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Ditemukan 40 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Deni Hermana
Abstrak :
Penulisan ini mengenai Penanganan Kejahatan Seksual Yang Dilakukan Anak Oleh Satuan Reskrim Polres Garut, penulis dalam penelitiannya menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus tetang percabulan dengan cara sodomi yang dilakukan oleh tersangka Yusup Supriatna berumur 15 tahun dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui pengarnatan, wawancara berpedoman dan kajian dokumen. Maksud Penanganan dalam penulisan ini adalah bagairnana kegiatan penegakkan hukum dalam melindungi hak anak sebagai pelaku kejahatan terhadap tindakan-tindakan Penyidik dalam proses penyidikan yang dilakukan oleh Sat Reskrim Pokes Garut. Proses penyidikan yang dilakukan oleh petugas harus berpedoman pads aturan-aturan hukum yang berlaku seperti KUHAP, Undang-Undang Perlindungan Anak dan Undang-Undang Pengadilan Anak ketika berhadapan dengan kasus kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh anak, karena secara fisik dan pikirannya anak berbeda dengan orang dewasa. Walaupun telah ada undangundang yang mengaturnya bahkan telah ada pedoman secara teknis yang mengatur masalah ini, kenyataannya masih juga di temukan berbagai penyi-mpangan yang dilakukan penyidik pada pelaksanaannya dan perilaku penyidik yang cenderung menyimpang dari ketentuan hukum yang berlaku ini berakibat terjadinya pelanggaran terhadap hak azasi manusia. Dalam Tesis ini ditunjuk bahwa penegakkan dan perlindungan hukum terhadap anak pada proses penyidikan yang dilakukan oleh Penyidik pada Ruang Pelayanan Khusus (RPK) Satuan Reskrim Pokes Garut belum sepenuhnya berpedoman pada Undang-Undang Pengadilan Anak dan Undang-Undang Perlindungan Anak sebagai acuan pada penanganan kasus kejahatan anak. Hal ini terjadi karena penyidik belum memahami benar aturan-aturan tersebut, masih kurangnya pengendalian dan pengawasan oleh atasan pada proses penyidikan, masih adanya budaya yang berlaku dilingkungan penyidik yang selalu mengikuti suatu kebiasaan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang yang pada kenyataannya hal tersebut merupakan suatu penyimnpangan dalam pekerjaannya bagi penyidik/penyidik pembantu dalam melakukan penyidikan khususnya perkara anak. Untuk dapat melaksanakan penanganan kasus kejahatan anak dengan benar dan adil serta memberikan perlindungan hukum terhadap anal( yang berkonflik dengan hukum dalam proses penyidikan, maka pars penyidik anak yang berada di setiap kesatuan hams ditunjuk penyidik yang benar-benar mempunyai minat, mental, perhatian khusus, dedikasi dan memahami masalah anak. ...... The thesis discusses about the handling of sexual crimes committed by children by Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Garut Resort Police. The author employs qualitative method with study case approach about a sexual violation through sodomy committed by a suspect called Yusuf Supriatna, 15 years old. Data is collected through several methods, such as observation, guided interview, and document review. Handling in the thesis means how law enforcement activity is conducted by CID of Garut Resort Police investigators in protecting the child's rights as a criminal offender. Investigation process conducted by investigators should refer to the existing regulations and Iaws, such as Criminal Code (KUHAP), Law of Children Protection and Law of Children Court when facing crimes conducted by children because such children are physically and mentally different from adults. Even though there are laws regulating the investigations of such crimes, some investigations that are not in accordance with the laws conducted by investigators still happen_ Such deviant investigations are likely to violate human rights. The result of the thesis reveals that law enforcement and Iaw protection on children during investigations conducted by the investigators of Special Service Room (SPK) of CID of Garut Resort Police have not fully referred to the Law of Children Protection and Law of Children Court as guidance in handling criminal cases committed by children. Such conditions still occur because the investigators have not fully understood the existing regulations. In addition, such investigations lack of control and supervision from the investigators' superiors. Furthermore, there are still some deviant cultures or deviant traditions that have been repeatedly done among the investigators in conducting investigations, especially in crimes committed by children. In order to conduct investigations of crimes committed by children properly and fairly as well as to give law protection to the children who are undertaking investigation processes, the appointed investigators should have interests, good mental, special attention, and dedication. Moreover, they should understand children's problems.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juliawati Utoro, supervisor
Abstrak :
Angka kejadian kekerasan seksual pada anak meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Keluarga merupakan orang terdekat yang berperan penting dalam merawat anak pasca kekerasan seksual yang dialaminya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menggali pengalaman orang tua merawat anak yang mengalami kekerasan seksual. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini 5 orang tua yang anaknya mengalami kekerasan seksual yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Metoda penelitian yang digunakan adalah fenomenologi deskriptif dengan analisis data content analysis Tema yang diperoleh ada 5 yaitu: membangun koping yang adaptif, memperhatikan perubahan anak, mengupayakan segala bentuk upaya pemulihan bagi anak, memberi dukungan emosional serta upaya antisipasi. Penelitian akan datang yang perlu diteliti bagaimana persepsi anak terhadap kondisi yang dialaminya pasca kekerasan seksual. ...... The incidence of child sexual violence increased from year to year. Family is the closest person who caring in treat for the child after sexual violence that experienced by him. The purpose of this research is to explore the experiences of parents to treat their child who have experienced sexual violence. Participants in this research are 5 parents whose their children suffered sexual violence. Participants were selected by purposive sampling. The method of research used is descriptive phenomenology of data analysis of content analysis. Theme obtained is 5 namely: build koping that adaptive, notice change child, trying entire recovery effort form for child, give emotional support as well as effort anticipation. To next research, that important, how the children with child sexual violence have maintained their condition after sexual violence.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rara Anggraini
Abstrak :
Dampak kekerasan seksual terhadap anak tidak hanya dirasakan oleh anak sebagai korban namun juga dirasakan oleh keluarga. Salah satu konsekuensi negatif yang dihadapi keluarga adalah stres dalam menghadapi anak korban kekerasan seksual. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif, pemilihan partisipan dengan metode purpossive sampling, dan dianalisis dengan metode Colaizzi dengan hasil saturasi pada partisipan keenam. Penelitian menghasilkan lima tema yaitu perubahan perilaku anak pasca kekerasan seksual sebagai sumber stres keluarga, respon stres keluarga terhadap perubahan proses keluarga, pemanfaatan dukungan sosial sebagai sumber kekuatan keluarga bertahan dari stres, pelaksanaan kegiatan keagamaan dan peningkatan spiritualitas sebagai bentuk koping keluarga terhadap stres, dan perubahan pola asuh sebagai bentuk evaluasi dan pembelajaran bagi keluarga. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini adalah pengembangan penanganan keperawatan jiwa yang tepat bagi keluarga dengan anak korban kekerasan seksual, pembentukan UKJS, peningkatan kolaborasi antara pihak terkait dengan tim kesehatan jiwa dalam setiap prosedur yang dilakukan tidak hanya terbatas bagi anak sebagai korban tetapi juga bagi keluarga. ...... The impact of child sexual abuse is not only felt by children as victims but also felt by the family. One of the negative consequences families face is the stress in dealing with child victims of sexual violence. This study used a qualitative design, selection of participants using purposive sampling method, and analyzed by Colaizzi method with the results of saturation in the sixth participant. The study resulted in five themes, namely changes in children's behavior after the sexual violence as a source of family stress, the stress response of family to change the family, the utilization of social support as a source of family strength to withstand the stress, the implementation of religious activities and increase spirituality as a form of family coping to stress, and changes parenting as a form of evaluation and learning for families. Recommendations from this study is the development of nursing handling right life for families with children victims of sexual violence, the establishment of UKJS, increased collaboration between the parties related to the mental health team in any given procedure is not only limited to children as victims but also for the family.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Eksploitasi seksual komersial anak merupakan masalah yang sangat serius dan bukan masalah yang baru muncul akhir-akhir ini. Pemerintah Indonesia telah lama berupaya untuk meminimalisir peningkatan jenis kejahatan yang menyerang masa depan anak, antara lain dengan mengeluarkan beberapa kebijakan. Akan tetapi, semakin hari kejahatan ini memakan korban semakin banyak. Hal ini dikarenakan pelaku kejahatan tidak secara gentayangan dalam mencari korban. Akan tetapi mereka melakukan aksinya dengan sebuah perencanaan dan berdasarkan pilihan rasional mereka. Teori pilihan rasional adalah salah satu teori kriminologi yang mengajak untuk mengkaji secara serius bagaimana pelaku pelanggaran berpikir, guna memprediksi kapan suatu kejahatan terjadi. Dengan demikian pilihan rasional menjadi acuan penting untuk dikaji dalam mencari cara dalam pencegahan ESKA lebih baik lagi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian interdisipliner dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier yang dikumpulkan melalui studi pustaka. Kemudian data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan disajikan secara deskriptif sehingga diperoleh gambaran secara rinci dan sistematis mengenai permasalahan dan pencegahan eksploitasi seksual komersial anak di era dari digital perspektif kriminologi dan yuridis. Kajian secara kriminologi dan yuridis sangat diperlukan sebab masalah kejahatan eksploitasi seksual komersial anak adalah masalah yang kompleks. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan gambaran re-konstruksi hukum dalam pencegahan dan penanganan ESKA di Indonesia khususnya pada era digital. ......Commercial sexual exploitation of children is a very serious problem and is not a problem that has emerged recently. The Indonesian government has long tried to minimize the increase in the types of crimes that attack children's future, such as by issuing several policies. However, every day this crime takes more and more victims. This is because criminals do not wander around in search of victims. But they act with a plan and based on their rational choice. Rational choice theory is one of the criminological theories that invites to seriously examine how offenders think, in order to predict when a crime will occur. So that rational choice becomes an important reference to be studied in finding better ways to prevent CSEC. This research is an interdisciplinary research using secondary data consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials collected through library research. Then it was analyzed qualitatively and presented descriptively so as to obtain a detailed and systematic picture of the problem description and prevention of commercial sexual exploitation of children in the digital era from a criminological and juridical perspective. Criminological and juridical studies are very much needed because the problem of commercial sexual exploitation of children is a complex problem. This research can provide an overview of legal reconstruction in the prevention and handling of CSEC in Indonesia, especially in the digital era.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghina Rahmadinia Prayogo
Abstrak :
Belakang: Kekerasan pada anak menjadi sebuah masalah karena dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan dari seorang anak. Secara umum, lebih sulit untuk mengetahui prevalensi persis dari kejadian kekerasan seksual pada anak dibandingkan kekerasan fisik karena tidak semua kasus dilaporkan. Agar dapat dilakukan tindakan pencegahan, perlu diketahui faktor resiko apa yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap kejadian kekerasan seksual anak dari berbagai dimensi, termasuk lingkungan.Metode: Dilakukan penelitian kasus-kontrol pada 107 korban kekerasan seksual anak yang dibandingkan dengan 107 anak yang tidak mengalami kekerasan seksual. Data yang didapatkan berupa rekam medis dari RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Dilakukan uji chi-square dan penghitungan rasio odds untuk melihat hubungan faktor resiko dan kejadian kekerasan seksual anak.Hasil: Dari 107 sampel pada masing-masing kelompok, 71,96 sampel kelompok kasus dan 44,86 sampel kelompok kontrol tinggal di lingkungan padat penduduk. Didapatkan hasil yang bermakna secara statistik
Background Child abuse became a problem because it can affect a child rsquo s development. Generally, it is more difficult to know the exact prevalence of child sexual abuse compared to physical abuse because not all cases were recognised and reported. In order to be able to make prevention efforts, it is necessary to know the risk factors of child sexual abuse from every dimension, including environmental factors.Methods A case control study was done on 107 medical records sample from children who experienced sexual abuse and 107 medical records from children who did not. Data were obtained from Cipto Mangukusumo National Hospital. To identify the risk factors, chi square test was done and odds ratio were calculated.Result Out of 107 samples from each groups, 71,96 samples from case group and 44,86 samples from control group each lived in a densely populated area. A statistically significant result p
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Shinta Noviar Unicha
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas gambaran kekerasan seksual terhadap anak perempuan di Pusat Krisis Terpadu RSUPN dr. Ciptomangunkusumo berdasar temuan dari 49 data rekam medis tahun 2016 ndash; 2017 yang dikumpulkan peneliti. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas korban berusia 6 ndash; 11 tahun 38,8 , berstatus pendidikan SD/ tamat SD, dan datang dengan permintaan visum. Jenis kekerasan seksual terhadap anak perempuan didominasi kasus pemerkosaan oleh pelaku berusia 25 ndash; 40 tahun berjenis kelamin laki ndash; laki yang dikenal dan memiliki hubungan kedekatan dengan korban, seperti tetangga, pacar, teman, guru, dan pengasuh. Mayoritas korban kekerasan seksual terhadap anak perempuan memiliki status ekonomi menengah ndash; menengah ke bawah, status perkawinan orangtua dan hubungan dengan orangtua baik tetapi kurang pengawasan. Diketahui mayoritas kemampuan sosialisasi dan kondisi psikis korban dalam kategori baik ndash; cukup. Kejadian kekerasan seksual mayoritas dilakukan di tempat privasi dan tertutup pada jam 10.01 ndash; 16.00 saat orangtua bekerja dan 16.01 ndash; 22.00 saat anak bebas bermain dan lepas dari pengawasan orangtua. Sebanyak 59,2 korban mengaku mendapatkan paksaan/ ancaman/ iming ndash; iming, unsur pornografi, dan obat/ alkohol menggunakan makanan atau minuman dari pelaku. Mayoritas korban menyatakan tidak memberi perlawanan karena adanya ancaman/ iming ndash; iming dari pelaku, atau tidak tahu hal yang ia lakukan adalah salah, atau dilakukan atas dasar suka sama suka. Diharapkan bagi orangtua melakukan upaya ndash; upaya untuk mencegah anak menjadi korban maupun mencegah kejadian kekerasan seksual terulang kembali dengan mengajarkan anak tentang batasan antara lawan jenis, menggunakan baju yang sopan dan tidak terbuka, bagian tubuh yang tidak boleh disentuh, sentuhan boleh dan sentuhan tidak boleh, cara memberi respon penolakan, perilaku seksual yang berisiko dan akibatnya, serta orangtua meningkatkan pengawasan terhadap anaknya.
This thesis discusses the description of child sexual abuse on girls in Integrated Crisis Center RSUPN dr. Ciptomangunkusumo based on the findings of 49 medical records from 2016 to 2017 collected by researcher. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive design. The results showed that the majority of victims aged 6 11 years 38.8 , in elementary school education primary school, and come with a visum request. Types of sexual abuse are dominated by rape cases by perpetrators of 25 40 year old who are known and have close relationships with victims, such as neighbors, boyfriends, friends, teachers, and caregivers. The majority of victims have lower middle to lower economic status, parental marital status and good parent relationship but lack of parental supervision. Given the majority of socialization skills and the psychological condition of the victim in either good ndash enough category. The majority of sexual abuses conducted in private place and happen at 10.01 a.m 04.00 p.m. when parents are working and 04.01 p.m. 10.00 p.m. when children are free to play out and out of parental supervision. As many as 59.2 of victims claimed to have coercion threat lure, pornography, and drugs alcohol using food or drink from the perpetrators. The majority of victims said they did not give any rejections caused by the threats lures of the perpetrators, or not knowing what she was doing was wrong, or done the sexual activity on the basis of loving each other. It is desirable for parents to make efforts to prevent children from becoming victims and prevent the occurrence of sexual abuse from recurring by teaching children about the boundaries between the opposite sex, using proper dresses, untouchable body parts, part of ldquo permitted touch rdquo and ldquo not permitted touches rdquo , how to give rejections, risky sexual behaviour and these consequences, also increase parental supervision of their children.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asri Megaratri Pralebda
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Kejahatan seksual terhadap anak terjadi di seluruh dunia. Komnas Perlindungan Anak Indonesia mencatat, telah terjadi 21.869.797 kasus pelanggaran hak anak di Indonesia, dengan 42-58% merupakan kejahatan seksual terhadap anak dari tahun 2010 hingga 2014. Hal-hal yang terdapat pada diri anak, karakteristik keluarga serta faktor lingkungan dapat menjadi faktor resiko bagi anak untuk menjadi korban kejahatan seksual. Tujuan: Mencari hubungan antara karakteristik keluarga sebagai faktor resiko dengan kejadian kejahatan seksual anak. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kasus-kontrol dengan kasus berasal dari rekam medik pasien anak korban kejahatan seksual periode Januari 2012-Desember 2014 sedangkan kontrol adalah anak bukan korban kejahatan seksual yang berobat di Poliklinik Kiara RSCM selama bulan Oktober 2015. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan menggunakan kuesioner kekerasan seksual anak yang diadopsi dari Guidelines WHO 2003. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-square dan dinyatakan bermakna apabila p<0,05 lalu dilakukan perhitungan RO serta IK95%. Hasil: Diperoleh 230 subyek pada setiap kelompok kasus dan kontrol, dengan rentang usia 2-18 tahun. Kejadian kejahatan seksual meningkat sesuai dengan bertambahnya usia, terbanyak (65,2%) pada remaja (12-17 tahun). Terdapat hubungan antara keberadaan orangtua dengan kejahatan seksual anak (p=0,009; RO 1,84; IK 1,16-2,91), namun tidak terdapat hubungan antara pendapatan keluarga (p=0,499; RO 0,88 IK=0,60-1,28) dan anggota keluarga yang padat (p=0,641; RO 0,92; IK=0,64-1,32) dengan kejadian kejahatan seksual anak. Kesimpulan: Anak dengan orangtua tidak lengkap terbukti memiliki resiko untuk terjadinya kejahatan seksual anak (RO 1,84; IK 1,16-2,91). Tingkat pendapatan keluarga dan jumlah anggota keluarga tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian kejahatan seksual anak.
Background: Child sexual assault occurs all over the world. Indonesia National Commission in Child Protection states that 42-58 % of 21,869,797 cases occured between the years of 2010 to 2014. Risk factors that can contribute for a child becoming a child sexual assault victim are the characteristic from the child, the family and the environment. Aim: This study was designed to discuss the relationship between the incidence of child sexual assault with the characteristics of the family as a risk factor. Method: samples for case-control study was taken by purposive sampling. The case group were taken from medical records of child sexual assault victims during Januay 2012 until Desember 2014, while the control group from non child sexual victims who are outpatients of Clinic Kiara RSCM during Oktober 2015 using the same questionare. Data is analiyzed using Chi-square and significant when p<0.05. OR and CI 95% is also calculate. Result: Both groups consists of 230 subjects, with an age range 2-18 years. Incomparison with the control group. The incidence of child sexual assault increases with age, the highest (65.2%) in adolescent (12-17 years). This study showed a significant relationship between the presence of a parent towards the incidence with child sexual assault (p=0.012, RO=1.88, CI=1.13-2.85), but showed no significant relationship between family income (p=0.499, OR=0,88; CI=0.60-1.28 ) and the number of family members ( p=0.641, RO=0.92, CI=0.641.32). Conclusion: The result showed that children who have complete parents have a proven risk to become victims of child sexual assault. The level of family income and the number of family members does not associated with the incidence of child sexual assault. ;Background: Child sexual assault occurs all over the world. Indonesia National Commission in Child Protection states that 42-58 % of 21,869,797 cases occured between the years of 2010 to 2014. Risk factors that can contribute for a child becoming a child sexual assault victim are the characteristic from the child, the family and the environment. Aim: This study was designed to discuss the relationship between the incidence of child sexual assault with the characteristics of the family as a risk factor. Method: samples for case-control study was taken by purposive sampling. The case group were taken from medical records of child sexual assault victims during Januay 2012 until Desember 2014, while the control group from non child sexual victims who are outpatients of Clinic Kiara RSCM during Oktober 2015 using the same questionare. Data is analiyzed using Chi-square and significant when p<0.05. OR and CI 95% is also calculate. Result: Both groups consists of 230 subjects, with an age range 2-18 years. Incomparison with the control group. The incidence of child sexual assault increases with age, the highest (65.2%) in adolescent (12-17 years). This study showed a significant relationship between the presence of a parent towards the incidence with child sexual assault (p=0.012, RO=1.88, CI=1.13-2.85), but showed no significant relationship between family income (p=0.499, OR=0,88; CI=0.60-1.28 ) and the number of family members ( p=0.641, RO=0.92, CI=0.641.32). Conclusion: The result showed that children who have complete parents have a proven risk to become victims of child sexual assault. The level of family income and the number of family members does not associated with the incidence of child sexual assault. ;Background: Child sexual assault occurs all over the world. Indonesia National Commission in Child Protection states that 42-58 % of 21,869,797 cases occured between the years of 2010 to 2014. Risk factors that can contribute for a child becoming a child sexual assault victim are the characteristic from the child, the family and the environment. Aim: This study was designed to discuss the relationship between the incidence of child sexual assault with the characteristics of the family as a risk factor. Method: samples for case-control study was taken by purposive sampling. The case group were taken from medical records of child sexual assault victims during Januay 2012 until Desember 2014, while the control group from non child sexual victims who are outpatients of Clinic Kiara RSCM during Oktober 2015 using the same questionare. Data is analiyzed using Chi-square and significant when p<0.05. OR and CI 95% is also calculate. Result: Both groups consists of 230 subjects, with an age range 2-18 years. Incomparison with the control group. The incidence of child sexual assault increases with age, the highest (65.2%) in adolescent (12-17 years). This study showed a significant relationship between the presence of a parent towards the incidence with child sexual assault (p=0.012, RO=1.88, CI=1.13-2.85), but showed no significant relationship between family income (p=0.499, OR=0,88; CI=0.60-1.28 ) and the number of family members ( p=0.641, RO=0.92, CI=0.641.32). Conclusion: The result showed that children who have complete parents have a proven risk to become victims of child sexual assault. The level of family income and the number of family members does not associated with the incidence of child sexual assault.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pilgrim, David
Abstrak :
Child sexual abuse is a major public policy challenge. Many child protection measures were beginning to reduce its occurrence. However, that progress was impeded by online grooming, the downloading of indecent images of children and even their abuse online in real time. This now places major demands on national and international policing. The book brings together groundbreaking case studies from a wide range of settings. As well as family members and those near the home, offenders can also be found in religious, sporting and childcare settings. This extensive picture is drawn deliberately in order to highlight a split in the academic analysis of child sexual abuse. The mainstream or orthodox view, defended by the author, is that child sexual abuse is an under-reported crime. However, a minority view, presented but criticised, is that it is a moral panic created by public hysteria, child protection experts and campaigning politicians. By the end of the book, this division of academic opinion and its implications for public policy are explored in detail. The book is essential reading for anyone interested in preventing child sexual abuse and the dilemmas of responding to both victims and perpetrators. It will be of particular use to practitioners in social work, the police and in the mental health professions.
Londan: Routledge, 2018
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rifka Rahman Hakim
Abstrak :
Studi ini berangkat dari maraknya kasus kekerasan seksual khususnya yang menimpa anak-anak (kekerasan seksual anak) terjadi di Indonesia. Meluasnya Pornografi disebut-sebut banyak pihak sebagai penyebab fenomena ini terjadi. Menggunakan dua pendekatan sekaligus, yakni kualitatif sebagai pendekatan utama dan kuantitatif sebagai pendukung, penelitian ini berusaha menelusuri pola penggunaan media pornografi pada pelaku kekerasan seksual anak dan bagaimana media pornografi berhubungan dengan perilaku seksual mereka tersebut. Berdasarkan analisis statistik deskriptif data kuantitatif yang diperoleh dengan metode survey pada 30 orang responden diduga bahwa penggunaan media pornografi pada pelaku kekerasan seksual anak penghuni Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak tidak banyak berbeda dengan orang biasa pada umumnya. Berdasarkan studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara diketahui bahwa bagaimana penggunaan media pornografi memengaruhi perilaku seksual pelaku kekerasan seksual anak merupakan hasil dari mekanisme pemutarbalikan persepsi, proses belajar sosial, efek desensitisasi, serta adanya keterbangkitan seksual (sexual aurosal) para pelaku kekerasan seksual anak tersebut. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa hubungan antara penggunaan media pornografi dan kekerasan seksual tidak bersifat langsung. Konsumsi pornografi mendorong terbentuknya skema tertentu tentang perempuan dan kondisi tersebut yang mendorong terjadinya kekerasan seksual. ...... This study departs from the rampant cases of sexual violence, especially affecting children (child sexual abuse) occurred in Indonesia. Widespread pornography is touted by many as the cause of this phenomenon occurs. Using two approaches at once, qualitative as a main and quantitative as a supporter, this study tried to discover patterns of media use of pornography on the perpetrators of child sexual abuse and how the media of pornography relates to their sexual behavior. Based on the descriptive statistical analysis of quantitative data obtained by the the method of the survey on 30 respondents alleged that the use of media pornography on the perpetrators of child sexual abuse is not much different from people in general. Based on case studies with data collection through interviews showed that how the use of media pornography affects sexual behavior of perpetrators of child sexual abuse is the result of a twisting mechanism of perception, social learning processes the effects of desensitization, and the presence of sexual arousal perpetrators of sexual abuse of the child. The study concluded that the relationship between media use pornography and sexual violence is not straightforward and not directly. Consumption of pornography encourages the formation of certain schemes on women on perpetrators and the conditions that perpetuate sexual violence.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adilla Afiani
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengeksplorasi fenomena victim-perpetrator cycle dalam kekerasan seksual yang terjadi di Indonesia dan bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam siklus tersebut. Terdapat tiga orang partisipan dalam penelitian ini yang merupakan remaja yang sedang berhadapan dengan hukum terkait kasus kekerasan seksual di Jakarta. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode in-depth interview, yang kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan partisipan memiliki masalah self-control, adanya internalizing dan externalizing behavior terkait pengalaman kekerasan, memiliki masalah keluarga, berasal dari lingkungan rumah dan pertemanan yang berisiko terhadap paparan kekerasan seksual dan kekerasan fisik
This research was conducted as an exploration study toward victim perpetrator cycle in sexual abuse case in Indonesia and aimed to describe cotributing factors in that cycle. Three participants were involved in tis resarch who are juvenile prisoners with sexual abuse case in Jakarta. Researcher used an in depth interview methods in gathering the data and thematic analysis was conducted. The result shows that partcipants wee having self conrol problem, showing internalizing and externalizing behavior toward his sexual abuse experience, having family prolems, have been living in a risky peer and neighborhood environment with a high probability of sexual or physical abuse exposure.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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