ABSTRAKKompetisi bisnis saat ini tidak lagi persaingan antar individu perusahaan namun
sudah melibatkan dynamic supply dan jaringannya, sehingga pemasok ikut
memberikan peranan dalam kesuksesan suatu perusahaan dalam persaingan bisnis.
Salah satu indikator peranan pemasok terletak pada kualitas bahan baku yang
dipasok ke perusahaan, untuk itu memonitor dan meningkatkan kualitas bahan baku
menjadi hal yang penting untuk ikut menentukan performa perusahaan terutama
terhadap kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Setiap perusahaan memiliki cara untuk
meningkatkan kualitas bahan baku, salah satunya dengan menciptakan sistem
monitoring kualitas atau prosedur kerja yang dapat memastikan dan meningkatkan
kualitas bahan baku. Sistem monitoring kualitas yang diterapkan di T. X sebagai
tempat penelitian belumcukup responsif dan belum mempertimbangkan sisi kritikal
suatu non conformity karena hanya dilihat dari sisi jumlah non conformity yang ada
dengan penanganan menggunakan Supplier Correction Action Request (SCAR)
form untuk semua tipe non conformity, sedangkan untuk non conformity yang
kritikal perlu menunggu keputusan manajemen. Dalam penelitian ini, dihasilkan
sistem monitoring kualitas berupa prosedur kerja yang lebih responsif dengan
mengklasifikasikan tipe non conformity berdasarkan tingkat kritikalnya
menggunakan pendekatan Total Quality Management (TQM). Penggunaan
fishbone diagram, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), dan Quality Function
Deployment (QFD) membuat hasil sistem monitoring kualitas yang berupa
prosedur kerja menjadi lebih dapat dipercaya untukdapat meningkatkan efektifitas
penanganan non conformity bahan baku yang terjadi.
ABSTRACTBusiness Competition is no longer the competition between individual companiesbut already involve dynamic supply and network, thus supplier help provide role inthe success of company in the business competition. One indicator of the role of thesupplier lies in the quality of raw material supplied to the company, based on thatmonitoring and improving the quality of raw material becomes important toparticipate in determining the performance of the company mainly to the quality ofproducts produced. Each company has a way to improve the quality of raw maetrial,one of them by creating a quality monitoring system or work procedures than canensure and improve the quality of the raw material. Quality monitoring systemwhich currently applied in PT. X has not sufficiently responsive and not considerthe criticality of non conformity because only consider the number of nonconformity with the handling of using Supplier Corrective Action Request (SCAR)form for all types of non-conformity, while for critical non conformity need to waitmanagement decisions In this research, produced quality monitoring system in theform of working procedure more responsive by classify non conformity based onthe level of criticality with Total Quality Management (TQM) approach. Usefishbone diagram, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), and QualityFunction Deployment (QFD) make the quality monitoring tool in the form of workprocedures become more trustworthy in order to improve the effectiveness of thehandling of non conformity bahan baku, Business Competition is no longer the competition between individual companiesbut already involve dynamic supply and network, thus supplier help provide role inthe success of company in the business competition. One indicator of the role of thesupplier lies in the quality of raw material supplied to the company, based on thatmonitoring and improving the quality of raw material becomes important toparticipate in determining the performance of the company mainly to the quality ofproducts produced. Each company has a way to improve the quality of raw maetrial,one of them by creating a quality monitoring system or work procedures than canensure and improve the quality of the raw material. Quality monitoring systemwhich currently applied in PT. X has not sufficiently responsive and not considerthe criticality of non conformity because only consider the number of nonconformity with the handling of using Supplier Corrective Action Request (SCAR)form for all types of non-conformity, while for critical non conformity need to waitmanagement decisions In this research, produced quality monitoring system in theform of working procedure more responsive by classify non conformity based onthe level of criticality with Total Quality Management (TQM) approach. Usefishbone diagram, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), and QualityFunction Deployment (QFD) make the quality monitoring tool in the form of workprocedures become more trustworthy in order to improve the effectiveness of thehandling of non conformity bahan baku]"