Produksi otomotif di Indonesia terus berkembang sehingga memicu peningkatan demand bagi industri komponen otomotif. PT X, sebagai salah satu perusahaan komponen otomotif, dituntut untuk bisa melakukan pemenuhan demand dengan tepat, tetapi masih sering mengalami keterlambatan pengiriman dalam memenuhi demand customer-nya. Keterlambatan pengiriman ini disebabkan oleh adanya hambatan pada proses sebelum pengiriman yang menandakan terjadinya penurunan efisiensi proses. Dengan demikian, diperlukan adanya peningkatan efisiensi proses produksi, yang salah satunya dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan konsep lean. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi proses produksi PT X melalui pengurangan pemborosan dengan metode value stream mapping dan VALSAT tools. Pengurangan pemborosan dilakukan terhadap lima pemborosan terkritis, yaitu waiting, unnecessary motion, inappropriate processing, transportation, dan defects. Strategi perbaikan yang dibangun dari akar masalah kelima pemborosan tersebut adalah audit dan pergantian supplier raw material, pendeteksian pola produksi, serta pembuatan standar jumlah pengambilan produk pada proses packing. Dampak penerapan strategi menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi produksi meningkat dari 14% menjadi 22%, waktu aktivitas NVA berkurang sebesar 42%, dan total production lead time berkurang sebesar 15%. ......Automotive production in Indonesia continues to grow, resulting in the increased demand of the automotive component industry. PT X, as an automotive component company, is required to be able to fulfill customer demand correctly, but they often experience delivery delays while fulfilling customer demand. This delivery delay is caused by an obstacle in the process before delivery, which indicates a decrease in process efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of the production process, one of which can be done by applying the lean concept. This study aims to increase the efficiency of PT X's production process by reducing waste using the value stream mapping method and VALSAT tools. Waste reduction is carried out on the five most critical wastes, namely waiting, unnecessary movements, improper processing, transportation, and defects. Strategies that were developed by the root cause of these wastes are audits and changing raw material suppliers, detecting production patterns, and standardizing the amount of product taken in a packing process. By implementing these strategies, the production efficiency was increased from 14% to 22%, NVA activity time was reduced by 42%, and total production lead time was reduced by 15%.