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Ditemukan 42 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Novi Purnama Sari
"Kebutuhan akan teknologi internet berkembang pesat, mendorong banyak perusahaan untuk mengembangkan layanan yang dapat memudahkan konsumen untuk mengakses bahkan ketika mereka sedang bergerak. Aplikasi seluler adalah salah satu solusi bagi konsumen untuk terhubung dengan internet di mana saja melalui gadget mereka. PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk., Salah satu penyedia layanan internet di Indonesia, melihat peluang itu dan mengembangkan aplikasi seluler wifi.id GO yang dapat terhubung tanpa batas melalui jaringan Indonesia Wi-Fi. Selama tahun 2018, dari konsumen wifi.id GO yang menginstal aplikasi di gadget mereka, hanya 1,9% pengguna yang menyimpannya sepanjang tahun. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memahami bagaimana merancang aplikasi mobile wifi.id GO berdasarkan preferensi konsumen sehingga konsumen yang terus menggunakan aplikasi ini meningkat dan membangun hubungan yang berkelanjutan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami fitur dari aplikasi seluler wifi.id GO yang menciptakan consumer affection, mengarah pada penggunaan aplikasi yang berkelanjutan dan mengarah pada consumer engagement behavior dari aplikasi seluler wifi.id GO. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner online untuk mengumpulkan data dari 364 responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equations Modeling (SEM).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi fitur seperti kualitas informasi dan solusi desain akan menghasilkan consumer affection yang lebih tinggi yang mengarah pada penggunaan yang berkelanjutan. Selain itu, consumer affection secara positif mempengaruhi niat pengguna untuk terus menggunakan aplikasi dan juga secara positif memengaruhi consumer engagement behavior aplikasi seluler wifi.id GO. Namun, fitur fungsionalitas dan interaksi pengguna tidak ditemukan berhubungan positif dengan consumer affection aplikasi seluler wifi.id GO.
......The need for internet technology is growing rapidly, leading many companies to develop services that can make it easier for consumers to access even when they are mobile. The mobile application is one of the solutions for consumers to connect with the internet anywhere through their gadget. PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk., one of the internet service providers in Indonesia, saw that chance and developed mobile application wifi.id GO that can connect seamlessly through Indonesia`s Wi-Fi network. During the year 2018, of consumers of wifi.id GO that install the application in their gadget, only 1.9% of users keep it throughout the year. Therefore, it is important to understand how to design mobile application wifi.id GO-based on consumer preferences so the consumers continuing to using the application is increased and builds a sustained relationship.
This research seeks to understand which features of mobile application wifi.id GO stimulate consumer affection, leading to continuous use and consumer engagement behavior. This study used an online questionnaire to collect data from 364 respondents. The data were analyzed using Structural Equations Modeling.
The results indicate that features such as information quality and design solutions will result in higher affection leading to continuous usage and consumer engagement behavior of mobile application wifi.id GO. Moreover, consumer affection positively influenced users intention to continuous usage, and also positively influenced users consumer engagement behavior of mobile application wifi.id GO. However, functionality and consumer interaction features are not found to be positively related to consumer affection with mobile application wifi.id GO."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mila Purnama Sari
"Setiap perusahaan mempunyai tanggung jawab kepada publiknya Keberadaan suatu perusahaan ditentukan oleh public perusahaan tersebut. Oleh karenanya pelaksanaan dari kewajiban tersebut adalah mutlak sifatnya. Fungsi intermediasi antara perusahaan dengan publiknya tersebut menjadi tanggung jawab Public Relations.
Arti penting Public Relations berbeda antara satu perusahaan dengan perusahaan lainnya, tergantung dari besarnya perusahaan dan jenis produk atau pelayanan yang dihasilkan atau diberikannya PT PAM Lyionnaise Jaya (PALYJA) adalah salah satu perusahaan pemroses, penyuplai dan pendistribusian air bersih terbesar di Indonesia Produk dan pelayanan yang mereka berikan kepada pelangganya merupakan kebutuhan dasar bagi mereka dan termasuk dalam "hajat hidup orang banyak". Adalah merupakan suatu tantangan bagi Public Relations PALYJA mempunyai publik eksternal yang demikian beragam, dari mulai Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta, PAM Jaya, Badan Regulator, LSM sampai pelanggan yang juga tinggi keragamannya dari mulai masyarakat kelas bawah, menengah sampai kalangan atas.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari jawaban atas pertanyaan penelitian yaitu siapa saja publik PALYJA yang beragam dan apa tanggung jawabnya kepada mereka, program-program apa saja yang dilakukan oleh PALYJA agar tanggung jawab publiknya tersebut dapat terpenuhi dengan baik, langkah-langkah apa saja yang dilakukan oleh PALYJA dalam melaksanakan kewajiban atau pengetrapan fungsi dari public responsibility nya sebagai perpanjangan tangan dan tugas-tugas public relations department nya, serta bagaimana efektifitas penerapan program public responsibility tersebut bagi perusahaan PALYJA dan apa manfaatnya bagi perusahaan secara menyeluruh?
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriftif. Data dan informasi diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan wawancara tidak terstruktur dan mendalam atau indept interview dengan informan pilihan yang dianggap cukup mewakili dan mengetahui mengenai program-program public relations di PALYJA, yaitu manajer public relations, dan seorang internal perusahaan yang juga berhubungan dengan publik ekstemal yaitu Contract Compliance di level manajer serta penerima program yaitu pelanggan.
Dari analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa public eksternal perusahaan belum dapat diidenfikasi secara mendalam, yang berimplikasi kepada belum dilaksanakannya program-program PR yang panting kepada semua public utama PALYJA yang sangat beragam dan kritis. Tanggung jawab PALYJA kepada publiknya adalah memberikan fungsi intermediasi juga belum berjalan secara maksimal. Citra PALYJA yang ingin dicapai PR adalah citra positif perusahaan dan bahwa perusahaan professional serta transparan dalarn kegiatannya Aplikasi program-program public responsibility telah dilaksanakan meskipun efektifitasnya belum dapat diukur secara jelas dan masih perlu ditingkat kembali terutama dalam system evaluasinya.
Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan secara praktis dapat digunakan sebagai bahan masukan bagi aplikasi program public relations secara lebih efektif terutama dari segi perencanaan dan system evaluasinya. PeneIitian ini juga diharapkan memberikan manfaat sosial balk bagi individu maupun kelompok orang yang menjadi publik dari suatu perusahaan, berupa pengetahuan mengenai hak-halmya sebagai publik dari perusahaan terutama publik eksternal."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widya Purnama Sari


Nama : Widya Purnama Sari
Program Studi : Kajian Administrasi Rumah Sakit
Judul : Analisis Keterlambatan Kenaikan Pangkat bagi Staf Medis
di Departemen Mata RSUPN Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo Tahun
Pada peraturan pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 99 Tahun 2000 Tentang
Kenaikan Pangkat Pegawai Negeri Sipil disebutkan Kenaikan pangkat adalah
penghargaan yang diberikan atas prestasi kerja dan pengabdian Pegawai Negeri Sipil
yang bersangkutan terhadap Negara. Naik pangkat dapat menjadi dorongan kepada
Pegawai Negeri Sipil untuk lebih meningkatkan prestasi kerja dan pengabdiannya.
Karena kenaikan pangkat merupakan penghargaan dan setiap penghargaan memiliki
nilai apabila kenaikan pangkat diberikan tepat orang dan tepat waktu.
Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo merupakan
Rumah Sakit Pendidikan dimana memiliki tenaga medis subspesialistik yang beragam,
memiliki kompetensi dan masa kerja yang cukup lama. Berdasarkan data yang ada pada
Unit Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Departemen Mata tercatat 14 Dokter Spesialis
Mata yang berstatus Dodiknis dari 30 Dokter Spesialis Mata yang berstatus PNS
sehingga masih terdapat 16 Dokter yang belum melakukan inpassing dan 10 staf medis
belum memiliki jabatan fungsional pendidikan.
Diketahui Ketepatan kenaikan pangkat bagi staf medis di Departemen Mata
dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satu faktor yang adalah variabel penilaian diri
sendiri dengan nilai p=0,015. Dilakukan analisis dengan wawancara mendalam kepada
staf medis dimana diperoleh informasi yang mempegaruhi keterlambatan kenaikan
pangkat bagi staf medis yaitu staf tidak mengerti proses inpassing dan belum memiliki
publikasi sehingga belum dapat mengurus kenaikan jabatan akademik dosen. Rumitnya
proses administrasi baik kenaikan pangkat ataupun proses inpassing membuat sebagian
staf lebih memilih untuk melakukan pelayanan dibandingkan melakukan penilitian.
Kata kunci:
Naik pangkat, staf medis, jabatan fungsional


Name : Widya Purnama Sari
Program of Study : Hospital Administration Study
Title : Analysis of Delays in Promotion for Medical Staff in
Department of Ophthalmologi RSUPN Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo in 2018
In the government regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 99 of year
2000 concerning the Promotion of Civil Servants mentioned the promotion is an award
given for the work performance and dedication of the concerned Civil Servants to the
State. Promotion can be a boost to Civil Servants to further improve their work
performance and service. Because promotion is an award and each award has a value if
the promotion is given to the right person and on time.
Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital is a Teaching Hospital where it has a variety of
subspecialty medical personnel, has competency and has a long working period. Based
on the data available at the Department of Human Resources (SDM), there were 14
Dodiknis Ophthalmologists from 30 Ophthalmologists who were civil servant status so
that there were still 16 Doctors who had not done inpassing and 10 medical staff did
not have functional educational positions.
It is known that the accuracy of promotion for medical staff at Department of
Ophthalmology is influenced by several factors, one of the factors is the selfassessment
variable with a value of p = 0.015. An analysis was conducted with in-depth
interviews with medical staff where information was obtained which affected the delay
in promotion for medical staff, staff did not understand the inpassing process and did
not have publications so that they could not take care of the increase in academic
lecturer positions. The complexity of the administrative process both promotion and
inpassing process makes some staff prefer to do service rather than doing research
Keywords: Civil servants, medical staf, fungtional structure

Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tria Purnama Sari


Untuk menghadapi kendala keterbatasan sumber dana pemerintah Indonesia memanfaatkan pinjaman luar negeri guna untuk melakukan pembangunan nasional. Universitas Indonesia yang merupakan universitas berkelas dunia memanfaatkan pinjaman luar negeri adalah untuk peningkatan kesehatan nasional, yaitu dengan membangun Rumah Sakit Universitas yang berintegerasi dengan Fakultas Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan atau dikenal dengan Proyek Development of World Class University at UI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor – faktor yang mendukung percepatan durasi pada proyek pembangunan Rumah Sakit Pendidikan UI dan untuk mengetahui apakah dengan percepatan ini dapat mereduksi biaya proyek secara keseluruhan pada proyek pinjaman luar negeri. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode survey kuisioner, kemudian dilakukan pengambilan sampel secara acak (stratified random sampling). Analisa data menggunakan software SPSS dengan hipotesa awal adalah dengan melakukan percepatan pada proyek dapat mengurangi biaya proyek pinjaman luar negeri.


To a lack of adequate government funding sources, Indonesia government utilize foreign loans in order to carry out national development. University of Indonesia, which is a world-class university, utilizing foreign loans to increase national health, is building the integrated University Hospital and Faculty of Health Sciences known as Project Development of World Class University at UI. This study aims to identify factors that support the acceleration duration of the construction project UI Teaching Hospital and to determine whether this acceleration can reduce overall project costs on foreign borrowing project. Data collection techniques using questionnaire survey method, then do random sampling (stratified random sampling). Data were analyzed using SPSS software with the initial hypothesis is to accelerate the project can reduce the cost of foreign borrowing project.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anna Purnama Sari
Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah bertugas melaksanakan sebagian kegiatan
pendaftaran tanah dengan membuat akta sebagai bukti telah dilakukannya
perbuatan hukum tertentu mengenai hak atas tanah atau Hak Milik Atas Satuan
Rumah Susun, yang akan dijadikan dasar bagi pendaftaran perubahan data
pendaftaran tanah yang diakibatkan oleh perbuatan hukum itu. Peranan PPAT
sangatlah penting dalam proses pendaftaraan tanah. PPAT adalah satu-satunya
pejabat yang berwenang untuk membuat akta-akta peralihan hak atas tanah,
pemberian hak baru atas tanah, dan pengikatan tanah sebagai jaminan hutang.
Kewenangan PPAT diatur dalam Pasal 3 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 37 Tahun
1998 tentang Peraturan Jabatan Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah yaitu untuk
membuat akta otentik mengenai semua perbuatan hukum mengenai hak atas
tanah dan Hak Milik Atas Satuan Rumah Susun yang terletak di dalam daerah
kerjanya. PPAT juga berwenang menolak membuat akta dalam hal-hal tertentu
yang ditentukan oleh Pasal 39 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997
tentang Pendaftaran Tanah. Dalam fungsi dan tanggung jawab PPAT sebagai
pelaksana pendaftara tanah, PPAT bertanggung jawab untuk memeriksa syaratsyarat
sahnya perbuatan hukum yang bersangkutan dengan antara lain
mencocokkan data yang terdapat dalam sertipikat dengan daftar-daftar yang
ada di Kantor Pertanahan. Adanya penyimpangan maupun kelalaian dalam
pembuatan Akta Jual Beli oleh PPAT yang pembuatannya tidak sesuai dengan
prosedur yang telah ditentukan dalam perundang-undangan dalam praktek
seringkali terjadi. Pada dasarnya tanggung jawab PPAT secara hukum dapat
dikatakan merupakan tanggung jawab dalam pelaksanaan kewajiban
berdasarkan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku. Dalam tesis ini, penulis
memfokuskan pada tanggungjawab PPAT terhadap penyimpangan dan
kelalaian yang dilakukan oleh PPAT dalam membuat Akta Jual Beli Tanah.
Adanya penyimpangan dan kelalaian tersebut dapat mengakibatkan PPAT
dikenai sanksi, baik Sanksi Pidana, Sanksi Perdata, maupun Sanksi Administrasi.

Land deed official is in charge to carry out the implementation of land
registration with the official deed as the proof of the execution of a certain legal
act in relation to Land and Building Title and Strata Title Of Apartment Blocks
as the objects of the land registration and its data modification which is caused by
that certain legal act. The role of the land deed official is very vital in the land
registration process. The land deed official is the only authority who?s in charge
in the making of any authentic deed of all legal acts concerning the land and
building title transfer, the granting of a new title, and the granting of mortgage.
The authority of the land deed official is specified by Article 39 of Government
Regulation Number 24 year 1997 about Land Registration. In its function and the
responsibility, the land deed official as the executor of land registration, the land
deed official is responsible in checking the terms and condition and the validity
in relation to the legal acts, among others to match the data from the certificates
to the data in the land registry office. In the practice, the existence of
irregularities of negligence often occur in the making of the Sale and Purchase
deed is not accord to the specified regulation. According to the regulation the
land deed official has the legal responsibility in the implementation of such
existence of irregularities of negligence under the specified regulation. In this
thesis the author focuses in the land deed official responsibility on any
irregularities of negligence in their authority in the making of the Sale and
Purchase Deed. Such irregularities of negligence may result the land deed official
become the subject to sanctions to Criminal Sanctions, Civil Sanctions and
Administrative Sanctions."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nazlia Purnama Sari
"Persekongkolan dalam kegiatan tender merupakan perbuatan yang mengutamakan aspek perilaku berupa perjanjian untuk bersekongkol yang dilakukan secara diamdiam dalam persekongkolan tender, penawar menentukan perusahaan tertentu yang harus mendapat pekerjaan melalui harga kontrak yang diharapkan. Tesis ini menjelaskan tentang penerapan Pasal 22 Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat di industri migas khususnya pada kasus tender pengadaan alat pengeboran eksplorasi minyak dan gas di Blok Madura.
Metode yang digunakan ialah menggunakan metode yuridis normative yaitu penelitian yang mengacu pada norma-norma hukum yang terdapat pada peraturan perundang-undangan khususnya Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999. Adapun permasalahannya ialah bagaimana penerapan Pasal 22 Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 oleh KPPU pada tender di Blok Madura, Pertimbangan Hakim Pengadilan Negeri dan Mahkamah Agung pada putusan KPPU tentang tender di Blok Madura, dan kendala-kendala yang diperoleh KPPU dalam membuktikan Pasal 22. Dengan ini Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) telah memutus perkara tersebut dengan menerapkan Pasal 22 berdasarkan Pedoman Pasal 22 Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999. Kasus pengadaan alat pengeboran eksplorasi minyak dan gas di Blok Madura sudah sampai ke Pengadilan Negeri dan Mahkamah Agung, namun putusan KPPU tersebut dibatalkan oleh keduanya, karena bukti yang kurang cukup. Penerapan Pasal 22 Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat pada pertimbangan hakim Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat dengan Nomor Perkara 44/PDT/KPPU/2011/PN.Jkt Pst Tentang Tender di Industri Migas Pada Blok Madura dan Mahkamah Agung dengan Nomor Perkara 03K/PDT.SUS/201, yang mana kedua putusan tersebut merupakan lanjutan dari perkara dengan Nomor Putusan 31/KPPU-L/2010.
Berdasarkan pertimbangan hakim Pengadilan Negeri dan Mahkamah Agung atas penerapan Pasal 22 tersebut, kedua hakim tidak menumukan unsur-unsur persekongkolan tender yang terdapat pada Pasal 22, adapun putusan KPPU dengan Nomor Putusan 31/KPPU-L/2010 dibatalkan oleh hakim Pengadilan Negeri dan Mahkamah Agung. Dikarenakan pada putusan KPPU kurangnya bukti petunjuk, KPPU juga tidak menejelaskan secara jelas bukti tidak langsung tersebut, dan bukti tidak langsung belum ada peraturan khususnya di Indonesia. Adanya kendala yang diperoleh KPPU mengakibatkan belum secara optimal melaksanakan kewenangan yang dimilikinya. Selain mengatasi permasalahanpermasalahan, tantangan yang harus dijawab selanjutnya adalah memperjelas status kelembagaan KPPU dalam sistem ketatanegaraan menyebabkan komisi ini menjadi rentan untuk diperdebatkan keberadaannya, utamanya ketika komisi ini menjalankan fungsi dan tugasnya. Selain itu, kendala yang diperoleh KPPU dalam pembuktian adalah perihal whistleblower yang sulit dalam pembuktiannya, karena whistleblower tersebut belum diatur dengan jelas di Indonesia.

Conspiracy in tender activity is an action -oriented aspects of behavior in the form of an agreement to conspire done secretly in a bid rigging , bidder must specify the particular company that got the job through the expected contract price. This thesis describes the application of Article 22 of Law No. 5 of 1999 on the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition in the oil and gas industry, especially in the case of procurement of oil exploration and drilling tools natural gas reserve.
The method used is to use the method of normative juridical research that refers to the legal norms contained in laws, especially Law No. 5 of 1999 . The problem is how to implement Article 22 of Law No. 5 of 1999 by the Commission on the tender in Madura , Consideration of District Judges and the Supreme Court on the Commission 's decision on the tender in Madura, and the constraints obtained by the Commission under Article 22 proves. District Court and the Supreme Court, but the verdict was overturned by both the Commission, because of insufficient evidence. Application of Article 22 of Law No. 5 of 1999 on the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition in consideration of the Central Jakarta District Court Case No. 44/PDT/KPPU/2011/PN.Jkt with Pst About Tender in the Oil and Gas Industry In Madura and Supreme Court case No. 03K/PDT.SUS/201 , in which both the decision is a continuation of the case with decision No. 31/KPPU-L/2010.
Based on consideration of the District Court and the Supreme Court on the application of Article 22, the two judges did not menumukan bid rigging elements contained in Article 22, while the decision by the Commission Decision No. 31/KPPU-L/2010 canceled by the District Court and the Supreme Court. Due to the lack of evidence hint Commission decision, the Commission also not menejelaskan clearly the circumstantial evidence, and no evidence of indirect rule, especially in Indonesia. Constraints obtained by the Commission resulted in yet optimally carry out its authority. In addition to addressing the issues, challenges that need to be answered next is to clarify the status of the Commission's institution in the state system led to the commission be susceptible to debate its existence, especially when the commission perform its functions and duties. In addition, the Commission obtained constraints in the proof is a difficult subject whistleblower in the proof, as the whistleblower has not been set out clearly in Indonesia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Purnama Sari
Pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi di Kementerian Sekretariat Negara RI memiliki dua permasalahan utama terkait dengan kapasitas dan akuntabilitas kinerja, yaitu 1) predikat penilaian akuntabilitas kinerja instansi pemerintah yang belum sesuai dengan harapan reformasi birokrasi, dan 2) sistem manajemen kinerja terpadu yang belum diimplementasikan sepenuhnya. Kementerian Sekretariat Negara RI telah menerapkan sistem manajemen kinerja organisasi untuk mengelola kinerjanya dan mendukung keberhasilan program reformasi birokrasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengevaluasi penerapan unsur-unsur dalam tahapan sistem manajemen kinerja organisasi di lingkungan Kementerian Sekretariat Negara RI. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode studi literatur, wawancara dan observasi, serta penyebaran kuesioner. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada unit-unit kerja yang berkaitan langsung dengan penerapan sistem manajemen kinerja di lingkungan Kementerian Sekretariat Negara RI. Berdasarkan hasil survei terhadap 55 responden, penerapan sistem manajemen kinerja organisasi di lingkungan Kementerian Sekretariat Negara RI telah dilaksanakan dengan baik, namun masih terdapat beberapa tahapan yang perlu diperbaiki penerapannya.

Implementation of bureaucratic reform in the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia has two major problems related to the capacity and performance accountability : 1) the appraisal result of government agencyperformance accountability that have not been in line with expectations, and 2) integrated performance management system that has not been fully implemented. Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia has implemented a performance management system for managing organizational performance and support successful bureaucratic reform program. Objective of this research are to describe and evaluate the implementation of the elements in each step of organization performance management system in the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method of literature review, interviews and observations,and questionnaires. This research was conducted at organization unit related to the implementation of performance management systems in the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia. Based on the survey result of 55 respondents, the implementation of the organization performance management system in the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia has been well implemented, however there are several steps that need to be improved."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indria Purnama Sari
Tujuan: Menentukan hubungan ukuran tumor dan derajat histopatologi dengan metastasis tulang pada pasien kanker payudara berusia dibawah 40 tahun di RS Kanker Dharmais, membantu meningkatkan kualitas tatalaksana bagi klinisi.
Metode: Analisa menggunakan data sekunder. Hasil ukuran tumor dikelompokkan menjadi ≤ 5 cm dan > 5 cm berdasarkan AJCC TNM staging system diperoleh melalui pencitraan radiologi payudara dari sistem PACS dan derajat histopatologi menurut derajat histopatologi Nottingham kombinasi diperoleh dari hasil ekspertise patologi anatomi, serta evaluasi metastasis tulang menggunakan skintigrafi tulang berdasarkan total populasi pasien kanker payudara berusia dibawah 40 tahun.
Hasil: Jumlah subyek penelitian 32 perempuan kanker payudara berusia dibawah 40 tahun periode Januari 2011 hingga Juli 2014 di RS Kanker Dharmais. Tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara ukuran tumor dengan metastasis tulang (P= 0,715 (Fisher exact test), OR=1,71 (0,32-9,36)). Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara derajat histopatologi dengan metastasis tulang (P=0,010, P < 0,05).Dari 10 subyek derajat histopatologi tinggi, ternyata semua subyek mengalami metastasis tulang negatif. Pada subyek dengan derajat histopatologi sedang didapatkan 8 dari 15 subyek yang mengalami metastasis tulang. Pada subyek penelitian dengan derajat histopatologi rendah didapatkan 6 dari 7 subyek mengalami metastasis tulang negatif. Rerata usia 33,2 tahun dan simpang baku 3,7 tahun memiliki kejadian metastasis tulang lebih tinggi (P=0,024). Terdapat data tambahan dan ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara Cerb-b2/HER-2 positif dengan metastasis tulang (P=0,049 (P < 0,05), Odds Ratio=5,67 (0,84 ? 43,16)).Prevalensi metastasis tulang yaitu sebesar 28,1%.
Kesimpulan: Pasien kanker payudara berusia dibawah 40 tahun dengan ukuran tumor besar tidak memiliki kejadian metastasis tulang lebih tinggi. Pasien dengan derajat histopatologi tinggi tidak memiliki kejadian metastasis tulang lebih tinggi, namun ditemukan angka kejadian metastasis tulang lebih tinggi pada derajat histopatologi sedang. Terdapat dua faktor lain yang juga mempunyai hubungan dengan kejadian metastasis tulang yaitu usia dan Cerb-br/HER-2. Rerata usia 33,2 tahun dengan simpang baku 3,7 tahun pada pasien kanker payudara berusia di bawah 40 tahun memiliki kejadian metastasis tulang lebih tinggi. Cerb-b2/HER-2 positif pada pasien kanker payudara berusia di bawah 40 tahun memiliki kejadian metastasis tulang lebih tinggi dengan resiko kejadian sebesar 5,67 kali. Prevalensi metastasis tulang cukup tinggi pada pasien kanker payudara berusia dibawah 40 tahun yaitu sebesar 28,1%.

Objective: Determine the relationship of tumor size and histopathology grade with bone metastases in breast cancer patients under 40 years old in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, to help improve the quality of management of the clinician.
Methods: Analysis using secondary data. The results of tumor size are grouped into ≤ 5 cm and> 5 cm based on the AJCC TNM staging system from PACS system, obtained through breast radiology imaging and histopathologic grade according to histopathological Nottingham combination obtained from the anatomical pathology expertise, the evaluation of bone metastases using bone scintigraphy. These analyses are based on the total population of breast cancer patients under 40 years old.
Results: The study subjects are 32 female breast cancer under 40 years old from January 2011 to July 2014 Dharmais Cancer Hospital. There is no significant relationship between the tumor size with bone metastasis (P = 0.715 (Fisher exact test), OR = 1.71 (0.32 to 9.36)). There is a significant relationship between the histopathology grade with bone metastases (P = 0.010, P <0.05). From 10 subjects with high grade histopathology, all subjects have no bone metastases. In subjects with moderate grade histopatholog, 8 of 15 subjects have bone metastases. In subjects with a low grade histopathology showed 6 of 7 subjects have no bone metastases. The mean age of 33.2 years and standard deviations of 3.7 years had a higher incidence of bone metastases (P = 0.024). There are additional data and found a significant association between Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive patients with bone metastases (P = 0.049 (P <0.05), odds ratio = 5.67 (0.84 to 43.16)). The prevalence bone metastasis is equal to 28.1%.
Conclusion: Breast cancer patients under 40 years with large tumor size did not have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Patients with a high grade histopathology do not have higher incidence of bone metastases, but found the incidence of bone metastases was higher in moderate grade histopathology. There are two other factors that also have a relationship with the incidence of bone metastases, that are age and Cerb-br / HER-2. The mean age of 33.2 years with standard deviations of 3.7 years in patients with breast cancer under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive breast cancer patients under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases with the risk of occurrence 5.67 times. The prevalence of bone metastases in breast cancer patients under the age of 40 years is quite high equal to 28.1%.;Objective: Determine the relationship of tumor size and histopathology grade with bone metastases in breast cancer patients under 40 years old in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, to help improve the quality of management of the clinician.
Methods: Analysis using secondary data. The results of tumor size are grouped into ≤ 5 cm and> 5 cm based on the AJCC TNM staging system from PACS system, obtained through breast radiology imaging and histopathologic grade according to histopathological Nottingham combination obtained from the anatomical pathology expertise, the evaluation of bone metastases using bone scintigraphy. These analyses are based on the total population of breast cancer patients under 40 years old.
Results: The study subjects are 32 female breast cancer under 40 years old from January 2011 to July 2014 Dharmais Cancer Hospital. There is no significant relationship between the tumor size with bone metastasis (P = 0.715 (Fisher exact test), OR = 1.71 (0.32 to 9.36)). There is a significant relationship between the histopathology grade with bone metastases (P = 0.010, P <0.05). From 10 subjects with high grade histopathology, all subjects have no bone metastases. In subjects with moderate grade histopatholog, 8 of 15 subjects have bone metastases. In subjects with a low grade histopathology showed 6 of 7 subjects have no bone metastases. The mean age of 33.2 years and standard deviations of 3.7 years had a higher incidence of bone metastases (P = 0.024). There are additional data and found a significant association between Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive patients with bone metastases (P = 0.049 (P <0.05), odds ratio = 5.67 (0.84 to 43.16)). The prevalence bone metastasis is equal to 28.1%.
Conclusion: Breast cancer patients under 40 years with large tumor size did not have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Patients with a high grade histopathology do not have higher incidence of bone metastases, but found the incidence of bone metastases was higher in moderate grade histopathology. There are two other factors that also have a relationship with the incidence of bone metastases, that are age and Cerb-br / HER-2. The mean age of 33.2 years with standard deviations of 3.7 years in patients with breast cancer under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive breast cancer patients under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases with the risk of occurrence 5.67 times. The prevalence of bone metastases in breast cancer patients under the age of 40 years is quite high equal to 28.1%.;Objective: Determine the relationship of tumor size and histopathology grade with bone metastases in breast cancer patients under 40 years old in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, to help improve the quality of management of the clinician.
Methods: Analysis using secondary data. The results of tumor size are grouped into ≤ 5 cm and> 5 cm based on the AJCC TNM staging system from PACS system, obtained through breast radiology imaging and histopathologic grade according to histopathological Nottingham combination obtained from the anatomical pathology expertise, the evaluation of bone metastases using bone scintigraphy. These analyses are based on the total population of breast cancer patients under 40 years old.
Results: The study subjects are 32 female breast cancer under 40 years old from January 2011 to July 2014 Dharmais Cancer Hospital. There is no significant relationship between the tumor size with bone metastasis (P = 0.715 (Fisher exact test), OR = 1.71 (0.32 to 9.36)). There is a significant relationship between the histopathology grade with bone metastases (P = 0.010, P <0.05). From 10 subjects with high grade histopathology, all subjects have no bone metastases. In subjects with moderate grade histopatholog, 8 of 15 subjects have bone metastases. In subjects with a low grade histopathology showed 6 of 7 subjects have no bone metastases. The mean age of 33.2 years and standard deviations of 3.7 years had a higher incidence of bone metastases (P = 0.024). There are additional data and found a significant association between Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive patients with bone metastases (P = 0.049 (P <0.05), odds ratio = 5.67 (0.84 to 43.16)). The prevalence bone metastasis is equal to 28.1%.
Conclusion: Breast cancer patients under 40 years with large tumor size did not have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Patients with a high grade histopathology do not have higher incidence of bone metastases, but found the incidence of bone metastases was higher in moderate grade histopathology. There are two other factors that also have a relationship with the incidence of bone metastases, that are age and Cerb-br / HER-2. The mean age of 33.2 years with standard deviations of 3.7 years in patients with breast cancer under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive breast cancer patients under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases with the risk of occurrence 5.67 times. The prevalence of bone metastases in breast cancer patients under the age of 40 years is quite high equal to 28.1%., Objective: Determine the relationship of tumor size and histopathology grade with bone metastases in breast cancer patients under 40 years old in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, to help improve the quality of management of the clinician.
Methods: Analysis using secondary data. The results of tumor size are grouped into ≤ 5 cm and> 5 cm based on the AJCC TNM staging system from PACS system, obtained through breast radiology imaging and histopathologic grade according to histopathological Nottingham combination obtained from the anatomical pathology expertise, the evaluation of bone metastases using bone scintigraphy. These analyses are based on the total population of breast cancer patients under 40 years old.
Results: The study subjects are 32 female breast cancer under 40 years old from January 2011 to July 2014 Dharmais Cancer Hospital. There is no significant relationship between the tumor size with bone metastasis (P = 0.715 (Fisher exact test), OR = 1.71 (0.32 to 9.36)). There is a significant relationship between the histopathology grade with bone metastases (P = 0.010, P <0.05). From 10 subjects with high grade histopathology, all subjects have no bone metastases. In subjects with moderate grade histopatholog, 8 of 15 subjects have bone metastases. In subjects with a low grade histopathology showed 6 of 7 subjects have no bone metastases. The mean age of 33.2 years and standard deviations of 3.7 years had a higher incidence of bone metastases (P = 0.024). There are additional data and found a significant association between Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive patients with bone metastases (P = 0.049 (P <0.05), odds ratio = 5.67 (0.84 to 43.16)). The prevalence bone metastasis is equal to 28.1%.
Conclusion: Breast cancer patients under 40 years with large tumor size did not have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Patients with a high grade histopathology do not have higher incidence of bone metastases, but found the incidence of bone metastases was higher in moderate grade histopathology. There are two other factors that also have a relationship with the incidence of bone metastases, that are age and Cerb-br / HER-2. The mean age of 33.2 years with standard deviations of 3.7 years in patients with breast cancer under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases. Cerb-b2 / HER-2 positive breast cancer patients under 40 years old have a higher incidence of bone metastases with the risk of occurrence 5.67 times. The prevalence of bone metastases in breast cancer patients under the age of 40 years is quite high equal to 28.1%.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purnama Sari
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh family business, corporate governance, related party transactions dan competition terhadap biaya utang. Variabel family business dibagi menjadi tiga model penelitian dengan masing- masing metode sebagai berikut: ditentukan berdasarkan persentase kepemilikan keluarga, menggunakan hubungan non-linear kepemilikan keluarga, menggunakan dummy variable pemegang saham keluarga di atas 20% yang terlibat dalam manajemen. Variabel corporate governance menggunakan skor yang dikeluarkan oleh The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship, related party transactions menggunakan dummy variable transaksi berelasi pinjaman dan competition menggunakan 1-Herfindahl Index. Penelitian menggunakan sampel 111 perusahaan tahun 2005, 2008, dan 2011. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase kepemilikan keluarga, hubungan non-linear kepemilikan keluarga, dan pemegang saham keluarga di atas 20% yang terlibat dalam manajemen tidak terbukti berpengaruh terhadap biaya utang. Sebagai variabel moderasi, persentase kepemilikan keluarga dan kepemilikan keluarga di atas 20% yang terlibat dalam manajemen tidak terbukti mempengaruhi hubungan corporate governance dan biaya utang, namun kepemilikan keluarga di atas 50% terbukti memperlemah hubungan corporate governance dan biaya utang. Penelitian ini juga membuktikan corporate governance dan related party transactions tidak berpengaruh terhadap biaya utang namun competition terbukti berpengaruh signifikan terhadap biaya utang.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of family business, corporate governance, related party transactions and competition to cost of debt. Family business is divided into three models which each methods are: percentage of family ownership, non-linear relationships of family ownership, dummy variable of family ownership more than 20% involved in management. This study employs scorecard which is issued by The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship, dummy variable of related loan transactions and 1-Herfindahl Index as a proxy for corporate governance, related party transactions and competition. This study employs 111 samples in 2005, 2008, and 2011. This study proves that family ownership, non-linear relationships of family ownership, and family ownership more than 20% involved in management have no impact to cost of debt. As moderating variables, family ownership and family ownership more than 20% involved in management do not influence relationship between corporate governance and cost of debt, but this study proves that family ownership more than 50% made relationship between corporate governance and cost of debt is weak. This study also proves that corporate governance and related party transactions have no impact to cost of debt but competition has a significant impact to cost of debt.;The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of family business, corporate governance, related party transactions and competition to cost of debt. Family business is divided into three models which each methods are: percentage of family ownership, non-linear relationships of family ownership, dummy variable of family ownership more than 20% involved in management. This study employs scorecard which is issued by The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship, dummy variable of related loan transactions and 1-Herfindahl Index as a proxy for corporate governance, related party transactions and competition. This study employs 111 samples in 2005, 2008, and 2011. This study proves that family ownership, non-linear relationships of family ownership, and family ownership more than 20% involved in management have no impact to cost of debt. As moderating variables, family ownership and family ownership more than 20% involved in management do not influence relationship between corporate governance and cost of debt, but this study proves that family ownership more than 50% made relationship between corporate governance and cost of debt is weak. This study also proves that corporate governance and related party transactions have no impact to cost of debt but competition has a significant impact to cost of debt.;The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of family business, corporate governance, related party transactions and competition to cost of debt. Family business is divided into three models which each methods are: percentage of family ownership, non-linear relationships of family ownership, dummy variable of family ownership more than 20% involved in management. This study employs scorecard which is issued by The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship, dummy variable of related loan transactions and 1-Herfindahl Index as a proxy for corporate governance, related party transactions and competition. This study employs 111 samples in 2005, 2008, and 2011. This study proves that family ownership, non-linear relationships of family ownership, and family ownership more than 20% involved in management have no impact to cost of debt. As moderating variables, family ownership and family ownership more than 20% involved in management do not influence relationship between corporate governance and cost of debt, but this study proves that family ownership more than 50% made relationship between corporate governance and cost of debt is weak. This study also proves that corporate governance and related party transactions have no impact to cost of debt but competition has a significant impact to cost of debt., The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of family business, corporate governance, related party transactions and competition to cost of debt. Family business is divided into three models which each methods are: percentage of family ownership, non-linear relationships of family ownership, dummy variable of family ownership more than 20% involved in management. This study employs scorecard which is issued by The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship, dummy variable of related loan transactions and 1-Herfindahl Index as a proxy for corporate governance, related party transactions and competition. This study employs 111 samples in 2005, 2008, and 2011. This study proves that family ownership, non-linear relationships of family ownership, and family ownership more than 20% involved in management have no impact to cost of debt. As moderating variables, family ownership and family ownership more than 20% involved in management do not influence relationship between corporate governance and cost of debt, but this study proves that family ownership more than 50% made relationship between corporate governance and cost of debt is weak. This study also proves that corporate governance and related party transactions have no impact to cost of debt but competition has a significant impact to cost of debt.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wulan Purnama Sari
Tesis ini membahas pertukaran sosial dalam pengaruhnya terhadap interaksi antara etnis Batak dan Tionghoa pada komunitas gereja di Jakarta. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan menggunakan mixed methods. Hipotesis awal menjelaskan terdapat pengaruh antara pertukaran sosial dengan interaksi sosial. Tetapi hipotesis akhir menunjukkan bahwa pertukaran sosial tidak memiliki pengaruh dalam interaksi antara kedua etnis tersebut. Penelitian tambahan dilakukan untuk mencari tahu faktor apa yang sebenarnya mempengaruhi interaksi antar kedua etnis tersebut. Hasilnya menunjukkan adanya peran dari nilai dan ajaran agama Kristen Protestan tentang cara berinteraksi dengan sesama manusia, seperti tertulis dalam Alkitab.

The focus of this study is social exchange in effect of interaction between ethnic Chinese and Bataknese inside church community at Jakarta. This research is using a mixed methods. Initial hypothesis explain that social exchange is affect social interaction. But final hypothesis shows that social exchange doesn?t have any effect in interaction between two ethnic groups. Additional research was conducted to searching what factors usually affect interaction between two ethnic groups, which is the result of this additional research shows that Christians Protestant values and doctrine play a role, which is about how to interact with others people, just like written on the Bible."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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