ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya berbagai macam bentuk kampanye yang
dilakukan untuk mengkumunikasikan isu atau permasalahan tertentu. Penelitian
ini menambahkan kajian teori karena menguji dua faktor sekaligus yaitu
hubungan komunikator dan pesan kampanye dengan sikap audiens. Penelitian ini
mengambil contoh kampanye pada ASI ekslusif yang dilakukan dengan dua
pendekatan, yaitu menggunakan komunikator yang berbeda.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental dengan dua kelompok eksperiment
yang diberikan perlakuan berupa bentuk kampanye berbeda. Partisipan berjumlah
40 orang, tiap kelompoknya terdiri dari 20 partisipan. Metode analisis yang
diigunakan adalah uji beda rata-rata tiap kelompok eksperiment untuk
menunjukan hubungan antara variabel yang diteliti.
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa komunikator dan pesan kampanye memiliki
hubungan dengan sikap seseorang. Penelitian menemukan terdapat perbedaan
persepsi dan sikap mengenai komunikator, pesan dan sikap terhadap isu
kampanye yang didasarkan oleh perbedaan bentuk kampanye yang diterima.
Khalayak menganggap bahwa komunikator dokter dalam konteks kampanye
kesehatan dipandang lebih memiliki kredibilitas dibandingkan komunikator
kalangan populer
ABSTRACTThis research conducted as a result from so many campaigns that held nowadaysto communicate several issues or particular social concern. Campaign takesvarious form, stressing in selecting the communicator and message form as apurpose to change social behavior. Then again this research using breastfeedingcampaign as an example to scrutinize with two approaches, Moreover thiscampaign is distinguished with its communicator, There are campaign usingdoctor and in another campaign using public figure as a communicator.Using experimental method with two experiment group and each group ofexperiment treated by giving the group a video. Each video resemble two differentform in communicator. Total participans are fourty person divided by two group.Analysis method is using T-test so we can compare and look througt theThe result from this research found that communicator and message have effectupon behavioral change in each person. Proven by this research that doctor cangive more obvious impact in behavioral change rathen than public figure when inthey speak as communicator in breastfeeding campaign. Further more audiencethink that doctor have strong credibility rather than public figure when it came tobreastfeeding topic., This research conducted as a result from so many campaigns that held nowadaysto communicate several issues or particular social concern. Campaign takesvarious form, stressing in selecting the communicator and message form as apurpose to change social behavior. Then again this research using breastfeedingcampaign as an example to scrutinize with two approaches, Moreover thiscampaign is distinguished with its communicator, There are campaign usingdoctor and in another campaign using public figure as a communicator.Using experimental method with two experiment group and each group ofexperiment treated by giving the group a video. Each video resemble two differentform in communicator. Total participans are fourty person divided by two group.Analysis method is using T-test so we can compare and look througt theThe result from this research found that communicator and message have effectupon behavioral change in each person. Proven by this research that doctor cangive more obvious impact in behavioral change rathen than public figure when inthey speak as communicator in breastfeeding campaign. Further more audiencethink that doctor have strong credibility rather than public figure when it came tobreastfeeding topic.]"