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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Yulia Nova
"Masih belum tercapainya target pangsa pasar bank syariah sering dikaitkan dengan rendahnya pemahaman masyarakat muslim di Indonesia tentang system perbankan syariah. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pcngetahuan,tingkat pendidikan dan pendapatan terhadap preferensi nasabah dalam mengambil keputusan menjadi nasabah bank syariah.
Data di dapat dari 50 responden yang merupakan nasabah bank Muamalat Indonesia cabang Sudirman Jakana Pusat. Untuk melihat pengaruh variable pengctahuan, tingkat pendidikan dan pendapatan terhadap preferensi nasabah dilakukan hipotesis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi dengan variable dummy Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peugaruh pengetahuan, tingkat pendidikan dan pendapatan terhadap preferensi nasabah untuk menjadi nasabah di bank syariah.
......Still not achieving the target market share of islamic banks are often associated with a poor understanding of Muslim society in Indonesia about the Islamic banking system. This thesis aims to look at the influence of knowledge, education level and income of' customer preferences in decision-making become customers of Islamic banks.
Data obtained from 50 respondents who are customers of Muamalat Indonesia bank in Sudirman branch, Central Jakana. To see the effect of variables of knowledge, education and income level of customer preferences conducted hypothesis by using descriptive analysis and regression analysis with dummy variables. The results showed the influence of knowledge, education level and income of customer preferences for a customer to become Islamic bank's customer."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clara Menna
"Reaksi anafilaksis adalah reaksi hipersensitivitas hebat yang merupakan kasus emergensi dan dapat mengancam nyawa. Data mengenai prevalens reaksi anafilaksis di Indonesia masih sangat kurang dan belum ada studi yang menganalisis laporan kasus reaksi anafilaksis secara spesifik di Indonesia. Diagnosis dan penanganan tepat oleh tenaga medis diperlukan ketika menghadapi pasien dengan reaksi anafilaksis. Namun demikian, berdasarkan penelitian di luar negeri, banyak dokter tidak mempunyai pengetahuan yang cukup untuk mendiagnosis dan menangani reaksi anafilaksis dengan tepat. Penelitian cross-sectional ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan dokter umum di Puskesmas DKI Jakarta mengenai reaksi anafilaksis dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya. Terdapat 158 responden, dengan persebaran pengetahuan 10,8% baik, 50% sedang, dan 39,2% buruk. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara lama praktek sebagai dokter umum, jumlah kasus anafilaksis yang pernah ditangani, serta jumlah sumber pengetahuan mengenai reaksi anafilaksis terhadap tingkat pengetahuan responden. Sebagai kesimpulan, pengetahuan dokter umum di Puskesmas DKI Jakarta mengenai reaksi anafilaksis masih kurang dan tidak ditemukan faktor yang diteliti berhubungan pengetahuan tersebut.
......Anaphylaxis is a massive hypersensitivity reaction that can be life threatening. There is lack of prevalence data and no study regarding anaphylactic cases in Indonesia. Proper diagnosis and treatment by physicians is needed to handle anaphylactic cases. However, based on several studies in other countries, a considerable amount of physicians still lack the knowledge to diagnose and treat anaphylaxis properly. This cross-sectional study is conducted to discover the level of knowledge about anaphylaxis among physicians in primary healthcares in DKI Jakarta and its related factors. There are 158 respondents, with a distribution of 10.8% on high level of knowledge, 50% on moderate level of knowledge, and 39.2% on low level of knowledge. Apart from that, there is no correlation between the level of knowledge and the factors studied, which are years of practice, amout of anaphylaxis cases treated, and amount of knowledge source acquired. In conclusion, the level of knowledge about anaphylaxis among physicians in primary healthcares in DKI Jakarta is low and there are no related factors found."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Layanan penelusuran di Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia untuk mencari sebuah artikel yang berkaitan dengan suku Baduy.Untuk mencari informasi yang lengkap harus mengetahui judul artikelnya, penulis,judul jurnalnya tahun terbit dan sebagainya...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kiki Fauziah
Tesis ini membahas mengenai proses berbagi pengetahuan antara staf dan pimpinan
Perpustakaan Bank Indonesia. Adapun tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini untuk
mengetahui proses berbagi pengetahuan antara staf dan pimpinan perpustakaan Bank
Indonesia serta melihat nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam diri staf dan pimpinan
dalam proses berbagi pengetahuan diantara mereka guna mengembangkan
kompetensi personal. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode interpretif. Pengumpulan data yang
dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi langsung, dan analisis dokumen
terkait proses berbagi pengetahuan di Perpustakaan Bank Indonesia. Adapun hasil
penelitian ini bahwa budaya berbagi pengetahuan telah terinternalisasi di dalam diri
individu baik staf maupun pimpinan di Perpustakaan Bank Indonesia sehingga
mereka dapat mengembangkan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan. Pembentukan budaya
berbagi pengetahuan tersebut dibangun berdasarkan adanya relasi antar staf
perpustakaan dan pimpinan. Pembanguan relasi antara staf dan pimpinan dibangun
atas dasar nilai kepercayaan dan saling menghargai antar staf perpustakaan. Dalam
proses menjaga relasi tersebut terdapat juga proses negosiasi yang dapat
menyeimbangkan antara kepentingan individu yang berbeda-beda dengan
kepentingan kelompok yang akan dituju.

This thesis discusses about the process of knowledge sharing between the
commissioners and staffs of Bank Indonesia Library. The aim of conducting this
research is to figure out the process of knowledge sharing between the commissioners
and staffs of Bank Indonesia Library and to examine values internalized within
commissioners and staffs in the process of knowledge sharing to develop personal
competence. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach with
interpretive method. The data collection is done through deep interview, direct
observation, and document analysis related to the process of knowledge sharing at
Bank Indonesia Library. The result of this research is that the culture of knowledge
sharing has been internalized within individuals, either staffs of commissioners of
Bank Indonesia Library so that they are able to develop the competence needed. The
formulation of knowledge sharing culture is built based on the relation between the
library staffs and commissioners. The development of relations between staff and
commissioners is built on the basis of trust and mutual respect among the library
staffs. In the process of maintaining the relation, there is also a process of negotiation
which can balance between the interests of different individual with the interests of
the group to be addressed.;This thesis discusses about the process of knowledge sharing between the
commissioners and staffs of Bank Indonesia Library. The aim of conducting this
research is to figure out the process of knowledge sharing between the commissioners
and staffs of Bank Indonesia Library and to examine values internalized within
commissioners and staffs in the process of knowledge sharing to develop personal
competence. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach with
interpretive method. The data collection is done through deep interview, direct
observation, and document analysis related to the process of knowledge sharing at
Bank Indonesia Library. The result of this research is that the culture of knowledge
sharing has been internalized within individuals, either staffs of commissioners of
Bank Indonesia Library so that they are able to develop the competence needed. The
formulation of knowledge sharing culture is built based on the relation between the
library staffs and commissioners. The development of relations between staff and
commissioners is built on the basis of trust and mutual respect among the library
staffs. In the process of maintaining the relation, there is also a process of negotiation
which can balance between the interests of different individual with the interests of
the group to be addressed., This thesis discusses about the process of knowledge sharing between the
commissioners and staffs of Bank Indonesia Library. The aim of conducting this
research is to figure out the process of knowledge sharing between the commissioners
and staffs of Bank Indonesia Library and to examine values internalized within
commissioners and staffs in the process of knowledge sharing to develop personal
competence. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach with
interpretive method. The data collection is done through deep interview, direct
observation, and document analysis related to the process of knowledge sharing at
Bank Indonesia Library. The result of this research is that the culture of knowledge
sharing has been internalized within individuals, either staffs of commissioners of
Bank Indonesia Library so that they are able to develop the competence needed. The
formulation of knowledge sharing culture is built based on the relation between the
library staffs and commissioners. The development of relations between staff and
commissioners is built on the basis of trust and mutual respect among the library
staffs. In the process of maintaining the relation, there is also a process of negotiation
which can balance between the interests of different individual with the interests of
the group to be addressed.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Millenio Ramadizsa
"Ketidakseimbangan pengetahuan merupakan fenomena yang semakin menonjol seiring berjalannya waktu, teurtama dengan perkembangan Articial Intelligence dan Data Science. Salah satu open knowledge base yang mengalami fenomena ini adalah Wikidata. Ketidakseimbangan pengetahuan dapat menyebabkan banyak hal negatif, contohnya adalah data yang tidak akurat dan kesimpulan yang bias. Untuk membantu mengatasi ketidakseimbangan pengetahuan kami mengusulkan sebuah solusi menggunakan association analysis. Kami menyediakan framework yang dapat mengidentifikasi gap properties, yang dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi akar dari ketidakseimbangan pengetahuan di dalam Wikidata class (e.g. computer scientists, sovereign states). Melalui gap property ratio, kami dapat menghitung level ketidakseimbangan pengetahuan dalam Wikidata class. Semakin tinggi gap property ratio maka semakin tinggi tingkat ketidakseimbangan pengetahuan dalam suatu kelas. Untuk memvalidasi framework yang kami buat, kami melakukan analisis ketidakseimbangan pengetahuan di 20 kelas Wikidata. Kami harap hasil dari riset ini dapat membantu kontributor Wikimedia dalam menyelesaikan fenomena ketidakseimbangan pengetahuan lebih cepat dan akurat.
......Knowledge imbalances are a phenomenon that has become more and more prominent over the years, especially with the growth of AI and data science. Wikidata is one of the open knowledge bases having this phenomenon. The growing number of items in Wikidata is not followed by an even distribution to every group and community. This phenomenon may have multiple negative implications, such as data inaccuracy and biased conclusions. In order to help in addressing knowledge imbalances in Wikidata we propose an approach using association analysis. We provide a framework that can identify gap properties, useful to pinpoint the root causes of knowledge imbalances in Wikidata classes (e.g., computer scientists, sovereign states). Furthermore, through the gap property ratio, we can quantify the knowledge imbalance level within Wikidata classes. The higher the gap property ratio, the larger the knowledge imbalance is for that class. To further validate our framework we conduct a knowledge imbalance analysis on 20 Wikidata classes. We hope that the result of this research can help Wikimedia contributors in addressing the knowledge imbalance phenomenon in Wikidata more swiftly and accurately."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Febry Gunawan
Penelitian ini membahas keragaman perilaku individu yang menggambarkan upaya berbagi dan tidak berbagi pengetahuan dalam interaksi antar individu di komunitas. Seiring berjalannya operasional restoran setiap hari, pegawai kitchen akan terus berbagi dan tidak berbagi pengetahuan saat melaksanakan tugas persiapan penyajian menu. Penelitian ini menemukan dua kategori empirik yang menggambarkan ketika pegawai kitchen tidak berbagi pengetahuan dan ketika pegawai kitchen menerima potongan pengetahuan yang tidak dibagi sebelumnya. Beberapa hal seperti kuantitas bumbu, jenis bahan, langkah pembuatan menu, dan pengalaman pribadi menjadi faktor-faktor yang mendukung terwujudnya keragaman perilaku pegawai kitchen dalam menjalankan tugas operasional restoran. Faktor faktor tersebut yang menggambarkan adanya praktik berbagi dan tidak berbagi pengetahuan yang diterapkan secara mandiri oleh pegawai kitchen. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa berbagi dan tidak berbagi pengetahuan merupakan bagian dari proses pembentukan pengetahuan sesuai dengan model connectionism. Berbagi dan tidak berbagi pengetahuan dalam komunitas pegawai kitchen terjadi karena pengetahuan terutama yang tidak dibagi dinilai dapat menjadi pemecah masalah yang dihadapi pegawai kitchen pada level individu. Proses berbagi dan tidak berbagi pengetahuan sesungguhnya telah menjadi budaya yang hidup dalam komunitas.

This study discusses the diversity of individual behavior that illustrates efforts of shared and unshared knowledge in interactions between individuals in the community. As restaurant operations run each day, kitchen employees will continue applying their shared and unshared knowledge while carrying out their preparation tasks for the menu. This study found two empirical categories that describe when kitchen employees unshared knowledge and when kitchen employees receive pieces of knowledge that are unshared beforehand. Some things such as quantity of seasonings, types of ingredients, steps to make menus, and personal experiences are factors that support the realization of the diversity of kitchen employees behavior in carrying out restaurant operational tasks. These factors illustrate the practice of shared and unshared knowledge that is applied independently by kitchen employees. This study found that shared and unshared knowledge is part of the process of forming knowledge according to the connectionism model. Shared and unshared knowledge in the kitchen employees community occurs because knowledge, especially those not shared, is considered to be a problem solver faced by kitchen employees at the individual level. The process of shared and unshared knowledge has actually become a living culture in the community"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Sanny Rahmawati
"Penelitian ini berfokus pada representasi berbagi pengetahuan dalam novel yang berjudul Paper Heart. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi makna berbagi pengetahuan yang terdiri atas beberapa elemen yakni memberikan pengetahuan, mengumpulkan pengetahuan, dan menyebarkan pengetahuan. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik analisis semiotik digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan makna berbagi pengetahuan antartokoh dalam cerita dengan menganalisis unsur sintagmatik dan paradigmatik, yang terdiri dari pengaluran, alur, penokohan, dan latar, kemudian diidentifikasi sesuai dengan teori. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan berbagi pengetahuan dilakukan antarindividu sebagaimana yang dicerminkan oleh tokoh dalam cerita.

This thesis focused on representation of knowledge sharing in Paper Heart novel. This study is aimed to identify the meaning of knowledge sharing which consist of knowledge donating, knowledge collecting, and knowledge disseminating. Qualitative research method with semiotic analysis is used in this study to get the representasion of knowledge sharing by analyzing syntagmatic and paradigmatic elements, which are sequences, plot, characterizations, and settings, then those elements are identified based on the theories. The result of this study shows that knowledge sharing activities carried out between individuals, as reflected by the characters in the story."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library