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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Rufina Fitri Anjani
"Potensi penggunaan media sosial bagi desa wisata di era digitalisasi ini sangatlah besar. Mempertimbangkan besarnya potensi penggunaan tersebut, Kemenparekraf menghimbau para pengelola desa wisata untuk meningkatkan adaptasi mereka terhadap media sosial. Namun sangat disayangkan, realitasnya masih banyak pengelola desa wisata yang belum memiliki kesadaran akan pentingnya hal tersebut. Terbukti dari total 40 desa wisata di Kabupaten Bogor saja, baru 19 yang diketahui telah memanfaatkan media sosial. Penyebabnya adalah masih banyak pengelola desa wisata yang resisten. Terlebih lagi, kebanyakan dari mereka juga belum meyakini betul manfaat dari pengadopsian media sosial. Jika masalah ini dibiarkan tanpa upaya penyelesaian, maka akan berdampak pada timbulnya berbagai risiko kerugian jangka panjang, seperti: terhambatnya keberlanjutan pembangunan desa wisata, hilangnya peluang untuk bertahan dan pulih dari kondisi krisis pasca Covid-19, tidak mampu berkontribusi maksimal terhadap PDB, serta kehilangan atensi calon pengunjung sebesar 70% dari kegiatan search dan share. Perlu disusun rekomendasi strategi yang dapat mempercepat proses pengadopsian media sosial, khususnya untuk desa-desa wisata di Kabupaten Bogor. Namun, sebelum rekomendasi strategi dapat disusun, perlu diketahui dahulu faktor-faktor apa saja yang dapat memengaruhi pengelola desa wisata untuk mengadopsi media sosial serta bagaimana dampak penggunaannya. Untuk tujuan tersebut, dilaksanakan studi kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus tunggal embeddeed terhadap delapan desa wisata di Kabupaten Bogor yang terpilih sebagai unit analisis melalui penerapan teknik maximum variation. Model penelitian dibangun berdasarkan perspektif multi-teori guna memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang pengaruh tiap-tiap faktor adopsi sekaligus menjamin kredibilitas hasil penelitian. Secara khusus teori adopsi inovasi TOE digunakan sebagai kerangka kerja menyeluruh, sedangkan indikator di dalamnya dikembangkan melalui eksplorasi empat teori adopsi inovasi lainnya yaitu DOI, TAM, UTAUT, dan Institutional Theory. Pengolahan dan analisis data penelitian dilakukan melalui penerapan tiga tingkat pengodean yaitu terbuka, aksial, dan selektif, dengan bantuan computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software NVivo 12. Hasil studi memvalidasi perceived benefit, perceived risk, perceived compatibility, perceived ease of use, cost,top management support, member capability, financial and IT resources, competitive pressure, customer pressure, dan social influence sebagai faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pengadopsian media sosial. Hasil studi lebih lanjut mengidentifikasi bahwa penggunaan media sosial tidak hanya memberikan dampak positif berupa manfaat, tetapi juga bisa membawa dampak negatif berupa risiko. Meski demikian, para pengelola desa wisata meyakini bahwa manfaat yang dapat diterima jauh lebih besar dan signifikan jika dibandingkan dengan risiko yang mungkin dihadapinya.
......The potential use of social media for tourism villages in this digitalization era is extensive. Considering the magnitude of the potential use, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy urges tourism village managers to improve their adaptation to social media. However, it is miserable that many tourism village managers are still unaware of this importance. The proof is from 40 tourism villages in Bogor Regency alone; only 19 are known to have used social media. The reason is that there are still many resistant tourism village managers. Moreover, most are also unsure of the benefits of adopting social media. Suppose this problem is left without any efforts to resolve it, it will have an impact on the emergence of various risks of long-term losses, such as delays in the sustainability of tourism village development, loss of opportunities to survive and recover from the post-Covid-19 crisis, unable to contribute optimally to GDP, and loss of attention of potential visitors by 70% from search and share activities. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate strategic recommendations to accelerate social media adoption, especially for tourism villages in Bogor Regency. However, before strategic recommendations can be drawn up, it is necessary to know what factors can influence tourism village managers to adopt social media and its impact. For this purpose, a qualitative study with an embedded single-case studies approach was carried out on eight selected tourism villages in Bogor Regency by applying the maximum variation technique. The research model is built based on a multi-theory perspective in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the influence of each adoption factor while at the same time ensuring the credibility of the research results. In particular, the TOE framework was employed and complemented by four other innovation adoption theories: DOI, TAM, UTAUT, and Institutional Theory. Research data processing and analysis are carried out through the application of three coding levels: open, axial, and selective, with the help of computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software NVivo 12. The study results validate perceived benefits, perceived risk, perceived compatibility, perceived ease of use, cost, top management support, member capability, financial and IT resources, competitive pressure, customer pressure, and social influence as factors that influence the adoption of social media. The results of further studies identify that the use of social media not only has a positive impact in the form of benefits but can also have a negative impact in the form of risks. However, the tourism village managers believe that the benefits that can be received are more remarkable and significant when compared to the risks they may face."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lidia Putri Sulistyani
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dinamika interaksi dan aktivitas berbagi informasi pada grup traveler daring dan peran anggota sebagai komunikator pariwisata Indonesia melalui thread yang diposkan. Agar tujuan penelitian tercapai, kerangka teoritis disusun dari penelitian sebelumnya dalam lingkup ilmu komunikasi terutama knowledge sharing, electronic word of mouth, user generated content dan pariwisata. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi dan wawancara mendalam pada Grup Facebook Beautiful Indonesia. Hasil penelitian adalah anggota aktif membagikan informasi pada Grup Facebook Beautiful Indonesia. Matriks fasilitator membagikan informasi oleh Kosonen terjadi dalam grup Facebook Beautiful Indonesia yaitu enjoyment of helping, moral obligation, acces to valuable information, viewing knowledge as public goods, commitment, sense of community dan trust ketika anggota mengeposkan informasi dan pengalaman perjalanan. Dinamika interaksi anggota grup terjadi secara online dan offline, menjadi sarana untuk pertukaran informasi seputar produk wisata. Maka, anggota grup berperan sebagai komunikator dengan menjalankan fungsi humas karena berpartisipasi dalam menciptakan ruang diskusi, penyebaran informasi dan promosi dengan cara electronic word of mouth melalui user generated content.

Interaction by social media develops in tourism sector is also used to look for information and socialize. The purpose of this study is to find out about interaction and sharing information activity with a group of a traveler online and role of the member as a communicator of Indonesia tourism through the thread posted. The theoretical draft was compiled from the previous study in the field of communications especially knowledge sharing, electronic word of mouth, user generated content and tourism. The research method is qualitative descriptive with collecting observation datum technique, in depth and semi structured interview toward the Beautiful Indonesia Facebook Group and its members. The results of the study are the members are actively sharing information on Facebook Group Beautiful Indonesia. Matrix facilitators of sharing information by Kosonen happened among members interaction those are enjoyment of helping, moral obligation, acces to valuable information, viewing knowledge as public goods, commitment, sense of community and trust. The dynamics of interaction members of the group occurring in online and offline, provide for exchanging information about tourism product. So, members of the group serve as communicator, public relations to function as participate in creating a discussion, the spread of information and promotion by means of electronic word of mouth through user generated content."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zhilan Fachri Ihsan Putra
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa social media interaction dapat mempengaruhi konsumen dalam memilih hotel. Media sosial telah menjadi alat pemasaran yang sangat efektif di industri perhotelan, mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen melalui berbagai interaksi dan konten yang disajikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan mengumpulkan data melalui survei yang melibatkan responden yang aktif menggunakan media sosial untuk mencari informasi tentang hotel. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dan software SmartPLS. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa social media interaction memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap pilihan hotel oleh konsumen di Indonesia melalui tiga faktor utama: source credibility, homophily, dan content quality. Dalam hasilnya terlihat bahwa source credibility dan homophily terbukti berperan penting dalam meningkatkan visit intention dan behavioural engagement, namun untuk content quality belum dapat memediasi hubungan antara social media interaction dengan visit intention, walaupun demikian content quality tetap penting untuk meningkatkan behavioural engagement. Hasil serta saran lebih lanjut dibahas dalam penelitian ini.
......This study aims to determine that social media interaction can influence consumers in choosing a hotel. Social media has become a very effective marketing tool in the hospitality industry, influencing consumer decisions through various interactions and content presented. This research uses quantitative methods by collecting data through surveys involving respondents who actively use social media to find information about hotels. Data analysis was carried out using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method and SmartPLS software. This study reveals that social media interaction has a significant positive influence on hotel choice by consumers in Indonesia through three main factors: source credibility, homophily, and content quality. The results show that source credibility and homophily prove to play an important role in increasing visit intention and Behavioural engagement, but content quality has not been able to mediate the relationship between social media interaction and visit intention, although content quality is still important to increase behavioural engagement. Further results and suggestions are discussed in this study."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library