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I.G.A. Yunita Sanistya Sari
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas analisa kinerja instalasi rawat inap BP RSUD Wangaya dengan metode yang lebih komprehensif yaitu didasarkan pada empat perspektif balanced scorecard organisasi sektor publik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif dimana kualitas kinerja instalasi rawat inap ditentukan berdasarkan skor bobot yang diperoleh masing-masing perspektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara rata-rata kinerja instalasi rawat inap Baik dengan skor 76,06%. Disarankan fokus perbaikan pada perspektif yang memiliki skor kinerja kurang memuaskan yaitu perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran dan perspektif proses bisnis internal berupa pembenahan pada jumlah, distribusi, serta kebutuhan perawat, serta realokasi fasilitas tempat tidur sesuai kebutuhan per kelas.
The thesis analyze performance of Wangaya general hospital inpatient installation with comprehensive method that is based on balanced scorecard perspective in public sector organizations. The research is qualitative descriptive where the quality of inpatient care is determined based on weighted scores obtained by each perspective. Results showed on average inpatient installation performance is good with a score of 76.06%. Suggested improvements focus on the perspective that still have a less score which learning and growth perspective and internal business process perspective are include number, distribution and need for nurses and the reallocation of bed based on each inpatient class needs.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
T 27482
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andri Nurtito
Abstrak :
Perlunya rumah sakit merencanakan ulang SDM-nya, biasanya didahului oleh adanya rencana perubahan pelayanan atau adanya gejala yang berhubungan dengan pelayanan kesehatan itu sendiri. Perawat, yang merupakan tenaga kesehatan terbanyak di rumah sakit, paling intens berhubungan dan melayani pelanggan rumah sakit selama hampir 24 jam terutama di ruang rawat. Namun masih ada keluhan terhadap kualitas pelayanan keperawatan yang belum memuaskan pelanggan. Kualitas pelayanan keperawatan ditentukan antara lain oleh kecukupan jumlah tenaga perawat yang melayani pasien, profesionalisme perawat, dan struktur serta proses dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan. RSUD Depati Hamzah (RSDH) Pangkalpinang, sebagai rumah sakit rujukan (Kelas C) di Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka-Belitung, saat ini menghadapi masalah, antara lain adanya pernyataan kekurangan tenaga perawat dan kepuasan pelanggan yang masih rendah terhadap pelayanan keperawatan. Dalam beberapa bulan ke depan. RSDH berencana untuk meningkatkan statusnya menjadi kelas B. Untuk dapat mengatasi permasalahan di atas dan untuk memberikan kontribusi bagi peningkatan kelas RSDH, pemenuhan jumlah kebutuhan dan kualifikasi perawat merupakan salah satu solusi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuinya jumlah kebutuhan tenaga perawat, baik dari segi jumlah maupun kualifikasinya. di RSUD Depati Hamzah Pangkalpinang, khususnya di InstaJasi Rawat Inap, pada saat ini dan di saat terjadi perubahan status menjadi Kelas B. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Bulan Pebruari-Maret 2008. Berdasarkan hasil observasi jumlah dan klasifikasi tingkat ketergantungan pasien yang dirawat, dengan metode/rumus Douglas, serta dengan menerapkan Model Praktik Keperawatan Profesianal (MPKP), penulis berupaya untuk menghitung dan mengetahui jumlah riel kebutuhan tenaga perawat dan proporsi kualifikasi pendidikan perawat yang dibutuhkan di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSDH pada saat ini dan di saat terjadinya peningkatan status menjadi Kelas B. Hasil observasi, sebegian besar (67,05%) pasien yang dirawat di 6 ruang rawat RSDH termasuk pasien yang membutuhkan parawatan persial (partial care), 29,24% pasien dengan tingkat ketergantungan minimal (minimal care), dan kategori total care hanya 3,71 %. Hasil perhitungan, di 6 ruang rawat yang diteliti, yang saat ini terdapat 81 orang perawat ternyata sebenarnya dibutuhkan 106 orang perawat untuk melayani pasien. Saat RSDH meningkat menjadi kelas B. di 6 ruang rawat tersebut dibutuhkan 142 orang perawat. Di 6 ruang rawat RSDH saat ini dalam keadaan kekurangan sejumlah tenaga perawat dan diperlukan pembenahan/perbaikan dalam hal proporsi kualifikasi pendidikan perawat. Penambahan sejumlah perawat profestonal dan pembenahan proporsi kualifikasi pendidikan perawat mutlak diperlukan di saat RSDH meningkat menjadi kelas B. Pemerintah Kota Pangkalpinang dan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Depati Hamzah (RSDH) Kota Pangkalpinang seharusnya membuat perencanaan jumlah kebutuhan dan kualifikasi pendidikan SDM keperawatan. Manajemen SDM keperawatan di RSDH perJu ditata untuk dapat memberikan pelayanan yang optimal kepada pelanggan. Untuk mendapatkan data yang lebih mendekati kenyataan tentang rata-rata jumlah dan tingkat ketergantungan pasien yang dirawat setiap bulannya sebagai dasar bagi penentuan jumlah kebutuhan perawat di instaiasi rawat inap, sebaiknya dilakukan penelitian lanjutan dengan cara disampling/dipilih beberapa bulan dalam satu tahun untuk dilakukan observasi dan pengkajian jumlah dan kondisi pasien yang dirawat. ......The requirement of hospital human resource plans review, usually preceded by existence of plan of health service change or existence of related to the symptom of health care it self. Nurse, whose is the majority health personnel in hospital, most frequently get in touch and serve hospital customer during 24 hour especially in hospital ward. Nevertheless, hospital customers are still dissatisfied to the nursing care quality. Nursing care quality is determined by sufficiency of numbers of nurses needed that serve patient, nurse professionalism, and structure and process in giving of the delivery of nursing care. Depati Hamzah Local Government's C Class Generol Hospital (RSDH) at Pangka1pinang, as the referral hospital in Bangka-Belitung Archipelago Province, at this time face problems, for example existence of short-handed statement lack of nurse and customer satisfaction that related to the nursing care services is still low in rank. In a few month forwards, RSDH is plan to improve its status becomes B Class General Hospital. To be able to overcome those problems above and to give contribution for the hospital class improvement, fulfill numbers of nurses needed and improving nurse qualification at ward is one of solution. Research object is to know it numbers of nurses needed, either from its quantity facet or qualification, in RSDH, especially in hospitaJ ward, today and when happened status change becomes B Class General Hospital. Research is executed on February-March 2008. Base on result of observation on numbers of patients and level classification dependable patient taken care of in ward, with Douglas's method/formula, and by applying Professional Nursing Care Practice Model (MPKP), researcher copes to count/calculate and know amount riel numbers of nurses needed and proportion of nurse education qualification that required in hospital ward installations at RSDH today and when the happening of status improvement becomes B Class General Hospital. Observation result, a large part of patients that taken care of in six wards of RSOH (67-05%) are entered patient classification that require partial treatment (partia! care), 29-24% patients by dependable level minimize (minimiz care), and total care category only 3,71%. Calculation result. in six wards, at this time existed 81 nurses, in the reality required 106 nurses to serve the patients. At the moment that RSDH level becomes B Class General Hospital, in that six wards referred as required amount 142 nurses. In six wards of RSDH is in a state of nurse shortage and needed correction in the case of proportion of nurse education qualification at this time. Addition of a number of professional nurse and correction of education qualification proportions were absolute needed at this moment and when RSDH level becomes B class general Hospital. Pangkalpinang city's Government and Depati Hamzah General Hospital (RSDH) of Pangkalpinang ought to makes planning of numbers of nurses needed and education qualification of nurse. Health personnel. especially nursing personnel management in RSDH must be improved to be able to give optimal service to the hospital customers. To get data that more come near fact about the average of amount and level dependable patient that taken care of in ward per month as base for determination of numbers of nurses needed in ward installation, better conducted continuation research by sampling method or by selected some months in a one year for conducted observation and amount assessment and patient condition taken care of.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Idayanti Palgunadi
Abstrak :
ASBTRAK Instalasi Rawat Inap A (IRNA A) adalah salah satu unit rawat gabung di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) dengan sistem pelayanan terpadu dengan kapasitas 374 tempat tidur. Pada saat ini ada 2 (dua) jenis pelayanan farmasi di IRNA A meliputi : manajemen pemerintah (350 tempat tidur) dan manajemen swasta (24 tempat tidur). Dengan adanya dua prosedur pelayanan farmasi yang berbeda di dalam IRNA A, secara teoritis tentunya dapat menimbulkan berbagai masalah baik dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan maupun pendapatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pelaksanaan prosedur pelayanan obat dan alat kesebatan di IRNA A, mengkaji perbedaan prosedur yang berlaku baik terhadap kualitas pelayanan maupun pendapatan., serta kendalalhambatan dalam melaksanakan prosudur pelayanan obat dan alat kesehatan. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode telaah kasus dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitis dengan menggunakan data primer yaitu observasi di depo farmasi dan wawancara langsung dengan pejabat sruktural dan fungsional., dan data sekunder diperoleh dengan cara survey di lapangan dan dari data penunjang lainnya. Sebagai unit analisa adalah resep IRNA A lantai 6 dan lantai 7 pada bulan Januari 1996. Dan data yang diperoleh dihitung masing-masing prosentase variabel penelitian ( bentuk instruksi, jumlah instruksi, jenis instruksi, alur penyediaan, alur pengadaan, alur distribusi). Di samping itu dengan menggunakan program Billing Farmasi diperoleh data pemakaian serta biaya obat dan alat kesehatan yang merupakan target income IRNA A. Penelitian ini meyimpulkan bahwa : Pelayanan farmasi dasar baik di IRNA A lantai 6 maupun IRNA A Iantai 7 sudah berjalan sesuai SOP, efisiensi pemakaian obat dan alat kesehatan dasar IRNA A lantai 7 lebih tinggi dari IRNA A lantai 6. Pelayanan obat dan alat kesehatan non dasar di lantai 7 sudah berjalan sesuai SOP sehingga seluruh obat dan alat kesehatan di IRNA A lantai 7 pengadaan dan pendistribusiannya sudah melalui depo, sedangkan lantai 6 belum sepenuhnya mengikuti SOP, akibatnya petugas di depo farmasi lantai 6 sulit mendapatkan informasi tentang asal 1 sumber, jenis, jumlah maupun harga obat dan alat kesehatan yang digunakan, karena hanya 3,96 % penyediaan dan 36,44 % pendistribusian yang melalui depo farmasi. Sebagai saran perlu modifikasi prosedur pelayanan obat dan alat kesehatan di IRNA A lantai 6, sehingga ada kemiripan dengan prosedur yang berlaku di IRNA A lantai 7 dengan mempertimbangkan adanya peluang dan hambatan kendala. Daftar Pustaka : 22 (1980 - 1995)
ABSTRACT IRNA A (Instalasi Rawat Inap A) is an integrated ward in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital with 374 bed-capacity. In providing health services, including pharmacy service, the ward implements two different management's : government-managed (350 beds) and private- managed (24 beds). It is assumed that implementing two different systems in one unit will rise problems, in terms of revenue and operational problems. The purposes of the study were to review the implementation of pharmacy service in the above systems which include the effect of such systems in quality of service and revenue ; and to find out the obstacles. In the hope to enhance the role of Pharmacy Department in health service. The method applied was analytical descriptive using primary data ; observation at satellites and interview with management officer and health professionals (physicians, pharmacist and nurses) ; and secondary data : total prescriptions at 6th and 7th floor in January 1996. Data was then analyzed in terms of type and number of prescription, and flow of procurement and distribution. In addition, the cost of medications was also calculated. The result showed that pharmacy service for essential supplies both in 6th and 7th floor run well in accordance with Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). However, efficiency of the utilization of supplies in 7th floor was better than another. While for non essential supplies, SOP was fully performed in 7th floor, whereas only part of it in 6th floor. In 7th floor all medications were supplied and distributed by pharmacy satellite. Whereas in 6th floor only 3,96 %, and 36,4 % of it was supplied and distributed by pharmacy satellite, respectively.. By doing so, pharmacy workers in 6th floor were poorly-informed regarding the origin, quality and quantity of medications used. It is suggested to modify the procedures of services in drugs and health supplies provision in 6th floor IRNA A so that to be similar to the one in 7th IRNA A. Bibliography : 22 ( 1980 - 1995)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akprilini Mustikawati
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas gambaran tentang kinerja rawat inap Rumah Sakit ABC melalui pendekatan balanced scorecard (BSC). Desain penelitian adalah analitik deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan untuk mendukung hasil yang diperoleh juga dilakukan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara, telaah dokumen mengenai empat perspektif pada Balanced Scorecard. Hasil penelitian tahun 2013-2017 menunjukkan : (1).Perspektif keuangan : rata-rata tingkat pertumbuhan pendapatan rawat inap tidak ideal, rata-rata tingkat pengeluaran biaya ideal, perbandingan pendapatan dan pengeluaran ideal, (2). Perspektif pelanggan : kepuasan pasien rawat inap tidak ideal, retensi pelanggan tidak ideal, akuisi pelanggan tidak ideal, (3). Perspektif proses bisnis internal : BOR tidak ideal, AvLOS tidak ideal, BTO ideal, TOI tidak ideal, NDR ideal, GDR ideal, pertumbuhan pasien rawat inap ideal, (4) Perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran : kepuasan karyawan tidak ideal, turn over karyawan ideal, akses terhadap pendidikan dan pelatihan tidak ideal. Saran secara umum hendaknya Rumah Sakit ABC mengukur kinerjanya dengan menggunakan pendekatan balanced scorecard, yang efektif dalam mengukur kinerja rumah sakit secara komprehensif, efektif dan dapat mengidentifikasi masalah-masalah yang ada, serta dapat membantu manajemen rumah sakit untuk menentukan langkah-langkah perbaikan demi meningkatkan kinerja rumah sakit khususnya kinerja rawat inap.
This thesis discusses the description of hospitalization performance of ABC hospital through balanced scorecard (BSC) approach. The research design is descriptive analytical with quantitative approach and to support the results obtained also conducted qualitative approach by conducting interviews, study documents on four perspectives on Balanced Scorecard. The results of the year 2013-2017 show : (1). Financial perspective : average inpatient income growth is not ideal, average cost of spending is ideal, ratio income and expenditure is ideal, (2). Customer perspective: inpatient satisfaction is not ideal, customer retention is not ideal, customer acquisition is not ideal, (3). Internal business process perspective: BOR is not ideal, AvLOS is not ideal, BTO is ideal, TOI is not ideal, NDR is ideal, GDR is ideal, inpatient growth is ideal, (4) Perspective of growth and learning : employee satisfaction is not ideal, turn over employee is ideal, access to education and training is not ideal. General advice should ABC Hospital measure its performance by using balanced scorecard approach, which is effective in measuring hospital performance comprehensively, effectively and can identify problems, and can assist hospital management to determine improvement measures to improve performance hospitals especially inpatient performance.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niswatus Sholihah
Abstrak :
Bed Occupancy Rate BOR merupakan salah satu outputkoordinasi perawatan untuk mencapai outcome efisiensi dalam rumah sakit.Bed Occupancy Rate BOR di Instalasi Rawat Inap Kelas 3 RS Kanker Dharmais mengalami penurunan setelah terjadi penambahan tempat tidur di kelas 1 pada tahun 2016. Namn penurunan tersebut tidak diikuti dengan penurunan jumlah pasien rawat inap dan jumlah hari perawatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya variabel- variabel input kerangka kinerja rumah sakit yang menyebabkan Bed Occupancy Rate BOR di Instalasi Rawat Inap Kelas 3 RS Kanker Dharmais dibawah standar 60-85 . Penelitian ini dilakukan selama bulan Mei ndash; Juli 2017, menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode analisis depkriptif yang melibatkan wawancara mendalam terhadap 6 informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel- variabel input kinerja rumah sakit yang berpengaruh signifikan dalam pencapaian Bed Occupancy Rate BOR adalah varaibel kepemimpinan dan sumber daya. Variabel kepemimpinan yang menyebabkan penurunan Bed Occupancy Rate BOR karenaketidakefektifan pembagian struktur organisasi Instalasi Rawat Inap menjadi 2 bagian, kualifikasi kepala Instalasi tidak sesuai dengan Pedoman Pelayanan Instalasi Rawat Inap, dan Pemimpin kurang melakukan komunikasi efektif, Variabel input kinerja rumah sakit lainnya tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penurunan Bed Occupancy Rate BOR di Instalasi Rawat Inap Kelas 3 RS Kanker Dharmais. Diharapkan dengan diketahuinya faktor- faktor tersebut, bisa menjadi evaluasi untuk mencapai efisiensi dalam rumah sakit.
Bed Occupancy Rate BOR is one of the outputs of coordination of care to achieve the outcome of hospital efficiency. Bed Occupancy Rate BOR at the Inpatient Installation Class 3 Dharmais Cancer Hospital decreased after the addition of a first class bed in 2016. Decrease of Bed Occupancy Rate BOR number was not equally means the drop of patients number and inpatient day. So the purpose of this research is to know the variable of input of hospital performance framework causing Bed Occupancy Rate BOR at Inpatient Installation Class 3 Dharmais Cancer Hospital under 60 85 standard. This research was conducted in May to July 2017, using qualitative method with depth interview of 6 informants. The results showed that the variable of hospital performance input which have significant effect on the achievement of Bed Occupancy Rate BOR is the leadership and resource variables Leadership variable causing the decrease of Bed Occupancy Rate BOR due to the ineffective division of organizational structure Inpatient Installation into 2 parts , The qualification of the head of the Installation is not in accordance with the Inpatient Installation Service Guideline, and the Leader lacks effective communication. Other hospital performance input variables have no significant effect on the decrease of Bed Occupancy Rate BOR in the Inpatient Installation Class 3 Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Expected by knowing these factors, it could be an evaluation to achieve hospital efficiency.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Upaya efisiensi pemakaian air di rumah sakit adalah salah satu usaha pencegahan penyebaran pencemaran (Polution Prevention), berupa pengurangan produksi air limbah dan juga bertujuan untuk mengurangi kebutuhan air nasional. Disamping itu juga merupakan usaha untuk menekan biaya rekening air, rekening listrik dan biaya operasional pengolahan limbah cair. Instalasi Rawat Inap Teratai adalah salah satu rawat Inap yang ada di RSUP Fatmawati, yang menempati satu bangunan berlantai 6 dan merupakan rawat inap gabungan untuk berbagai penyakit. Instalasi rawat inap Teratai memiliki 266 tempat tidur dengan 209 karyawan dan BOR rata-rata 62,35 %, mengkonsumsi air sebesar 98,26 m3 per hari. Sedangkan menurut estimasi kebutuhan airnya hanya 47 m3, yang berarti 51,26 m3 air yang dapat dihemat. Dan dari hasil survey cepat dengan penyebaran kuesioner dan observasi, diidentifikasi penyebab terjadinya inefisiensi pemakaian air adalah masih banyaknya keluarga pasien yang menginap menunggu pasien dan masih banyaknya orang yang bezuk diluar jam bezuk. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 1 Juni sampai dengan 31 Juli 2000 dengan metode Praeksperimental (pra dan pasca uji), yaitu melakukan intervensi kepada petugas (Satpam) yang bertujuan agar memperketat pengawasan terhadap jumlah keluarga pasien yang menginap dan orang yang bezuk diluar jam bezuk, agar terjadi efisiensi pemakaian air di instalasi rawat inap Teratai. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penurunan jumlah orang yang bezuk diluar jam bezuk dari rata-rata 12,2 orang per jam sebelum intervensi, menjadi 7,6 orang per jam setelah intervensi dan jumlah keluarga pasien yang menginap lebih dari satu orang menurut 50 % responder sebelum intervensi, menurun menjadi 43 % responden setelah intervensi dan didukung dari hasil observasi keluarga pasien yang menginap lebih dari satu orang, rata-rata hanya 3 orang per malam pada saat sesudah intervensi. Sedangkan rata-rata pemakaian air perharinya sebelum intervensi sebesar 98,26 m3, menurun menjadi 76,24 m3 sesudah intervensi. Pada program efisiensi pemakaian air bersih di instalasi rawat inap Teratai RSUP Fatmawati, air yang berhasil dihemat sebesar 22,02 m3 per hari atau 660,6 m3 per bulan. Bila dikonversikan kedalam rupiah, uang sebesar Rp. 1.320.000,- yang berhasil dihemat. Disarankan kepada pihak manajemen RSUP Fatmawati dapat melanjutkan program efisiensi pemakaian air di Instalasi rawat inap Teratai dan unit 1 instalasi lain yang ada di RSUP Fatmawati dan mengintervensi faktor prilaku pasien, keluarga pasien dan karyawan misalnya melalui penyuluhan dan pemasangan stiker untuk efisiensi air, dan juga merencanakan untuk mengolah dan menggunakan kembali (reuse) air hasil pengolahan limbah cair. ......Efficiency Program of Clean Water Usage In Teratai Inpatient Installation of Fatmawati General Hospital, JakartaThe efficiency of water usage in hospital is one of the poison prevention efforts in the form of reducing waste water production and national water need. The other purposes are reducing the water bill, electricity bill and liquid waste water processing. Teratai Inpatient Installation is serving one of inpatient rooms in Fatmawati General Hospital; it is located in the new building, as an inpatient joint for various diseases. Teratai Inpatient Installation has 266 beds, 209 employees and 62,35 percent of Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR ). This installation consumes 98,26 m3 water a day. According to estimate, it has been designed to consume only 47 m3, so an amount of 51,26 m3 water could be saved. A rapid survey through questioners and observation, detected the causes of inefficiency of water usage. The first cause that there are too many relatives staying at the patient's room, which is against the rule of family visitation. This research was conducted from July 1st to July 31st, 2000 by a pre experimental method (pre and post examination). It was held by provoking the security members to make the patient's family obey the rules. Among the results of this research are: - A reduction of the amount of family visit from 12,2 persons per hour before intervention to be 7,6 persons per hour after intervention, - A decrease of family patient who were stayed in that room, from 50 percents before intervention to 43 percents respondents after intervention. - A reduction of water usage, from an average of 98,26 m3 before intervention to be 76,24 m3 after intervention. This research concludes that the efficiency program of clean water usage in Teratai Inpatient Installation of Fatmawati General Hospital can save water as much as 22,02 m3 a day or 66,06 m3 a month. If it is converted into the monetary units, it can save up to Rp 1.320200. The suggestions for Fatmawati Hospital are continuing this program at Teratai Inpatient Installation and others. Another suggestion is intervenes patient behavior factor in which using water. The other suggestion is reusing liquid waste water.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riati Anggriani
Abstrak :
Pesatnya perkembangan ilmu kedokteran dan teknologi serta membaiknya keadaan sosia! ekonomi dan pendidikan, mengakibatkan perubahan sistem penilaian masyarakat yang menuntut pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu. Salah satu parameter untuk menentukan mutu pelayanan kesehatan di namah sakit adalah data/informasi dari rekam medis. Indikator mutu rekam medis adalah kelengkapan isiannya, akurat, tepat waktu dan pemenuhan aspek persyaratan hukum. Ada 9 peraturan yang mengatur rekam medis terdiri dari Undang-undang ( 1 buah) , Peraturan Pemerintah (2 buah ), Permenkes/ Kepmenkes (4 buah ), Keputusan Direktur Jenderal ( Ibuah ) dan Keputusan Direktur Rumah Sakit (1 buah ). Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSUP Persahabatan pada bulan Mei sampai Juli 2001 dengan pendekatan penelitian hukum kesehatan secara normatif dan sosiologis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif ekploratoris deskriptif , pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, diskusi kelbmpok terarah, dan studi dokumen serta analisa kelengkapan pengisian rekam medis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa pelaksanaan peraturan rekam medis dalam pengisian rekam medis di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSUP Persahabatan sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai alat bukti dalam tuntutan hukum, bagi peningkatan mutu pelayanan kesehatan dan perlindungan hukum. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 749a/1989 tentang Rekam Medis, isi rekam medis untuk pasien rawat inap memuat : a. Identitas pasien. b. Anamnese. c. Riwayat penyakit. d. Hasil pemeriksaan laboratorik. e. Diagnosis. f. Persetujuan tindakan medik. g. Tindakan/pengobatan. h. Catalan perawat. i. Catatan observasi klinis dan hasil pengobatan. j. Resume akahir dan evaluasi pengobatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar tenaga kesehatan sebenarnya mengetahui ada peraturan perundang-undangan rekam medis namun isinya belum begitu dipahami sehingga penerapan di lapangan berdasarkan pengalaman selama dan masih ada ketentuan yang belum dapat terlaksana dengan baik . Peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada sekarang masih cukup memadai, namun ke depan dalam mengantisipasi perkembangan teknologi perlu dibuat aturan yang baru baik hasil revisi peraturan yang sudah ada maupun membentuk peraturan yang baru. Salah satu kegunaan rekam medis adalah aspek legal. Rekam medis dapat menjadi alat bukti bagi dokter dan perawat yang terkena tuntutan kelalaian. Dokter dapat melindungi diri sendiri dari tuntutan ataupun gugatan melalui apa yang dia tulis.Rekam medis dapat menjadi alat bukti yang kuat bagi dokter dan perawat apabila rekam medis diisi secara tengkap, akurat, tepat waktu dan memenuhi persyaratan hukum. Perlu disarankan untuk mengisi rekam medis yang lengkap, akurat, tepat waktu dan memenuhi persyaratan hukum yang akan meningkatkan mutu rekam medis.Selain itu perlu disefenggarakan pelatihan dan tambahan pengetahuan rekam medis yang berkelanjutan, penghargaan dan sanksi terhadap tenaga pengisi rekam medis perlu dlbudayakan, dan pemantauan pengisian rekam medis perlu ditingkatkan. Daftar bacaan: 35(1966-2000)
The medical record science and technology and the improvement in sosial economic conditions and education increase public awareness for high quality of health care. Good health care quality in hospital is reflected by good medical records. Good medical records must be complete, accurate, timely and must comply with the legal requirements. There are 9 ( nine ) regulations that manages medical records, who consist of Act (1 pcs ) Goverment Regulations (2 pcs ), Minister of Health Decrees ( 4 pcs ), Director General Decree ( 1 pcs) and Director of Hospital Decree ( 1 pcs ). The research tookplace at Inpatient Ward of Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta during May untill July 2001with the approaching legal of health normatively and sosiologic by using qualitative method exploratories discriptive. Data collecting was carried out by indept interview, document study as well analysis to determine the completeness of medical records. The purpose of this research was to analysis regulations of medical records in the fullfilt of medical records Inpatient Ward Persahabatan Hospital so that its can be useful! as evidence tool in legal claim, to increase quality hospital services and to give law protecting both for health personnel and hospital. Based on Regulation of Minister Of Health Number 749a/1989 concerning Medical Record the standard of inpatient health or medical record require the records include the following information: a. patient identification data; b. anamnesis. c. relevant history of the illness; d. record and finding's of the patient's assesment e. diagnosis; f. evidence of appropriate informed consent; g. treatment / theraupetic order. h. nursing record; i. clinical observation including the results of treatment; j. conclutions at termination of hospital izati on or evaluaations/ treatment. The result from the researh showed that most of all informen actually knows threre are regulations concerning medical records but the contain they did not understand yet so implementation the regulations based on they experience and there are still many more stipulations could not effective yet. The regulation that exist already sufficient, however in the future of anticipating technology development it is necessary to make new regulations both the already revision or to form new regulations. One of purposes medical records is legal aspect. Medical records is be able to be evidence tool for phisician and nurse who have negligence issues. A physician can protect himself from the appearance of negligence by the care and deligence which he writes his note. The medical records can be strong evidence tool for phisician and nurse if the medical records are fill up complete, accure and. timely and to comply with the legal requirements. It is recomanded that there should be fullfill medical records in complete, accure and timely as well comply with legal requirement to improve the quality of the medical records. Additionally there shoud be a continous training and transfering of knowledge on medical records. Adequate reward and punishment shoul be give to personnel who is responsible for the filling medical records, and monitoring of the medical records should be increased. Bibliography : 35 ( 1966-2000)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Prihartin
Abstrak :
Kesuksesan pengelolaan tim sangat dipengaruhi oleh motivasi tim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik kepribadian perawat dan motivasi perawat. Desain riset menggunakan deskriptif korelasi dengan tekhnik cross sectional dan sampel berjumlah 161 perawat di ruang rawat inap. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrumen motivasi dari teori Mc.Clelland dan instrumen kepribadian berdasarkan DISC. Mayoritas perawat mempunyai tipe steadiness (41.6%) dan motivasi kerja perawat mayoritas rendah dengan perbedaan persentase 3.2%. Hasil bivariat tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara karakteristik kepribadian dan motivasi (p= 0.792 pada grafik least dan 0.540 pada grafik most . Usia memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan motivasi (p=0.032, . Secara deskriptif tipe kepribadian dominance dan compliance memiliki motivasi tinggi dibandingkan influence, steadines. Kesimpulan riset tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara karakteristik kepribadian (DISC) dan motivasi. Riset menyarankan dilaksanakan riset lanjutan dengan menggunakan instrumen DISC pada populasi yang berbeda.
The success of the team management is strongly influenced by team motivation. This study was aimed to determine the relationship of nurse personality characteristics and nurse motivation. Used descriptive correlation research design with cross sectional methode, with total sampling 161 nurses in inpatient department. The instrument used Mc.Clelland Theory and based on the DISC personality. The result of this study, majority of nurses had the steadiness type (41.6%) and low motivation majority of nurses with a percentage difference of 3,2%. Results of bivariate there was no significant relationship between personality characteristics and motivation (p = 0.792 at least charts and 0.540 on most charts, ). The age had a significant relationship with the motivation (p = 0.032, ). ). In the descriptive, dominance and compliance personality type had much more motivation than influence, steadiness. Conclusion research was no significant relationship between personality characteristics (DISC) and motivation. The study recommended further research carried out by using the DISC instruments in different populations;The success of the team management is strongly influenced by team motivation. This study was aimed to determine the relationship of nurse personality characteristics and nurse motivation. Used descriptive correlation research design with cross sectional methode, with total sampling 161 nurses in inpatient department. The instrument used Mc.Clelland Theory and based on the DISC personality. The result of this study, majority of nurses had the steadiness type (41.6%) and low motivation majority of nurses with a percentage difference of 3,2%. Results of bivariate there was no significant relationship between personality characteristics and motivation (p = 0.792 at least charts and 0.540 on most charts, ). The age had a significant relationship with the motivation (p = 0.032, ). ). In the descriptive, dominance and compliance personality type had much more motivation than influence, steadiness. Conclusion research was no significant relationship between personality characteristics (DISC) and motivation. The study recommended further research carried out by using the DISC instruments in different populations;The success of the team management is strongly influenced by team motivation. This study was aimed to determine the relationship of nurse personality characteristics and nurse motivation. Used descriptive correlation research design with cross sectional methode, with total sampling 161 nurses in inpatient department. The instrument used Mc.Clelland Theory and based on the DISC personality. The result of this study, majority of nurses had the steadiness type (41.6%) and low motivation majority of nurses with a percentage difference of 3,2%. Results of bivariate there was no significant relationship between personality characteristics and motivation (p = 0.792 at least charts and 0.540 on most charts, ). The age had a significant relationship with the motivation (p = 0.032, ). ). In the descriptive, dominance and compliance personality type had much more motivation than influence, steadiness. Conclusion research was no significant relationship between personality characteristics (DISC) and motivation. The study recommended further research carried out by using the DISC instruments in different populations, The success of the team management is strongly influenced by team motivation. This study was aimed to determine the relationship of nurse personality characteristics and nurse motivation. Used descriptive correlation research design with cross sectional methode, with total sampling 161 nurses in inpatient department. The instrument used Mc.Clelland Theory and based on the DISC personality. The result of this study, majority of nurses had the steadiness type (41.6%) and low motivation majority of nurses with a percentage difference of 3,2%. Results of bivariate there was no significant relationship between personality characteristics and motivation (p = 0.792 at least charts and 0.540 on most charts, ). The age had a significant relationship with the motivation (p = 0.032, ). ). In the descriptive, dominance and compliance personality type had much more motivation than influence, steadiness. Conclusion research was no significant relationship between personality characteristics (DISC) and motivation. The study recommended further research carried out by using the DISC instruments in different populations]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library