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Lubis, Karunia Burhanudin
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Laki-laki yang berhubungan seksual dengan laki-laki (LSL) adalah suatu bentuk oritentasi seksual (homoseksual) yang lebih ditekankan kepada perilaku seksual berupa hubungan seksual terhadap sesama jenis. Perilaku seksual pada LSL ini cenderung bebas, berganti-ganti pasangan, dan tidak menggunakan kondom sehingga terjadi peningkatan risiko kesehatan tertentu seperti Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS). Infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) dan Virus Herpes Simpleks (VHS) merupakan salah satu IMS dan dapat berinteraksi sinergistik. Pada individu dengan HIV dan koinfeksi VHS dapat meningkatkan risiko transmisi penularan HIV serta mempercepat perburukan ke arah AIDS. Di Indonesia, belum pernah dilaporkan proporsi VHS pada populasi LSL baik yang terinfeksi HIV maupun yang tidak terinfeksi HIV. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbandingan proporsi seroprevalensi VHS-1 dan VHS-2 pada LSL dengan dan tanpa HIV serta peranan pemakaian kondom. Metode: Penelitian ini berdesain potong lintang pada 76 LSL yang terinfeksi maupun tidak terinfeksi HIV di klinik Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI). Wawancara tentang kekerapan pemakaian kondom dan pemeriksaan serologis imunoglobulin G (IgG) VHS-1 serta VHS-2 dilakukan pada tahap awal penelitian. Hasil: Dari 76 SP, 34 SP terinfeksi HIV dan 42 SP tidak terinfeksi HIV. Total proporsi seroprevalensi VHS-1 dan VHS-2 masing – masing adalah sebesar 69,7% dan 23,7%. Proporsi VHS-1 dan VHS-2 pada SP tanpa HIV adalah masing-masing sebesar 71,4% dan 14,3%. Proporsi VHS-1 dan VHS-2 pada SP dengan HIV adalah masing-masing sebesar 67,6% dan 35,3%. Penggunaan kondom tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian terinfeksi VHS-1 (p=0,068; IK: 0,05-1,1) atau VHS-2 (p=0,447; IK: 0,09-2,8) pada kelompok LSL dengan HIV. Penggunaan kondom berhubungan dengan kejadian terinfeksi VHS-1 pada kelompok LSL tanpa HIV (p=0,036; IK: 0,52-0,9), tetapi penggunaan kondom tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian terinfeksi VHS-2 pada kelompok LSL tanpa HIV (p=0,08; IK: 0,81-32,98). Kesimpulan: Proporsi LSL dengan VHS-1 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan VHS-2, baik pada kelompok tanpa dan dengan HIV. Proporsi LSL dengan VHS-2 pada kelompok HIV dua kali lipat lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan tanpa HIV.
Background: Men who have sex with men (MSM) is homosexual orientation that emphasizes on sexual behavior to the same sex. The sexual behaviors among MSM tend to have free sex, multiple sexual partners, and perform unsafe sex, thus it may increase risk of infection to sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) infection are examples of STD that are able to interact synergistically one to another. Individual with HIV and co-infected with HSV may increase risk of transmission HIV and progressively worsening to AIDS. In Indonesia, proportion VHS infection in those who either with and without HIV in MSM population, is never been reported. Objective: To compare proportion HSV-1 and HSV-2 seroprevalence in MSM with and without HIV infection and its association with condom use. Methods: It is cross sectional study to 76 MSM, either with or without HIV, coming to seek health services in PKBI outpatients clinic. Interview regarding frequency condom use and serological test immunoglobulin G to HSV-1 and HSV-2 was done in the early of research. Results: Out of 76 MSM, 34 MSM are infected with HIV and 42 MSM those who are not. Total proportion HSV-1 and HSV-2 seroprevalence respectively are 69,7% and 23,7%. Proportion HSV-1 and HSV-2 to those who are not infected to HIV respectively is 71,4% and 14,3%. Proportion HSV-1 and HSV-2 to those who are infected to HIV respectively is 67,6% and 35,3%. Condom use is not associated either with a risk of infection to HSV-1 (p=0,068; IK: 0,05-1,1) or HSV-2 (p= 0,447; IK: 0,09-2,8) in MSM who are infected to HIV. Condom use is associated with a risk of infection to VHS-1 (p=0,036; IK: 0,52-0,9), but it is not associated with risk of infection to HSV-2 (p=0,08; IK: 0,52-32,98) among those who are not infected to HIV. Conclusion: Proportion MSM who are infected to HSV-1 is higher compared to HSV-2 in both groups (with and without HIV). Proportion MSM who are infected to HSV-2 in HIV group is twice higher compared to group those who are not.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salwito Sartafuta
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) adalah autoantibodi terhadap berbagai antigen intranuklear seperti deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) dan lain-lain. Hasil pemeriksaan ANA dilaporkan dalam titer dan polanya. Pada saat ini sesuai anjuran manufacturer, interpretasi titer ANA menggunakan kit Mosaic HEp-20-10/Liver (Monkey) dari Euroimmun hanya berdasarkan pengenceran 1/100 dan 1/1000 dengan intensitas fluoresensi strong, moderate atau weak, dan dilaporkan hasil titer 1/100, 1/320, 1/1000 atau >1/1000. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemeriksaan ANA dengan pengenceran 1/100, 1/320 dan 1/1000. Interpretasi pembacaan dinilai dengan (3 pengenceran) dan tanpa pengenceran 1/320 (2 pengenceran), kemudian dibandingkan kesesuaian antara keduanya. Terdapat lebih dari 35 pola ANA-IFA yang telah diidentifikasi, dengan sekitar 100 jenis kemungkinan autoantibodi. Pola tersebut dapat dijadikan langkah awal identifikasi jenis autoantibodi. Tersedia tes dengan kombinasi berbagai antigen yang dikenal sebagai profil ANA. Penelitian ini juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian pola ANA-IFA dengan profil ANA. Metodologi Penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain potong lintang, dilakukan di laboratorium imunologi RSCM selama Juni-Juli 2015. Subjek penelitian adalah serum yang dikirim ke laboratorium RSCM untuk pemeriksaan ANA dengan besar sampel 75 sampel. Data dilaporkan dalam bentuk deskriptif analitik. Data dari interpretasi 2 pengenceran (1/100 dan 1/1000) dengan 3 pengenceran (1/100, 1/320 dan 1/1000) dinilai kesesuaiannya dengan menggunakan uji statistik Kappa. Hasil Penelitian: Pola ANA-IFA tersering yang ditemukan adalah spekel kasar (35,2%), spekel halus (32,4%), nukleoli (13%), homogen (6,5%), sitoplasma granuler (6,5%), sentriol (3,7%), sentromer (0,9%), nuclear dots (0,9%) dan negatif (0,9%). Interpretasi yang sama antara 2 pengenceran dengan 3 pengenceran sebesar 80,6%. Pada perhitungan uji statistik kappa, didapatkan nilai kappa sebesar 0,67. Kesesuaian pola ANA-IFA dengan profil ANA adalah sebesar 20,8%. Kesimpulan: Nilai kappa sebesar 0,67 menunjukkan kesesuaian pada tingkat good. Walaupun demikian, kesalahan interpretasi titer ANA-IFA dengan menggunakan 2 pengenceran terjadi pada 19,4% kasus. Kesesuaian pola ANA-IFA dengan profil ANA sebesar 20,8%.
Background: Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are autoantibodies which react with various intranuclear antigens such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and others. Laboratory results of ANA were shown as titer and pattern. Nowadays, manufacturer recommend ANA interpretation using Mosaic HEp-20-10/Liver kit (Monkey) from Euroimmun with 1/100 and 1/1000 dilutions and strong, moderate or weak fluorescence intensity. The titer should reported as 1/100, 1/320, 1/1000 or >1/1000. In this research, the dilution used were 1/100, 1/320 and 1/1000. The data were interpreted from 3 dilutions and 2 dilutions (without 1/320 dilution), the conformity from two interpretations were compared. There are more than 35 ANA-IFA patterns identified, with about 100 autoantibodies possibility. Those patterns act as baseline identification of autoantibodies. The test using few antigen combinations known as ANA profile. The purpose of this study also to compare the conformity of ANA-IFA pattern and ANA profile. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional research in immunology laboratory RSCM during June-July 2015. The subjects were serum sample for ANA test. The sample was 75. Data were shown as analytical descriptive data. The conformity of interpretation data from 3 dilutions and 2 dilutions were assessed using Kappa statistical analysis. Results: The ANA-IFA pattern shown were coarse speckled (35,2%), fine speckled (32,4%), nucleolar (13%), homogenous (6,5%), granular cytoplasm (6,5%), centriole (3,7%), centromere (0,9%), nuclear dots (0,9%) and negative (0,9%). The similar interpretation between 2 dilutions and 3 dilutions were 80,6%. Kappa statistical analysis showed Kappa score 0,67. The conformity between ANA-IFA pattern and ANA profile were 20,8%. Conclusion: Kappa score 0,67 showed the conformity in good level. Nevertheless, there are mistakes of ANA-IFA interpretation using 2 dilutions in 19,4% cases. The conformity of ANA-IFA pattern with ANA profile were 20,8%., Background: Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are autoantibodies which react with various intranuclear antigens such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and others. Laboratory results of ANA were shown as titer and pattern. Nowadays, manufacturer recommend ANA interpretation using Mosaic HEp-20-10/Liver kit (Monkey) from Euroimmun with 1/100 and 1/1000 dilutions and strong, moderate or weak fluorescence intensity. The titer should reported as 1/100, 1/320, 1/1000 or >1/1000. In this research, the dilution used were 1/100, 1/320 and 1/1000. The data were interpreted from 3 dilutions and 2 dilutions (without 1/320 dilution), the conformity from two interpretations were compared. There are more than 35 ANA-IFA patterns identified, with about 100 autoantibodies possibility. Those patterns act as baseline identification of autoantibodies. The test using few antigen combinations known as ANA profile. The purpose of this study also to compare the conformity of ANA-IFA pattern and ANA profile. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional research in immunology laboratory RSCM during June-July 2015. The subjects were serum sample for ANA test. The sample was 75. Data were shown as analytical descriptive data. The conformity of interpretation data from 3 dilutions and 2 dilutions were assessed using Kappa statistical analysis. Results: The ANA-IFA pattern shown were coarse speckled (35,2%), fine speckled (32,4%), nucleolar (13%), homogenous (6,5%), granular cytoplasm (6,5%), centriole (3,7%), centromere (0,9%), nuclear dots (0,9%) and negative (0,9%). The similar interpretation between 2 dilutions and 3 dilutions were 80,6%. Kappa statistical analysis showed Kappa score 0,67. The conformity between ANA-IFA pattern and ANA profile were 20,8%. Conclusion: Kappa score 0,67 showed the conformity in good level. Nevertheless, there are mistakes of ANA-IFA interpretation using 2 dilutions in 19,4% cases. The conformity of ANA-IFA pattern with ANA profile were 20,8%.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Puspa Sari
Abstrak :
Kriptosporidiosis adalah penyakit parasitik yang disebabkan oleh Cryptosporidium sp~ parasit kokstdia intraseluler pada manusia dan hewan dan merupakan agen yang menyebabkan enterokolitis. Cryptasporidium sp. dapat menyebabkan penyakit gastrointestinal pada manusia, terutama anak-anak dan penderita imunodefisieosi. Angka kejadian infuksi umumnya lebih tinggi pada anak-anak dibandingkan orang dewasa skala klinis kriptosporidiosis sangat luas mulai dari asimtomatik sampai diare persisten. Selain menyebabkan diare, infeksi ini juga dapat menyebabkan malnutrisi Selama ini metode pulasan modifikasi laban asarn mcrupeksn nilai baku emas bagi pemeriksaan Cryptosparidium sp. Namun sensitivitas tekrrik ini rendah dan sangat bergantung pada ketrampilan serta pengalaman tenaga mikroskopis dalaM melihat Cryptosparidium sp. Deteksi ookista Cryptosporidlum dengan antibodi monoklonal terhadap dinding ookista Cryptosparidium (CmAbs) merupakan metoda yang sensitif dan spesifik untuk mendeteksi ookista dari apusan tinja dibandingkan metode pewarnaan konvensional Penelitian ini, menggunakan teknik imunofluoresen dengan an!ibodi monoklonal yang telal1 dilabel oleh FITC untuk deteksi kriptosporidiosis pada batita. Hasilnya akan dlbandingkan dengan PCR dalam hal sensitivitas dan spesifisitas. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain cross sectional menggunakan uji diagnostik. Hasil uji skrining dan tingkat agreement dihitung. Dari 239 sampel tinja yang diperiksa, didapatkan freknensi kriptosporidiosis pada anak batita sebanyak 24,3%. Kriptosporidiosis umum tetiadi pada populasi anak-anak di bawah tiga tahun. Dibandingkan dangan metode konvensional yaitu pewamaan modifikasi tahan asam dan auramin fenoJ, deteksi kriptosporidiosis dengan pemeriksaan imunofluoresen langsung lebih sensitif dllll lebih spesifik (p=O,OOO). Dibandingkan dengan PCR, pemeriksaan lmunofluoresen langsung memiliki sensitivitas 86,2% dan spesifisitas 98,9%. Sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai altemalif untuk deteksi ooldsta Cryptosporidium sp. pada sampel tinja terutama untuk studi epidemiologi atau skrining Penilaian terhadap adanya faktor resiko jenis kelamin, status gizi dan diare teenyata didapatkan hasil tidak bermakna
Cryptosporidiosis is a parasitic disease caused by CryptospOridium sp, coccidian parasite intracellular in human and animaL Cryptosporidium sp can cause gastrointestinal diseases in human, particularly in children and immununodeficiency individuals. Generally. the incidence higher among children !han the adults. The clinical manifestations are wide, ranging from asymptomatic to persistent diarrhea and malnutrition in children. Modified acid fast staining method has been a gold standard to detect Cryptosporidlum sp, however, this technique has low sensitivity and depends mulct on the experience and skill of the technician. Detection of Cryptosporidium sp oocyst using monoclonal antibody to Cryptosporldium sp wall (CmAbs) is a more sensitive and specific method to determine an oocyst from stooL The objective of this study is to determine cryptosporidiosis proportion between toddlers by FITC monoclonal antibody technique. The result will be compared to PCR on its sensitivity and specificity to cryptosporidiosis diagnosis. This research is qualitative interpretation with cross sectional design study which using diagnostic test The result of the screening test and lhe levels of agreement were quantified. Of 239 fecal samples examined, there were 24,3% positive oocyst Cryptosporidium sp, Cryptosporidiosis is common in children under three years old population. Comparing to conventional methods, MTA and Af, cryptosporidiosis detection using direct immunofluorescent test is more sensitive and specific (p=O,OOO), Comparing to PCR technique~ direct immunofluorescent test has sensitivity 86~2% and specificity 98,9%. Statistically, direct immunofluorescent test can can be used as an alternative method to detect CJYP!osporidium sp. compared to PCR (p--o,06S), in particular for epidemiological study or population screening. Evaluation on risk factors such as sex. malnutrition and diarrhea symptom appear that there is no significant differences.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library