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Oktavia Ika Putri
Pemeriksaan kesehatan secara umum merupakan bagian yang umum dari perawatan kesehatan di beberapa negara. Jumlah permintaan layanan kesehatan di Taiwan mengalami peningkatan selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. Kenaikan permintaan tersebut didorong oleh beberapa faktor, termasuk populasi yang semakin menua, dan peningkatan jumlah kasus penyakit kronis. Fluktuasi jumlah kedatangan peserta tes kesehatan yang tidak menentu, membuat rumah sakit sulit untuk memberikan pelayanan yang memuaskan. Rumah sakit perlu membuat strategi perencanaan, seperti manajemen kesehatan untuk menangani masalah tersebut dengan cara memprediksi kedatangan peserta uji kesehatan. Aplikasi data mining dalam perawatan kesehatan adalah pembuktian bahwa data mining dapat memberikan informasi yang sangat berguna untuk semua pihak yang terlibat dalam industri kesehatan, seperti meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan rumah sakit. Penelitian ini menggunakan pengelompokan dan aturan asosiasi untuk mengetahui pola dari data pemeriksaan penyakit cerebrovascular, dengan tujuan memprediksi kedatangan kembali peserta tes kesetahan. Algoritma Apriori pembobotan dapat mengetahui hubungan antar item menggunakan nilai support, confidence, dan bobot masing-masing item sebagai tingkat prioritas dari aturan asosiasi, karakteristik aturan asosiasi dapat diketahui, yang mana hasil tersebut dapat membantu rumah sakit dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan. Pada dasarnya, data memiliki partisi yang berbeda satu sama lain, atas dasar tersebut maka dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengelompokan sebelum dilakukan penggalian informasi menggunakan aturan asosiasi, dimana proses tersebut merupakan salah satu proses yang penting. Setiap kelompok diharapkan mengandung asosiasi tanpa kontaminasi dari bagian kelompok lain yang memiliki pola hubungan yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengelompokan hirarki yang dikenal dengan Ward?s Agglomerative yang relatif sederhana untuk dipahami. Diimplementasikan, dan tidak perlu menentukan banyaknya jumlah kelompok pada awal proses.

General health examinations are common elements of health care in some country. Taiwan demand for healthcare services has increased over the past decade. The increase has been driven by several factors, including an ageing population, and the increasing prevalence of chronic disease. The fluctuation number of examinees with unpredictable coming behavior makes hospital difficult to provide the satisfying service. Hospital needs to make strategic planning such as healthcare management to solve this problem by predicting examinee coming. Data mining applications in healthcare is the realization that data mining can generate information that very useful to all parties involved in the healthcare industry, such as improving the treatment quality of hospitals. This research used clustering and association rule task to know the pattern of cerebrovascular medical examination databases to predict examinees? re-coming. The Weighted-Apriori algorithm finds out the relationships among item sets using support, confidence, and weight of each feature as the priority rank of the association rule, the characteristic of the rule can be generated, which help the hospital to improve the service quality. The data is performed on partitions that are essentially distinct from each other is the reason why clustering performs before association rule mining is one of essential process. Each cluster would be expected to contain associations without interference or contamination from other sub groupings that have different patterns of relationships. This research used hierarchical clustering method called Ward?s agglomerative which relatively simple to understand, implement, and does not need to specify number of clusters in advance.;General health examinations are common elements of health care in some country. Taiwan demand for healthcare services has increased over the past decade. The increase has been driven by several factors, including an ageing population, and the increasing prevalence of chronic disease. The fluctuation number of examinees with unpredictable coming behavior makes hospital difficult to provide the satisfying service. Hospital needs to make strategic planning such as healthcare management to solve this problem by predicting examinee coming. Data mining applications in healthcare is the realization that data mining can generate information that very useful to all parties involved in the healthcare industry, such as improving the treatment quality of hospitals. This research used clustering and association rule task to know the pattern of cerebrovascular medical examination databases to predict examinees? re-coming. The Weighted-Apriori algorithm finds out the relationships among item sets using support, confidence, and weight of each feature as the priority rank of the association rule, the characteristic of the rule can be generated, which help the hospital to improve the service quality. The data is performed on partitions that are essentially distinct from each other is the reason why clustering performs before association rule mining is one of essential process. Each cluster would be expected to contain associations without interference or contamination from other sub groupings that have different patterns of relationships. This research used hierarchical clustering method called Ward?s agglomerative which relatively simple to understand, implement, and does not need to specify number of clusters in advance.;General health examinations are common elements of health care in some country. Taiwan demand for healthcare services has increased over the past decade. The increase has been driven by several factors, including an ageing population, and the increasing prevalence of chronic disease. The fluctuation number of examinees with unpredictable coming behavior makes hospital difficult to provide the satisfying service. Hospital needs to make strategic planning such as healthcare management to solve this problem by predicting examinee coming. Data mining applications in healthcare is the realization that data mining can generate information that very useful to all parties involved in the healthcare industry, such as improving the treatment quality of hospitals. This research used clustering and association rule task to know the pattern of cerebrovascular medical examination databases to predict examinees? re-coming. The Weighted-Apriori algorithm finds out the relationships among item sets using support, confidence, and weight of each feature as the priority rank of the association rule, the characteristic of the rule can be generated, which help the hospital to improve the service quality. The data is performed on partitions that are essentially distinct from each other is the reason why clustering performs before association rule mining is one of essential process. Each cluster would be expected to contain associations without interference or contamination from other sub groupings that have different patterns of relationships. This research used hierarchical clustering method called Ward?s agglomerative which relatively simple to understand, implement, and does not need to specify number of clusters in advance., General health examinations are common elements of health care in some country. Taiwan demand for healthcare services has increased over the past decade. The increase has been driven by several factors, including an ageing population, and the increasing prevalence of chronic disease. The fluctuation number of examinees with unpredictable coming behavior makes hospital difficult to provide the satisfying service. Hospital needs to make strategic planning such as healthcare management to solve this problem by predicting examinee coming. Data mining applications in healthcare is the realization that data mining can generate information that very useful to all parties involved in the healthcare industry, such as improving the treatment quality of hospitals. This research used clustering and association rule task to know the pattern of cerebrovascular medical examination databases to predict examinees’ re-coming. The Weighted-Apriori algorithm finds out the relationships among item sets using support, confidence, and weight of each feature as the priority rank of the association rule, the characteristic of the rule can be generated, which help the hospital to improve the service quality. The data is performed on partitions that are essentially distinct from each other is the reason why clustering performs before association rule mining is one of essential process. Each cluster would be expected to contain associations without interference or contamination from other sub groupings that have different patterns of relationships. This research used hierarchical clustering method called Ward’s agglomerative which relatively simple to understand, implement, and does not need to specify number of clusters in advance.]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asna Damayanti
"Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS) adalah elemen informatika kesehatan yang berfokus terutama pada kebutuhan administrasi rumah sakit. Penggunaan SIMRS dalam operasi rumah sakit harus dapat memberikan kenyamanan, untuk mengatasi layanan dan kendala administrasi, dan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak implementasi sistem informasi terhadap produktivitas pengeluaran kas / unit bank di rumah sakit Subjek dan Metode: Ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang dilakukan di pusat kardiovaskular nasional Harapan Kita, Jakarta. Variabel dependen adalah produktivitas. Variabel independen adalah implementasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS). Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara dan review dokumen. Hasil: Sistem manual pada pengeluaran administratif unit kas / bank menghasilkan beberapa masalah, seperti kesalahan perhitungan, kesalahan penulisan, duplikasi data, dan waktu pemrosesan yang lama. Penerapan aplikasi verifikasi pengeluaran meningkatkan akurasi perhitungan hingga 100%, menghilangkan duplikasi data, dan mempersingkat waktu pemrosesan Kesimpulan: Penerapan aplikasi verifikasi pengeluaran meningkatkan produktivitas di unit kas/bank pengeluaran dengan meningkatkan akurasi perhitungan, menghilangkan duplikasi data, dan mempersingkat waktu pemrosesan.

Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) is an element of health informatics that focuses mainly on the administrational needs of hospitals. The use of HMIS in a hospital operation must be able to provide convenience, to overcome service and to administrative constraints, and to increase productivity. This study aimed to analyze the impact of information system implementation on the productivity of the expenditure cash/ bank unit in a hospital. Subjects and Method: This was a descriptive qualitative study conducted at national cardiovascular center Harapan Kita, Jakarta. The dependent variable was performance. The independent variable was Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) implementation. The data were collected by interview and document review. Results: The manual system at the administrative expenditure cash/ bank unit yielded several issues, such as calculation error, writing error, data duplication, and long processing time. The implementation of verification aplication improved calculation accuracy up to 100%, eliminated data duplication, and shortened processing time Conclusion: The implementation of verification aplication improves productivity of the expenditure cash/ bank unit in a hospital by increasing calculation accuracy, eliminating data duplication, and shortening processing time."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anasthasia Giovanny
Lifeguard memiliki peranan sangat penting dalam menjaga keselamatan para pengujung pada wahana permainan waterpark. Wahana permainan waterpark merupakan salah satu permainan yang banyak digemari masyarakat, tetapi memiliki risiko tinggi terhadap keamanan dan keselamatan pengunjung. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan lifeguard yang memiliki kinerja prima, terutama dalam mengidentifikasi kejadian-kejadian kritis agar tidak menimbulkan akibat yang lebih fatal. Dalam mendukung kemampuan lifeguard untuk mengidentifikasi kejadian-kejadian kritis, maka pihak pengelola memiliki peranan penting dalam mewujudkan rasa aman dan nyaman bagi lifeguard, antara lain dengan mengusahakan adanya manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja yang baik. Selain itu, juga penting memperhatikan stressor dalam lifeguard, terutama akibat suhu yang panas heat stress dan bekerja yang pada umumnya tanpa ada rotasi time on task . Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dan stres heat stress dan time on task terhadap kinerja lifeguard dalam mengidentifikasi kejadian-kejadian kritis serta mencari kombinasi optimal dari ketiga faktor tersebut agar dapat dipertimbangkan dalam meningkatkan kinerja lifeguard. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode Design of Eksperiment DOE 3 faktor dengan setiap faktor 2 level. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja, heat stress dan time on task berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja lifeguard dalam mengidentifikasi kejadian-kejadian kritis. Kombinasi untuk dapat menghasilkan kinerja lifeguard yang paling optimal dalam mengidentifikasi kejadian-kejadian kritis yaitu pada manajemen K3 tinggi, suhu < 28oC, dan rotasi setiap 30 menit sekali. Hasil penelitian ini selanjutnya diharapkan dapat memberikan masukan yang berarti bagi pengelola wahana permainan waterpark dalam meningkatkan kinerja lifeguard, khususnya dengan cara memperbaiki sistem manajemen K3, merancang pos jaga agar memiliki suhu ideal untuk kenyamanan lifeguard, dan pengaturan rotasi pengawasan untuk meminimalkan kejenuhan lifeguard.

Lifeguard has a very important role in safeguarding the safety of the visitors on waterpark rides. Waterpark is one of the most popular in the community, but it has a high risk for the security and safety of visitors. Therefore, it takes a lifeguard that has excellent performance, especially in identifying critical events, so that not to cause more fatal consequences. In support of the lifeguard 39 s ability to identify critical events, its important the waterpark rides managers in realizing a sense of secure and confort for the lifeguard, among others, by ensuring good health and safety management. In addition, it is also important to pay attention to the lifeguard stressors, especially due to the temperature of the heat heat stress and work in general without any rotation time on task . Therefore, this study aims to examine the effect of health and safety management and stress on the lifeguard performance in identifying critical events and to find the optimal combination of these three factors to be considered in improving the lifeguard performance. This research was analyzed by using 3 factor Design of Experiment DOE with each 2 level factor. The results of this study prove that health and safety management, heat stress and time on task significantly influence the lifeguard performance in identifying critical events. The combination to produce the most optimum lifeguard performance in identifying critical events is on high health and safety management, temperature "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Omo Abdul Madjid
"Dalam pelayanan kesehatan, peranan Fasilitas Kesehatan Primer yang berhadapan langsung dengan masyarakat sangat penting. Kompetensi personal fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan dalam tatakelola pelayanan khususnya di fasilitas pelayanan primer masih terbatas. Hal itu disebabkan pembekalan melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan belum memenuhi kebutuhan kompetensi manajemen akibat kurikulum pendidikan dan pelatihan yang belum dirancang dan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan harapan masyarakat.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian terapan bertujuan mengembangkan model manajemen peningkatan mutu terpadu pelayanan di Fasilitas Kesehatan Primer.
Penelitian menggunakan metode  Kombinasi Kuantitatif-Kualitatif (Mixed Methods) dan rancangan  sequential explanatory. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahap yaitu, tahap penelitian kuantitatif bertujuan menilai mutu layanan dari sisi pelanggan dengan rancangan potong lintang. Tahap penelitian kualitatif bertujuan menilai mutu dari sisi penyedia. Responden penelitian kuantitatif adalah akseptor penerima pelayanan KB AKDR Pasca Persalinan di Fasilitas Kesehatan Primer di Jakarta. Responden penelitian kualitatif adalah tim petugas di Fasilitas Pelayanan Primer dan Pakar di bidang Keluarga Berencana. Pengumpulan data penelitian kuanititatif menggunakan kuesioner yang telah divalidasi. Pengumpulan data penelitian kualitatif menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam menggunakan instrumen maturitas organisasi dan penilaian oleh pakar menggunakan metode Delphi.  Model akhir manajemen peningkatan mutu terpadu dikembangkan dari model awal yang disusun berdasarkan tinjauan pustaka.
Berdasarkan kepuasan pelanggan sebanyak 141 (81,1%) responden merasa puas, 35 (19,9%) responden merasa tidak puas. Berdasarkan keselamatan pasien 166 (94,3%) responden menyatakan keselamatan baik, 10 (5,7%) responden menyatakan keselamatan kurang. Pada penilaian mutu dari sisi pelanggan variabel yang memengaruhi mutu adalah regulasi dan standarisasi, sarana prasarana, komunikasi efektif dan kepemimpinan klinik. Pada penilaian mutu dari sisi penyedia dengan penilaian maturitas proses dan maturitas organisasi masing-masing pada tingkat pertama dan kedua dari empat tingkat maturitas. Dari model awal berdasarkan tinjauan pustaka dan hasil penelitian disintesis model akhir Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Terpadu di Fasilitas Kesehatan Primer.
Simpulan: Telah berhasil dikembangkan model Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Terpadu (M-PMT) di fasilitas Kesehatan Primer yang merupakan perangkat manajemen fasilitas Kesehatan Primer dalam proses manajemen mutu pelayanan untuk mencapai kinerja mutu unggul. Model dikembangkan dengan pendekatan terpadu, komprehensif, holistik dan berkelanjutan. Pendekatan terpadu dalam struktur rancangan sistem sebagai komponen input. Komponen proses dengan pendekatan komprehensif dalam siklus perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pemantauan evaluasi melalui proses pembelajaran mencapai tingkat kematangan proses dan organisasi berkelanjutan.

In health services, Primary Health Facilities plays an important role in dealing directly with the community. The personal competence of health service facilities in service governance, especially in primary care facilities, is still limited. This is due to the fact that debriefing through education and training has not met the needs of management competencies due to education and training curricula that have not been designed and implemented according to the needs and expectations of the community.
This is an applied research aimed at developing an integrated quality improvement management model of service in Primary Health Facilities.
The study combined quantitative methods and sequential explanatory design. This study consists of two stages. The quantitative research stage aims to assess the quality of service from the customer side with a cross-sectional design. The qualitative research phase aims to assess the quality of the provider. Quantitative research respondents are acceptors of contraceptive services of postnatal IUD at Primary Health Facilities in Jakarta. respondents from qualitative research team were officers at Primary Service Facilities and experts in the field of Family Planning. Quantitative research data is collected using validated questionnaires. Collecting qualitative research data using in-depth interview methods using organizational maturity instruments and expert assessment using the Delphi method. The final model of integrated quality improvement management was developed from the initial model which was compiled based on literature review.
Regarding customer satisfaction, 141 (81.1%) respondents were satisfied and 35 (19.9%) respondents felt dissatisfied. Regarding patient safety, 166 (94.3%) respondents stated safety was good and 10 (5.7%) respondents said that safety was lacking. In the quality assessment from the customer side, the variables that affect quality are regulation and standardization, infrastructure, effective communication and clinical leadership. In the assessment of quality from the provider side by assessing the process maturity and organizational maturity of each at the first and second levels of the four maturity levels. The final model of Integrated Quality Improvement Management in Primary Health Facilities is synthesized from the initial model based on literature review and the results of the study.
Conclusion: The Integrated Quality Improvement Management (M-PMT) Management model in Primary Health facilities has been successfully developed. The result is a primary health facility management tool in the service quality management process to achieve superior quality performance. The model is developed with an integrated, comprehensive, holistic and sustainable approach. Integrated approach in the structure of the system design served as as an input component. The process component with a comprehensive approach in the cycle of planning, implementing and monitoring evaluations through the learning process reaches a sustainable level of process and organization maturity."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library