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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sri Hayati
Jumlah penderita HIV selalu meningkat di setiap negara. Resiko penularan HIV cukup
besar, sehingga menyebabkan kecemasan pada perawat dan mempengaruhi kualitas
asuhan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menggali pengalaman perawat dalam merawat ibu HIV
dengan seksio sesarea. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan
pendekatan fenomenologi. Partisipan dipilih dengan purpossive sampling sebanyak
lima partisipan. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam, hasilnya dibuat
transkrip dan dianalisis dengan metode Collaizz’s. Hasil penelitian didapatkan enam
tema utama yaitu: berbagai perasaan perawat sebagai sesama perempuan, persepsi
tentang merawat, makna merawat, motivasi ketika merawat, hambatan dalam merawat,
harapan dan kebutuhan. Hasil penelitian memberikan implikasi berupa informasi untuk
meningkatkan kualitas asuhan keperawatan.

HIV/AIDS emerges and spreads rapidly all over the world. The health care providers, particularly nurses, are at risk to get infected. However, the anxiety of getting infected may influence the quality of nursing care. Accordingly, this research tried to explore the nurses’ experience in caring for HIV positive mother undergoing sectio caesarean in the Gunung Jati Hospital, Cirebon. Five participants chosen by the purposive sampling method were deeply interviewed. Furthermore, the data was analyzed by the Collaizzi’s method to elucidate six major themes of the nurses’ experience in caring for HIV-positive mother: nurses emotional as women, nurses’ perception on caring, meaning of caring, motivation for caring, challenge in caring, expectation and need in caring. The qualitative information yielded on the research can be an advantageous consideration in improving quality of maternity nursing care for HIV-positive patients."
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Nur Fa`izah
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah kompleksitas agensi diri dimulai dari lapisan terkecil, yaitu pemaknaan diri, pengelolaan tubuh, hingga lapisan terbesar pada otonomi dalam relasi sosial. Metode yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data, yaitu melalui wawancara mendalam kepada lima orang perempuan HIV positif, observasi pasif, serta studi literatur. Beberapa temuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1 pemaknaan diri perempuan HIV positif sangat dinamis, berkaitan dengan knowing dan knowledge terhadap informasi kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi; 2 pengelolaan tubuh perempuan HIV positif dipengaruhi oleh relasi kuasa yang berada di luar dirinya, namun mereka berupaya untuk mengontrol tubuhnya dengan caranya sendiri ataupun dari bantuan orang lain; 3 otonomi pada relasi sosial perempuan HIV positif, baik sebagai pasangan, ibu, anak dan menantu di dalam keluarga, maupun di lingkungan yang lebih luas memperlihatkan bahwa agensi diri bersifat cair dan ditunjukkan pada konteks tertentu. Temuan penelitian ini adalah agensi diri perempuan HIV positif tidak bersifat bebas, melainkan dinamis dan relasional. Pemaknaan diri, pengelolaan tubuh, dan otonomi pada relasi sosial saling bernegosiasi secara terus menerus di dalam relasi kuasa. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah diperlukan penanganan serius terkait informasi dan layanan kesehatan yang efektif guna mendorong kemampuan agensi diri perempuan HIV positif.

This study aims to examine the complexity of self agency starting from the smallest layer, namely self meaning, body management, to the largest layer of autonomy in social relations. The method used to collect data of this study, are in depth interviews to five HIV positive women, passive observation, and literature study. The main findings of this study are 1 self meaning of HIV positive women is very dynamic, related to knowing and knowledge of sexual and reproductive health information 2 the management of the body of HIV positive women is influenced by external power relationships, but they seek to control their bodies in their own way or from the help of others 3 autonomy in the social relations of HIV positive women, both as a spouse, mother, son and daughter in the family, as well as in the wider environment shows that self agency is fluid and is shown in a particular context. The findings of this study are HIV positive women 39 s agency is not independent, but dynamic and relational. Self meaning, body management, and autonomy in social relations are continuously negotiating in power relationships. The implications of this study are the need for serious handling of effective information and health services to encourage the self agency capability of HIV positive women."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vicka Aghinasuci
Skripsi ini mengkaji tentang pembentukan pengetahuan dan tindakan yang dilakukan ibu dengan HIV (IDHA) yang memiliki anak dengan HIV (ADHA) dalam mengelola stigma HIV. Penelitian dilakukan pada tiga orang ibu dengan HIV (IDHA) yang menginfeksi HIV kepada anaknya secara prenatal. Informasi mengenai pembentukan pengetahuan dan tindakan mengelola stigma yang dilakukan IDHA diperoleh melalui pengamatan terlibat, wawancara dan life history. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindakan yang dilakukan IDHA untuk mengelola stigma HIV dilatarbelakangi oleh pengetahuan mengenai HIV dan stigmanya yang ada dibenak mereka masing-masing. Pengetahuan tersebut diperoleh IDHA dari proses belajar melalui aktifitas pengamatan, mendengar, bertanya, meniru dan melakukan uji coba. Proses belajar yang beragam membuat terwujudnya variasi tindakan pengelolaan stigma HIV yang dilakukan para IDHA.

This thesis examines the formation of knowledge and actions carried out by women living with HIV (WLWH/IDHA) who have children that infected with HIV in manage the HIV stigma. The study was conducted with three women with HIV (WLWH/IDHA) who infected HIV to their children on a prenatal basis. Information about knowledge formation processes, as well as HIV management actions carried out by IDHA, obtained through observation, interviews and life history. The results of the study showes that the actions carried out by WLWH/IDHA to manage HIV stigma were motivated by knowledge of HIV and the stigma that was in their minds. This knowledge produced from the learning process through observation, listening, asking questions, and conducting trials. A diverse learning process makes the realization of variations in the management of HIV stigma carried out by WLWH/IDHA."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athena P. Kourtis, editor
"In this book, expert HIV researchers critically review every aspect of this highly evolving and topical subject. The opening chapters deal with the epidemiology, global magnitude and biologic mechanisms of HIV-1 transmission from mother to child through breastfeeding and include considerations of the virus (quantity, compartments, characteristics) and the host (genetic, immunity-innate, cellular, humoral). The effects of breastfeeding on the HIV-infected mother’s health and nutritional status, and the social and cultural issues associated with the practice of breastfeeding are also discussed. The next few chapters provide cutting-edge reviews of the latest approaches to prevention of HIV transmission to the infant through breastfeeding, including antiretroviral strategies, nutritional and immune-based approaches, and treatment of expressed breast milk. The remaining chapters provide a fascinating review of the many iterations this subject has received, as reflected in the several different sets of guidelines for infant feeding by HIV-infected mothers issued by the World Health Organization, and a debate by leading scientists on whether HIV-infected mothers should breastfeed their infants-in resource-limited and in resource-rich settings. A comprehensive overview of the current state of implementing the new evidence for prevention of breastfeeding transmission of HIV all over the world is also presented."
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library