Kata Kunci: Perjanjian, Kredit, Jaminan ......The position of the binding agreement on the sale and purchase of land is limited to causing legal consequences between the seller and the buyer, in accordance with the contents of the verses in the agreement. It is based on the opinion of R. Setiawan, who argues that “inding is a legal relationship, which means a relationship regulated and recognized by law”. Thus, it is necessary to understand Binding Agreement on Land Sale and Purchase that was made without the approval of the bank as a creditor in the transition of House Ownership Credit receivables so that it is in accordance with the law. The function of collateral in providing credit is as a preventive measure if the debtor cannot return the credit to the bank as the creditor. In this case, there are collaterals in the form of material rights and individual rights. Collaterals in the form of materials rights are collaterals in the form of absolute rights to an object that has the characteristics, namely having a direct association to certain objects from the debtor, being able to be defended against anyone, and always following the object.
Keywords: Agreement, Credit, Collateral