"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pemeliharaan dan pelestarian koleksi audiovisual di Tape Library Metro TV meliputi pengawasan terhadap suhu ruangan, kelembaban relatif, debu yang menebal, perubahan mekanis, pengaruh radiasi ultraviolet dan cahaya, pengaruh medan magnetis, pengaruh peralatan replay dan playback, faktor bencana, dan kerjasama. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh gambaran kondisi fisik koleksi dan lingkungan tempat penyimpanan di Tape Library Metro TV, memperoleh gambaran yang menyeluruh tentang kegiatan pemeliharaan dan pelestarian yang dilakukan di Tape Library Metro TV, dan memberikan masukan berupa saran prosedur teknis pemeliharaan dan pelestarian koleksi audiovisual di Tape Library Metro TV. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keadaan fisik koleksi audiovisual di Tape Library dalam keadaan baik, terlihat dari hasil survei yang dilakukan terhadap box atau kotak kaset audiovisual yang mengalami kerusakkan ringan seperti tergores atau retak. Keadaan ruang penyimpanan masih batas kewajaran terlihat pada pengaturan suhu dan kelembaban yang stabil. Agar Tape Library dapat menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik perlu adanya bagian khusus yang bertanggungjawab mengenai pemeliharaan koleksi meliputi pengawasan suhu, kelembaban, cahaya, dan lain-lain. Serta membuat peraturan standar mengenai suhu, kelembaban, dan pencahayaan yang dilewati oleh kaset audiovisual meliputi ruang penyimpanan, pelayanan, transfer, quality control , dan siaran.
This thesis discusses the maintenance and preservation of audiovisual collections in Tape Library Metro TV include room temperature supervision, relative humidity, dust thickening, mechanical changes, the influence of ultraviolet radiation and light, directonal magnetic field, the influence of replay and playback equipment, disaster factor, and cooperation. This study aims to obtain a description about collection and storage physical condition in Tape Library Metro TV environments, obtain a comprehensive description of the maintenance and preservation activities which be conducted in Tape library Metro TV, and make recommendation about maintenance and preservation technical procedures of audiovisual collections in Tape Library Metro TV. This is qualitative research with a case study approach. The results show physical state of audiovisual collections in Tape Library in good condition, seen from the result of survey which be conducated on the tape box or audiovisual boxes that have been damage such us scrathes or cracks. The situation of storage space is still within reasonable limits, seen at the setting of temperature and stable humidity. In order to make a type library working properly there should be a special section who responsible for the maintenance of the collection include temperature monitoring, humidity, light, and others. And also generate a standard rules concerning temperature, humidity, and lighting, which is passed by audiovisual tapes include storage space, service, transfer, quality control, and broadcast."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2009