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Tiranti Vindhagita Aisyah
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat risiko ergonomi dan keluhan subjektif musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) pada operator di area trimming PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia tahun 2012 dengan menggunakan metode penilaian BRIEF (Baseline Risk Identification of Ergonomic Factor) dan kuesioner NBM (Nordic Body Mac) yang telah dimodifikasi dan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel yang diteliti adalah seluruh operator pada area trimming dan seluruh aktivitasnya yang berisiko terhadap bahaya ergonomi dan timbulnya keluhan subjektif musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada seluruh aktivitas kerja, baik pada area trimming bios mapun radial, memiliki tingkat risiko ergonomi sedang dan tinggi. Sedangkan hasil kuesioner musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) menunjukkan bahwa keluhan terbanyak terdapat pada bahu kanan (89.3%), leher bagian bawah (82.1%), pinggang (78.6%), dan pergelangan tangan kanan (71.4%). ......The purpose of this research is to know the level of risk and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) complaint of trimming area employees in PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia 2012 using BRIEF (Baseline Risk Identification of Ergonomic Factors) method and modification of Nordic Body Map questionnaire. Total samples on this research is all the employees who felt musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) complaint and the activities that have an ergonomic risk. The result of this research indicates that all of the activity, in the trimming bias or radial area, have a level of risk in medium and high category. Besides, NBM questionnaire result, indicate that the most of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) complaint is in right shoulder (89.3%), neck (82.1%), waist (78.6%), and right wrist (71.4%).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizka Selvianti
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini menggambarkan tingkat risiko Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) dengan metode Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) pada aktivitas mengangkat pasien oleh perawat UGD di Rumah Sakit Atma Jaya. MSDs menyebabkan beberapa perawat UGD tidak layak kerja. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis dengan mengidentifikasi risiko MSDs. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat risiko MSDs tertinggi terjadi pada saat mengangkat pasien dengan kesadaran menurun dan tingkat risiko terendah yaitu saat mengangkat pasien yang dapat menggeser tubuhnya sendiri. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengendalian teknik, memperhatikan beban kerja dan sikap kerja saat mengangkat pasien dengan aman serta melakukan peregangan otot sebelum bekerja. Focus of this study is description about risk level of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) with Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method for nurses which patient lifting activity in emergency department at Atma Jaya Hospital. MSDs causes nurses not fit to work. This research is a descriptive analysed with identifying MSDs risk. Result indicates that level of highest MSDs risk found at lifting patient which consciousness and level of low MSDs risk is when lifting patient with own activity support. Therefore some technique are needed, attention to work load and work position for safe patient lifting, good exercise with stretching before work.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Prayudhi
Abstrak :
Tenaga kesehatan memegang peran penting pada kesehatan warga Indonesia. Namun, saat ini jumlah dokter di Indonesia bisa dibilang masih kurang. Menurut ikatan dokter indonesia (IDI), jumlah dokter umum yang ada saat ini berjumlah 129.772 orang sedangkan untuk dokter spesialis hanya ada sebanyak 36.552 orang. Dengan jumlah dokter ahli bedah yang sedikit dan penduduk indonesia yang sangat banyak, menuntut dokter-dokter tersebut untuk bisa menangani pasien secepat dan sebaik mungkin dengan waktu kerja yang panjang. Sehingga tidak jarang terjadinya pegal, sakit leher, sakit punggung ataupun penyakit Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder (WMSD) lainnya yang dirasakan oleh para dokter ahli bedah, apalagi jika ada beberapa operasi yang dilaksanakan secara berurutan. Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. H Chasan Boesoirie merupakan salah satu rumah sakit di Indonesia, tepatnya rumah sakit ini berada di Maluku Utara, Ternate. Pada RSUD Dr. H. Chasan Boesoirie terdapat beberapa dokter ahli, diantaranya adalah 3 dokter ahli bedah umum, 1 dokter saraf, 1 dokter ortopedi dan 1 dokter tumor. Dimana operasi yang paling sering dilakukan adalah operasi laparotomi. Diantara operasi laparotomi, operasi yang paling sering dilakukan adalah operasi apendisitis perforasi. Dokter ahli bedah di RSUD Dr. H Chasan Boesoirie memiliki risiko WMSD berdasarkan nilai analisis yang didapatkan yaitu RULA mulai dari 4 hingga 6 dan REBA mulai dari 3 hingga 5 yang menunjukkan dokter ahli bedah memiliki risiko low hingga risiko medium saat melakukan operasi dengan postur kerja yang dilakukan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk membandingkan postur tubuh sebelum dan sesudah adanya perbaikan menggunakan perekaman postur dan membuktikan bahwa pelatihan merupakan solusi efektif. ......Health workers play an important role in the health of Indonesian citizens. However, currently the number of doctors in Indonesia is arguably still lacking. According to the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), the current number of general practitioners is 129,772 people, while for specialist doctors there are only 36,552 people. With a small number of surgeons and a very large population of Indonesia, it requires these doctors to be able to treat patients as quickly and as well as possible with long working hours. So that it is not uncommon for surgeons to experience aches, neck pain, back pain or other Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder (WMSD), especially if there are several operations that are carried out sequentially. Regional General Hospital Dr. H Chasan Boesoirie is one of the hospitals in Indonesia, precisely this hospital is located in North Maluku, Ternate. At Regional General Hospital Dr. H Chasan Boesoirie there are several specialist doctors, including 3 general surgeons, 1 neurologist, 1 orthopedic doctor and 1 tumor doctor. The most common operation is laparotomy. Among laparotomy operations, the most frequently performed operation is perforated appendicitis. Surgeon at RSUD Dr. H Chasan Boesoirie has a risk of WMSD based on the analysis values ​​obtained, namely RULA ranging from 4 to 6 and REBA ranging from 3 to 5 which indicate the surgeon has a low to medium risk when performing surgery with the work posture performed. The study was conducted to compare the body posture before and after the improvement using posture recording and prove that training is an effective solution.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abbas Zavey Nurdin
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Prevalensi dan Insidensi kecelakaan kerja dan penyakit berhubungan pekerjaan sangat tinggi sehingga meningkatkan biaya kesehatan. Salah satu program BPJS Ketenagakerjaan adalah program kembali bekerja yang dipengaruhi oleh motivasi intrinsik pekerja. Salah satu instrumen yang dapat menilai hal tersebut adalah kuesioner Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui validitas dan reliabilitas kuesioner IMI untuk Indonesia Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potong lintang yang diawali dengan translasi dan penyesuaian budaya terhadap kuesioner IMI dengan teknik translate back translate oleh penerjemah tersumpah. Pengambilan sampel secara consecutive sampling sebanyak 72 responden yang merupakan pekerja yang ingin kembali kerja. Hasil pengisian data dilakukan uji validasi dan reliabilitas dengan reliability analysis. Hasil: Didapatkan kuesioner Intrinsic Motivation Inventory-Return to Work (IMIRTW) yang sesuai untuk Indonesia dengan 36 pernyataan yang memiliki nilai Cronbach?s alpha 0,837 serta Corrected item total correlation lebih dari 0,3. Kuesioner IMI-RTW yang valid bisa digunakan menilai motivasi intrinsik berdasarkan subskala minat atau kesenangan, kompetensi yang dirasakan, upaya atau kepentingan, tekanan, pilihan yang dirasakan, nilai dan keterkaitan.
ABSTRACT Background: The prevalence and incidence of work accidents and work related diseases is high and its steadily increasing healthcare costs. One of BPJS?s program is return to work which will be influenced by intrinsic motivation of the worker. One of the instruments that can be used to assess it is the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) questionnaire. The aims of this study are to determine the validity and reliability of the IMI questionnaire for Indonesia. Methode: This study used cross sectional design and started with translation and cultural adjustment of IMI questionnaire with translate back translate technique performed by a sworn translator. Total sample selected using consecutive sampling were 72 workers who want to return to work. Result of data collection, was used to test the validity and reliability using reliability analysis. Results: A valid Intrinsic Motivation Inventory-Return to Work (IMI-RTW) Questionnaire could be obtained for Indonesia with 36 statements that have Cronbach's alpha value 0.837 and Corrected item total correlation more than 0.3. This IMI-RTW questionnaire can be used to assess intrinsic motivation of worker based on interest and enjoyment, perceived competence, effort or importance, pressure or tension, value or usefulness and relatedness subscale. Conclusion: Intrinsic Motivation Inventory-Return to Work (IMI-RTW) questionnaire obtained are valid and reliable for Indonesia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Mansyur
Abstrak :
Pekerja di pabrik pembuatan tempe di Desa Citeureup beresiko mengalami keluhan Musculoskeletal Disorders yang berasal dari proses kerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran keluhan Musculoskeletal Disorders. Penelitian dilakukan pada 15 pekerja di 3 tempat dengan desain studi deskripstif observasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses kerja pembuatan tempe di Desa Citereup mempunyai tingkat risiko ergonomi yang cukup tinggi. Dari 10 (sepuluh) Terdapat 4 (empat) aktivitas yang mempunyai tingkat risiko tinggi. Keluhan paling dominan yang dirasakan pekerja yaitu pegal-pegal. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan perbaikan postur tubuh kerja untuk meminimalisasi keluhan Musculoskletal Disorders dan faktor risiko ergonomi.
Workers of tempe factory in Desa Citeureup had a risk to experience musculoskeletal disorders complaints that derived from the process of working. The aim of this study is to obtain a description of musculoskeletal disorders complaints. The subject of the study was 15 workers in three places, and the method used was observational descriptive study with cross-sectional design. The result showed that the process of working in the manufacture of tempe have high level of ergonomics risk. There were 4 (four) activities from 10 (ten) that have high risk level. The most dominant complaints most dominant from the workers were stiff. The factory was suggested to improve body posture to minimize musculoskletal disorders complaints and ergonomic risk factor.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Fitriana
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang gambaran tingkat risiko ergonomi dan keluhan subjektif muskuloskeletal disorders pada pekerjaan pengantongan Pupuk Urea PT. Pupuk Sriwidaja Palembang Tahun 2016. Faktor risiko yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor risiko ergonomi (postur kerja, durasi, frekuensi dan beban) dengan metode RULA dan REBA serta faktor individu (umur, masa kerja, dan kebiasaan merokok). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriftif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 72 pekerja pengantongan pupuk urea. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan risiko tinggi terdapat pada proses kerja penyusunan karung di atas pallet. Risiko sedang terdapat pada proses kerja mengisi urea dan penjahitan. Sedangkan risiko rendah terdapat pada proses kerja melipat inner bag dan menggunting benang. Keluhan subjektif Muskuloskeletal Disorders terbanyak adalah pinggang (87,5%), bahu kanan (86,1%) dan bahu kiri (86,1%). Untuk itu perlu upaya pengendalian secara teknik dan administratif untuk menurunkan tingkat risiko dan keluhan Muskuloskeletal Disorders.
This study about description of ergonomics risk level and musculoskeletal disorders complaints from the job fertilizer packing at PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang 2016. The risk factors studied in this study is ergonomics risk factors (work posture, duration, frequency and load) with RULA and REBA methods and also individual risk factors (age, working time, and smoking). This research is descriptive with cross sectional study design. The sample study are 72 workers packing fertilizers. Result of this study is high risk level is found in working process arranging of sack in pallet. Medium risk level are found in working process filling urea and sewing sacks. While, low risk level are found working process folding inner bag and cutting the yarn. Musculoskeletal Disorders complaints is the most at waist (87,5%), right shoulder (86,1%), and left shoulder (86,1%). It is important to control the risk with engineering control and administrative control.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlinda Muslim
Abstrak :
Operators, doing repetitive action tasks in a cycle, are very susceptible in s:&ring musculoskeletal disorder. Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder is a Pain in muscle and tendon skeletal which felt by people whether it is a .symptom or serious condition. When all the element and the method of the repetitive action tasks in work system fit with ergonomic standard musculoskeletal disorders will be reduced and all the task can be performed effectively and efficient. Detergent packaging line in PT X consist of 7 work stations do not have any ergonomic standard of work, proven by the packers suffered musculoskeletal disorder. Company would like to identify the root of problem and solve it by using the right method appropriate to the repetitive action job. OCRA (occupotional Repetitive Action) method might be appropriate for reducing risk of ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorder at this repetitive action task line. This method found by Occhipinti and Colombini is a quantitative method to identify and reducing risk at repetitive action task specifically for upper limb. From identifying the previous condition. OCRA indexes are resulted 3. 77 for right upper limb (risk) and 3.32 for left upper limb (Tow risk). Then, by reducing the technical action and eliminating the awkward postures, the OCRA indexes repeatedly count. The result is 0. 72 for both upper limbs.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library