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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Latuconsina, Amanda Zainur
Abstrak :
Efisiensi di industri konstruksi masih menjadi perhatian. Di banyak negara, industri konstruksi sering menerima kritik mengenai kualitas dan kepuasan pelanggan yang buruk, sering terjadi konflik dan perselisihan di antara berbagai pelaku, dan biaya serta jadwal yang melebihi batas dalam proyek. dari data kepuasan pelanggan PT. Waskita, presentase tidak puas pada penyelesaian proyek meningkat dari 3,7% pada tahun 2011 menjadi 6,1% pada tahun 2013. Dengan pendekatan Business Process Reengineering, penelitian ini mencoba untuk merancang perbaikan proses procurement pada apartemen yukata. Fase awal yaitu dengan memetakan dan analisis proses as-is menggunakan tools IDEF 0. Proses bisnis disimulasikan dengan software iGrafx dan didapatkan waktu proses as is 73,31 minggu. Kemudian ditentukan alternatif target perbaikan dari best practice menggunakan modified House of Quality. 15 kombinasi model rancangan perbaikan disimulasikan dan didapatkan hasil terbaik yaitu pengurangan cylce time hingga 40%.
Efficiency in the construction industry is still a concern. In many countries, the construction industry often receives criticism about poor quality and customer satisfaction, frequent conflicts and disputes among various actors, and costs and schedules that exceed the project's limits. from customer satisfaction data by PT. Waskita Karya, the percentage of dissatisfaction with the completion of the project increased from 3.7% in 2011 to 6.1% in 2013. With the Business Process Reengineering approach, this study tried to design an improvement in the procurement process for yukata apartments. The initial phase is by mapping and analyzing the as-is process using IDEF 0 tools . Business processes are simulated with the iGrafx software and the result shown that cycle time is 73.31 weeks. Then the alternative improvement targets are determined from best practice using modified House of Quality. 15 combinations of repair design models were simulated and the best results were obtained, that is the reduction of cylce time to 40%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Seiring dengan perkembangan dunia usaha saat ini setiap perusahaan harus mampu bersaing dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat. Kemampuan untuk memenuhi kemampuan pasar adalah salah satu cara agar perusahaan dapat bertahan dalam kondisi saat ini.Industri elektronik saat ini sedang dalam kondisi yang tidak stabil. Akibat dari krisis global yang melanda seluruh dunia akibatnya berimbas pada penjualan dan melambungnya harga komponen dan lemahnya daya beli masyarakat saat ini. Namun demikian perusahaan harus tetap bertahan dan harus mencari jalan keluar untuk masalah ini. Salah satu cara adalah dengan mengadakan inovasi, perbaikan disemua departemen. Perbaikan proses bisnis menjadi bahasan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengusulkan perbaikan proses bisnis yang terjadi di departemen qualiti kotrol di salah satu perusahaan elektronik. Caranya dengan melakukan pemetaan proses bisnis sederhana terhadap proses yang terjadi di dalam pemeriksaan material kedatangan material dari pemasok lokal, melakukan perbaikan dan memetakan ulang usulan pebaikan dengan mengunakan IDEF0 melakukan analisis, dan dan mengusulkan perubahan pada proses yang ada sebelumnya. ......Along with business development today, each of company must able to compete to face growth of business challenge. The Company has to able respond what the market need and and that is one way to survive in this condition. To day electronic industry in unstable condition, This condition effect from global crisis that happens in all over the words and this conditions effect to the market share and high price off the electronic component. But the company have to survive and have to find way out from this condition. One way out are make innovation and improvement in all department. Business process improvement is main theme in this research, while the aims are to propose Improvement in Business Process in quality control Department in one of electronics industry. Conducting business process mapping in inspections process part from local vendor, conduct improvement, and reengineering process after improvement using IDEF0. And give same advice to related department to improve the current process. Result from research is advice improvement and will be sending to related department. And for applications depends to the department policy.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pande Adhi Prathama
Abstrak :
Permasalahan kompleks dalam sistem pembelajaran blended learning, seperti kesulitan dalam mempelajari materi, membutuhkan sebuah solusi yang komprehensif. Pendekatan makroergonomi dilakukan dalam penelitian ini karena makroergonomi mempelajari mengenai sistem kerja dan interaksinya dengan manusia. Salah satu pendekatan makroergonomi, yaitu Macroergonomics Analysis and Design diterapkan dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan analisa MEAD, didapat salah satu varians utama dalam blended learning adalah mahasiswa belum memahami secara benar materi perkuliahan. Oleh karena itu, dibuatlah suatu standar operasional prosedur pembuatan komik edukasi sebagai media penyampaian materi perkuliahan sehingga materi perkuliahan dapat dibuat dalam bentuk komik dan mahasiswa lebih mengerti materi perkuliahan yang diberikan. Standar operasional prosedur pembuatan komik edukasi terbagi dalam 2 bagian, yaitu SOP proses pembuatan komik yang dijelaskan dengan IDEF0 dan SOP desain komik yang terdiri dari desain gambar dan halaman (tampilan) komik dan desain cerita. ...... Problem complexity in blended learning system, like getting difficulty in learning course material, need a comprehensive solution. Macroergonomics approach is implemented in this research since macroergonomics learns about work system and its interaction with human. One of the macroergonomics approaches, which is Macroergonomics Analysis and Design is applicated in this research. According to MEAD analysis, one of the key variance in blended learning is the students are not fully understand with course material. Therefore, there is a need to make framework for developing education comic as course material media, so all of course materials can be transformed into comic and the students are more understand with the course material that given to them. The standar operational procedure itself is classified into 2 parts, which are SOP comic making process that described with IDEF0 model and SOP comic design that consists of pages and image view comic and story design.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Belva Fikry Mahardika
Abstrak :
Teknologi Informasi akan terus berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, pada saat ini penggunaan IT di Indonesia sudah mulai berkembang terutama pada sektor perbankan, saat ini sudah banyak sekali perusahaan fintech yang mulai bermunculan dan tentunya mendisrupsi bank untuk melakukan transformasi digital. Tranformasi digital ditopang oleh penggunaan sistem informasi dan juga aplikasi-aplikasi yang dapat memudahkan pengguna. Aplikasi pada TI perbankan di kelola dan dikembangkan dengan metode SDLC. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengurangi keterlambatan pelaksanaan pengembangan aplikasi pada bank BUMN. Pendekatan business process reengineering dan teknik pemodelan IDEF0 digunakan dalam mencapai ke siklus SDLC yang lebih efisien terutama pada pain point siklus SDLC tempat penulis melakukan penelitian yaitu tahap requirement dan tahap procurement. Penelitian ini menghasilkan rancangan perbaikan proses baru berupa tiga skenario untuk tahap requirement dan procurement. Untuk menguji efektivitas masing-masing skenario, dilakukan simulasi menggunakan bantuan software iGrafx. Menggunakan parameter waktu, hasil simulasi menunjukan skenario 3 menjadi skenario perbaikan terbaik dengan penurunan waktu mencapai 33% dan 33%. ......Information Technology will continue to develop along with the times, at this time the use of IT in Indonesia has begun to develop, especially in the banking sector, now there are many fintech companies that have started to emerge and of course disrupt banks to carry out digital transformation. Digital transformation is supported by the use of information systems and applications that make it easier for users. Banking IT applications are managed and developed using the SDLC method. The purpose of this research is to reduce delays in the implementation of application development at state-owned banks. The business process reengineering approach and the IDEF0 modeling technique are used in achieving a more efficient SDLC cycle, especially at the pain points of the SDLC cycle where the author conducts research, namely the requirements stage and the procurement stage. This research resulted in a new process improvement design in the form of three scenarios for the requirements and procurement stages. To test the effectiveness of each scenario, a simulation was carried out using the iGrafx software. Using the time parameter, the simulation results show that scenario 3 is the best improvement scenario with a decrease in time reaching 33% and 33%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chusnul Anwar
Abstrak :
Kolaborasi menjadi pilihan banyak perusahaan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi rantai suplai mereka. Semakin besar pengaruh persaingan global, kolaborasi semakin dibutuhkan. Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment memberikan kerangka kolaborasi yang solid. Implementasi CPFR di PT X memanfaatkan sistem jaringan aplikasi untuk proses perencanaan produksi tahunan. Untuk mengembangkannya, diperlukan analisis terhadap kebutuhan pengguna yang dilakukan dengan volere process model, kemudian dilakukan analisis aspek fungsional sistem menggunakan IDEF0 sebelum sistem didesain. Rancangan sistem perencanaan produksi tahunan tersebut dapat melakukan proses maintain data master, upload perencanaan kendaraan dan komponen, breakdown dan kalkulasi data, penggabungan data, dan pengelompokan hasil akhir. Selain itu, untuk mendukung implementasi CPFR, komunikasi dua arah antara perusahaan dengan suplier-supliernya harus dibangun. ......Collaboration has become the choice of many companies to increase their supply chain effectivity and efficiency. Due to growing global competition's influence, collaboration is more needed. Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment provides solid collaboration framework. The CPFR implementation in PT X applies application network system for annual production planning process. In order to develop it, analysis on user requirement conducted using volere process model. Afterwards, functional system analysis conducted using IDEF0 before designing the system. Annual production plan system design can mantain master data, upload vehicle and part planning, breakdown and calculate data, consolidate data, and inquiry final result data. In addition, to support the CPFR implementation, two-ways communication between the company and its suppliers should be established.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indramawan, auhtor
Abstrak :
Meningkatnya perkembangan industri telekomunikasi, termasuk didalamnya perusahaan penyedia menara telekomunikasi mengharuskan perusahaan menyelesaikan proyek pembangunan menara sesuai dengan yang diinginkan pelanggan. Metodologi Business Process Engineering (BPR) digunakan untuk mempersingkat waktu pengadaan dengan bantuan metode IDEF0, peta proses melalui wawancara dan Forum Group Discussion dengan enam orang pakar. Dengan metode Elimination, Simplify, Integration, Automation, penelitian ini menghasilkan As-Is dan To-Be proses pengadaan pada proyek pembangunan menara dan dapat mempersingkat waktu proses empat puluh enam persen.
Increased development of telecommunication industry, including telecommunication tower provider companies require them finishing construction of the tower in accordance with the customers demand. Business Process Reengineering methodology used to shorten the time of the procurement with the help of the IDEF0 method, mapping the process through interviews and forum group discussions with six experts. With Elimination, Simplify, Integration, Automation method, this research resulted in As-Is and To-Be processes in project procurement and construction of the tower can be shorten processing time up to fourty percent.
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Emaria Sugiarto
Abstrak :
Perkembangan bisnis ritel di Indonesia telah mendorong makin maraknya ritel outlet modern. Persaingan di bisnis ini makin ketat sehingga mendorong tiap-tiap retailer untuk semakin memperbaiki sistem dan teknologi yang diterapkan dalam menjalankan usaha bisnis untuk meningkatkan value chain. Salah satunya dengan menerapkan model bisnis proses yang jelas sebagai acuan dalam menjalankan kegiatan bisnis sehari-hari. Berbagai teknik permodelan bisnis proses telah diterapkan di beberapa usaha. Salah satu teknik permodelan yang dapat diterapkan untuk bisnis ritel adalah Metode IDEF0. Metode mampu mengidentifikasi alur dan sequence proses pada bisnis ritel. Setelah memperoleh model bisnis yang jelas, selanjutnya membuat suatu pengembangan (to be model) dari model bisnis yang ada (as is model) untuk dapat lebih meningkatkan kinerja bisnis. Dalam penelitian ini telah dapat diidentifikasi model bisnis proses supermarket yang sudah diterapkan, model bisnis dikembangkan menjadi model baru untuk kemudian dianalisa perbandingan antara as is model dan to be model. Tujuannya untuk mengukur peningkatan kinerja (value chain) dari pengembangan yang dilakukan. Penelitian menghasilkan kinerja dari persediaan barang (stock on hand - SOH) meningkat dan tingkat ketiadaan barang (out of stock – OOS) menurun pada supermarket.
The development of retail business in Indonesia has encouraged the increasingly widespread modern retail outlets. Competition in this business more stringent so as to encourage every retailer to further improveof the systems and technologies are applied in running the business to improve the value chain. By applying a clear business model as a reference process in the course of daily business. Various business process modeling techniques have been applied in some effort. One of the modeling techniques that can be applied to the retail business is IDEF0 method. The method is able to identify the flow and sequence in the retail business processes. After obtaining a clear business model, then make a development (to be models) of the existing business model (as is model) to be able to further improve business performance. This study has identified the supermarket business model that has been implemented, the business model is developed into a new model to be analyzed the comparison between the as is model and to be model. The goal is to measure the performance improvement of development (as a value chain) being done. Research produced a performance of inventory (stock on hand - SOH) increases and the level of unavailable goods (out of stock - OOS) decreased at the supermarket, The development of retail business in Indonesia has encouraged the increasingly widespread modern retail outlets. Competition in this business more stringent so as to encourage every retailer to further improveof the systems and technologies are applied in running the business to improve the value chain. By applying a clear business model as a reference process in the course of daily business. Various business process modeling techniques have been applied in some effort. One of the modeling techniques that can be applied to the retail business is IDEF0 method. The method is able to identify the flow and sequence in the retail business processes. After obtaining a clear business model, then make a development (to be models) of the existing business model (as is model) to be able to further improve business performance. This study has identified the supermarket business model that has been implemented, the business model is developed into a new model to be analyzed the comparison between the as is model and to be model. The goal is to measure the performance improvement of development (as a value chain) being done. Research produced a performance of inventory (stock on hand - SOH) increases and the level of unavailable goods (out of stock - OOS) decreased at the supermarket]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library