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Ditemukan 26 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Mis Bakhul Munir
"Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. ) merupakan tanaman yang memiliki banyak manfaat, tetapi penggunaannya kurang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh formula tablet efervesen dengan bahan berkhasiat ekstrak kering temulawak sehingga dapat dikonsumsi sebagai suplemen sehat komersial. Tablet efervesen dibuat dengan metode granulasi basah mengunakan variasi jumlah effervescent mix dan bahan pemanis pada kondisi kelembaban relatif (RH) 40% dengan suhu 25°C. Ketiga formula tablet efervesen yang dibuat memenuhi syarat evaluasi granul dan tablet efervesen.
Hasil analisis kesukaan menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan tingkat kesukaan terhadap penampilan dan aroma dari ketiga formula tablet efervesen, namun ada perbedaan tingkat kesukaan terhadap rasa dari ketiga formula yang dibuat. Dari ketiga formula yang telah diujikan pada responden, fomula I dengan jumlah effervescent mix 80% dan aspartam 1,5 % memiliki rasa yang lebih disukai dibandingkan formula II dengan jumlah effervescent mix 80% dan aspartam 2,5 % dan formula III dengan jumlah effervescent mix 80% tanpa penambahan aspartam. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan tablet efervesen ekstrak temulawak dapat menjadi produk suplemen yang dapat dipasarkan.
......Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) has many benefits for health and medical use, but its usefulness is less than optimal. Therefore a study aimed at gaining effervescent tablets formula with dried ginger extract that can be consumed as a healthy commercial supplement are conducted. Effervescent tablets prepared by wet granulation method with various concentration of effervescent mix and sweetener on the condition of relative humidity (RH) 40% in a temperature of 25°C. Three effervescent tablets formula are designed to meet the effervescent granules and tablets evaluations.
The analysis shows that there is no different level of preference for appearance and aroma of three effervescent tablets formula, but there are different in taste. Based on survey, formula I with 80% of effervescent mix and 1,5% of aspartame is more preferable than formula II with 80% of effervescent mix and 2,5% of aspartame and formula III with 80% of effervescent mix without aspartame. Results of this study are expecting effervescent tablet from ginger extract as supplement can be marketed."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Ginger ( Zingiber officinale ) is one of spices having many benefical uses and its potency in East Kalimantan is quite big......"
658 JRTI 1:1 (2007)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naphatsaran Roekruangrit
"Ginger is used for treating motion sickness, nausea and vomiting. The traditional Thai method of preparation is to steam the rhizome before preparing the remedy. There is no report comparing the biological activity and quality of extracts from steamed and non-steamed rhizomes. The objective was to compare the anti inflammatory activities, cytotoxicity and quality of steamed and non-steamed ginger extracts. All extracts were tested for their potential anti-inflammatory properties via the inhibitory effect on NO and PGE2 production, and cytotoxic activity via sulforhodamine B assay. Loss on drying, total ash and acid - insoluble ash determinations were used as quantitation evaluation to standardize the ginger extracts. The results showed that the quality of all samples was within standard guidelines. The anti-inflammatory NO inhibition effect was higher in the steamed ginger ethanol extract (AZOE) than in the non-steamed ginger ethanol extract (HZOE), but lower than prednisolone as a positive control, with IC50 values of 13.47 ± 0.20, 19.64 ± 0.33 and 1.33 ± 0.02 µg/ml, respectively. The effect of PGE2 inhibition of AZOE, HZOE and positive control, had IC50 values of 0.40 ± 0.06, 0.63 ± 0.02 and 0.066 ± 0.004 µg/ml, respectively. However, the steamed and non-steamed ginger ethanol extracts were not cytotoxic to either SKOV - 3 or HeLa cells. Steamed ginger had a higher inhibition effect on NO and PGE2 release than non - steamed ginger. These results support the traditional Thai method of steaming the rhizome before preparing the medicine."
Pathum Thani: Thammasat University, 2019
670 STA 24:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Dani Supardan
"The use of ultrasound in extraction process creates novel and interesting methodologies, which are often complementary to conventional extraction methods. In the present study, the use of ultrasound to extract oleoresin from ginger (Zingiber officinaleR.) was investigated. The extraction was performed by using ethanol as solvent in the presence of ultrasonic irradiations operating at frequency of 42 kHz at extraction temperature of 60oC. The oleoresin extracted was in the form of dark thick liquid with specific ginger flavor. Based on GC-MS analysis, the use of ultrasound was not give an effect on alteration of main component in ginger oleoresin. The main component in extracted ginger oleoresin was zingerone. Gingerol as one of the pungent principle of the ginger oleoresin was not detected due to decomposition of gingerol at a temperature above 45oC. Extraction rate of ultrasound-assisted extraction was about 1.75 times more rapid than a conventional system based on soxhlet. The scanning electron microscopy images provided more evidence for the mechanical effects of ultrasound, mainly appearing on cells? walls and shown by the destruction of cells, facilitating the release of their contents. "
Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Indah Fitriwati
Resiko komplikasi yang terjadi saat kehamilan pada usia muda berperan dalam meningkatkan angka kematian ibu dan bayi. Keluhan mual muntah yang semula normal dihadapi ibu hamil menjadi keluhan yang abnormal pada ibu remaja sehingga perlu ditangani. Terapi nonfarmakologis dengan pemberian biskuit jahe madu dipilih pada studi kuantitatif ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruhnya dalam mengatasi keluhan mual muntah pada ibu hamil remaja. Desain penelitian menggunakan desain eksperimen semu sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan intervensi biskuit jahe madu pada ibu hamil remaja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan frekuensi mual muntah pada ibu hamil sebelum dan sesudah pemberian biskuit jahe madu. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan terapi nonfarmakologis biskuit jahe madu sebagai intervensi keperawatan dalam mengatasi keluhan mual muntah pada ibu hamil remaja. Kata kunci : biskuit jahe madu; ibu hamil remaja; mual muntah.

The risk of complication that occur during pregnancy at a young age increasing maternal and infant mortality. Nausea and vomiting occur commonly during pregnancy but it will be become an abnormal complaint in adolescent mothers, so it need to be treated. Nonpharmacological therapy with honey ginger biscuits was used in this quantitative study to relieve nausea and vomiting in pregnant adolescents. Quasy experiment design was used in this study with pre and post test of control group and intervention group. The results showed that there were a difference in the frequency of nausea and vomiting of pregnant adolescents before and after consume honey ginger biscuits. The recommendation of this research is the using of ginger honey biscuits as nursing intervention to relieve nausea and vomiting in pregnant adolescents. Keyword ginger honey biscuits nausea and vomiting pregnant adolescent"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aniswatul Khamidah
Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) termasuk golongan tanaman rempah yang memiliki manfaat untuk meningkatkan nafsu makan dan sebagai antikolesterol, antiinflamasi, antianemia, antioksidan, dan antimikroba. Kurkuminoid sebagai zat utama yang berwarna kuning dalam temulawak diketahui memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan. Selain digunakan untuk pengobatan, temulawak berpeluang dikembangkan dalam industri pangan, terutama sebagai pewarna alami dalam makanan. Komponen terbesar dalam temulawak adalah pati 41,45% dan serat 12,62%, Temulawak juga mengandung minyak atsiri 3,81% dan kurkumin 2,29%. Temulawak dapat dikembangkan menjadi berbagai produk olahan pangan, antara lain simplisia, tepung, pati, minuman instan, kue kering, manisan, mi, kerupuk, stick, cake, dodol, dan permen jeli. Makalah ini memaparkan kandungan rimpang temulawak, manfaat, penanganan pascapanen, dan berbagai produk olahan temulawak."
Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 2017
630 JPPP 36:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Handayani
"With respect to its multiple uses, such as in cosmetics, foods, aromatherapy and the pharmaceutical industry, ginger oil has a high value in the world market. The ginger oil obtained from conventional extraction usually has low zingiberene content, possibly due to thermal degradation. To overcome this problem, an alternative ginger oil production process by enzymatic extraction using cow rumen enzymes is investigated. The aim of the research is to obtain the optimum conditions for zingiberene-rich ginger oil extraction by using immobile isolated cow rumen enzyme. The experiments were conducted under varying temperatures (40–60oC), enzyme-substrate ratios (0.05–0.2) and extraction times (1–5 days). The microwave assisted distillation was conducted for 90 minute to separate the ginger oil from its mixture. The zingiberene content in the oil was measured by GC analysis. The most influential factor in the enzymatic extraction of ginger oil was determined by experimental design 23. Analysis of the results shows that for the extraction with a rumen ratio of 1:5 at 60oC, the most influential factor was the extraction time, in this case 5 days, and ginger oil was obtained with zingiberene contents of 21.56% and 26.28% at pH 5 and pH 4 respectively. Prolonging the extraction time to 6 days with pH 5 caused a decrease in zingiberene content to 20.76%."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdullah Muqaddam
"Latar belakang: Kanker serviks merupakan kanker dengan prevalensi terbanyak keempat pada wanita di dunia, sehingga tatalaksana yang tepat dengan efek samping minimal sangat dibutuhkan. Salah satu tatalaksana yang sedang dikembangkan adalah terapi menggunakan herbal jahe (Zingiber officinale) yang diketahui memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dan sitotoksik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan aktivitas antioksidan dan sitotoksik ekstrak air rebusan jahe dan minyak esensial jahe.
Metode: Ekstrak jahe yang diujikan adalah ekstrak air rebusan jahe dan minyak esensial jahe. Aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak jahe ditentukan menggunakan metode DPPH [2,2-di(4-tert-octylphenyl)-1-picrylhydrazyl], sedangkan aktivitas sitotoksiknya terhadap sel kanker serviks HeLa ditentukan dengan metode MTT (3-(4,5-dimetilthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 difenil tetrazolium bromida) assay.
Hasil: Ekstrak air rebusan jahe dan minyak esensial jahe menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan terhadap DPPH yang tergolong aktif. Minyak esensial jahe dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 51,33 µg/mL, memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang lebih baik daripada ekstrak air rebusan jahe dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 91,79 µg/mL. Aktivitas sitotoksik ekstrak air rebusan jahe (IC50=7,33 µg/mL) dan minyak esensial jahe (IC50=7,17 µg/mL) terhadap sel kanker serviks HeLa tergolong aktif dan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik.
Kesimpulan: Ekstrak air rebusan jahe dan minyak esensial jahe memiliki potensi unutk dikembangkan lebih lanjut sebagai antioksidan dan agen antikanker untuk terapi pengobatan kanker serviks.
......Introduction: Cervical cancer is cancer with the fourth most prevalence in women in the world, therefore the proper management with minimal side effects is needed. One of the treatments being developed is therapy using ginger (Zingiber officinale) which is known previously to have antioxidant and cytotoxic activity. This study aims to compare the antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of ginger boiled-water extract and ginger essential oil.
Method: The ginger extracts tested were ginger boiled-water extract and ginger essential oil. The antioxidant activity of ginger extracts was measured by the DPPH [2,2-di(4-tert-octylphenyl)-1-picrylhydrazyl] method, whereas cytotoxic activities of the extracts against HeLa cervical cancer cells were evaluated by the MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2- yl)-2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) assay.
Result: Ginger boiled-water extract and ginger essential oil showed an active antioxidant activity against DPPH free radical. Ginger essential oil with an IC50 value of 51.33 g/mL, has a greater better antioxidant activity than ginger boiled-water extract with an IC50 value of 91.79 g/mL. Ginger boiled-water extract (IC50=7.33 g/mL) and ginger essential oil (IC50=7.17 g/mL) were classified to have an active cytotoxic activity against HeLa cervical cancer cells, and both of extracts did not show a statistically significant difference.
Conclusion: Ginger boiled-water extract and ginger essential oil both have are potential to be developed for as cervical cancer therapy."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Sadiah
"Nanostructured Lipid Carrier NLc adalah teknologi baru dari jenis nanoemulsi yang dapat meningkatkan bioavaibilitas zat aktif yang bersifat non polar. Jahe putih Zingiber officinale Rosc adalah tanaman obat yang efektif sebagai anti-toksoplasma secara in vitro dengan kandungan senyawa aktif utamanya gingerol yang bersifat semi polar. Jahe merah Zingiber officinale Roscoe var. Rubrum adalah varian jahe yang memiliki kandungan zat aktif gingerol lebih tinggi dibandingkan jahe putih sehingga berpeluang memiliki aktivitas anti-toksoplasma yang lebih baik. Untuk meningkatkan efektivitasnya secara in vivo, perlu pengembangan formulasi ekstrak jahe menjadi bentuk NLc.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh metoda ekstraksi untuk mendapatkan ekstrak jahe merah yang paling efektif secara in vitro terhadap T.gondii stadium takhizoit, memperoleh formula NLc-ekstrak jahe merah dengan karakteristik terbaik dan mendapatkan data in vivo aktivitas anti-toksoplasma pada stadium takhizoit dari NLc-ekstrak jahe merah yang terbaik.Metoda yang dilakukan mencakup skrining ekstraksi jahe merah dengan dua jenis ekstraksi dan tiga jenis pelarut pengekstrasi terhadap efektivitasnya pada sel vero yang diinduksi takhizoit in vitro . Ekstrak yang paling efektif diformulasikan menjadi bentuk NLc dengan variasi konsentrasi fase lipid dan fase air, dan komposisi jenis lipid cair dan lipid padatnya. Pembentukan NLc dilakukan dengan metoda High Pressure Homogenizer tekanan 450 bar dengan variasi jumlah siklus. Evaluasi NLc meliputi distribusi dan ukuran partikel, potensial zeta, efisiensi penjerapan, analisa morfologi bentuk partikel dan uji stabilitas pada formula NLc-jahe merah yang paling baik. Tahapan selanjutnya adalah uji in vivo mencakup uji toksisitas akut dan uji efektivitas menggunakan hewan mencit yang diinduksi takhizoit secara intraperitonial.Hasil menunjukkan bahwa metoda ekstraksi yang terbaik adalah metoda maserasi dengan pelarut etanol 96 menghasilkan ekstrak JE96M yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan takhizoit yang tinggi pada sel vero. Formula NLc-ekstrak jahe merah yang terbaik adalah F7A dengan komposisi minyak sawit:minyak zaitun:lipoid S75 = 14:5,5:5,5 fase lipid 25 dan kadar ekstrak jahe merah 2 . Formula NLc ndash;ekstrak jahe merah F7A pada dosis 100-200mg/kgbb secara peroral efektif sebagai anti-toksoplasma pada mencit, mampu meningkatkan umur hidup mencit diatas 70 setelah diinduksi dengan takhizoit.

Nanostructured Lipid Carrier NLc is a new technology of the nanoemulsion type. The advantage of NLc is to increase the bioavailability of non polar active substances. White ginger / big ginger Zingiber officinale Roscoe is a medicinal plant that proves effective as an in vitro anti-toxoplasma. This plant has bioactive compounds named gingerols that are semi-polar. Red ginger Zingiber officinale Rosc var Rubrum is another variant of ginger that contains a higher content of gingerols compared to white ginger/big ginger so, therefore it is used in this study to increase the activity of anti-toxoplasma. In order to enhance its effectiveness for in vivo study, the ginger extract is formulated into NLc form that is become the background of this research. The purpose of this study is to obtain the extraction method and to obtain the most effective red ginger extract in vitro on T. gondii takhizoit stage, to obtain the red ginger NLc-extract formula with the best characteristics, and to obtain of anti-toxoplasma activity at the tachizoite stage of NLc-the best red ginger extract. The methods include red ginger extraction screening with two types of extraction process and three types of extracting solvents. Furthermore, the extract tested the effectiveness on tachizoite in vitro using vero cells that induced a tachizoite strain of RH. The most effective extracts were formulated into NLc forms with variations in lipid and water phase concentrations, and the compositions of the liquid lipids and lipids. Formation of NLc was done by High-Pressure Homogenizer method of pressure 450 barr with the variation of cycle number. The NLc evaluation includes the distribution and particle size, and zeta potentials performed so determine the most stable NLc-red ginger extract. In addition, the determination of the effectiveness of adsorption, particle shape morphology analysis and stability test on the best red NLc-ginger formula. The next step is the in vivo test including an acute toxicity test and the effectiveness test, using intraperitoneally induced tachizoite mice. The results showed that the most effective extraction method was the maceration method with 96 ethanol because the extract produced JE96M could inhibit the high tachizoite growth in vero cells. The best NLc-red ginger extract formula is F7A with the composition of palm oil: olive oil: lipids S75 = 14: 5,5 : 5,5 25 lipid phase and 2 red ginger extract level. Formula NLc-red ginger extract F7A at a dose of 100-200 mg / kgbb is peroral effective as an anti-toxoplasma in mice, able to increase mice life above 70 after induced by tachizoite."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johanes Bion Harjono
"Jahe (Zingiber officinale) adalah tanaman obat yang terbukti memiliki banyak khasiat untuk kesehatan manusia. Dehidrozingeron (DZ) adalah salah satu senyawa minor di dalam ekstrak jahe yang diketahui memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang baik. Isolasi DZ dari jahe diketahui tidak efisien sehingga penting untuk mengetahui metode sintesisnya yang efektif. Reaksi aldol silang antara vanillin dan aseton telah banyak digunakan, dan atas dasar itu maka seharusnya analog DZ pun dapat disintesis dari derivat benzaldehid yang sesuai. Dehidrozingeron (DZ-1), analog DZ-2 dan DZ-3 secara berurutan disintesis dari vanillin, 4-hidroksi benzaldehid dan benzaldehid. Produk dikarakterisasi dengan UV-Vis, FT-IR dan MS. Untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan produk dilakukan uji dengan DPPH. Diketahui bahwa semua produk memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang menurun dari DZ-1, DZ-2, dan DZ-3.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a well known and proven medicinal plant that has been used by humans since ancient times. Dehydrozingerone (DZ) is one of the minor components in the ginger extract that is known to having good antioxidant properties. However its isolation from ginger is deemed inefficient, so it’s necessary to find a facile way to synthesize it. Crossed aldol reaction between vanillin and acetone is known to yield DZ, and then it should be possible to synthesize its analogs through the similar pathway. Dehydrozingerone (DZ-1), analog DZ-2 and DZ-3 were synthesized from vanillin, 4-hydroxy benzaldehyde and benzaldehyde respectively. Products then were characterized by UV-Vis, FT-IR and MS. DPPH test was conducted to examine the products’ antioxidant activity. It was observed that all products exhibited antioxidant activity with DZ-1 being the strongest, followed by DZ-2 and DZ-3 respectively."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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