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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Lasem merupakan salah satu kawasan pecinan di Indonesia yang menyimpan banyak peninggalan sejarah dan budaya masyarakat etnik Cina. Salah satu peninggalan itu berupa makam Cina. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai makam Kapitan Cina di Lasem yang bernama Kapitan Liem Khik Sing dari segi inskripsi nisan dan ragam hiasnya.
Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah apa makna dan informasi yang bisa diperoleh dari inskripsi dan ragam hias makam Kapitan Liem Khik Sing. Adapun manfaat yang diharapkan hari penelitian ini adalah menambahkan penemuan mengenai epigraf Tionghoa Lasem yang sebelumnya pernah ditulis oleh Claudine Salmon sekitar tahun 1970. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi lapangan dan kajian kepustakaan. Sementara teori yang digunakan adalah teori semiotik dari Charles Sander Peirce.
Hasil penelitian disajikan secara deskriptif-kualitatif. Inkripsi nisan makam ini menunjukkan kaitannya dengan jabatan sang Kapitan yang terlihat dari penggunaan karakter Han 'Hanzi' begitu juga dengan ragam hias yang melambangkan hal baik dan kehormatan.

Lasem is a sub district area in Central Java. It has Chinatown area where we can find many Chinese artefacts there. One of them is Kapitan Liem Khik Sing's tomb. It is located in Desa Tulis, Lasem, and the Kapitan's tomb is inside the Liem family's cemetery complex.
This field research is about Kapitan Liem Khik Sing's tomb inscription and figures. The aim of this research is to make an interpretation about the Han characters written in the inscription and to make an interpretation about the tomb's figures by using Peirce's semiotics theory. The inscription of the tomb will be syntactically analyzed. The result of the research will be presented descriptive qualitatively.
It will tell us the meaning of the Han characters written in the inscription, and information about it and also the meaning of several tomb figures on the Kapitan's tomb. I hope this result can give contribution to Indonesia epigraphical artefacts and culture."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raden Ayu Moza Tammy
Fenomena kesuksesan bisnis orang Tionghoa terjadi di berbagai negara, termasuk di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis landasan yang mempengaruhi kesuksesan bisnis orang Tionghoa Indonesia dengan menggunakan pendekatan budaya melalui konsep mianzi dan guanxi. Kedua konsep ini mengakar kuat pada filsafat Tiongkok kuno dan penerapannya tersebar luas dalam kalangan pengusaha Tionghoa. Metode analisis melalui konsep mianzi dan guanxi diterapkan untuk menemukan pengaruh kedua konsep ini dalam bisnis orang Tionghoa. Konsep mianzi mengacu pada kredibilitas, martabat dan reputasi. Sedangkan konsep guanxi mengacu pada koneksi atau hubungan yang bersifat mutual. Selain itu, peneliti juga melakukan wawancara untuk mengumpulan data. Dari data-data yang terkumpul, dapat terlihat penerapan dan pengaruh kedua konsep ini terhadap kesuksesan bisnis orang Tionghoa Indonesia. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangsih bagi kelangsungan bisnis para pengusaha, khususnya di Indonesia.

The phenomenon of Chinese business success occurred in various countries, including in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the foundations that affecting the success of the Chinese Indonesian rsquo s business success by using a cultural approach through the concept of mianzi and guanxi. These two concepts are deeply rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy and widespread among Chinese businessmen. The method of analysis through the concept of mianzi and guanxi was applied to find the influence of these two concepts in Chinese business. The concept of mianzi refers to credibility, dignity and reputation. While the concept of guanxi refers to connections or relationships that are mutual. In addition, researcher also conducted interviews to collect data. From the collected data, it can be seen the application and the influence of these two concepts on Chinese Indonesian business success. This research is expected to give contribute to business continuity of entrepreneurs, especially in Indonesia. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuan, Zhang Ji
"Tema budaya Tionghoa menjadi salah satu hal menarik dalam khazanah kesusastraan Indonesia. Marginalisasi dan gambaran penderitaan kaum peranakan Tionghoa menjadi bukti bahwa masih terdapat intoleransi dan ketimpangan dalam masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi pustaka. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dengan melihat gagasan diskriminatif yang disampaikan melalui tokoh dan penokohan. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa bentuk diskriminasi sosial yang dialami oleh peranakan Tionghoa pada tiga cerpen dalam kumpulan cerpen Kelurga Tan mengacu kepada diskriminasi gender, fisik, dan status sosial. Faktor diskriminasi sosial pada tiga cerpen dalam kumpulan cerpen Kelurga Tan dipengaruhi oleh aspek politik, pergaulan, dan stereotipe lingkungan sekitar. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi segala pihak yang tertarik pada isu diskriminasi dalam karya sastra, khususnya pada tokoh peranakan Tionghoa.
......The theme of Chinese culture is one of the interesting things in Indonesian literature. The marginalization and depiction of the suffering of Chinese-Indonesian descendants is proof that there is still intolerance and inequality in Indonesian society. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of literature study. In addition, this study also uses a sociology of literature approach by looking at discriminatory ideas conveyed through characters and characterizations. In this research, it was found that the form of social discrimination experienced by Chinese-breeders in the three short stories in the collection of Tan Family short stories refers to gender, physical and social status discrimination. The factor of social discrimination in the three short stories in the collection of Tan Family short stories is influenced by political aspects, association, and stereotypes of the surrounding environment. This research is expected to be useful for all parties who are interested in the issue of discrimination in literary works, especially the figures of Chinese descent.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The purpose of this paper is to show that Chinese (mainland) culture standards within indonesian-Chinese intercultural work team relationship need to be understood by Indonesian workers as diverse cultural similarities, differences, and overlapping often become the conflict foundations. Anticipation and solution are required since the issues frequently lead the intercultural work group into culture shock, target failures, psychological stress. As a result, the individual, group and/or organization productivity declines. By qualitative approach, using culture standards method from Prof.Dr. Alexander Thomas, five Indonesian workers from Indonesian-Chinese work group are selected through criterion sampling. From 39 critical incidents produced, ten Chinese cultural standards from Indonesian perspective are built as follows: 1. National pride or patriotism,2. mianzi or face, 3.customs, 4. quanxi or importance of social network, 5.duty, 6.hierarchical order, 7. cost-effectiveness,8.collectivism, 9.conflict avoidance, and 10.mistrust. This finding has to be identified as integrated values, and is not to be generalized far and wide in the consideration of Chinese multiculturalism. Three coping strategies-planning, empathy, and assertiveness are generated from this research and coul be applied in the efforts of achieving intercultural work group success and synergy."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jony Eko Yulianto
"Etnis Jawa dan Etnis Tionghoa sama-sama menekankan pentingnya harmoni sosial dalam sebuah relasi. Apakah harmoni ini tetap eksis pada perkawinan beda etnis yang melibatkan individu dari kedua etnis tersebut? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan eksistensi dan dinamika interdependensi pada 24 pasangan pelaku perkawinan beda etnis (perempuan Tionghoa dan laki-laki Jawa) dengan metode kualitatif pendekatan fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manifestasi interdependensi terbagi menjadi tiga kategori, yakni pembentukan identitas, penggunaan kuasa, dan penggunaan sumber daya. Pembentukan identitas terdiri dari identitas yang melebur (fused), identitas yang berlapis (layered), identitas yang didasarkan pada kesamaan atribut, dan identitas yang berfokus pada tata nilai (value-focused). Penggunaan kuasa mencakup bentuk hierarki, dominasi, dan subordinasi yang bersifat fleksibel (versatile). Penggunaan sumber daya meliputi bentuk penggunaan bersama (communal sharing), transaksi (transaction), dan dominasi (domination). Dinamika interdependensi yang terjadi pada subjek penelitian ini terbagi menjadi sisi interpersonal yang terfokus pada peran kepercayaan dan ketidakpercayaan, sisi intrapersonal yang menyoroti afeksi individu terhadap pasangan, sisi transendental yang membahas kepercayaan subjek terhadap figur transenden, dan sisi antarkelompok yang menekankan pada peranan model meta-relasional keluarga besar.
......Javanese and Chinese Indonesians (Tionghoa) ethnicity both emphasize the importance of social harmony in their relations. Does it exist in intermarriage of these two ethnics? The present study describes the existence of interdependence and its dynamics in the marital relation between Chinese Indonesian women and Javanese men by applying qualitative method with phenomenology approach on 24 married couples in Solo and Yogyakarta. The result shows that interdependence manifestation in interethnic marriage includes identity establishment, the use of power, and the utilization of resources. Identity establishment consists of fused identity, layered identity, attributed identity, and value-focused identity. The use of power exists in variations of hierarchy, domination, and versatile. The utilization of resource shows the variations of communal-sharing, transaction, and domination. Interdependence dynamics between husband and wife manifest in interpersonal level which emphasizes the role of trust and distrust, intrapersonal level which is expressed in affection toward spouse, transcendetal level which is voiced in the role of trust toward transcendental agents, and intergroup level which is pointed to role of meta-relational model of extended family."
Surabaya: Universitas Ciputra Surabaya. School of Psychology; Universitas Gadjah Mada. Faculty of Psychology, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Levina Xaveria
"Kejadian sejarah “Kerusuhan 1998” di Jakarta, memberikan dampak kepada kehidupan etnis minoritas Tionghoa-Indonesia. Akibat dari kerusuhan ini, sebagian dari etnis ini mengalami trauma, dan menghindari kontak dengan etnis mayoritas; yang menyebabkan rendahnya tingkat toleransi etnis ini terhadap etnis mayoritas. Karena itu, sangat penting untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang berkontribusi terhadap toleransi etnis minoritas ini, yang ke depannya dapat mendukung untuk membangun interaksi etnis yang lebih baik dengan etnis mayoritas. Penelitian terdahulu telah menemukan faktor personal (empati, kepribadian, dan usia dewasa muda) yang paling kuat memengaruhi perkembangan toleransi. Namun, toleransi juga diduga dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal; karena dapat dipelajari, terutama jika individu didukung oleh situasi tertentu, seperti sosialisasi dari orang tua. Karena itu, tesis ini ingin melihat bagaimana pengaruh ethnocultural empathy (empati khusus untuk orang yang berbeda etnis), kepribadian, dan ethnic-racial socialization (transmisi informasi, nilai, dan perspektif mengenai ras dan etnis dari orang tua kepada anak) terhadap perkembangan toleransi, khususnya pada dewasa muda Tionghoa-Indonesia (N = 208). Uji hipotesis menggunakan structural equation model (SEM) menemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara ethnocultural empathy dan toleransi. Namun demikian, tidak ditemukan hubungan signifikan antara kepribadian dan toleransi. Selain itu, ditemukan juga hubungan yang signifikan tetapi negatif antara ethnic-racial socialization dengan toleransi. Dua penemuan ini tidak sesuai dengan hipotesis, menimbulkan kemungkinan adanya faktor lain yang memengaruhi perkembangan toleransi pada dewasa muda etnis Tionghoa-Indonesia. Penelitian lanjutan dibutuhkan untuk memahami lebih jauh bagaimana toleransi terhadap keberagaman pada etnis minoritas ini terbentuk.
......Historical event of “Kerusuhan 1998” (1998’s riot) in Jakarta gave a massive effects to the life of ethnic minority Chinese-Indonesians. Because of this riot, most of the Chinese-Indonesians experienced trauma, and avoid any encounter with the ethnic majority; causing lower tolerance level of Chinese-Indonesians against the ethnic majority. Therefore, it is important to know about what factors contribute to tolerance of ethnic minority, in order to build a better ethnic interaction with the ethnic majority. Previous research had found some personal factors that influence development of tolerance (i.e. empathy, personality, and the young adults age). Nevertheless, it is also suspected that tolerance can be also predicted by external factors; because it can be learnt, especially if someone is supported by certain circumstances, such as socialization from parents. Therefore, this study is expanding another possibility on how ethnocultural empathy (empathy to people with different ethnicities), personality, and ethnic-racial socialization (transmission of information, values, and perspectives of race and ethnicity from parents to children) might also contribute to the development of tolerance to diversity in Chinese-Indonesians young adults (N = 208). The hypothesis testing using structural equation model (SEM), found a significant relationship between tolerance and ethnocultural empathy. However, no significant relationship found between personality and tolerance. Meanwhile, ethnic-racial socialization has a significant relationship with tolerance, but in a negative way. These last two findings are not as hypothesized, suggests another possibilities of other factors that influence of tolerance development in Chinese-Indonesian young adults. Future studies are needed to find deeper understanding on how this ethnic minority develops their tolerance to diversity."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahadjeng Pulungsari Hadi
Di era globalisasi ini, peranan Tiongkok di dunia internasional semakin diperhitungkan. Selain muncul dengan kekuatan ekonominya, Tiongkok juga memanfaatkan kekuatan budayanya untuk mengadakan pendekatan dengan negaranegara lain. Pendekatan yang dikenal sebagai diplomasi kebudayaan ini selain dilakukan secara langsung, juga dapat melalui berbagai media sebagai perantaranya. Salah satu media yang dimanfaatkan oleh pemerintah RRT untuk melakukan diplomasi kebudayaan terhadap Indonesia adalah melalui media radio. Pada 2010, radio resmi pemerintah RRT, China Radio International CRI atau Zhongguo Guoji Guangbo Diantai ???????? bekerja sama dengan radio swasta Elshinta 90 FM untuk menyiarkan beragam topik dalam dimensi budaya, ekonomi, sosial, politik. Siaran yang ditujukan untuk audiens Indonesia tersebut dibawakan dalam bahasa Indonesia, dan di antaranya membahas aspek-aspek terkait hubungan Tiongkok-Indonesia. Pengamatan terhadap siaran CRI program ldquo;Lentera ldquo; periode 2011-2013 menghasilkan pemetaan 164 seratus enam puluh empat topik siaran. Setelah melakukan kategorisasi dan seleksi topik, kajian ini melakukan analisis intertekstual terhadap kata-kata kunci, konteks, tujuan eksplisit, kepentingan, konektor audiens dari siaran-siaran terseleksi tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, kajian ini menemukan strategi-strategi diplomasi kebudayaan yang dijalankan RRT untuk audiens Indonesia melalui media radio CRI.

In this era of globalization, the role of China in the international world is increasingly significant. Beside its economic power, China is also using its cultural strength to make approaches with other countries. This approach, known as cultural diplomacy, that not only done directly, but also through various media as its intermediary. One of the media used by PRC government to do cultural diplomacy to Indonesia is throughbroadcast media. In 2010, China Radio International CRI or Zhongguo Guoji Guangbo Diantai was collaborating with Elshinta 90 FM private radio to broadcast a variety of topics in cultural, economic, social, political dimensions. The broadcasts that aimed for Indonesian audiences were in Indonesian, with topics that were related to the China Indonesia relationship. Observations of the 2011 2013 CRI program 39 s called Lentera had resulted mappings of 164 one hundred and sixty four broadcast topics. After categorizing and selecting those topics, this study performs an intertextual analysis of key words, contexts, explicit objectives, audience connectors of the selected broadcasts. Based on the results of the analysis, this study finds cultural diplomacy strategies that China conducts for Indonesian audience through CRI."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zotta Qashmal
"Kelompok etnis minoritas Chinese Indonesian memiliki kontribusi ekonomi yang signifikan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini melihat dimensi risiko spesifiknya toleransi risiko keuangan dan pengaruh dari variabel financial literacy, financial threat, dan faktor demografis dan sosioekonomi. Penelitian menggunakan metode non-probability sampling. Penelitian ini menganalisis 401 responden dengan rentang generasi X, Y, dan Z yang merupakan bagian dari kelompok Chinese Indonesian. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah survei online dan data yang dan diolah dengan teknik Multiple Linear Regression. Hasil dari olahan data menunjukkan bahwa financial literacy, financial threat, gender, tingkat pendidikan, dan kelompok ekonomi signfikan memengaruhi toleransi risiko keuangan. Namun, status perkawinan, kelompok generasi, dan status pekerjaan, tidak signifikan terhadap toleransi risiko. Level toleransi risiko keuangan di kelompok etnis Chinese Indonesian tergolong moderat.
......The Chinese Indonesian ethnic minority group has a significant economic contribution in Indonesia. This research looks at risk dimensions specifically financial risk tolerance and the influence of financial literacy, financial threat, and demographic and socioeconomic factors. The research uses a non-probability sampling method. This research analyzed 401 respondents ranging from generations X, Y and Z who were part of the Chinese Indonesian group. The data collection method used was an online survey and the data was processed using the Multiple Linear Regression technique. The results of the processed data show that financial literacy, financial threat, gender, education level and economic group significantly influence financial risk tolerance. However, marital status, generational group, and employment status were not significant for risk tolerance. The level of financial risk tolerance in the Chinese Indonesian ethnic group is classified as moderate."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Brinkgreve, Francine
"Among the more than 130,000 objects from Indonesia in the Dutch National Museum of World Cultures, many once belonged to or were used by the Chinese poplation of Indonesia. In the article, the author provide an overview of these collections by presenting their collecting histories from the earliest acquisitions to the most recent collections and by highlighting a number of object, which in their materials, techniques, motifs, colurs or function show a combination of elements from both Chinese and Indonesain cultures. The authors pay particular attention to objects which play a role in the Chinese-Indonesian wedding ceremony."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
909 UI-WACANA 18:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melani Budianta
"This paper discusses the intricate relation between culture and identity in a web of large ower structure of politics and the market by looking at the ways in which the Indonesian Chinese attach themselves to a lical performing arts tradition. The paper focuses on the history of the wayang orang amateur club called Ang Hien Hoo in Malang, East Java, which emerged from a Chinese diaspora burial assocation, to attract national limelight in the 1950s and 1960s. In this paper, in see the amateur club as a site, not only for cultural assimilation, but also as a meeting space for the diverse migrant Chinese population residing at a host country. The space is user to negitiate their positiaon as citizens responsible to promote and to become patrons of local raditional performing arts. The paper examines how this amateur club ws swept by the cold war politcs and national political turnmol of 1965, and how if fought to survive under the pressures of the global capitalist era. What emerges from the findings is the contradictory fact that the identification of the chinese with the Javanes tradtional performing arts us afirmed precisely as it is marked by Chineseness. Thus, despite the cultural is affirmed precisely as it is marked by Chineseness. Thus, despite the cultural blending, the Chinese Indonesian's patronage of local traditionl art continuously resproduces the double bind of aking home in the culture not seen as their own."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
909 UI-WACANA 18:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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