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Yuristika Dwi Astrini
Konflik antar saudara kandung merupakan hal yang sering terjadi pada rentang usia dini. Sebagai individu yang memiliki tanggung jawab dalam kepengasuhan anak, seorang ibu diharapkan dapat ikut membantu menyelesaikan konflik antar saudara kandung dengan strategi yang positif. Pada kenyataannya, strategi yang digunakan ibu masih bersifat negatif, sehingga tidak memberikan kesempatan pada anak untuk mengembangkan keterampilan dalam menyelesaikan sebuah konflik. Terdapat sebuah strategi yang lebih positif yang dapat digunakam oleh ibu untuk menangani konflik antar saudara kandung. Strategi ini dinamakan dengan mediasi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak pelatihan mediasi konflik yang diberikan kepada ibu dalam meningkatkan kemampuan (pengetahuan dan keterampilan) untuk menangani konflik antar saudara kandung pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain one group pretest ? posttest design. Alat ukur yang digunakan terdiri dari kuesioner untuk mengukur pengetahuan ibu mengenai konflik dan mediasi serta behavioral rating scale untuk mengukur keterampilan ibu dalam menangani konflik.
Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan teknik paired sample t-test menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan pada kemampuan ibu dalam menangani konflik antar saudara kandung, dengan taraf signifikansi p < 0,05. Hasil follow up yang dilakukan setelah pelatihan menunjukkan perubahan strategi ibu dalam menangani konflik antar saudara kandung menjadi lebih positif.

Sibling conflict is common in early chilhood. As an individual who has responsibility in parenting process, a mother is expected to be able to help the child in resolving conflicts between siblings in s a positive strategy. However, the strategies used by mother are still negative,and this condition does not give children the chances to develop their skils in resolving conflicts. There is a more positive strategy that can be used by mother in dealing with sibling conflicts. This strategy called mediation.
This research aimed to analyzed the effect of conflict mediation training to improve mothers ability (knowledge dan skills) in dealing with sibling conflict in early childhood. One group pretest ? posttest design were choosen in this research. Mother knowledge about conflict and mediation were assessed using a questionnaire, meanwhile ability in dealing with sibling conflict were assessed by a behavioral rating scale.
The result using paired sample t-test analysis shows a signficant different in mother ability to resolving siblings conflict (p < 0.05). A follow-up assessment also report mothers strategy in dealing with sibling conflict that become more positive.;Sibling conflict is common in early chilhood. As an individual who has responsibility in parenting process, a mother is expected to be able to help the child in resolving conflicts between siblings in s a positive strategy. However, the strategies used by mother are still negative,and this condition does not give children the chances to develop their skils in resolving conflicts. There is a more positive strategy that can be used by mother in dealing with sibling conflicts. This strategy called mediation.
This research aimed to analyzed the effect of conflict mediation training to improve mothers ability (knowledge dan skills) in dealing with sibling conflict in early childhood. One group pretest ? posttest design were choosen in this research. Mother knowledge about conflict and mediation were assessed using a questionnaire, meanwhile ability in dealing with sibling conflict were assessed by a behavioral rating scale.
The result using paired sample t-test analysis shows a signficant different in mother ability to resolving siblings conflict (p < 0.05). A follow-up assessment also report mothers strategy in dealing with sibling conflict that become more positive.;Sibling conflict is common in early chilhood. As an individual who has responsibility in parenting process, a mother is expected to be able to help the child in resolving conflicts between siblings in s a positive strategy. However, the strategies used by mother are still negative,and this condition does not give children the chances to develop their skils in resolving conflicts. There is a more positive strategy that can be used by mother in dealing with sibling conflicts. This strategy called mediation.
This research aimed to analyzed the effect of conflict mediation training to improve mothers ability (knowledge dan skills) in dealing with sibling conflict in early childhood. One group pretest ? posttest design were choosen in this research. Mother knowledge about conflict and mediation were assessed using a questionnaire, meanwhile ability in dealing with sibling conflict were assessed by a behavioral rating scale.
The result using paired sample t-test analysis shows a signficant different in mother ability to resolving siblings conflict (p < 0.05). A follow-up assessment also report mothers strategy in dealing with sibling conflict that become more positive.;Sibling conflict is common in early chilhood. As an individual who has responsibility in parenting process, a mother is expected to be able to help the child in resolving conflicts between siblings in s a positive strategy. However, the strategies used by mother are still negative,and this condition does not give children the chances to develop their skils in resolving conflicts. There is a more positive strategy that can be used by mother in dealing with sibling conflicts. This strategy called mediation.
This research aimed to analyzed the effect of conflict mediation training to improve mothers ability (knowledge dan skills) in dealing with sibling conflict in early childhood. One group pretest ? posttest design were choosen in this research. Mother knowledge about conflict and mediation were assessed using a questionnaire, meanwhile ability in dealing with sibling conflict were assessed by a behavioral rating scale.
The result using paired sample t-test analysis shows a signficant different in mother ability to resolving siblings conflict (p < 0.05). A follow-up assessment also report mothers strategy in dealing with sibling conflict that become more positive., Sibling conflict is common in early chilhood. As an individual who has responsibility in parenting process, a mother is expected to be able to help the child in resolving conflicts between siblings in s a positive strategy. However, the strategies used by mother are still negative,and this condition does not give children the chances to develop their skils in resolving conflicts. There is a more positive strategy that can be used by mother in dealing with sibling conflicts. This strategy called mediation.
This research aimed to analyzed the effect of conflict mediation training to improve mothers ability (knowledge dan skills) in dealing with sibling conflict in early childhood. One group pretest – posttest design were choosen in this research. Mother knowledge about conflict and mediation were assessed using a questionnaire, meanwhile ability in dealing with sibling conflict were assessed by a behavioral rating scale.
The result using paired sample t-test analysis shows a signficant different in mother ability to resolving siblings conflict (p < 0.05). A follow-up assessment also report mothers strategy in dealing with sibling conflict that become more positive.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai kegiatan penyusunan dan pelaksanaan penilaian kinerja berdasarkan model gabungan pada karyawan Hotel X. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan gabungan kualitatif dan kuantitatif, dimana terlebih dahulu dilakukan identifikasi permasalahan dengan metode wawancara terhadap pimpinan bagian SDM dan karyawan senior. Permasalahan hotel X adalah pada pengelolaan kinerja khususnya penilaian kinerja. Hotel X belum memiliki suatu konsep maupun instrumen penilaian kinerja yang efektif dan mampu mengidentifikasi kinerja karyawannya.
Pemecahan masalah yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah penyusunan kembali konsep penilaian kinerja dengan menggunakan model gabungan. Model gabungan adalah dengan mengkombinasikan penilaian kinerja berdasarkan hasil kerja (results) dengan perilaku kerja (kompetensi). Sebagai langkah awal dilakukan riviu terhadap uraian pekerjaan dengan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip akuntabilitas, objektif dan standar kerja sebagai pedoman penilaian hasil kerja, dan juga dilakukan penyusunan model kompetensi sebagai pedoman penilaian perilaku kerja.
Bentuk akhir dari penilaian kinerja yang telah disusun, diaplikasikan pada karyawan hotel X. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan adanya variasi kinerja antar karyawan sebagai indikator teridentifikasinya kinerja karyawan hotel X. Sebagai pendukung dilakukan juga survei sederhana guna mengungkap respon karyawan terhadap penilaian kinerja model gabungan yang telah dilakukan.

This thesis describes the formulation and implementation o f activities related to performance assessment based on a combined model on X Hotels employee. This activity was conducted with qualitative and quantitative approach in which the first step is to identify the problem based on interview to the leadership o f the HR and senior employees.Hotel X?s problem is on performance management, particularly performance appraisal. Hotel X does not yet have a concept of an effective performance appraisal instrument that capable o f identifying employee performance.
Solution suggested in this research is reconfiguring the concept o f performance assessment using a combined model. Combined model is to combine the performance evaluation based on the work results with the work behavior (competence). As a first step towards is a review o f job description with the principles o f accountability, objectives and performance standards as guidelines for results assessments, and also performed the competency model as a guide the preparation o f the assessment of work behavior.
The final form o f performance appraisal has been prepared then applied to X hotel employees. The results indicate the variation o f performance among employees as indicators o f performance identified. As well as supporters carried out a simple survey to reveal the response o f employees to the joint performance assessment model that has been done."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Selvi Megacita
"Dalam menghadapi persaingan, Hotel X memfokuskan pada dua keunggulan kompetitif yaitu SDM yang memiliki kompetensi tinggi dan kualitas pelayanan yang memuaskan. Namun demikian, Hotel X tengah menghadapi masalah terhadap dua keunggulan kompetitif tersebut; kompetensi-kompetensi yang telah dipakai dalam penilaian kincija dianggap memiliki kekurangan dan kualitas pelayanan yang dianggap belum maksimal.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperoleh model kompetensi, gambaran kepemilikan kompetensi dan tingkat PKO, dan gambaran pengaruh kepemilikan kompetensi terhadap tingkat PKO. Sehubungan dengan masalah yang terdapat di Hotel X tersebut, peneliti melakukan intervensi antara lain penyusunan model kompetensi; pengukuran kompetensi karyawan berdasarkan model kompetensi tersebut untuk mendapatkan kepemilikan kompetensi karyawan; pengukuran tingkat PKO karyawan; dan pengukuran pengaruh kepemilikan kompetensi terhadap tingkat PKO. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua pendekatan yaitu kualitatif dan kuantitatif.
Hasil penelitian ini antara lain: model kompetensi yang terdiri dari nama kompetensi, definisi, indikator perilaku dan levelnya, dan standar minimum tingkat penguasaan suatu level jabatan; kompetensi yang diperoleh meliputi empat kompetensi dasar dan duabelas kompetensi khusus; kepemilikan kompetensi dan PKO karyawan pada level staf masuk dalam kategori sedang; dan kepemilikan kompetensi berpengaruh terhadap tingkat PKO sebesar 37,6%.

Facing the competition, Hotel X focuses on two competitive advantages: human resources that have high competence and quality services. However, Hotel X was facing the problem of these two competitive advantages; the competencies that have been used in performance appraisals are considered to have flaws and quality of services that are considered not maximal.
The purpose of this study was to obtain the competency model, the profile of employee competencies's ownership and OCB, and the profile of employee competencies's ownership toward OCB. In connection with the problems that occurred at Hotel X, the researchers intervened: the preparation of the competency model; measurement of employee competencies based on the competency model to obtain ownership of employee competencies; measuring the level of OCB's employees; and measuring the effect of employee competencies's ownership toward OCB. This study uses two approaches, both qualitative and quantitative.
The results of this study include: models of competence which consists of a competency name, definition, indicator and behavioral level, and the minimum standard o f proficiency level; there are four core competencies and twelve specific competencies; the ownership of employee competencies and OCB are categorized in medium level; and the ownership of employee competencies affect OCB level (37.6%)."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library