ABSTRAKSkin to skin contact merupakan salah satu bagian yang penting selama proses
pelaksanaan manajemen kala III. Hormon oksitosin maternal yang diproduksi
selama proses skin to skin contact mempercepat pengeluaran plasenta,
meningkatkan kontraksi uterus, memberikan rasa nyaman, dan mencegah
perdarahan setelah persalinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran
lamanya skin to skin contact dan waktu pengeluaran plasenta pada ibu partus
pervaginam. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif sederhana dengan jumlah
sampel sebanyak 102 responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar
observasi dan kuesioner karakteristik responden. Analisa data menggunakan uji
cross tabs. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, skin to skin contact yang dilakukan
selama kurang dari 30 menit, 66.7% waktu pengeluaran plasenta yang terjadi adalah
5 menit. Hasil penelitian ini, turut dipengaruhi oleh pemberian oksitosin injeksi.
Sehingga penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan untuk meneliti lamanya skin to skin
contact pada ibu partus pervaginam yang tidak diberikan oksitosin injeksi.
ABSTRACTSkin to skin contact is one important part during the implementation process of the
management of the third stage. Maternal oxytocin hormone which is produced
during the process of skin to skin contact can accelerate the expulsion of the
placenta, increasing the strength of uterine contractions, giving a sense of comfort,
and prevent bleeding after childbirth. This study aimed to describe the length of
skin to skin contact and the time of removal of placenta in vaginal birtth. The study
design used in this study is a simple descriptive with a total sample of 102
respondents. Collected data use observation sheets and questionnaires
characteristics of respondents. Analysis of data used cross-tabulations. The results
showed that the length of skin to skin contact for less than 30 minutes, 66.7% of the
time removal of placenta was 5 minutes. Time expulsion of the placenta were more
dominated by oxytocin injection. So for the further research expected to examine
the duration of skin to skin contact on the vaginal partum was not given oxytocin
injections, to determined the effectiveness of maternal oxytocin in time of removal