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Ditemukan 64 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Penelitian ini bertujuan, pertama untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan penunjukan pihak ketiga dalam melaksanakan sebagian proses peneraan dan peneraan ulang meter kWh hubungannya dengan faktor-faktor kristis yang mempengaruhinya, dan kedua untuk mengetahui kesesuaian kebijakan tersebut dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang lainnya. Menurut Edwards III, tingkat keberhasilan implementasi suatu kebijakan dipengaruhi oleh empat faktor kritis atau variabel, yaitu komunikasi, sumber daya, sikap, dan struktur birokrasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum komunikasi yang terjalin, sumber daya yang tersedia, sikap para pelaksana kebijakan, dan struktur birokrasi yang ada pada saat ini tergolong cukup baik dalam mendukung pelaksanaan peneraan meter kWh oleh Perusahaan Pihak Ketiga, hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan nilai skor relatif rata-rata yang diperoleh untuk keempat variabel tersebut sebesar 59,35%. Dari hasil penelitian juga terungkap bahwa secara umum sikap para pelaksana kebijakan hubungannya dengan sikap atas kesesuaian antara partisipasi Pihak Ketiga dalam proses peneraan meter kWh dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada tergolong cukup baik.

This research has two targets, the first to know level of success of policy implementation of third sector designation in executing some of verification and re-verification processes meter kWh relation with critical factors influencing him, and second to know according to the policy with existing law and regulation. According to Edwards III, level of success of implementation a policy influenced by four critical factor or variable, that is communications, resource, attitude, and bureaucracy structure.
Result of research indicate that in general communications which intertwin, available resource, attitude of executors of policy, and bureaucracy structure which there is at the moment pertained good enough in supporting execution of verification of meter kWh by the Third Sector. The mentioned shown with score value relative mean obtained to be fourth of the variable equal to 59,35%. From research result is also expressed that in general attitude of the executors of policy of relation with attitude to the according to among Third Party participation in executing some of verification of meter kWh with good enough pertained existing law and regulation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Hidayanto, Author
"Upaya penagqulangan kejahatan merupakan masalah universal yang terus menerus harus selalu diupayakan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan keterpaduan antara komponen-komponen yang terlibat dalam sistem peradilan pidana yang diatur diatur dan di tata dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana atau KUHAP. KUHAP sejak kelahirannya sangat menjunjung tinggi hak-hak tersangka atau terdakwa tanpa bertujuan secara khusus melindungi hak korban kejahatan. Terjadi ketidak seimbangan dalam perlakuan yang wajar antara tersangka atau terdakwa dengan korban kejahatan di dalam KUHAP. Masyarakat, terutama korban kejahatan sangat mendambakan keadilan dengan dipidananya pelaku kejahatan, sangat membutuhkan akses dalam penyelenggaraan peradilan. Masyarakat berhak tahu sampai sejauh mana perkembangannya penanganan perkara yang ditangani oleh aparat penegak hukum. Menyikapi hal tersebut penulis tertarik untuk mengambil permasalahan pokok dalam penelitian ini yaitu: "Bagaimana penerapan pemberian informasi tentang kemajuan penanganan perkara kepada korban dalam Lahap pra-adyudikasi". KUHAP tidak mengatur ketentuan pemberian informasi penanganan perkara oleh aparat penegak hukum. Sejak tahun 1985 dunia internasional telah menyepakati Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power. Di Indonesia telah lahir pula Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2006 tentang Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban. Dalam dua ketentuan ini telah diatur bahwa saksi dan korban berhak mendapatkan informasi perkembangan kasus. Penulis melakukan penelitian normatif dan empiris yang disajikan secara kualitatif, ternyata penegak hukum belum melaksanakan secara optimal dalam pelaksaan teknisnya di lapangan. Padahal pemberian informasi mengenai penanganan perkara ini sangat penting dan urgen untuk segera dilaksanakan dalam rangka pengawasan kinerja aparat penegak hukum serta kesuksesan proses peradilan pidana, sehingga rasa keadilan masyarakat dapat tercapai. Oleh karena itu diharapkan dalam rancangan KUHAP yang akan datang hal pemberian informasi kemajuan penanganan perkara ini perlu diatur lebih tegas.
The effort for overcoming crimes is a universal problem to be done continuously. Hence, it requires integration among components involved in the criminal justice system as legislated by Law No. 8/1981 of the Penal Code. Since the enactment, the penal code protect the rights of suspected or the accused more than to protect the right of victim of crime specially. Within the Penal Code there is no balance of proper treatment between the suspected or accused and the victim of crime. Society especially the victim of crime, they are very wishing justice by sentencing the offender and they need to access to courts. Society have right to know how far the progress of the case handled by the police and the prosecutor. Hence, the author in interest to write the essential problem for this research, i,e,: "How application of giving information regarding progress of the case in pre-adjudication stage". The Penal Code had not provided with regulation of giving information to settle case by police and prosecutor in pre-adjudication stage. Since the enactment of 1985 the World had agreed Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power. Also in Indonesia had been enacted Law No. 13/2006 of Protection for Witness and Victim(s). For those two instruments it had been regulated that 'witness and victims have right to get information about progress of the case. The author had conducted both normative and empirical research presented qualitatively, factually, the legal apparatus had not implemented its techniques in field optimally. Indeed, giving information about progress of the case is very urgent and important to be implemented immediately within framework of supervising the legal apparatus and to proceed criminal justice system successfully, so that, sense of justice of society may be achieved. Hence, it is wished to design The Penal Code for the future, giving information about progress of the case should be regulated more firmly."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 1984
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hukum Administrasi Negara, 2003
342.066 MEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roest, A.O.P van der
's-Gravenhage : VUGA,, 1986.
BLD 342.066 ROE a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Slagter, W.J
Nederlan: Kluwer-Deventer, 1981
BLD 342.066 SLA s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Francken, E.F.C.
Nederland: Kluwer-Deventer, 1992
BLD 342.066 FRA c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Wahyudi
"This paper aims to discuss problematizations of discretion issue in the Administration Law 2014. Discretion is one of some discussed issues in the Administration Law which provides a legal guidance for bureaucrats to conduct their jobs. Drawing on Bacchi's WPR (What is problem represented to be?] approach to policy analysis, this paper interrogates what 'problemfs]' is (are] produced in the policy document, what presuppositions are used as arguments to support the 'problems', what left as unproblematic issue that is absence in the policy problematizations, and what effects are produced by the 'problem' representation. The paper finds out that rules and procedures are the key concepts which assumed as policy 'problems' related to discretion issue. Neglecting the certain rules and procedures will be considered as doing illegal action. Only public managers have the discretionary power or managerial discretion, but in a limited room, because of upper manager's intervention. However, this discretion policy remains an inefficient and rigid process in facing certain situation because, in exercising discretion, they have to obey certain rules and procedures. In addition, staffs do not have discretionary authority within their jobs although they might also face some certain situation which needs to make decisions."
Jakarta: Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI, 2017
351 JBP 9:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pinangki Sirnamalasari
"Negara merupakan otoritas publik yang memiliki kewenangan serta kedaulatan yang besar terutama berkaitan dengan semua kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam daerah yg tunduk pada yurisdiksinya. Kondisi tersebut telah menempatkan adanya superioritas negara dalam hubungan yang timbul baik antara negara sebagai pihak dalam transaksi bisnis internasional ("TBI") maupun terhadap hubungan yang timbul antara negara sebagai negara tuan rumah (host country) dengan investorasing. Negara dalam TBI mempunyai kedudukan yang mau tidak mau harus diakui "lebih tinggi" dari individu maupun badan hukum. Oleh karena itu kedudukan negara sebagai salah satu pihak dalam TBI menyebabkan timbulnya kompleksitas tertentu dibandingkan dengan kontrak komersial biasa. Dalam tesis ini penulis mencoba mengangkat suatu topik yang terkait dengan hubungan yang timbul antara negara sebagai negara tuan rumah dengan pihak asing, yaitu pengambilalihan hak milik asing oleh negara (property taking). Sebelumnya harus dibedakan antara bentuk pengambilalihan yang diakui oleh hukum internasional yaitu nasionalisasi dengan intervensi yang akan dibahas dalam tesis ini. Dalam hukum internasional dikenal dua istilah intervensi yaitu intervensi menurut hukum internasional publik dan intervensi dalam transaksi bisnis internasional. Intervensi yang dimaksud dalam tesis ini yaitu sebagai bentuk campur tangan negara dalam transaksi bisnis internasional yang dapat berupa sebagai creeping expropriation berwujud breach of contract maupun pencabutan izin bahkan juga dapat berupa illegal confiscation seperti pendudukan tanpa hak. Bentuk-bentuk intervensi negara dalam TBI di Indonesia dapat dilihat dalam kasus-kasus yang akan dibahas dalam tesis ini yaitu kasus Karaha Bodas v. PERTAMINA & PLN serta kasus AMCO ASIA v. Republik Indonesia. Sebagai tambahan juga dibahas mengenai kasus penerbitan Promissory Notes DepHanKam dalam kasus Curtis A. Phaneuf vs Republik Indonesia, et. al yang menjadi gambaran pembatasan negara sebagai jure imperil dan negara sebagai jure gestiones.

A state is a public authority which has a sovereignty over within territories under its jurisdiction". This sovereignity grants the state a superiority in international relations whether as a party in an international business transactions ("IBT") or as a host country for foreign investors. In the IBT, even though the state acts in its private capacity, it is still considered that the state posseses a "higher" position than an individual or legal entity. Therefore its position as a counter party in the IBT causes a significant complexity as compared to ordinary commercial transactions. In this thesis, the writer distinguishes two kinds of property taking acknowledged by international law, namely nationalization and intervention. This thesis will focus on intervention, which consists of intervention based on public international law and intervention on the IBT. In this thesis, the intervention on the IBT is defined as a state involvement in the IBT. The writer also discusses creeping expropriation which essentially leads to a breach of contract, license revocation or even illegal confiscation such as unlawful possession. The state intervention in the IBT in Indonesia can be seen in cases discussed, i.e. Karaha Bodas v. Pertamina & PLN and AMCO ASIA v. Republic of Indonesia, et. al. In addition, this thesis will also discuss about the issuance of Promissory Notes by The National Department of Defense and Security Council which describes acts of the state as juri imperil and jure gestiones."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizqan Naelufar
Tesis ini merupakan kajian yang hendak melihat konsep lembaga yang
berwenang dalam sebuah proses peradilan. Relevansi antar lembaga sebagaimana
dimaksud yaitu Komisi Informasi dan Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara adalah
berwenang dalam proses penyelesaian sengketa keterbukaan informasi publik.
tujuan daripada keterbukaan informasi publik adalah dalam rangka mengawal
kebebasan informasi sebagai falsafah Hak Asasi Manusia dalam generasi ketiga.
Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori Hukum, teori Politik Hukum Nasional,
Teori Pembagian Kekuasaan dan Kekuasaan Keempat, kerangka konsep yang
digunakan yaitu peradilan administrasi dalam perspektif politik hukum dan
Kebebasan atas informasi sebagai HAM.
Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa komisi informasi ditempatkan
layaknya peradilan tingkat pertama karena hasil dari putusan dapat dimintakan
banding kepada PTUN, dalam proses di PTUN menggunakan hukum acara
tersendiri yang menempatkan PTUN sebagai peradilan Banding. atas hasil
penelitian maka terdapat suatu paradigma baru dalam sistem peradilan di
Indonesia. Gagasan yang diambil dari penelitian adalah dengan
mengkonsolidasikan sistem penyelesaian sengketa informasi publik dalam
peradilan khusus dibawah PTUN, Konsep demikian digunakan agar dapat
mengawal dan memperkuat sistem hukum dan peradilan di Indonesia.

This thesis is a study that about to the concept of authorized institutions
the process of judicial. Relevance between institutions referred to the Commission
of Information and Administrative Court is competent in the process of dispute
public resolution disclosure. Objectives rather than public disclosure is in order to
guard the freedom of information as the philosophy of human rights in third
generation. in this research, using the theory of Law, Nationalism Legal policy,
Separation of Power Theory and Powers Fourth (De Vierde Macht), the
conceptual framework used is the administrative court in the political perspective
and freedom of information as a human rights.
Results of the research showed that the commission of information like
first instance courts as a result of the decision can be appealed to the
Administrative Court. process in the Administrative Court uses its own procedural
law which puts the Administrative Court of Appeals. on the results of the
research, there is a new paradigm in the justice system in Indonesia. The idea
from research by consolidating system public information of dispute resolution in
a special court under the Administrative Court. Thus, the concept is used in order
to initiate and strengthen the legal and judicial system in Indonesia.;This thesis is a study that about to the concept of authorized institutions
the process of judicial. Relevance between institutions referred to the Commission
of Information and Administrative Court is competent in the process of dispute
public resolution disclosure. Objectives rather than public disclosure is in order to
guard the freedom of information as the philosophy of human rights in third
generation. in this research, using the theory of Law, Nationalism Legal policy,
Separation of Power Theory and Powers Fourth (De Vierde Macht), the
conceptual framework used is the administrative court in the political perspective
and freedom of information as a human rights.
Results of the research showed that the commission of information like
first instance courts as a result of the decision can be appealed to the
Administrative Court. process in the Administrative Court uses its own procedural
law which puts the Administrative Court of Appeals. on the results of the
research, there is a new paradigm in the justice system in Indonesia. The idea
from research by consolidating system public information of dispute resolution in
a special court under the Administrative Court. Thus, the concept is used in order
to initiate and strengthen the legal and judicial system in Indonesia.;This thesis is a study that about to the concept of authorized institutions
the process of judicial. Relevance between institutions referred to the Commission
of Information and Administrative Court is competent in the process of dispute
public resolution disclosure. Objectives rather than public disclosure is in order to
guard the freedom of information as the philosophy of human rights in third
generation. in this research, using the theory of Law, Nationalism Legal policy,
Separation of Power Theory and Powers Fourth (De Vierde Macht), the
conceptual framework used is the administrative court in the political perspective
and freedom of information as a human rights.
Results of the research showed that the commission of information like
first instance courts as a result of the decision can be appealed to the
Administrative Court. process in the Administrative Court uses its own procedural
law which puts the Administrative Court of Appeals. on the results of the
research, there is a new paradigm in the justice system in Indonesia. The idea
from research by consolidating system public information of dispute resolution in
a special court under the Administrative Court. Thus, the concept is used in order
to initiate and strengthen the legal and judicial system in Indonesia., This thesis is a study that about to the concept of authorized institutions
the process of judicial. Relevance between institutions referred to the Commission
of Information and Administrative Court is competent in the process of dispute
public resolution disclosure. Objectives rather than public disclosure is in order to
guard the freedom of information as the philosophy of human rights in third
generation. in this research, using the theory of Law, Nationalism Legal policy,
Separation of Power Theory and Powers Fourth (De Vierde Macht), the
conceptual framework used is the administrative court in the political perspective
and freedom of information as a human rights.
Results of the research showed that the commission of information like
first instance courts as a result of the decision can be appealed to the
Administrative Court. process in the Administrative Court uses its own procedural
law which puts the Administrative Court of Appeals. on the results of the
research, there is a new paradigm in the justice system in Indonesia. The idea
from research by consolidating system public information of dispute resolution in
a special court under the Administrative Court. Thus, the concept is used in order
to initiate and strengthen the legal and judicial system in Indonesia.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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