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Waode Siti Armini Rere
"Dengan diberlakukannya UU No 22/99 tentang Pemda, telah membawa perubahan mendasar bagi keberadaan kelembagaan pemerintah kecamatan, dari perangkat dekonsentrasi menjadi perangkat desentralisasi. Menyikapi perubahan substansi tersebut, maka kelembagaan pemerintah kecamatan harus menyesuaikan diri dengan paradigma baru tatanan pemerintahan daerah, dimana pelaksanaan otonomi daerah pada daerah kabupaten/kota merupakan suatu keharusan.
Mengingat kelembagaan kecamatan belum memiliki tugas pokok yang jelas, sementara pada saat yang sama pemerintah daerah dituntut untuk mensukseskan pelaksanaan otonomi. Kecamatan merupakan salah satu perangkat daerah harus memposisikan kedudukan dan fungsi kelembagaan pemerintah kecamatan agar dapat menjadi sebuah institusi yang kinerjanya membawa dampak bagi kemajuan daerah dan masyarakat. Kecamatan Kemang - kabupaten Bogor misalnya dari hasil penelitian lapangan data menunjukkan bahwa tugas dan fungsi kelembagaan (Perda No. 5/2001) belum mengacu pada Keputusan Bupati Bogor No. 6 Tahun 2002. sehingga perlu adanya pengembangan kelembagaan yang berorientasi pada UU No. 22/99.
Hasil analisis terhadap 4 (empat) variabel utama yang dapat mempengaruhi penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah yakni: kewenangan, kelembagaan, personil dan pembiayaan, secara konsepsi perlu adanya strategi pengembangan kelembagaan pemerintah kecamatan Kemang. Perubahan struktur kelembagaan dan fungsi merupakan yang direkomendasikan guna menyesuaikan dengan visi dan misi yang di emban oleh Pemerintah Kecamatan saat ini.
Setelah melakukan pengkajian lapangan, perubahan yang bersifat evolusioner dianggap lebih tepat dalam pengembangan kelembagaan pemerintah Kecamatan Kemang. Pendekatan struktur kelembagaan yang berbentuk lini dan staf masih dianggap relevan, oleh karenanya hal yang mendasar berubah hanyalah departementasi bidang pekerjaan dan fungsi yang harus diemban. Desain kelembagaan pemerintah Kecamatan Kemang secara struktural terdiri dari : Camat, selaku unsur top manajer, sekretaris Camat selaku unsur pimpinan staf, yang memiliki tugas memberi dukungan administratif kepada Camat. Pada level operasional, didesain 4 (empat) seksi masing-masing (1) seksi pemerintahan (2) seksi pelayanan publik; (3) seksi perekonomian; dan (4) seksi kelembagaan dan ditambah 4 unit pelaksana teknis, yakni (a) sub dinas pertanian, perikanan dan peternakan, (b) sub dinas perdagangan, perindustrian dan pariwisata (c) sub dinas bina marga, cipta karya dan pengairan, d) sub dinas tata ruang dan bangunan.
vii + 149 hal + 13 Figur
Daftar Pustaka 42 buku (Tahun 1976 - Tahun 2003)

The enactment of laws No. 22 year 1999 on local government has lead fundamentally change to the existence of kecamatan (sub district) organization, from government apparatus (deconsentration) to local apparatus (decentralization). To anticipate such substantial change, then kecamatan organization should adjust it self wit new paradigms of local government orders in which the autonomy implementation at both district and municipality levels shall be an obligation.
The kecamatan organization has not had its real main duty, meanwhile at the same time local government has been kecamatan demanded to succeed autonomy implementation by which has been one of the local apparatus. then, like or dislike, local government should reposition assignment and function kecamatan organization to be art institution which performance may bring impact for local and society progress. Sub district of Kemang, Bogor district for instance, based on field research it has indicated that the present function and task of organization has not ready wisdom Bupati Bogor No 6 year 2001 it is necessary to develop organization shall be an obligation in order to adjust of lows No.22 year 1999.
The field research it four variable to succeed autonomy implementation comprising a) authority/competence b) organization/institution c) employees d) fund, it is necessary to develop organization sub district of Kemang. Structure and function institution changes at recommendation obligation in order to adjust the vision and mission brought by kecamatan organization.
Upon completing field study, evolutionary changes is deemed more precisely for developing organization of sub district of kemang, organization structure approach in line and staff structure is still deemed relevant due the most fundamental changes is just both departmentalization of work and function should be executed. Hence, the result of organization design of sub district of kemang structurally shall contain of : Head of sub district as top manager element, secretary as staff having main duty for giving administrative support to her/his boss (Head of sub district). In operational levels it is designed four sections comprising : (1) governing section (2) public service section (3) economic section (4) institution section, added with four technical unit which are : a) sub department agriculture, fishing, and cattle raising, b) sub department trading, industry, and tourism c) sub department bina marga, cipta karya and irrigation d) sub department space and building arrangement.
Reference 42 books (year 1976 - year 2003)
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
JIP 36 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Esther Faina Maria Nurima
"Salah satu tolok ukur keberhasilan pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit adalah peningkatan mutu asuhan keperawatannya.
Sesuai visi dan misi Rumah Sakit Awal Bros untuk menjadi pusat pelayanan kesehatan yang didukung tenaga-tenaga profesional, merasa perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Sumber Daya Manusianya terutama perawat yang dianggap merupakan tulang punggung suatu rumah sakit.
Belum adanya standar penilaian perawat yang mempunyai latar belakang dan pengalaman yang berbeda serta keseragaman pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang tidak merata maka disusun Rancangan Standar Kompetensi Keperawatan oleh tim Inti Rumah Sakit Awal Bros.
Hasil penelitian dibuat suatu Rancangan Standar Kompetensi Keperawatan yang akan diuji cobakan di Rumah Sakit Awal Bros.
Penelitian dilaksanakan secara analisa kualitatif yang merupakan studi kasus berdasarkan kebutuhan Rumah Sakit Awal Bros dengan membuat perbandingan antara teori serta data dari beberapa rumah sakit yang telah mempunyai standar kompetensi.
Penerapan standar kompetensi terdiri dari 2 (dua) langkah yaitu pertama menetapkan tingkat golongan seorang perawat berdasarkan pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja, langkah selanjutnya menentukan kriteria penilaian dari masing-masing tingkat dengan menilai ketrampilan tehnikal, ketrampilan interpersonal dan ketrampilan intelektual.
Disarankan agar dalam uji coba standar kompetensi ini bekerjasama dengan konsultan keperawatan.
......Program for Composition the Standards of Nursing Competence to Develop Nursing Process in Awal Bros Hospital, PekanbaruOne of the measuring standard for the success of health service in hospital is enhancement of nursing quality.
Based on its vision and mission to become a health service center which is supported by professional manpower, Awal Bros deems it necessary to enhance the knowledge and skill of its human resources, particularly of nurses who serve as the fundamental of a hospital.
As there have been no standard for evaluation of nurses who are of different background and experience, and as their knowledge and skills are not equally the uniform in Design of Nursing Competence Standards is prepared by the team of Awal Bros Hospital.
The Design of Nursing Competence Standards is prepared based on the results of survey and it will be tried-out in Awal Bros Hospital.
The survey is conducted by qualitative analysis which is a case study based on the literature and the hospitals who are applied competence standards.
The competence standards are applied in 2 (two) steps. First is determine the class level of a nurse based on education and work experience. The second step is to determine the criteria of evaluation of each level by evaluating technical skill, interpersonal skill and intellectual skill.
It is recommended to have these competence standards tried-out in cooperation with a nursing consultant."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Rahman
"Ketidakefektifan pelaksanaan pendidikan dan pelatihan merupakan pertanda bahwa pendidikan dan pelatihan dilaksanakan tanpa analisa kebutuhan organisasi secara memadai, tidak ada tindak lanjut, dan tidak ada pengukuran dampaknya Sihombing Widhyarto, 2011 . Analisis kebutuhan diklat merupakan langkah pertama yang dilakukan dalam mendesain dan mengembangkan program pelatihan yang efektif dan efisien secara sederhana dengan model ADDIE Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, dan Evaluate . Sehingga perlu dikaji bagaimana analisis kebutuhan diklat yang dilakukan Pusdiklat KKB BKKBN khususnya pada tahun 2014-2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivis dengan menguji Model ADDIE pada pelaksanaan analisis kebutuhan pendidikan dan pelatihan, menerapkan metode pengumpulan data kualitatif dengan wawancara terhadap 12 duabelas informan dan studi pustaka. Analisis kebutuhan pendidikan dan pelatihan teknis, fungsional, dan manajemen BKKBN tahun 2014-2017 tidak dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan tidak sesuai prinsip merancang program pendidikan dan pelatihan pada model ADDIE sehingga perencanaan program pendidikan dan pelatihan tidak mencerminkan upaya peningkatan kompetensi pegawai berdasarkan kebutuhan mengatasi kesenjangan kompetensi pegawai yang merupakan hasil evaluasi kinerja. Dengan kenyataan tersebut, yang perlu dilakukan Pusdiklat KKB BKKBN yaitu mengembalikan prinsip desain program pendidikan dan pelatihan sesuai Model ADDIE dengan langkah awal melakukan sendiri klarifikasi masalah kinerja pegawai agar dapat diidentifikasi kompetensi mana yang mengalami kesenjangan.

The ineffectiveness of the implementation of training is a sign that training are carried out without adequate analysis of organizational needs, no follow up, and no impact measurement Sihombing Widhyarto, 2011 . Training needs analysis is the first step in designing and developing effective and efficient training program in simple way with ADDIE Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate model. So it needs to be studied how the analysis of training needs undertaken Pusdiklat KKB BKKBN especially in 2014 2017. This study uses a post positivist approach by testing the ADDIE Model on the implementation of educational needs analysis and training, applying qualitative data collection methods with interviews of 12 twelve informants and literature study. The analysis of education needs and technical, functional and management trainings of BKKBN 2014 2017 are not implemented consistently and not in accordance with the principles of designing education and training programs in the ADDIE model so that the planning of educational and training programs does not reflect the efforts to increase employee competency based on the need to overcome employee competency gaps which is the result of performance evaluation. With this fact, what needs to be done Pusdiklat KKB BKKBN is to restore the design principles of educational programs and training according to the ADDIE Model with the first step of doing self clarification of employee performance issues in order to identify which competencies are experiencing the gap."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : Masyarakat Ilmu Pemerintahan Indonesia, 2008
320 JIP
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Autonomy integrated services (Posyandu mandiri) that was caracteristic optimalitation posyandu work still few amount in Indonesia. Whereas work optimum posyandu help intense in descent rate mortality maternal and neonatal in Indonesia...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syifa Ulhadira
"Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa memberikan banyak perubahan kepada desa, salah satunya mengenai kedudukan desa sebagai subjek pembangunan atau yang dikenal dengan konsep Desa Membangun. Dalam rangka memperkuat kedudukan desa sebagai subjek pembangunan dan meningkatkan status desa, Pemerintah melakukan redistribusi ekonomi melalui dana desa. Namun pada pelaksanannya, dana desa belum mampu memberikan kontribusi dalam peningkatan status desa. Oleh karena itu, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa keterkaitan pengaturan pengelolaan dana desa dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di tingkat pusat dan daerah, pelaksanaan pengelolaan dana desa yang dihadapi oleh Pemerintah Desa Cileungsi Kidul, dan cara untuk mewujudkan konsep Desa Membangun pada Desa Cileungsi Kidul yang didasarkan pada pengelolaan keuangan desa yang optimal. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peraturan perundang-undangan mengenai pengelolaan dana desa masih terlalu banyak, rumit, tumpang tindih, dan sering mengalami perubahan yang tidak diiringi dengan sosialisasi yang memadai. Adapun terhadap pelaksanaan pengelolaan dana desa di Desa Cileungsi Kidul belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. Konsep Desa Membangun pada Desa Cileungsi Kidul dapat terwujud apabila Pemerintah, Pemerintah Kabupaten Bogor, dan Pemerintah Desa Cileungsi Kidul memperhatikan keseluruhan tahapan pengelolaan keuangan desa yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, terutama rekomendasi kebijakan berupa shopping list yang telah disampaikan oleh Pemerintah. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif yang mengkaji rumusan masalah dari sudut pandang peraturan perundang-undangan.
......Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Village provides a lot of changes to the village. One of them is the inception of the Village-to-Develop concept which elaborates villages position as the subject of development. In order to strengthen the position of the village as the subject of development and improve the status of the village, the Government carried out economic redistribution through Village Fund. However, Village Fund has not been able to improve the status of the village. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the interrelatedness between the Village Fund management arrangements in the regulatory at the central and regional levels, the implementation of the Village Fund management faced by the Government of Cileungsi Kidul Village, and how to realize the concept of the Village-to-Develop in the Cileungsi Kidul Village, which is based on optimal village financial management. The results of this research indicate that laws and regulations regarding the management of the Village Fund are still too many, complicated, overlapping, and often being changed without the adequate socialization. The implementation of the Village Fund management in Cileungsi Kidul Village has not been thoroughly appropriate with the provisions of the regulatory. The concept of the Village-to-Develop in Cileungsi Kidul Village can be realized if the Central Government, Bogor Regional Government, and Cileungsi Kidul Village Government pay attention to the whole stages of the village financial management as regulated in the regulatory, especially policy recommendations which is called the shopping lists that have been submitted by the Central Government. This research uses a normative juridical method which reviews the problem formulations from the regulatory viewpoint."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lisa Adziani Hapsari
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran mediator dari harmonious work passion HWP dan obsessive work passion OWP dalam hubungan antara work engagement dan kinerja pada organisasi pemerintahan. Penelitian menggunakan responden PNS sebanyak 415 orang. Analisis pengujian hipotesis menggunakan macro PROCESS pada SPSS yang dikembangkan oleh Hayes. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa work engagement berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada HWP. HWP juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada kinerja. Namun OWP tidak berhubungan secara signifikan baik dengan work engagement maupun kinerja. Selanjutnya, HWP berperan sebagai mediator dalam hubungan antara work engagement dan kinerja. Akan tetapi peran mediator pada OWP tidak terbukti. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi secara empiris dan menambah literature mengenai hubungan work engagement, harmonious work passion, obsessive work passion dan kinerja.
This research aims to examine the role of harmonious work passion and obsessive work passion as mediators in the relationship between work engagement and job performance at government organizations. Data are taken from 415 governmental employees. Data are analysed using Hayes rsquo PROCESS macro on SPSS. Results showed that work engagement was positively related to harmonious work passion but was not related to obsessive work passion. Job performance was predicted by harmonious work passion but not obsessive work passion. Harmonious work passion mediated the effect of work engagement on job performance. This study contributes to the work engagement and job performance literatures by empirically addressing the complex relationship between work engagement, work passion and job performance. "
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Purbani
"The title of the thesis is "Land Use Change Analysis of Rice Field in Kabupaten Karawang in the Years of 1989 and 1997 Using Landsat TM Image".
Rapid growth of population and various human activities are main causes of land use change of rice field in Kabupaten Karawang. Geographically, Kabupaten Karawang is located in West Java Province, mostly in flat area; having fertile soil comprises of volcanic alluvium, i.e., sand, ash and clay. The area is popular as one of the national rice producing areas.
The observation of this thesis was conducted for analyzing land use changes of the years of 1989 and 1997. Within those time periods with the help of Landsat images the changes of land use on rice fields into developed areas are observe able, reducing the area of the total rice fields. The unit analysis is kecamatan.
To estimate the changes, this thesis uses a land use changes models, i.e., L = f(Economy, Population, and Policy), where L indicates land use change from rice field into developed area. L is considered as a dependent variable, representing human dimension. The independent variables are economy, population, and policy. These variables were tested with multiple linier regression analysis.
The economic variable comprises of PDRB (Regional Gross Domestics Product) of industry, PDRB of cash crops, and PBB (Property Tax). Population variable consists of total population of the of 0 to 74 years old, total farm labors of 10 to 64 years old, and total non farm labor of 10 to 64 years old. Policy variable involves the region of developed area, the number of SD (elementary school), SMP (junior school), and Puskesmas.
The analysis of Landsat 5 TM images shows that the highest changes are in Kecamatan Cilamaya and Telukjambe. The less changes are in Kecamatan Pangkalan and Lemahabang.
Statistical analysis was applied to get better understanding of the changes of rice fields into developed areas. An equation was used to observe the growth of changes of rice fields into developed area, and the pattern of land change of rice fields into develop area in the year of 1997 to 1989.
From the results of statistical analysis it can be concluded that the pattern of land use change of rice fields into developed area in the year of 1997 to 1989 has a significant correlation with the dependent variables. The equation can be used as a model to analyze the changes of the area of rice fields into developed area."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahmi Pahlevi Arifuddin
"PT Indosat merupakan perusahaan penyedia jaringan dan layanan telekomunikasi terpadu (Full Network & Service Provider) yang menempatkan bisnis seluler sebagai bisnis utamanya. Di dalam era kompetisi bebas ini, Indosat berlomba untuk senantiasa berusaha mencari peluang-peluang baru untuk mengembangkan jasa dan layanannya dengan tujuan akhir untuk memperoleh revenue yang cukup agar bisnisnya dapat dipertahankan. Pada tahun-tahun mendatang, persaingan bisnis seluler ini akan semakin tinggi dengan diterbitkannya lisensi operasi bagi para pemain baru. Persaingan untuk merebut pangsa pasar akan dilakukan dengan mengadu harga layanan, kualitas dan jangkauan jaringan, jenis layanan dan fitur. Akibat dari persaingan tersebut, maka Indosat menghadapi risiko untuk mengalami churn rate yang lebih tinggi dan penurunan ARPU. Tren penurunan ARPU ini bukan saja dialami oleh Indosat, namun oleh seluruh operator seluler di dunia. Sebagai antisipasi untuk menghadapi persaingan di tahun-tahun mendatang, Indosat perlu meningkatkan strategi untuk mempertahankan atau bahkan meningkatkan pangsa pasamya, sambil mempertahankan jumlah ARPIJ. Salah satu peluang yang dapat diambil oleh Indosat untuk meningkatkan ARPUnya adalah meningkatkan pendapatan yang diperoleh dari penjualan layanan komunikasi data berkecepatan tinggi seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi, mobilitas pelanggan yang makin tinggi, gaya hidup dan keinginan untuk memperoleh layanan untuk kemudahan hidup. Dalam tesis ini diteliti perilaku pelanggan seluler terhadap layanan komunikasi data berkecepatan tinggi. Dengan melihat perilaku pelanggan dan masyarakat yang berpotensi untuk menggunakan layanan tersebut, dipilihlah konfigurasi infrastrukur yang sesuai namun berbiaya rendah untuk diimplementasikan sebagai suplemen dari jaringan GSM/GPRS eksisting yang telah dioperasikan oleh Indosat yakni Cellular - Wi-Fi Interworking.

PT Indosat is a Full Network & Service Provider which currently relies on its cellular services as its business mainstream. In order to stay in the business in the nowadays competition era, Indosat must seeks new opportunities in developing its services to maintain adequate revenue. Within next to no time, competition in the cellular business will increase rapidly. Numbers of new entrant operators are already granted with operation licenses. The race to win the market share will all about price wars and features. As an effect, Indosat is facing the risk of experiencing higher churn rate accompanied by declining ARPU. The industry also shows that in a few last years the declining ARPU have been also experienced by the telecommunication operators globally. As an anticipation to face the competition in the following years, Indosat must act quickly in establishing strategies to defend or even raise its market share, to be precise; Indosat should seek new innovation to increase its declining ARPU. Instead relying on voice subscriber's revenue, the opportunity to raise the ARPU is to obtain new revenues from data subscribers. Data users appears to be increasing as people perform high mobility behavior, valuing life style and demand to have services to ease their living. This thesis explores the business aspect of high speed data services by focusing on the consumer behavior and also the non-consumers behavior who appears to be the near-future potential buyers for the services. This thesis recommends the appropriate infrastructure configurations to supplement the existing GSM/GPRS system -which is currently used by Indosat- to be deployed in order to fulfill the demand. The configuration which is able to deliver adequate services yet requires less investment are known as Cellular-Wi-Fi lnterworking."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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