"Laporan analisis praktek residensi ini menguraikan tentang pengalaman penulis selama satu tahun serta menganalisis peran perawat sebagai pemberi asuhan keperawatan, pendidik, manager, peneliti, dan inovator. Sebagai perawat spesialis dituntut untuk mampu memberikan asuhan keperawatan lanjut, melaksanakan fungsi konsultasi, serta melakukan penelitian dan inovasi. Pengalaman sebagai pemberi asuhan keperawatan dengan menerapkan teori keperawatan Self Care Deficit Orem pada 33 pasien dengan gangguan sistem perkemihan. Gangguan sistem perkemihan meliputi renal disease, obstruksi saluran kemih, glomerular disease, keganasan pada saluran perkemihan, dan kegawatan pada sistem perkemihan. Pengalaman sebagai peneliti, penulis telah melaksanakan praktek keperawatan berdasarkan pembuktian tentang program edukasi berbasis empowerment terhadap peningkatan efikasi diri pada pasien CKD predialisis. Peran sebagai inovator, penulis bersama kelompok telah membuat suatu kegiatan inovasi tentang penerapan upaya deteksi dini dan edukasi pada klien yang beresiko terkena CKD.
Kesimpulan : pasien dengan gangguan sistem perkemihan mengalami keterbatasan dalam kemampuan perawatan diri, sehingga dibutuhkan bantuan keperawatan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan perawatan diri baik secara total, partial, ataupun supportif hingga pasien dapat memenuhi kebutuhannya secara mandiri. Hasil praktek spesialis ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan keperawatan, serta menjadi bahan rujukan bagi pendidikan keperawatan dan pengembangan ilmu keperawatan.
......The specialist analysis report explained the one year of clinical experiences in performing some roles: care provider, educator, manager, reseacher, and innovator. Clinical nurse specialist must be able to provide advanced nursing care, conduct consultation function, and also conduct research and innovation. Role of care provider had performed by implementing nursing care through applying nursing theory of Orem?s Self Care Deficit Theory on 33 patients with renal disease, obstruction urinary tract, glomerular disease, carcinoma in urinary tract, and emergency of urinary system. Role of researcher had performed by applied evidence based nursing practice about education with empowerment to incrising self efficacy on patients with CKD predialysis. The role of innovator, was conducted by team which created an innovations about early detection and education on patients who had hight risk for CKD.
Overall, patients with urinary system disorder have limitation of self care. Therefore, they need assistance from nurse to fulfill their self care needs which consist of wholly, partially, or supportive educative assistance / compensatory until they are able to perform their need independently. It was suggested that the specialist nursing practice have to improve quality of nursing care and be reference for nursing education and nursing sciences."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012