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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 24 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hendri Jonathan Sutanto
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh transaksi pihak berelasi terhadap audit fee pada perusahaan listed di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menguji transaksi pihak berelasi secara total, transaksi pihak berelasi operasi, dan transaksi pihak berelasi pinjaman. Pengujian dilakukan dengan mengadopsi penelitian Habib et al. (2015) di Cina dengan sejumlah penyesuaian variabel yang relevan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa transaksi pihak berelasi operasi berpengaruh positif terhadap audit fee di Indonesia sedangkan transaksi pihak berelasi pinjaman dan transaksi pihak berelasi secara total tidak berpengaruh terhadap audit fee. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa transaksi pihak berelasi berpengaruh terhadap audit fee di Indonesia walaupun terbatas hanya pada jenis transaksi pihak berelasi operasi. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi regulator dalam mengevaluasi dan mengembangkan pedoman penetapan audit fee.
This research aims to provide empirical evidence about the effect of the related-party transactions on listed companies‟ audit fee in Indonesia. This study examines total related party transactions, related party transactions-operation, and related party transactions-loan. Tests are carried out using models from Habib et al. (2015) in China with adjustment on it‟s relevance in Indonesia. This study provides empirical evidence that related party transactions-operation increases the amount of audit fee paid , while related party transactions-loan and total related party transactions have no effect on the amount of audit fee. This research proves that related party transactions increases the amount of audit fee paid, although limited to related party transactions-operation. This study aims to benefit policy makers in developing and evaluating the policies for determining the amount of an audit fee.
Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tio Andiko
Abstrak :
Target penerimaan pajak, selalu menjadi diskursus menarik di akhir tahun. Hampir sepuluh tahun terakhir target penerimaan perpajakan tak pernah tercapai. Belum lagi tingginya angka sengketa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir yang menggerus tingkat kepercayaan wajib pajak. Sehingga berdampak pada masih rendahnya tingkat kepatuhan wajib pajak di Indonesia. Dan salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi kondisi perpajakan Indonesia hari ini adalah pemeriksaan pajak. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pemeriksaan pajak di Indonesia dengan konsep baru yang kini mulai banyak diadopsi di beberapa negara lain yaitu konsep cooperative compliance. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan pos-positivisme, metode kualitatif dan pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam. Analisis yang ditelaah melalui dua dimensi utama dalam cooperative compliance yaitu aspek kepercayaan dengan indikator komitmen, kejujuran, kompetensi dan keadilan; dan aspek transparansi degan indikator informatif dan pengungkapan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa pada dasarnya di Indonesia sampai saat ini belum ada kebijakan pemeriksaan pajak yang secara eksplisit/formal mengadopsi konsep cooperative compliance. Dilihat dari kedua dimensi utama dalam cooperative compliance yaitu kepercayaan dan transparansi, peneliti mendapatkan bahwa dimensi kepercayaan antara wajib pajak dan fiskus dalam pemeriksaan pajak masih minim yang bisa dilihat dari tingginya angka sengketa pajak. Adapun dimensi transparansi, kondisi saat ini sedang bergerak ke arah era keterbukaan yang lebih baik, dimana hal ini dapat tercermin dari adanya beberapa kebijakan yang dibuat dalam rangka mendukung proses transparansi.
The target of tax revenue is always an interesting discourse at the end of the year. Almost the last ten years the target of tax revenues has never been achieved. Not to mention the high number of disputes in recent years that undermined the level of taxpayer trust. So that impact on the low level of taxpayer compliance in Indonesia. And one of the things that affect the condition of Indonesia 39 s taxation today is the tax audit. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the implementation of tax audit policy in Indonesia with a new concept that is now beginning to be widely adopted in several other countries namely the concept of cooperative compliance. This research uses post positivism approach, qualitative method and data collection using in depth interview technique. Analysis analyzed through two main dimensions of cooperative compliance are trust dimension with indicator of commitment, honesty, competence and justice and dimension of transparency with informative indicators and disclosures. The results of this study explain that basically in Indonesia until now there has been no tax audit policy that explicitly formally adopt the concept of cooperative compliance. Viewed from the two main dimensions of cooperative compliance are trust and transparency, the researcher found that the trust dimension between taxpayer and taxpayer in tax audit is still minimal which can be seen from the high rate of tax disputes. As for the transparency dimension, the current condition is moving towards a better era of openness, which can be reflected in the existence of several policies made in order to support the transparency process.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kurniawan Panji Laksono
Abstrak :
Studi ini mengkaji tentang efisiensi teknis Kantor Pelayanan Pajak KPP , dengan terlebih dahulu mengestimasi fungsi produksi pemungutan pajak pusat di Indonesia. Pengukuran efisiensi teknis pemungutan pajak dilakukan dengan model stochastic frontier analysis, dengan observasi berupa agregasi data KPP pada tingkat Provinsi selama kurun waktu 7 tahun 2010 ndash; 2016 untuk seluruh KPP di Indonesia, selain KPP-KPP yang berada di lingkup Kanwil DJP Wajib Pajak Besar dan Kanwil DJP Jakarta Khusus.Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya perbedaan tingkat efisiensi teknis pemungutan pajak antar provinsi. Efisiensi teknis pemungutan pajak dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal KPP, seperti: upaya audit, biaya operasional kantor dan segmentasi Wajib Pajak WP , maupun faktor eksternal, seperti: karakteristik sosial dan ekonomi daerah, seperti: tingkat pendidikan masyarakat. Upaya audit dari pemeriksa pajak mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap efisiensi teknis KPP. Lebih lanjut, semakin meningkatnya masyarakat yang berpendidikan tinggi juga dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pengumpulan pajak, karena lebih mudah memahami peraturan pajak.
This study examines the technical efficiency of the Tax Offices KPP , by first estimating the central tax collection function in Indonesia. Measurement of technical efficiency of tax collection is done by stochastic frontier analysis model, with observation in the form of data aggregation of tax offices at Provincial level during the period of 7 years 2010 2016 for all tax office in Indonesia, other than tax offices which is under the scope of Large Taxpayer Regional Office and Jakarta Special Regional Offices.The result of the analysis shows the differences in the level of tax collection technical efficiency among provinces. The technical efficiency of tax collection is influenced by internal factors of tax office, such as audit effort, office operating costs and taxpayer segmentation, as well as external factors, such as social and economic characteristics of the provinces, for instance community educational level. Audit efforts from tax inspectors have a significant influence on the technical efficiency of tax offices. Furthermore, more highly educated community can also improve the efficiency of tax collection, as it is easier for them to understand tax regulations.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulia Zahara
Abstrak :
Salah satu tujuan dari diselenggarakannya pemeriksaan pajak adalah untuk menguji kepatuhan Wajib Pajak demikian jugalah dalam pemeriksaan pajak atas restitusi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menyajikan sebuah gambaran mengenai impelementasi pemeriksaan pajak atas restitusi Pajak Pertambahan Nilai pada KPP Madya Jakarta Barat Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tujuan penelitian deskriptif Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan dan wawancara mendalam Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ditinjau dari konten kebijakan percepatan pengembalian kelebihan pembayaran pajak terhadap Wajib Pajak yang memenuhi kriteria khusus ditetapkan dikarenakan keterbatasan SDM fungsional pemeriksa dalam lingkup Direktorat Jenderal Pajak sedangkan ditinjau dari konteks implementasi pemeriksaan pajak atas restitusi PPN pada KPP Madya Jakarta Barat juga telah diimplementasikan berdasarkan kaidah administrasi perpajakan yang baik sehingga dapat meminimalisir terjadinya konflik kepentingan dalam proses pemeriksaan. ...... One of the purposes of tax audit is to examine Tax Payer's compliance also in tax audit on VAT refund This research is aimed to provide an overview regarding tax audit implementation on VAT refund in West Jakarta Medium Taxpayer's Office This research is conducted by using qualitative descriptive approach Data collected through library research and in depth interviews The result of this study indicate that based on content of policy accelerated VAT refund to the tax payers who meet specific criteria is set due to limitation of human resources within Directorate General of Taxation Therefore based on context of implementation VAT audit on VAT refund in West Jakarta Medium Taxpayer's Office has been implemented based on good principles of tax administration so as to minimize any conflicts of interest in the processes of tax audit.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Freddy S.
Abstrak :
Pemeriksaan pajak merupakan bentuk penegakan hukum oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) yang bertujuan untuk mengamankan penerimaan pajak dan meningkatkan kepatuhan wajib pajak. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan wajib pajak adalah persepsi kemungkinan diperiksa. Jika kemungkinan diperiksa tinggi, maka kemungkinan ketidakpatuhan terdeteksi juga tinggi. Untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan wajib pajak diperiksa tinggi, maka DJP seharusnya memperluas lingkup pemeriksaan atau biasa yang disebut dengan rasio cakupan pemeriksaan pajak. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor penyebab rendahnya rasio tersebut dan sektor yang seharusnya menjadi fokus pemeriksaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rasio cakupan pemeriksaan rendah karena masalah pemilihan bahan baku dan kurang berbasis risiko dan potensi penerimaan. ;
ABSTRACT Tax audit as one of the law enforcements is conducted by Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) Indonesia to achieve tax national revenue targeted and increase voluntary compliance. One cause of taxpayer?s compliance is the probability of being audited. The higher taxpayer?s probability is audited, the higher of non-compliance will be detected. To ensure that taxpayer?s probability of being audited is high, DGT should enlarge the scope of audit or audit coverage ratio. This study uses qualitative approach and analyzes the factor that cause audit coverage ratio in Indonesia is low, and primary sector that should become the focus of tax audit. The result of this research indicates that low of audit coverage ratio because of the selection of taxpayer?s that has less risk-based assessment and less potential revenue ;Tax audit as one of the law enforcements is conducted by Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) Indonesia to achieve tax national revenue targeted and increase voluntary compliance. One cause of taxpayer?s compliance is the probability of being audited. The higher taxpayer?s probability is audited, the higher of non-compliance will be detected. To ensure that taxpayer?s probability of being audited is high, DGT should enlarge the scope of audit or audit coverage ratio. This study uses qualitative approach and analyzes the factor that cause audit coverage ratio in Indonesia is low, and primary sector that should become the focus of tax audit. The result of this research indicates that low of audit coverage ratio because of the selection of taxpayer?s that has less risk-based assessment and less potential revenue ;Tax audit as one of the law enforcements is conducted by Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) Indonesia to achieve tax national revenue targeted and increase voluntary compliance. One cause of taxpayer?s compliance is the probability of being audited. The higher taxpayer?s probability is audited, the higher of non-compliance will be detected. To ensure that taxpayer?s probability of being audited is high, DGT should enlarge the scope of audit or audit coverage ratio. This study uses qualitative approach and analyzes the factor that cause audit coverage ratio in Indonesia is low, and primary sector that should become the focus of tax audit. The result of this research indicates that low of audit coverage ratio because of the selection of taxpayer?s that has less risk-based assessment and less potential revenue ;Tax audit as one of the law enforcements is conducted by Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) Indonesia to achieve tax national revenue targeted and increase voluntary compliance. One cause of taxpayer?s compliance is the probability of being audited. The higher taxpayer?s probability is audited, the higher of non-compliance will be detected. To ensure that taxpayer?s probability of being audited is high, DGT should enlarge the scope of audit or audit coverage ratio. This study uses qualitative approach and analyzes the factor that cause audit coverage ratio in Indonesia is low, and primary sector that should become the focus of tax audit. The result of this research indicates that low of audit coverage ratio because of the selection of taxpayer?s that has less risk-based assessment and less potential revenue , Tax audit as one of the law enforcements is conducted by Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) Indonesia to achieve tax national revenue targeted and increase voluntary compliance. One cause of taxpayer’s compliance is the probability of being audited. The higher taxpayer’s probability is audited, the higher of non-compliance will be detected. To ensure that taxpayer’s probability of being audited is high, DGT should enlarge the scope of audit or audit coverage ratio. This study uses qualitative approach and analyzes the factor that cause audit coverage ratio in Indonesia is low, and primary sector that should become the focus of tax audit. The result of this research indicates that low of audit coverage ratio because of the selection of taxpayer’s that has less risk-based assessment and less potential revenue ]
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Kharisma , 2003
336.22 HAR p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alinda Chairunnisa
Abstrak :
Laporan magang ini membahas mengenai evaluasi prosedur audit atas akun aset tetap pada PT HID yang dilakukan oleh KAP BBB untuk tahun buku 2021. PT HID merupakan anak perusahaan PT HMI yang bergerak sebagai distributor penjualan resmi di sektor otomotif. Evaluasi berfokus pada kesesuaian prosedur pengumpulan dan pengujian bukti audit atas aset tetap yang dilakukan KAP BBB dengan kerangka teori berdasarkan Standar Audit (SA) dan Arens et al. (2020). Prosedur pengujian substantif yang dilakukan mencakup prosedur analitis serta pengujian detail saldo dan transaksi. Berdasarkan  evaluasi terhadap prosedur audit yang dijalankan, tahap pengumpulan dan pengujian bukti audit KAP BBB telah sesuai dengan kerangka evaluasi yang digunakan. ......This report discusses the evaluation of audit procedures on fixed assets of PT HID conducted by KAP BBB for the book year 2021. PT HID is a subsidiary of PT HMI that operates as an authorized sales distributor in the automotive sector. The evaluation focuses on the compatibility of audit testing procedures on fixed assets performed by KAP BBB with a theoretical framework based on Standar Audit (SA) and Arens et al. (2020). The substantive testing procedures performed include analytical procedures as well as tests of details of balances and transactions.. Based on the evaluation of the audit procedures performed, KAP BBB's procedures for collecting and testing audit evidence are in accordance with the evaluation framework used.

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naomi Krisnastiti
Abstrak :
Laporan magang ini membahas mengenai evaluasi atas prosedur audit substantif terutama untuk pengujian rinci atas akun utang usaha PT ABJ Tbk oleh KAP MGC. PT ABJ Tbk merupakan perusahaan manufaktur dan perdagangan dengan produk utama yaitu rokok. Sedangkan KAP MGC merupakan salah satu kantor akuntan publik yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Evaluasi ini didasarkan dari pengalaman penulis selama mengikuti kegiatan magang di KAP MGC lalu dibandingkan dengan teori-teori yang penulis dapatkan dari berbagai sumber buku akademis dan juga peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Pada laporan magang ini juga dibahas mengenai prosedur audit yang dilakukan berdasarkan asersi yang diuji seperti detail tie-in, completeness, accuracy, existence, classification, cut-off, dan obligation. Dari hasil evaluasi yang sudah dilakukan, tidak didapatkan penyimpangan dari prosedur yang telah dilakukan KAP MGC untuk melakukan audit atas akun utang usaha PT ABJ Tbk. Selain evaluasi atas prosedur audit yang dilakukan KAP MGC, laporan ini juga berisi mengenai refleksi diri penulis atas pengalaman yang didapatkan selama magang di KAP MGC. ......This report is discussed about the evaluation of substantive audit procedure, especially for the test of details on PT ABJ Tbk’s accounts payable by KAP MGC. PT ABJ Tbk is a manufacturing and trade company with cigarette as the main product. Meanwhile, KAP MGC is one of the public accountant firms in Indonesia. The evaluation is based on the writer’s experience while joining the internship program in KAP MGC, then compared with theories from academic books and the regulation in Indonesia. This report also discussed audit procedures performed based on the tested assertion, like detail tie-in, completeness, accuracy, existence, classification, cut-off, and obligation. From the evaluation results, there is no aberration from the procedures conducted by KAP MGC to audit the PT ABJ Tbk’s account payable. Beside the evaluation of substantive audit procedure, this report also discussed about writer’s self-reflection during internship at KAP MGC.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wildan Massani
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menganalisis faktor- faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap opini Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan BPK atas laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah LKPD . Faktor- faktor tersebut terdiri dari keterlambatan belanja barang/jasa, keterlambatan belanja modal, persentase tindak lanjut rekomendasi BPK, kualitas sumber daya manusia dan penerapan sistem e-procurement. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dengan sampel pemerintah daerah di Indonesia tahun 2011-2013 yang terdiri dari 399 kabupaten dan 92 kota. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah ordered logit. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa keterlambatan belanja barang/jasa dan keterlambatan belanja modal memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap kemungkinan tingginya tingkat opini BPK atas LKPD. Sementara persentase tindak lanjut rekomendasi BPK, kualitas sumber daya manusia dan penerapan sistem e-procuremet mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap kemungkinan tingginya tingkat opini BPK atas LKPD.
This study analyses the determinants of BPK rsquo s opinion to local government financial statements LKPD . These determinants consist of delays in goods and services spending, delays in capital spending, the percentage of follow up on BPK rsquo s recommendations, the quality of human resources and the implementation of e procurement system. Data used is secondary from 491 Indonesian local governments consists of 399 districts and 92 cities for the period of 2011 2013. The research method used is ordered logit models. The results revealed that delays in goods and services spending also delays in capital spending had a negative effect on the possibility of high level of BPK rsquo s opinion to LKPD. In addition the percentage of follow up on BPK rsquo s recommendation, the quality of human resources and the implementation of e procurement system positively influence the possibility of high level of BPK rsquo s opinion to LKPD.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pardamean, Octamarva
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah untuk memberikan rekomendasi terhadap perencanaan audit tahunan pada Inspektorat Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan dalam rangka meningkatkan efektivitas, efisiensi dan ekonomisnya perencanaan audit tahunan dan memberikan gambaran akan pentingnya perencanaan audit tahunan menggunakan pendekatan berbasis risiko. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa ada penugasan pada perencanaan audit tahunan pada tahun 2015 yang dapat tidak perlu dilakukan audit setiap tahunnya sehingga dapat menghemat waktu dan anggaran penugasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis perencanaan audit tahunan berbasis risiko. Penelitian ini menyarankan kepada Inspektorat BPKP agar menerapkan risk based audit pada penyusunan perencanaan audit tahunannya sehingga penugasan lebih fokus pada area yang berisiko tinggi sehingga tujuan organisasi dapat tercapai.
The aim of this thesis is to provide recommendations on the planning of the annual audit in the Inspectorate of Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan in order to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and economic planning of the annual audit and provide an overview of the importance of the annual audit plan using a risk based. The results of this study stated that there were assignments in the planning of the annual audit in 2015 that did not need to be audited each year so as to save time and budget assignment. This study uses the analysis of annual risk based audit planning. The author suggested to the Inspectorate BPKP to implement risk based audit on the preparation of its annual audit planning so that the assignment is more focus on high risk areas so that organizational goals can be achieved.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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