ABSTRAKInfeksi menular seksual merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan perempuan yang
berdampak besar terhadap kesehatan reproduksi. Perempuan dituntut untuk
menjaga kebersihan diri khususnya kebersihan genitalia sebagai alat reproduksi
utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh pendidikan
kesehatan kebersihan diri terhadap tanda dan gejala IMS. Penelitian ini
menggunakan disain eksperimen semu. Teknik pengambilan sampel
menggunakan konsekutif pada 84 responden yang terbagi dalam kelompok
kontrol dan intervensi. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuesioner tanda dan
gejala IMS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pendidikan kesehatan mengurangi
tanda dan gejala infeksi menular seksual (p = 0,008). Pemberian pendidikan
kesehatan direkomendasikan di pelayanan kesehatan untuk meningkatkan
kesehatan reproduksi perempuan.
ABSTRACTSexual transmitted diseases are one of the women health problems which has a
major impact on health reproduction. Women required to maintenance personal
hygiene especially for genital area as a main reproduction organ. This study was
conduct to explore the effect of personal hygiene health education on the signs
and symtoms of STD amongs respondents. The design is a quasi-experimental.
Consecutive sampling method was used in 84 respondents and divided into
control groups and intervention groups. A questionnaire of signs and symptoms of
sexual transmitted diseases was used. The results showed personal hygiene health
education reduces the signs and symptoms of sexual transmitted diseases (p =
0.008). The health education is recommended to use in the health service to
improve women's health reproduction, Sexual transmitted diseases are one of the women health problems which has a
major impact on health reproduction. Women required to maintenance personal
hygiene especially for genital area as a main reproduction organ. This study was
conduct to explore the effect of personal hygiene health education on the signs
and symtoms of STD amongs respondents. The design is a quasi-experimental.
Consecutive sampling method was used in 84 respondents and divided into
control groups and intervention groups. A questionnaire of signs and symptoms of
sexual transmitted diseases was used. The results showed personal hygiene health
education reduces the signs and symptoms of sexual transmitted diseases (p =
0.008). The health education is recommended to use in the health service to
improve women's health reproduction]"