Mira Susanti
Abstrak :
[Sistem pemekerjaan seumur hidup merupakan sistem relasi industrial yang menguntungkan, dimana partisipasi pekerja dalam perusahaan memiliki kontribusi yang besar dalam keberhasilan perusahaan Jepang. Selain menjamin keamanan kerja, perusahaan yang menganut sistem tersebut juga memberikan berbagai macam fasilitas dan manfaat untuk para pekerjanya. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, sistem tersebut perlu untuk disusun ulang untuk menghadapi tantang yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan. Perubahan yang dapat dilakukan diantaranya adalah dengan menggunakan tenaga kerja nonreguler atau transfer kerja sebagai alternatif pemberhentian kerja.
;Lifetime employment system is a favorable industrial ?employer-employee? relationship system, where workers? participation plays a pivotal role to the success of Japanese companies. Besides guaranteeing job security, companies that adopt this system also provide a wide range of facilities and benefits for its employees. Entering the new era, the system needs to be ?reengineered? to overcome challenges faced by the employer. The changes could be utilizing non-regular workforce or job-transfer as an alternative to job layoff.
;Lifetime employment system is a favorable industrial ?employer-employee? relationship system, where workers? participation plays a pivotal role to the success of Japanese companies. Besides guaranteeing job security, companies that adopt this system also provide a wide range of facilities and benefits for its employees. Entering the new era, the system needs to be ?reengineered? to overcome challenges faced by the employer. The changes could be utilizing non-regular workforce or job-transfer as an alternative to job layoff.
;Lifetime employment system is a favorable industrial ?employer-employee? relationship system, where workers? participation plays a pivotal role to the success of Japanese companies. Besides guaranteeing job security, companies that adopt this system also provide a wide range of facilities and benefits for its employees. Entering the new era, the system needs to be ?reengineered? to overcome challenges faced by the employer. The changes could be utilizing non-regular workforce or job-transfer as an alternative to job layoff.
;Lifetime employment system is a favorable industrial ?employer-employee? relationship system, where workers? participation plays a pivotal role to the success of Japanese companies. Besides guaranteeing job security, companies that adopt this system also provide a wide range of facilities and benefits for its employees. Entering the new era, the system needs to be ?reengineered? to overcome challenges faced by the employer. The changes could be utilizing non-regular workforce or job-transfer as an alternative to job layoff.
, Lifetime employment system is a favorable industrial “employer-employee” relationship system, where workers’ participation plays a pivotal role to the success of Japanese companies. Besides guaranteeing job security, companies that adopt this system also provide a wide range of facilities and benefits for its employees. Entering the new era, the system needs to be “reengineered” to overcome challenges faced by the employer. The changes could be utilizing non-regular workforce or job-transfer as an alternative to job layoff.
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