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Sandra Harisandi
Pendahuluan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan untuk melakukan pengkajian nilai batasan bloodflow rate BFR intraoperatif menggunakan ultrasonografi Doppler dalam memprediksi maturitas fistula brakiosefalika dengan sampel yang lebih besar dan lebih spesifik untuk mendapatkan nilai dengan tingkat error dan bias lebih rendah, sehingga nantinya dapat dijadikan referensi di divisi Bedah Vaskular RSCM. Metode. Dilakukan studi potong lintang analitik di Divisi Vaskular Departemen Ilmu Bedah FKUI-RSCM, Jakarta yang melibatkan semua penderita gagal ginjal stadium 4-5 akibat nefropati diabetik yang akan dihemodialisis dengan akses vaskular fistula brakiosefalika. Hasil. Terdapat 71 subjek dengan rerata BFR 249,15 86,86 mL/menit, rerata diameter arteri 3,3 mm 2,0 ndash;7,4 mm dan rerata diameter vena 3 mm 2,1 ndash;5,6 mm . Analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa hanya BFR yang berhubungan bermakna dengan maturitas AVF p80 . Kata Kunci. BFR intraoperatif, maturitas AV fistula, brakiosefalika, sensitivitas, spesifisitas
Introduction. This research is a follow-up study to determine the value limits of bloodflow rate BFR intraoperative using Doppler ultrasound to predict maturity of brachiocephalic fistula with a larger sample and to obtain lower level of error and bias, so it can be used as a reference in the Vascular Surgery division, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.Methods. Cross-sectional design with analytic fashion conducted at Division of Vascular Surgery Department of the Faculty of medicine - Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta with all patients with stage IV-V CKD, due to diabetic nephropathy who planned to get vascular access for hemodialysis brachiocephalic fistula.Result. Total subject are 71 with mean bloodflow rate is 249.15 86.86 mL / min, mean arterial diameter is 3.3 mm 2.0 to 7.4 mm and the mean diameter of the vein is 3 mm 2.1 to 5.6 mm . Only BFR associated significantly with maturity AVF p"
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: McGRAW-HILL, 1964
612.11 PUL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Infeksi terkait perawatan rumah sakit, dalam hal ini Infeksi Aliran Darah (IAD), merupakan masalah serius yang masih sering dijumpai. Salah satu strategi efektif untuk mengatasi hal ini adalah praktik cuci tangan sesuai rekomendasi WHO, namun sampai saat ini angka kepatuhan cuci tangan tenaga kesehatan masih saja belum optimal dilakukan karena berbagai faktor.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan kepatuhan cuci tangan tenaga kesehatan terhadap angka kejadian IAD di unit neonatal sebelum dan setelah edukasi.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang yang dilakukan di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) dengan mengumpulkan data secara retrospektif dari Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi Rumah Sakit (PPIRS), yaitu laporan audit angka kepatuhan cuci tangan dan kejadian IAD di unit neonatal selama periode Januari 2011-September 2014, kemudian dilakukan uji korelasi Spearman.
Hasil: Kejadian IAD mencapai rerata 9,4%0, dengan angka kepatuhan cuci tangan tenaga kesehatan mencapai rerata 68%.Kepatuhan cuci tangan tenaga kesehatan tertinggi pada perawat (70%), diikuti oleh dokter (57%), sedangkan terendah adalah petugas kebersihan dan laboratorium (22%).Tidak didapatkan hubungan korelasi secara statistik antara kepatuhan cuci tangan tenaga kesehatan terhadap kejadian IAD di unit neonatal sebelum dan setelah edukasi (p>0.05). Kepatuhan tertinggi diantara 5 kesempatan cuci tangan adalah setelah terkena cairan tubuh (84%), dan kepatuhan terendah pada kesempatan setelah kontak dengan lingkungan (46%).Terdapat perbedaan tingkat kepatuhan cuci tangan pada unit perawatan, dimana level 3 terbukti lebih tinggi (71,5%) daripada level 2 (69,1%).
Simpulan: Tidak didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara kepatuhan cuci tangan petugas kesehatan di unit neonatal terhadap kejadian IAD sebelum dan setelah edukasi. Secara angka absolut didapatkan penurunan IAD pada peningkatan kepatuhan cuci tangan.

Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial .
Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation
Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it.
Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) .
Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance.;Background. Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial .
Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation
Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it.
Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) .
Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance.;Background. Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial .
Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation
Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it.
Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) .
Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance.;Background. Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial .
Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation
Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it.
Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) .
Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance.;Background. Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial .
Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation
Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it.
Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) .
Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance.;Background. Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial .
Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation
Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it.
Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) .
Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance., Background. Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial .
Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation
Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it.
Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) .
Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endah Normayati
"Ièlth dilakukan suatu penelitian "Cross sectional study" pada para akseptor yang telah rnenggunakan kontrasepsinya antara 1 - 4 tahun dibandingkan dengan wanita yang baru akan menggunakan p11. Ada 3 golongan subyek penelitian, .yai
tu akseptor KB yang telah menggunakan p11 oral kombinasiberisi mestranol 0,05 mg dan noretindron 1 mg secara terusrnenerus, akseptor KB yang telah menggunakan AKDPL tipe Lippes Loop secara terus menerus dan wanita yang baru akan menggunakan pil dan minimal 3 bulan sebéluinnya tidak menggunakan alat kontrase p si apaun. Masing-masing golongan terdiri darf 30 orang, berusia 20 - 35 tahun.
Penentun kadar, kolesterol total den-an metode Siedel dkk. Kolesterol-HDL ditentukan dengan metode Burstein dkk.
Trigliserida ditentukan dengan metode Wahlefeld dkk. Sedang
kan kolesterol-LDL ditentukan secara tidak langsung dengan menggunakan rumus Friedewald; kesemuanya dilakukan dengan
menggunakan Kits Boehringer Mannheim.
Dengan uji statistik Anova satu arah dan tes "q", didapatkan hal-hal berikut Kadar rata-rata kolesterol total. dan kolesterol-LDL pada akseptor p11 oral lebih tinggl bermakna dari wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi (p < 0,05). Sedangkan
pada akseptor p11 oral lebih tinggi dari AKDR, tetapi perbedaannya tidak berrnakna pada "level significance" 5%.
Kadar rata-rata trigliserida pada akseptor pil oral lebih tinggi bermakna dan. akseptor AKDR dan wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi ( p < O ,05). Kadar rata-rata k
lesterol total, kolesterol-LDL dan tnigliserida pada akseptor
AKDR leblh tinggi dari wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrase p si, tetapi perbedaannya tidak bermakna pada "level significance" 5%. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari kadar rata-rata kolestero1-HDL dan berat badan antara akseptor
p11 oral, AKDR dan wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi. Usia rata-rata akseptor p11 oral dan AKDR
lebib tinggi bermakna dari wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat
kontrasepsi (P-< 0,05), sedangkan akseptor AKDR lebih tinggi dari p11 oral, tetapi perbedaannya tidak bermakna pada "level significance" 5%.
Wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi tidak mempunyai
keluhan apapun, sedangkan akseptor AKDR mempunyai
lebih banyak keluhan subyektif yang menyangkut adanya faktor mekanis dalam saluran reproduksi daripada akseptor pil oral.
......A cros sectional study was done on acceptors who -
have been using their contraception between 1 - LI years.It
was compared with women who will have used of the pill. -
There were 3 groups of subject acceptors who have been -
using combination oral contraceptives (0,05 mg mestranol +
I mg noretindrone ) continuously, acce ptors who have been -
using Intrauterine Device (IUD) continuously, and women who
will have used of the pill and they were not using contraception
(minimum 3 months before treatment).
P1 thod of Siedel et al. was used to measure the to -
tal Cholesterol levels; and Burstein et al. to measure the
HDL-Cholesterol; and ahlefeld et al. to measure the Tn -
glyceride. Indirect method of Fniedewald was used to estimate
the LDL-Cholesterol. The Boehringer MannheimKits were
used for this purposes.
By using the "One way analysis of variance" and test
"q", it was found that
The man levels of total Cholesterol and LDL-Choles
terol in oral pill acceptors were significantly higher -
than nonusers (p < 0 ,05). Oral pill acceptors were higherthan
IUDs, but not significant ( p > 0 , 0 5) . The mean level -
of Tniglyceride in oral pill acceptors was significantly -
higher than IUDs and nonusers (P< 0,05). The mean levels of total Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol and Triglyceride in-
IUD acceptors were higher than nonusers, but not signifi -
cant (P> 0 ,05). There were significant different of the -
mean level of HDL-Cholesterol and body weight between oral
pill, IUD acceptors and nonusers. The mean ages of oral -
pill and IUD acceptors were significantly higher than nonu
sers (p < 0,05). IUD acceptors was higher than oral pill,-
but not siificant (P> 0,05).
No corrlaint was found for nonusers; and IUD accep -
tors had more subjective complaint than oral gills in rela
tion with mechanic factor in the reproductive tube."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Intervensi Koroner Perkutan Primer (IKPP) merupakan pilihan utama untuk mengembalikan aliran darah dan perfusi pasien yang mengalami Infark Miokard Akut dengan Elevasi Segmen ST (IMA-EST). Tapi tidak selalu mengembalikan aliran yang cukup pada tingkat mikrosirkulasi, hal ini disebabkan oleh obstruksi mikrovaskular (OMV). Banyak penelitian telah membuktikan pengaruh inflamasi terhadap kejadian OMV, tingginya rasio neutrofil limfosit pasca IKPP menggambarkan respon inflamasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai hubungan rasio neutrofil limfosit (RNL) terhadap kejadian obstruksi mikrovaskular yang dinilai dengan pemeriksaan myocardial blush kuantitatif (QuBE).
Metode: Sebanyak 33 subjek IMA–EST yang menjalani IKPP dipilih secara konsekutif sejak 1 September 2013 sampai 30 Oktober 2013. RNL diambil saat masuk UGD, penilaian myocardial blush (MB) diambil segera pasca IKPP, angiografi untuk RCA (RAO 30˚) dan LCA (LAO 60˚-90˚). Kemudian RNL dikirim ke laboratorium untuk diperiksa dengan dengan Sysmex 2000i, blush dinilai dengan program komputer QuBE. Perhitungan statistik dinilai dengan SPSS 17.
Hasil: Dari 33 pasien didapatkan proporsi terbanyak berjenis kelamin laki-laki sebesar 75,7%, rerata usia pasien 56±9.8 tahun. Analisa statistik menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan antara RNL dan QuBE (β=-0,180;p=0,664) namun terdapat kecenderungan setiap kenaikan 1 unit RNL akan menurunkan QuBE sebesar 0,180 unit arbiter. Setelah dilakukan adjusted terhadap faktor perancu didapatkan kecenderungan penurunan yang lebih besar meskipun tetap tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna. (koef β=-0,331 ; p=0,527).
......Primary percutaneus coronary intervention (PPCI) is a first of choice to return patient’s blood flow and perfusion with ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). However, it is not always sufficiently reflow of microcirculation due to Microvascular Obstruction (MVO). Many studies had proved that neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) has emerged as a potent composite inflammatory marker. The aim of this study is to evaluate association between NLR and MVO by Quantitative Blush Evaluator (QuBE).
Methode: 33 STEMI patients undergoing primary PCI were consecutivly recruited from September to October 2013. The NLR was withdraw at patient admission. We evaluate the myocardial blush immediately after PCI done. Angiography views were RAO 30˚ for RCA, and LAO 60˚-90˚for LCA. Then the NLR was sent to laboratory for examination. QuBE was done to evaluate myocardial blush. Statistical analysis was done by SPSS 17.
Results: From thirty three patients included in the study, there were 75,75% men, with mean age 56±9.8 years old. Statistical analysis showed no correlation between NLR and QuBE (β=-0,180;p=0,664) but there was decrease of 0,180 unit arbiter QuBE for each 1 unit of peripheral NLR. After adjustment of confounding factor, there was more decreasing value although there is no significant correlation. (coef β=-0,331;p=0,527)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lighthill, Sir James
"Addresses external biofluiddynamics concerning animal locomotion through surrounding fluid media - and internal biofluiddynamics concerning heat and mass transport by fluid flow systems within an animal."
Philadelphia : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1975
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library