ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh kebahagiaan dan
faktor makro, meso dan mikro lainnya terhadap status kesehatan individu. Analisis
dilakukan terhadap 71.677 responden usia 17 tahun ke atas dari Susenas 2012.
Hasil analisis regresi logistik multinomial menunjukkan bahwa semakin bahagia
seseorang semakin tinggi peluang merasa sehat. Individu perempuan yang belum
kawin, yang jumlah anggota rumah tangganya lebih dari 5 orang, yang tinggal di
perkotaan, yang bekerja, yang tamat perguruan tinggi dan yang tidak merokok,
lebih cenderung untuk merasa sehat dibandingkan individu lainnya. Semakin
tinggi pendapatan semakin rendah probabilitas merasa sehat. Semakin tua usia
sesorang semakin kecil probabilitas merasa sehat.
ABSTRACTThis research is aim to analyze the effect of happiness and other macro, meso, and
micro factors on the status of health of the individual. The analysis was done from
71.677 respondents aged 17 years or over from the 2012 National Socioeconomic
Survey. The results of the analysis using multinomial logistic regression show that
the happier an individual the higher the probability to feel healthy. An individual
who is female, is single, comes from five or more household members, works, is
university graduate and does not smoke has higher chance of being healthy than
other individuals. The higher the income the lower the probability of feeling
healthy. The older the age the lower the probability of being healthy, This research is aim to analyze the effect of happiness and other macro, meso, and
micro factors on the status of health of the individual. The analysis was done from
71.677 respondents aged 17 years or over from the 2012 National Socioeconomic
Survey. The results of the analysis using multinomial logistic regression show that
the happier an individual the higher the probability to feel healthy. An individual
who is female, is single, comes from five or more household members, works, is
university graduate and does not smoke has higher chance of being healthy than
other individuals. The higher the income the lower the probability of feeling
healthy. The older the age the lower the probability of being healthy]"