ABSTRAKEbert & Griffin (2013) mengungkapkan bahwa transformasional
leadership berfokus pada pentingnya memimpin perubahan. Studi Herold et al.
(2008) menemukan bahwa transformasional leadership memiliki hubungan yang
lebih kuat terhadap Commitment to Change karyawan ketimbang kepemimpinan
perubahan (change leadership). Beugre et al. (2006) menyebutkan bahwa
transformational leadership tidak sekedar karakter personal pemimpin, namun
juga distimulus oleh lingkungan yang dihadapi organisasi. Sedangkan Studi Nasir
et al. (2014) menyebutkan bahwa faktor eksternal mempengaruhi Commitment to
Change karyawan. Terkait hal itu, penelitian ini ingin megetahui pengaruh
lingkungan perusahaan (task environment) terhadap Commitment to Change
karyawan dan bagaimana peran transformational leadership diantara keduanya.
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada PT. KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (PT. KCJ),
yaitu anak perusahaan PT. Kereta Api Indonesia yang menyelenggarakan
pengusahaan pelayanan jasa angkutan kereta api commuter dengan menggunakan
sarana kereta rel listrik (KRL) di wilayah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang
(Serpong) dan Bekasi. Sebanyak 101 kuisioner dibagikan kepada seluruh
karyawan tetap pada level pelaksana (staff 2 s/d senior supervisor) PT. KCJ yang
berkantor di kantor pusat Stasiun Juanda, dan kuisioner yang kembali sebanyak
68. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa transformasional leadership memediasi
penuh hubungan tidak langsung antara task environment dengan ketiga dimensi
Commitment to Change (Affective, Continuance, dan Normative).
ABSTRACTEbert & Griffin (2013) argues that transformational leadership focuses on
the importance of leading change. Study Herold et al. (2008) found that
transformational leadership has a stronger relationship to the Commitment to
Change of employees rather than change leadership. Beugre et al. (2006) argues
that the transformational leadership is not just a personal character of a leader,
but also induced by the organisation environment. While a study by Nasir et al.
(2014) mentions that the external factors affecting employees Commitment to
Change. Correspondingly, this study aims to examine the relationship between
task environment and Commitment to Change of employees and the role of
transformational leadership as a mediator.
This study was conducted at PT. KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (PT. KCJ), a
subsidiary of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia which organize the operation of urban
railway services by electric train in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang (Serpong)
and Bekasi. Total 101 questionnaires were distributed to all permanent employees
(implementer level, staff 2 - senior supervisor) of PT. KCJ who are based at the
head office in Juanda Station, and 68questionnaires were returned. Results show
that transformational leadership fully mediates indirect relationship between task
environment andall dimension of Commitment to Change (Affective, continuance
and Normative).;Ebert & Griffin (2013) argues that transformational leadership focuses on
the importance of leading change. Study Herold et al. (2008) found that
transformational leadership has a stronger relationship to the Commitment to
Change of employees rather than change leadership. Beugre et al. (2006) argues
that the transformational leadership is not just a personal character of a leader,
but also induced by the organisation environment. While a study by Nasir et al.
(2014) mentions that the external factors affecting employees Commitment to
Change. Correspondingly, this study aims to examine the relationship between
task environment and Commitment to Change of employees and the role of
transformational leadership as a mediator.
This study was conducted at PT. KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (PT. KCJ), a
subsidiary of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia which organize the operation of urban
railway services by electric train in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang (Serpong)
and Bekasi. Total 101 questionnaires were distributed to all permanent employees
(implementer level, staff 2 - senior supervisor) of PT. KCJ who are based at the
head office in Juanda Station, and 68questionnaires were returned. Results show
that transformational leadership fully mediates indirect relationship between task
environment andall dimension of Commitment to Change (Affective, continuance
and Normative)., Ebert & Griffin (2013) argues that transformational leadership focuses on
the importance of leading change. Study Herold et al. (2008) found that
transformational leadership has a stronger relationship to the Commitment to
Change of employees rather than change leadership. Beugre et al. (2006) argues
that the transformational leadership is not just a personal character of a leader,
but also induced by the organisation environment. While a study by Nasir et al.
(2014) mentions that the external factors affecting employees Commitment to
Change. Correspondingly, this study aims to examine the relationship between
task environment and Commitment to Change of employees and the role of
transformational leadership as a mediator.
This study was conducted at PT. KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (PT. KCJ), a
subsidiary of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia which organize the operation of urban
railway services by electric train in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang (Serpong)
and Bekasi. Total 101 questionnaires were distributed to all permanent employees
(implementer level, staff 2 - senior supervisor) of PT. KCJ who are based at the
head office in Juanda Station, and 68questionnaires were returned. Results show
that transformational leadership fully mediates indirect relationship between task
environment andall dimension of Commitment to Change (Affective, continuance
and Normative).]"