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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sudardjat Sugiri
Abstrak :
Kebutaan, penurunan fungsi penglihatan dan kesakitan mata telah dinyatakan sebagai masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang penting di wilayah Asia Tenggara (WHO). Berdasarkan WHO maka diperkirakan terdapat 12 juta kebutaan dan 60 juta penurunan penglihatan di Asia Tenggara. Di Indonesia sendiri berdasarkan survai morbiditas mata dan kebutaan tahun 1982 yang dikelola oleh Direktorat Jendral Pembinaan Kesehatan Masyarakat Departemen Kesehatan RI menyatakan bahwa prevalensi kebutaan di Indonesia berkisar 1,2% dari jumlah penduduk Indonesia. Dari angka tersebut prosentase penyebab kebutaan utama ialah : - katarak 0.70% - kelainan kornea 0.13% - penyakit glaukoma 0.10% - kelainan refraksi 0.06% - kelainan retina 0.03% - kelainan nutrisi 0.02% Banyak macam cara pengobatan penyakit glaukoma baik secara obat-obatan maupun secara operasi. Cara operasi bisa dilakukan dengan membuka aliran akuos dari bilik mata depan ke celah sub konjungtiva pada mata taripa blok pupil, untuk membentuk pengaliran cairan akuos, atau dengan mengurangi pembentukan cairan akuos di badan siliar(3,4,5). Dari pengalaman klinis dapat terjadi suatu keadaan glaukoma yang berat misalnya glaukoma refrakter atau glaukoma absolut, glaukoma hemaragik atau glaukoma neovaskular, dimana tindakan operasi kurang berhasil. Pada keadaan diatas perlu dipikirkan cara pengobatan yang lebih efektif lain untuk menurunkan tekanan intra okular. Di Rumah Sakit Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo, pada glaukoma neovaskular dilakukan tindakan transkleral kriokoagulasi dan transkleral diatermi dengan tujuan mengurangi keadaan iskemia retina/koroid, untuk menurunkan tekanan intra okular. Sikatrik korioretina terjadi karena kerusakan epitel pigmen retina dan reseptor retina, terjadi penggabungan dari lapisan retina luar ke membrana Bruch, terjadi perubahan jaringan ikat korio-kapiler dan lapisan pembuluh darah koroid dalam, degenerasi dan disorganisasi dari retina sensoris dan sel-sel penyokong (6,8). Keadaan ini dapat terjadi akibat perubahan atau setelah tindakan krioterapi atau diatermi dari pada retina, baik pada perubahan penyakit retina maupun pada terapi glaukoma diatas. Pada suatu kelainan di retina , dapat di ikuti dengan penurunan tekanan intra okular (T.I.O.) yang moderat, pengurangan aliran humor akuos melalui bilik mata depan, suar ringan di akuos dan peningkatan kadar protein cairan subretinal. Ada 2 hipotesa kemungkinan terjadinya keadaan tersebut. Hipotesa pertama menyatakan bahwa kelainan retina akan menimbulkan inflamasi ringan sistem traktus uvea, disebabkan kegagalan sawar darah-akuos, disertai suar akuos & pengurangan produksi akuos, mengakibatkan peninggian protein cairan sub retinal. Hipotesa kedua mengatakan bahwa terjadi kegagalan ringan sawar darah akuos. Dan juga, produksi akuos tetap normal tetapi terjadi perubahan aliran dari bilik mata belakang kerongga badan kaca, melalui kelainan diretina dan melewati epitel pigmen retina. Aliran yang tidak lazim ini (misdirected/unconvention al route) dari humor akuos menyebabkan penurunan tekanan intra okular, dan membawa protein dari bilik mata belakang yang akan mengumpui di celah subretinal. Pembuktian adanya aliran cairan dari badan kaca ke celah retina ini terlihat pada percobaan binatang kera yang disuntikan cairan fluoresin iso tiosianat dextran. Disini terjadi kerusakan intregitas retina sensoris, yang diikuti pengaliran cairan badan kaca ke celah subretinal dan akan di absorpsi pembuluh darah koroid dan menimbulkan penurunan tekanan intra okular.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mariati S. Muchlis
Abstrak :
Sayatan pada operasi katarak biasanya menyebabkan beberapa tingkat pendataran meridian kornea pada "right angle" ke arah sayatan tersebut. Dengan sayatan di bagian superior berarti adanya pendataran pada meridian vertikal.
Perjalanan yang lambat dan progresif dari penyembuhan luka operasi menyebabkan regangan jaringan parut sehingga terjadi pendataran dari bagian atas kornea yang menghasilkan astigmatisme "Againts the rule".
Dikatakan bahwa astigmatisme yang terjadi segera setelah operasi disebabkan oleh karena jahitan yang terlalu kencang dan akan berkurang selama periode pasca bedah ( 9 ).
Sing (7) berpendapat bahwa astigmatisme yang terjadi segera setelah operasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan pasca pembedahan setelah 6 minggu di mana akan menurun hampir separuhnya.
Yaffe (10) menganjurkan pemberian kaca mata afakia segera setelah hasil keratometer dan refraksi stabil, biasanya pada minggu ke-6 sampai minggu ke-8 pasca bedah.
Dia malah memberikan kaca mata afakia setelah 4 minggu dan kadang-kadang setelah 8 minggu, hal ini tergantung dari tehnik pembedahan.
Menetapnya hasil keratometer atau refraksi selain tergantung dari teknik pembedahan, juga dipengaruhi oleh proses penyembuhan luka yang bervariasi secara individual, di samping itu berbagai faktor lain seperti operator, benang yang dipakai, pengobatan pasca bedah dan lain-lain mempunyai peranan penting, sehingga pemberian kaca mata afakia sebaiknya ditinjau kasus perkasus.
Selama ini di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo pemberian kaca mata afakia setelah 2 bulan pasca bedah di mana dianggap luka operasi sudah tenang dan hasil refraksi objektif dan subjektif sudah optimal.
Timbul masaalah pada penderita-penderita yang masih aktif bekerja agar dapat menjalankan fungsinya sedini mungkin sehingga mereka sangat mengharapkan kaca mata afakia secepatnya.
Kapan sebaiknya kaca mata afakia dapat diberikan merupakan hal yang perlu dikemukakan mengingat faktor-faktor tersebut diatas. Dalam hal ini penulis ingin mencoba untuk menentukan suatu kriteria, kapan sebaiknya diberikan kaca mata afakia pada penderita pasca bedah katarak yang tentu saja disesuaikan dengan kondisi dan situasi yang tersedia.
Pada penelitian ini penulis membatasi diri dengan hanya melakukan penelitian pada penderita yang dilakukan operasi katarak intrakapsuler dengan tehnik operasi yang sesuai protokol yang telah dianjurkan pada resider tingkat terakhir di Bagian Ilmu Penyakit mata RSCM.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faresa Hilda
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Tujuan tesis ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh laser fotokoagulasi panretinal 532 nm durasi 20 ms dosis tunggal, 100 ms dosis tunggal dan 100 ms-3 sesi terhadap ketebalan makula sentral (KMS). Desain penelitian adalah uji klinis acak terkontrol tersamar ganda. Tiga puluh tiga mata yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dirandomisasi untuk mendapatkan laser 20 ms dosis tunggal atau 100 ms dosis tunggal atau 100 ms-3 sesi. Keluaran primer adalah KMS yang diukur menggunakan time-domain Optical Coherence Tomography pada baseline, 4 minggu dan 8 minggu pasca laser. Analisis hasil didapatkan rerata ( + SE) KMS baseline kelompok 100 ms, 20 ms dan 100 ms-3 sesi berturut-turut adalah 212,18 + 12,18 µm; 199,18 + 12,18 µm; 215,36 + 12,18 µm. Empat minggu pasca laser, KMS berturut-turut meningkat menjadi 232,09 + 18,63 µm; 206,27 + 18,63 µm; 254,09 + 18,63 µm. Delapan minggu pasca laser, KMS meningkat pada kelompok 100 ms dan 20 ms (237,90 + 17,47 µm; 208,27 + 17,47 µm), namun menurun pada kelompok 100 ms-3sesi (252,36 + 17,47 µm).
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of panretinal laser photocoagulation 532 nm of 20 ms duration single session (SS), 100 ms SS and 100 ms (3 session) toward central macular thickness (CMT). The study design was a double-blind, randomized controlled clinical trial. Thirty-three subjects who met inclusion criteria were randomized to receive 20 ms SS laser or 100 ms SS or 100 ms (3 session). Primary output was CMT, measured by time-domain Optical Coherence Tomography at baseline, 4 weeks and 8 weeks post-laser. Results showed mean ( + SE) CMT at baseline from 100 ms SS group, 20 ms SS and 100 ms-3 session were 212.18 + 12.18 μm; 199.18 + 12.18 μm; 215.36 + 12.18 μm respectively. Four weeks after laser, CMT was increased to 232.09 + 18.63 μm; 206.27 + 18.63 μm; 254.09 + 18.63 μm respectively. Eight weeks post laser, CMT was increased in 100 ms SS and 20 ms SS (237.90 + 17.47 μm; 208.27 + 17.47 μm), but decreased 100 ms-3session group (252.36 + 17.47 μm).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alia Arianti
Abstrak :
Tesis ini bertujuan menilai perbandingan efektivitas injeksi intravitreal vorikonazol 100 µg/0.1 mL dengan amfoterisin B 5 µg/0.1 mL pada endoftalmitis akibat Aspergillus flavus di hewan coba kelinci. Uji eksperimental tersamar acak dilakukan pada 15 kelinci albino New Zealand white yang terbagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu kelompok vorikonazol, amfoterisin B, dan kontrol. Parameter yang dinilai adalah perubahan klinis, pemeriksaan mikologi, dan perubahan histopatologi jaringan. Perubahan skor klinis di akhir evaluasi tidak berbeda bermakna antara kelompok vorikonazol dengan amfoterisin B, namun respons klinis cenderung lebih baik pada kelompok vorikonazol. Jumlah koloni jamur terkecil dan berbeda bermakna didapatkan pada kelompok amfoterisin B. Tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna pada rerata nilai histopatologi jaringan kedua kelompok, namun derajat inflamasi cenderung lebih ringan pada kelompok vorikonazol.ABSTRACT
The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacies of intravitreal 100 µg voriconazole and 5 µg amphotericin B treatment against Aspergillus flavus in an exogenous endophthalmitis model in rabbit eyes. A randomized, controlledexperimental study was conducted on 15 albino New Zealand white rabbits, which latter allocated into three different treatment group of voriconazole, amphotericin B, and control. Clinical grading were performed at multiple times, while mycology analysis and histopathological examination were performed at 10 days after treatment. No significant change in clinical grading was found between the treatment group, but voriconazole group showed better response tendency. The smallest number of fungal colony forming unit was found significantly in the amphotericin B group. No significant difference was found, however, between the mean histopathological score of the two treatment groups, but the tendency of a lower inflammation score was shown in voriconazole group. ;The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacies of intravitreal 100 µg voriconazole and 5 µg amphotericin B treatment against Aspergillus flavus in an exogenous endophthalmitis model in rabbit eyes. A randomized, controlledexperimental study was conducted on 15 albino New Zealand white rabbits, which latter allocated into three different treatment group of voriconazole, amphotericin B, and control. Clinical grading were performed at multiple times, while mycology analysis and histopathological examination were performed at 10 days after treatment. No significant change in clinical grading was found between the treatment group, but voriconazole group showed better response tendency. The smallest number of fungal colony forming unit was found significantly in the amphotericin B group. No significant difference was found, however, between the mean histopathological score of the two treatment groups, but the tendency of a lower inflammation score was shown in voriconazole group. ;The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacies of intravitreal 100 µg voriconazole and 5 µg amphotericin B treatment against Aspergillus flavus in an exogenous endophthalmitis model in rabbit eyes. A randomized, controlledexperimental study was conducted on 15 albino New Zealand white rabbits, which latter allocated into three different treatment group of voriconazole, amphotericin B, and control. Clinical grading were performed at multiple times, while mycology analysis and histopathological examination were performed at 10 days after treatment. No significant change in clinical grading was found between the treatment group, but voriconazole group showed better response tendency. The smallest number of fungal colony forming unit was found significantly in the amphotericin B group. No significant difference was found, however, between the mean histopathological score of the two treatment groups, but the tendency of a lower inflammation score was shown in voriconazole group. ;The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacies of intravitreal 100 µg voriconazole and 5 µg amphotericin B treatment against Aspergillus flavus in an exogenous endophthalmitis model in rabbit eyes. A randomized, controlledexperimental study was conducted on 15 albino New Zealand white rabbits, which latter allocated into three different treatment group of voriconazole, amphotericin B, and control. Clinical grading were performed at multiple times, while mycology analysis and histopathological examination were performed at 10 days after treatment. No significant change in clinical grading was found between the treatment group, but voriconazole group showed better response tendency. The smallest number of fungal colony forming unit was found significantly in the amphotericin B group. No significant difference was found, however, between the mean histopathological score of the two treatment groups, but the tendency of a lower inflammation score was shown in voriconazole group.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Seruni Era Lestari
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai akurasi skrining ROP bayi prematur dengan menggunakan wide field retinal imaging system (RetCam vi ® ) yang dilakukan oleh dokter umum terlatih dibandingkan dengan menggunakan oftalmoskopi indirek binokuler (BIO). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang dan bersifat uji diagnostik. Semua bayi prematur yang memenuhi kriteria skrining menurut workshop ROP dan bayi prematur di Indonesia diikutsertakan pada penelitian ini. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa WFDRI (RetCam ® ) yang dilakukan oleh dokter umum yang terlatih secara baku sama akuratnya dengan oftalmoskopi indirek binokuler (BIO) dalam skrining ROP pada bayi lahir prematur.ABSTRACT
The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of wide field digital retinal imaging (RetCam ®) conducted by trained general practitioner in comparison with binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy (BIO). The design of this study was a cross sectional, diagnostic trial study. Preterm infants that met the inclusion criteria according to Indonesia retinopathy of prematurity workshop were included in the study. The result of this study revealed that the accuracy of WFDRI (RetCam ) performed by trained general practitioner were similar to those performed using BIO in ROP screening.;The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of wide field digital retinal imaging (RetCam ® ) conducted by trained general practitioner in comparison with binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy (BIO). The design of this study was a cross sectional, diagnostic trial study. Preterm infants that met the inclusion criteria according to Indonesia retinopathy of prematurity workshop were included in the study. The result of this study revealed that the accuracy of WFDRI (RetCam ) performed by trained general practitioner were similar to those performed using BIO in ROP screening.;The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of wide field digital retinal imaging (RetCam ® ) conducted by trained general practitioner in comparison with binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy (BIO). The design of this study was a cross sectional, diagnostic trial study. Preterm infants that met the inclusion criteria according to Indonesia retinopathy of prematurity workshop were included in the study. The result of this study revealed that the accuracy of WFDRI (RetCam ) performed by trained general practitioner were similar to those performed using BIO in ROP screening.;The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of wide field digital retinal imaging (RetCam ® ) conducted by trained general practitioner in comparison with binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy (BIO). The design of this study was a cross sectional, diagnostic trial study. Preterm infants that met the inclusion criteria according to Indonesia retinopathy of prematurity workshop were included in the study. The result of this study revealed that the accuracy of WFDRI (RetCam ) performed by trained general practitioner were similar to those performed using BIO in ROP screening.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asri Setiawati
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Banyaknya jumlah kasus ROP yang terlambat dirujuk ke RSCM-Kirana menunjukkan bahwa penanganan ROP di Indonesia masih merupakan tantangan. Keterlambatan diagnosis ROP yang ditemukan di RSCM tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh terbatasnya dokter mata ahli retina dan pediatric ophthalmologist (PO) dan kurangnya pengetahuan dokter mata umum dalam mendiagnosis ROP. Pengetahuan dan keterampilan mendiagnosis ROP merupakan salah satu mata ajar dalam program pendidikan dokter spesialis mata di FKUI. Data mengenai seberapa baik pengetahuan PPDS tersebut dalam mendiagnosis ROP belum tersedia. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi kemampuan PPDS mata dalam mendiagnosis ROP berdasarkan pembacaan hasil foto wide field digital retinal imaging (WFDRI) bayi prematur. Metode: Sebanyak 25 set foto WFDRI dibaca dan diinterpretasi oleh 15 subjek PPDS mata, dan digolongkan ke dalam 4 klasifikasi: tidak ada ROP, ROP ringan, ROP tipe 2, dan ROP yang memerlukan terapi. Pembacaan oleh subjek tersebut dihitung nilai kesesuaiannya (Kappa) terhadap pembacaan oleh 3 konsultan PO sebagai referensi, kemudian ditentukan tingkat kesesuaian berdasarkan penggolongan nilai Kappa. Tingkat kesesuaian yang diharapkan adalah ?sangat baik?, khusus untuk penentuan ROP perlu terapi, nilai Kappa yang diharapkan adalah 1,00. Hasil: Dalam penentuan adanya ROP, seluruh subjek memiliki tingkat kesesuaian ?sangat baik? (Kappa 1,00); dalam penentuan ROP ringan atau lebih berat, hanya 1 dari 15 subjek memiliki tingkat kesesuaian ?sangat baik?, 9 subjek memiliki kesesuaian ?baik?, dan 5 subjek memiliki kesesuian ?sedang? (Kappa 0,65+0,15); dalam penentuan ROP tipe 2 atau lebih berat, 10 dari 15 subjek memiliki tingkat kesesuaian ?sangat baik?, 3 subjek memiliki kesesuaian ?baik?, dan 2 subjek memiliki kesesuaian ?sedang? (Kappa 0,45-1,00); dalam penentuan ROP yang memerlukan terapi, hanya 7 dari 15 subjek yang memiliki nilai Kappa 1,00, namun 12 dari 15 subjek memiliki tingkat kesesuaian ?sangat baik?, dan 3 subjek memiliki kesesuaian ?baik? (Kappa 0,75-1,00). Dalam penentuan zona dan stadium, hanya sebagian kecil subjek yang memiliki tingkat kesesuaian ?sangat baik? (Kappa 0,35-0,81 dan 0,32-0,91); sedangkan dalam penentuan plus disease, hanya 6 dari 15 subjek yang memiliki nilai Kappa 1,00. Kesimpulan: Kemampuan PPDS mata dalam mendiagosis ROP belum seluruhnya mencapai target yang diharapkan. ABSTRACT
Background: Numerous late-stage ROP cases that referred to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (Kirana) showed us that ROP management in Indonesia is still a challenge. The delayed management might be caused by limited number of vitreoretinal specialist or pediatric ophthalmologist, and inadequate diagnostic knowledge of ROP of the general ophthalmologists. In condition of limited number of vitreoretinal and pediatric ophthalmologists, the general ophthalmologists are suggested to be taking part in ROP screening program. In FKUI, ROP screening has been a part of residency training program, however, there was no available data of ROP diagnostic knowledge of the residents. Purpose: To measure agreement of image-based ROP diagnosis between ophthalmology residents and pediatric ophthalmologist. Methods: Twenty-five sets of retinal photographs of premature infants were interpreted by 15 ophthalmology residents and pediatric ophthalmologists, and classified into 4 categories: no ROP, mild ROP, type 2 ROP, and treatmentrequiring ROP. Agreements are measured for diagnosis classification, stage, zone, and plus disease detection. Level of agreement was measured based on Kappa value of each subjects. The expected level of agreement for each category was ?very good agreement?. For treatment-requiring ROP and plus disease, the expected Kappa value was 1.00. Results: For detection of no ROP, agreement of all subjects was ?very good? (Kappa 1,00); for detection of mild or worse ROP, only 1 of 15 subjects has ?very good agreement?, 9 of 15 subjects have ?good agreement?, and 5 subjects have ?moderate agreement? (Kappa 0,65+0,15); for detection of type 2 or worse ROP, 10 of 15 subjects have ?very good agreement?, 3 subjects have ?good agreement?, and 2 subjects have ?moderate agreement? (Kappa 0,45-1,00); for detection of requiring-therapy ROP, only 7 of 15 subjects that have Kappa value of 1.00, however, 12 of 15 subjects have ?very good agreement?, and only 3 subjects have ?good agreement? (Kappa 0,75-1,00). For detection of stage and zone of ROP, only a little number of subjects have ?very good agreement? (Kappa 0.35-0.81, and 0.32-0.91, respectively); and for plus disease detection, only 6 of 15 subjects have Kappa value of 1.00. Conclusion: Agreement of image-based ROP diagnosis between ophthalmology residents and pediatric ophthalmologist has not achieved the expected target yet. ;Background: Numerous late-stage ROP cases that referred to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (Kirana) showed us that ROP management in Indonesia is still a challenge. The delayed management might be caused by limited number of vitreoretinal specialist or pediatric ophthalmologist, and inadequate diagnostic knowledge of ROP of the general ophthalmologists. In condition of limited number of vitreoretinal and pediatric ophthalmologists, the general ophthalmologists are suggested to be taking part in ROP screening program. In FKUI, ROP screening has been a part of residency training program, however, there was no available data of ROP diagnostic knowledge of the residents. Purpose: To measure agreement of image-based ROP diagnosis between ophthalmology residents and pediatric ophthalmologist. Methods: Twenty-five sets of retinal photographs of premature infants were interpreted by 15 ophthalmology residents and pediatric ophthalmologists, and classified into 4 categories: no ROP, mild ROP, type 2 ROP, and treatmentrequiring ROP. Agreements are measured for diagnosis classification, stage, zone, and plus disease detection. Level of agreement was measured based on Kappa value of each subjects. The expected level of agreement for each category was ?very good agreement?. For treatment-requiring ROP and plus disease, the expected Kappa value was 1.00. Results: For detection of no ROP, agreement of all subjects was ?very good? (Kappa 1,00); for detection of mild or worse ROP, only 1 of 15 subjects has ?very good agreement?, 9 of 15 subjects have ?good agreement?, and 5 subjects have ?moderate agreement? (Kappa 0,65+0,15); for detection of type 2 or worse ROP, 10 of 15 subjects have ?very good agreement?, 3 subjects have ?good agreement?, and 2 subjects have ?moderate agreement? (Kappa 0,45-1,00); for detection of requiring-therapy ROP, only 7 of 15 subjects that have Kappa value of 1.00, however, 12 of 15 subjects have ?very good agreement?, and only 3 subjects have ?good agreement? (Kappa 0,75-1,00). For detection of stage and zone of ROP, only a little number of subjects have ?very good agreement? (Kappa 0.35-0.81, and 0.32-0.91, respectively); and for plus disease detection, only 6 of 15 subjects have Kappa value of 1.00. Conclusion: Agreement of image-based ROP diagnosis between ophthalmology residents and pediatric ophthalmologist has not achieved the expected target yet. ;Background: Numerous late-stage ROP cases that referred to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (Kirana) showed us that ROP management in Indonesia is still a challenge. The delayed management might be caused by limited number of vitreoretinal specialist or pediatric ophthalmologist, and inadequate diagnostic knowledge of ROP of the general ophthalmologists. In condition of limited number of vitreoretinal and pediatric ophthalmologists, the general ophthalmologists are suggested to be taking part in ROP screening program. In FKUI, ROP screening has been a part of residency training program, however, there was no available data of ROP diagnostic knowledge of the residents. Purpose: To measure agreement of image-based ROP diagnosis between ophthalmology residents and pediatric ophthalmologist. Methods: Twenty-five sets of retinal photographs of premature infants were interpreted by 15 ophthalmology residents and pediatric ophthalmologists, and classified into 4 categories: no ROP, mild ROP, type 2 ROP, and treatmentrequiring ROP. Agreements are measured for diagnosis classification, stage, zone, and plus disease detection. Level of agreement was measured based on Kappa value of each subjects. The expected level of agreement for each category was ?very good agreement?. For treatment-requiring ROP and plus disease, the expected Kappa value was 1.00. Results: For detection of no ROP, agreement of all subjects was ?very good? (Kappa 1,00); for detection of mild or worse ROP, only 1 of 15 subjects has ?very good agreement?, 9 of 15 subjects have ?good agreement?, and 5 subjects have ?moderate agreement? (Kappa 0,65+0,15); for detection of type 2 or worse ROP, 10 of 15 subjects have ?very good agreement?, 3 subjects have ?good agreement?, and 2 subjects have ?moderate agreement? (Kappa 0,45-1,00); for detection of requiring-therapy ROP, only 7 of 15 subjects that have Kappa value of 1.00, however, 12 of 15 subjects have ?very good agreement?, and only 3 subjects have ?good agreement? (Kappa 0,75-1,00). For detection of stage and zone of ROP, only a little number of subjects have ?very good agreement? (Kappa 0.35-0.81, and 0.32-0.91, respectively); and for plus disease detection, only 6 of 15 subjects have Kappa value of 1.00. Conclusion: Agreement of image-based ROP diagnosis between ophthalmology residents and pediatric ophthalmologist has not achieved the expected target yet.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damara Andalia
Abstrak :
Latar belakang Glaukoma masih merupakan salah satu penyebab kebutaan terbesar di dunia. Belakangan ini, ketebalan RFNL dan GCIPL diketahui memiliki hubungan terhadap perubahan struktural yang disebabkan oleh glaukoma. Tujuan untuk mengkaji kemampuan diagnostik dari pengukuran ketebalan RFNL dan GCIPL dalam mendeteksi glaukoma pada tahap awal. Metode Enam puluh empat mata dengan sudut bilik mata sempit (32 glaukoma, 32 non-glaukoma) dari 48 pasien menjalani pengukuran menggunakan Cirrus OCT dengan protokol 3,4 mm pemindaian cepat RFNL peripapilar. Pengukuran dilakukan pada sisi superior, inferior, nasal, temporal dari GCIPL dan RFNL, begitu juga dengan GCIPL superotemporal, superonasal, inferotemporal, inferonasal, dan minimal. Hasil Semua parameter yang diuji pada studi ini menunjukkan angka yang lebih rendah pada kelompok PACG dibandingkan kelompok PAC. Rerata ketebalan RFNL dan ketebalan GCIPL inferotemporal masing-masing memiliki nilai spesifitias dan sensitifitas yang paling baik. Parameter dengan determinan terbaik adalah ketebalan GCIPL inferotemporal dengan sensitifitas dan spesifitas masingmasing 75% dan 75%. Kesimpulan Ketebalan GCIPL dan RFNL peripapil memiliki potensi besar sebagai parameter diagnostik seperti skrining dan evaluasi respon terapi. ABSTRACT
Background Glaucoma remains one of the biggest causes of blindness worldwide. Recently, RFNL and GCIPL thickness were shown to be correlated with early structural changes caused by glaucoma. Objective to evaluate the diagnostic performance of RFNL and GCIPL thickness measurement in detecting early glaucoma Method Sixty-four eyes with primary angle closure (32 glaucomatous, 32 nonglaucomatous) of 48 patients underwent peripapillar scanning using Cirrus OCT using 3,4 mm protocol fast RNFL peripapillary thickness scan. The measurement includes superior, inferior, nasal, temporal, mean GCIPL and RFNL, as well as superotemporal, superonasal, inferotemporal, inferonasal, minimal GCIPL. Result All parameters studied were significantly thinner in PACG group compared to PAC group. Mean RFNL thickness and inferotemporal GCIPL has the highest specificity and sensitivity, respectively, in detecting glaucoma. Parameter with the best determinant is inferotemporal GCIPL thickness with sensitivity and specificity, 75% and 71.9%, respectively. Conclusion Peripapillary RFNL and GCIPL could be a potential diagnostic parameter in detecting early glaucoma and monitoring therapy response in glaucoma patients. ;Background Glaucoma remains one of the biggest causes of blindness worldwide. Recently, RFNL and GCIPL thickness were shown to be correlated with early structural changes caused by glaucoma. Objective to evaluate the diagnostic performance of RFNL and GCIPL thickness measurement in detecting early glaucoma Method Sixty-four eyes with primary angle closure (32 glaucomatous, 32 nonglaucomatous) of 48 patients underwent peripapillar scanning using Cirrus OCT using 3,4 mm protocol fast RNFL peripapillary thickness scan. The measurement includes superior, inferior, nasal, temporal, mean GCIPL and RFNL, as well as superotemporal, superonasal, inferotemporal, inferonasal, minimal GCIPL. Result All parameters studied were significantly thinner in PACG group compared to PAC group. Mean RFNL thickness and inferotemporal GCIPL has the highest specificity and sensitivity, respectively, in detecting glaucoma. Parameter with the best determinant is inferotemporal GCIPL thickness with sensitivity and specificity, 75% and 71.9%, respectively. Conclusion Peripapillary RFNL and GCIPL could be a potential diagnostic parameter in detecting early glaucoma and monitoring therapy response in glaucoma patients. ;Background Glaucoma remains one of the biggest causes of blindness worldwide. Recently, RFNL and GCIPL thickness were shown to be correlated with early structural changes caused by glaucoma. Objective to evaluate the diagnostic performance of RFNL and GCIPL thickness measurement in detecting early glaucoma Method Sixty-four eyes with primary angle closure (32 glaucomatous, 32 nonglaucomatous) of 48 patients underwent peripapillar scanning using Cirrus OCT using 3,4 mm protocol fast RNFL peripapillary thickness scan. The measurement includes superior, inferior, nasal, temporal, mean GCIPL and RFNL, as well as superotemporal, superonasal, inferotemporal, inferonasal, minimal GCIPL. Result All parameters studied were significantly thinner in PACG group compared to PAC group. Mean RFNL thickness and inferotemporal GCIPL has the highest specificity and sensitivity, respectively, in detecting glaucoma. Parameter with the best determinant is inferotemporal GCIPL thickness with sensitivity and specificity, 75% and 71.9%, respectively. Conclusion Peripapillary RFNL and GCIPL could be a potential diagnostic parameter in detecting early glaucoma and monitoring therapy response in glaucoma patients.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library