ABSTRAKIndustri tekstil merupakan sektor strategis dalam perekonomian suatu negara.
Industri tekstil di Indonesia saat ini belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan domestik
akan produk tekstil, sehingga masih diperlukan impor produk tersebut. Namun,
banyak dari produk impor tersebut dijual dengan harga dumping sehingga
menimbulkan unfair trade. Salah satu tindakan trade remedies akibat adanya
unfair trade dapat dilakukan melalui pengenaan bea masuk anti dumping.
Pengenaan Bea Masuk Anti Dumping untuk produk tekstil sampai saat ini masih
sedikit sekali dibandingkan dengan produk-produk dalam negeri lainnya.
Pengenaan Bea Masuk Antidumping terhadap produk tekstil yang baru saja
ditetapkan oleh Indonesia di tahun 2015 ini ialah terhadap produk Spin Drawn
Yarn dari Malaysia. Pengenaan bea masuk antidumping tersebut akan dianalisis
secara deskriptif dengan melihat kesesuaiannya dengan Antidumping Agreement
dan nantinya akan di kaitkan dengan kerugian yang terjadi pada industri tekstil di
ABSTRACTThe textile industry is a strategic sector in the economy of a country. The textile
industry in Indonesia has not been able to fulfill their domestic demand that is still
necessary to import these products. However, many of these imported products
sold at dumping prices, giving rise to unfair trade. One of the trade action as a
result of unfair trade remedies can recover through the imposition of anti-dumping
duties. Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duty on textile products is still very little
compared with the products in other countries. Imposition of Antidumping Duties
on textile products newly set by Indonesia in 2015, is against Malaysia for the
Spin Drawn Yarn. The imposition of anti-dumping duties will be analyzed
descriptively with the Antidumping Agreement conformity and will be in
associate with the injury incurred in the textile industry in Indonesia;The textile industry is a strategic sector in the economy of a country. The textile
industry in Indonesia has not been able to fulfill their domestic demand that is still
necessary to import these products. However, many of these imported products
sold at dumping prices, giving rise to unfair trade. One of the trade action as a
result of unfair trade remedies can recover through the imposition of anti-dumping
duties. Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duty on textile products is still very little
compared with the products in other countries. Imposition of Antidumping Duties
on textile products newly set by Indonesia in 2015, is against Malaysia for the
Spin Drawn Yarn. The imposition of anti-dumping duties will be analyzed
descriptively with the Antidumping Agreement conformity and will be in
associate with the injury incurred in the textile industry in Indonesia, The textile industry is a strategic sector in the economy of a country. The textile
industry in Indonesia has not been able to fulfill their domestic demand that is still
necessary to import these products. However, many of these imported products
sold at dumping prices, giving rise to unfair trade. One of the trade action as a
result of unfair trade remedies can recover through the imposition of anti-dumping
duties. Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duty on textile products is still very little
compared with the products in other countries. Imposition of Antidumping Duties
on textile products newly set by Indonesia in 2015, is against Malaysia for the
Spin Drawn Yarn. The imposition of anti-dumping duties will be analyzed
descriptively with the Antidumping Agreement conformity and will be in
associate with the injury incurred in the textile industry in Indonesia]"