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Ditemukan 15 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Waliullah, Syed
Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 1990
891.44 WAL t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
A. Alim
Daca: M. Alim : available at Ideal Library, 1974
630.954 92 ALI i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bangladesh: NGO Coalition on Beijing Plus Five, 2003
305.4 PFA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riyo Harinata
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai peristiwa Pemberontakan Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) terhadap militer Bangladesh pada tahun 2009 sebagai upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Dengan menggunakan teori Mutiny as a Dialogue dari Maggie Dwyer, penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis pemberontakan BDR sebagai suatu strategi komunikasi untuk bisa berdialog dengan penguasa yaitu pihak pemerintah. Penulis menemukan bahwa dalam dialog tersebut, pasukan BDR ingin menyampaikan keluhan-keluhan mereka terutama soal rendahnya upah dan kesenjangan ekonomi antara mereka dengan para petinggi BDR yang beranggotakan perwira-perwira militer. Di samping itu, ada pula rasa ketidakadilan yang dirasakan tentara BDR dalam memperoleh berbagai hak. Analisis pemberontakan BDR sebagai strategi dialog tersebut dilakukan dengan mengacu kepada indikator-indikator yang dijelaskan oleh Dwyer, yaitu daya ganggu pemberontakan yang kuat, upaya menarik perhatian dengan mengambil alih lokasi strategis dan menahan tawanan, serta melakukan kecerdikan media. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa strategi yang dilakukan pemberontak BDR berhasil mempertemukan mereka dengan pihak pemerintah dalam sebuah dialog untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan tentara BDR. Pemberontakan dan dialog ini berdampak pada restrukturisasi pasukan BDR dan peningkatan kesejahteraan mereka.
......This thesis discusses the events of the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) mutiny against the Bangladesh military in 2009 as an effort to improve their welfare. I did this research with qualitative method. Using the theory of Mutiny as a Dialogue from Maggie Dwyer, this study tries to analyze the BDR mutiny as a communication strategy to be able to dialogue with the authorities, namely the government. I find that in the dialogue, the BDR troops wanted to express their complaints, especially regarding the low wages and economic disparity between them and the BDR officials who were made up of military officers. In addition, there is also a sense of injustice felt by BDR soldiers in obtaining various rights. Analysis of the BDR mutiny as a dialogue strategy was carried out with reference to the indicators explained by Dwyer, namely the strong interference power of the uprising, efforts to attract attention by taking over strategic locations and holding prisoners, as well as media ingenuity. This research found that the strategy carried out by BDR rebels succeeded in bringing them together with the government in a dialogue to improve the welfare of BDR soldiers. This mutiny and dialogue had an impact on the restructuring of BDR troops and the improvement of their welfare."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahman, Harisur
"Rahman's book offers us some rich insights about the workings of cultural hegemony of Bollywood cinema in Bangladesh, not least relating to middle class media consumption practices. This book is a welcomed addition to the literature on film and media studies in the Bangladesh and popular Indian cinema contexts.' -- Professor Rajinder Dudrah, Birmingham City University, UK 'In the world of film scholarship, as in the world(s) of South Asian popular culture, Bollywood has enjoyed a hegemonic position. Rahman's work opens a unique window on the social, political, academic, technological and cultural dynamics of that hegemony. He provides a long-needed voice for Bangaladeshi film culture and film industry.' -- Professor Gregory D Booth, The University of Auckland, New Zealand 'In an engaging and comprehensive manner the book provides an overview of the circulation of Bollywood films in Bangladesh and their impacts on society and culture industry. A must read for anyone interested in exploring the relationship between film consumption, cultural hegemony and social inequality.' -- Professor Kristin Skare Orgeret, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway This book examines the circulation and viewership of Bollywood films and filmi modernity in Bangladesh. The writer poses a number of fundamental questions: what it means to be a Bangladeshi in South Asia, what it means to be a Bangladeshi fan of Hindi film, and how popular film reflects power relations in South Asia. The writer argues that partition has resulted in India holding hegemonic power over all of South Asia's nation-states at the political, economic, and military levels-a situation that has made possible its cultural hegemony. The book draws on relevant literature from anthropology, sociology, film, media, communication, and cultural studies to explore the concepts of hegemony, circulation, viewership, cultural taste, and South Asian cultural history and politics. Harisur Rahman is Assistant Professor at North South University in Dhaka, Bangladesh. His research interests include Film, Media, Communication and Cultural Studies, Media Anthropology, Business Anthropology, Advertising Research, Material Culture, Globalization, Consumer Culture, Visual Culture, South Asian Media and Cultural Politics"
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020
791.437 RAH c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lewis, David
Relatively little is known or understood about Bangladesh by outsiders. Since its hard-won independence from Pakistan in 1971, it has been ravaged by economic and environmental disasters. Only recently has the country begun to emerge as a fragile, but functioning, parliamentary democracy, relatively self-sufficient in food production and with an economy that has been consistently achieving growth. The story of Bangladesh, told through the pages of this concise and readable book, is a truly remarkable one. By delving into its past, and through an analysis of the economic, political and social changes that have taken place over the last twenty years, the book explains how Bangladesh is becoming of increasing interest to the international community as a portal into some of the key issues of our age: the way globalization affects the world's poorer countries, the long-term effects of the international development industry, the potential risks to people and environment from climate change and the political challenges facing modern Muslim-majority nations. In this way the book offers an important corrective to the view of Bangladesh as a failed state and also sheds light on the lives of a new generation of its citizens.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011
954.920 5 LEW b
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This study is aimed to investigate the prevalence and pattern of
domestic violence against women and to identify the factors influencing the
domestic violence. Cross sectional data from married women aged I5 years
and above from rural and urban slum areas were collected for the
quantitative analysis. 'I`he study also conducted qualitative analysis with
finding obtained from selective focus group discussions. Findings from the
study indicated that more than half of the women studied experienced
domestic violence The highest type of violence experienced by these
women was psychological violence and the highest percentage in form of
abuse was verbal abuse such as name calling, classified as bad girl/women,
criticized, false allegation, trying to be murdered, undermining, and
threaten to be divorced. Husbands were the highest percentage as abusers,
and the highest reason to abuse was due to household matters i.e. did not
work as instructed. The quantitative analysis revealed that age,
socioeconomic condition, type of family, and marital satisfaction was
significantly associated with domestic violence. This study suggested that
media campaign is one way to educate the community about health and
social consequences of domestic violence, and create awareness and
prevent domestic violence on women.
Journal of Population, 12 (2) 2006 : 173-184, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jashim Uddin Ahmed
"This exploratory study focuses on doctors? perception towards domestic and multinational pharmaceutical products. Doctors can heavily influence drug purchase decisions by performing the roles of users (sometimes), influencer, gatekeepers and deciders, while patients perform the role of buyers and users. The difference in perception was measured in terms of products, brand image and pricing. Data were collected from a sample of 15 doctors (n=15) using a questionnaire comprised of 12 questions measured in Likert scales. The study reveals that brand image is the most influential factor for price of medicines and brand image is highly related to quality and the level of promotion for the underlying product. Furthermore, doctors perceive multinational products to be different and better than domestic products due to their stronger brand image. This study highlights that doctors? preferences are not fully unbiased and can be influenced by pharmaceutical companies. Due to its exploratory nature, findings might need to be validated in a further study with a larger sample.
Studi yang bersifat eksplorasi ini fokus pada persepsi dokter terhadap produk farmasi domestik
dan multinasional . Dokter dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian obat dengan menjalankan
peran sebagai pengguna ( user ), pemberi pengaruh (influencer) , penjaga arus informasi (gatekeeper)
dan pembuat keputusan (deciders), sedangkan pasien melakukan peran sebagai pembeli (buyer) dan
pengguna (user). Perbedaan persepsi diukur dalam hal produk, citra merek dan harga. Data dikumpulkan
dari sampel 15 dokter (n = 15) dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang terdiri dari 12 pertanyaan
yang diukur dalam skala Likert . Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa citra merek merupakan faktor
yang paling mempengaruhi harga obat-obatan dan citra merek sangat berkaitan dengan kualitas dan
tingkat promosi untuk produk yang mendasarinya. Selain itu, dokter menganggap produk multinasional
berbeda dan lebih baik dari produk dalam negeri karena citra merek yang lebih kuat . Penelitian
ini juga memberikan kesimpulan bahwa preferensi dokter tidak sepenuhnya bebas bias dan dapat dipengaruhi
oleh perusahaan obat-obatan. Karena penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksplorasi, maka
temuan penelitian ini perlu divalidasi dalam studi lanjutan dengan sampel yang lebih besar."
Management Research Center (MRC) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia and Philip Kotler Center, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
" Adolescents ranging in age from 10 to I9 years constitute a
large population group in the world. They number over one billion and the
number is increasing. Since the International Conference on Population
and Development (ICPD) in Cairo 1994 a radical development has marked
the field of adolescents' reproductive health. Today population studies are
centred more on an individual's rights, needs. and ambitions than on
demographic targets. The present paper is an attempt to study the socio-
cultural and gender aspects of adolescents' reproductive health in
Bangladesh from a process-context approach. This means that the
adolescents reproductive health behavior is seen as the outcome of
process involving a series of individual decisions and actions occurring
within social, economic, ecological. cultural and political contexts.
Therefore, the needs and aspirations of adolescents are not only determined
by biological and behavioral factors, but through socio-cultural and
gender attitudes. Culture specific researches, policies, and programs can
help adolescents to meet their fresh demands, flourish their innovative
ideas, thoughts and equip then: with the kind of education, shifts, and
outlook they need in a changing environment.
Journal of Population, 9 (1) 2003 : 81-103, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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