikan terkonsentrasi, time horizon (perusahaan dengan hubungan jnagka panjang dengan konsumen dan perusahaan yang bersifat monopoli) dan tingkat investasi modal.
The purpose of this research is to acknowledge the extent of Web-based performance disclosure and to analyze thecapital and product market factors that affect Web-based performace disclosure of firms. The total observation in this research contains of 62 firms in Kompas100 Index during 2013. The result shows that the extent of Web-based performance disclosure is still rather low, which is 40%. In addition, from eight capital and product market factors altogether, only four factors turn out to significantly affect firms Web-based performace disclosure, which are leverage, concentrated ownership, time horizon (firms with long-term relationship with customers and monopolistic firms) and capital investment intensity.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Norman Mahardhika
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas novel Punakawan Menggugat yang dikarang oleh Ardian Kresna. Pengarang menggunakan dasar kebudayaan Jawa dan konsep cerita pewayangan untuk menyampaikan pandangan tentang nilai-nilai kehidupan yang ideal. Novel ini menampilkan simbol-simbol yang terdapat dalam dunia pewayangan dan maknanya terhadap kehidupan manusia. Punakawan Menggugat juga menyediakan intisari ajaran Kejawen sebagai bahan renungan cerita. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan struktural untuk melihat aspek intrinsik karya sastra dan pendekatan sosiologi sastra untuk melihat warna lokal dan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam novel Punakawan Menggugat. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga meninjau karakteristik cerita wayang yang diangkat oleh pengarang. ...... This undergraduate thesis discusses about the novel Punakawan Menggugat by Ardian Kresna. The author used the Javanese cultural basis and the concept of puppet stories to present the insight about an ideal values of life. The novel shows the symbols in the puppet world and their meanings to human’s life. Punakawan Menggugat also provides the essence of Kejawen teachings as the reflection of the story. This study uses a structural approach to see the intrinsic aspects and a sociological approach to see the local colours and values in the novel Punakawan Menggugat. Furthermore, this study also observes the characteristics of the puppet stories that were raised by the author.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Refi Reyhandi Mahardhika
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara tingkat pengungkapan laporan keberlanjutan dengan credit rating perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel perusahaan terbuka di wilayah ASEAN yang mengeluarkan laporan keberlanjutan dan memiliki credit rating di Moody?s Invesment Services, dengan total observasi sebanyak 73 firm-years dengan rentang waktu tahun penelitian 2009-2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tingkat pengungkapan laporan keberlanjutan tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap credit rating. Hal ini dapat disebabkan karena adanya skeptisme atas informasi-informasi yang ada dalam laporan keberlanjutan oleh pemeringkat kredit di negara-negara berkembang atau kawasan emerging market, karena kondisi keuangan dan operasional yang masih belum kuat.
This research was conducted to analyze the relationship between the level of disclosure of sustainability reporting and firm's credit rating. This study used a sample of publicly listed companies in ASEAN region which issued sustainability reports and have a credit rating at Moody's Investment Services, with a total observation as much as 73 firm-years with a span of years of research from 2009 to 2013. The results showed that the level of disclosure of sustainability reporting has no significant effect on the credit rating. This may be due to skepticism over the information contained in the sustainability report by credit rating agency in developing countries or region with emerging market, because of the financial condition and operations are still not strong.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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