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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nurul Hasani
"Tesis ini membahas kegagalan intelijen dalam penanganan TPPU di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan siklus intelijen di PPATK, faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya kegagalan intelijen dan strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk menghindari kegagalan tersebut. Peneliti menggunakan tool fishbone untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor penyebab kegagalan intelijen dan tool SWOT untuk menyusun strateginya.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PPATK mempunyai SOP dalam setiap tahapan siklus intelijen. Dalam pengumpulan data PPATK cenderung pasif dan produk intelijen yang disampaikan kepada penegak hukum berupa Laporan Hasil Analisis (LHA) dan Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan (LHP).
Dari penelitian ini diketahui penyebab kegagalan intelijen berdasarkan pendekatan pada konsep kegagalan intelijen menurut Thomas Copeland. Strategi yang dapat dilakukan PPATK untuk menghindari kegagalan intelijen dalam penanganan TPPU yakni dengan menggunakan kekuatan internal yang ada untuk memanfaatkan peluang dari lingkungan eskternal. Strategi tersebut adalah mengoptimalkan fungsi Komite TTPU dan Komite Intelijen, meningkatkan kuantitas pelapor dan kualitas laporannya, meningkatkan sinergi dengan penegak hukum dan mempercepat pembangunan training center.

This thesis discusses The intelligence failure in handling of money laundering in Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to investigate the implementation of intelligence cycle in PPATK, the factors that cause the failure of intelligence and strategies that can be used to avoid such failures. The researcher used fishbone tool to analyze the factors that cause the failure of intelligence and SWOT tool to compile the strategy.
The results showed that PPATK has SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) in every stage of the intelligence cycle. PPATK collected data passively and their intelligence products delivered to law enforcement agency in the form of LHA (Report of Analysis) and LHP (Report of Examination).
From this research known causes of intelligence failure approach based on the concept of intelligence failures by Thomas Copeland. Strategies that can be done of PPATK to avoid intelligence failure in the handling of TPPU by using the existing internal strength to take advantage of opportunities from the external environment. The strategy is to optimize function TTPU Committee and the Intelligence Committee, to improve the quantity and quality of the report, increase synergies with law enforcement agency and to speed up the construction of the training center."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andree Priyanto
Media berperan dalam komunikasi antar individu dan kelompok. Media cenderung berpihak pada individu atau kelompok tertentu. Media independen sering digunakan untuk tujuan tertentu. Radikalisme telah memasuki lingkungan media dan menjadi alat propaganda dengan mengangkat isu ideologi dan agama. Dalam kasus Hizbut Tharir Indonesia (HTI) beberapa media membantu HTI melakukan kampanye dan komunikasi dengan pola radikal. Pemerintah akhirnya membubarkan HTI dengan studi dan keputusan matang. Untuk sampai pada pengambilan keputusan, pemerintah melalui badan negara mengumpulkan informasi secara terbuka dan terlibat dalam kegiatan intelijen melalui intelijen open source (osint). Osint telah diterapkan pada sektor ekonomi, keamanan dan pertahanan politik sehingga osint bukanlah hal baru. Tesis ini melihat aktivitas osint pada badan-badan negara (POLRI, BIN, BNPT, BSSN, BAIS TNI) saat menghadapi media radikal. Teori yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah Kegagalan Intelijen yang membahas beberapa variabel menjadi indikator utama. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Temuan Tesis ini menunjukan hampir semua variabel (kepemimpinan dan kebijakan, organisasi dan birokrasi, Peringatan dan Informasi, Kemampuan Analisis) menentukan keberhasilan pelaksanaan OSINT pada kasus radikalisme HTI dan media pendukungnya.

Media plays a role in communication between individuals and groups. Media tends to side with a particular individual or group. Independent media is often used for certain purposes. Radicalism has entered the media environment and become a propaganda tool by raising the issue of ideology and religion. In the case of Hizbut Tharir Indonesia (HTI) some media helped HTI conduct campaigns and communications with radical patterns. The government finally dissolved HTI with studies and ripe decisions. To arrive at the decision-making, the government through state agencies collects information openly and engages in intelligence activities through open source (osint) intelligence. Osint has been applied to the economic, security and political defense sectors so that osint is not new. This thesis looks at osint activity in state agencies (POLRI, BIN, BNPT, BSSN, BAIS TNI) in the face of radical media. The theory used in this thesis is Intelligence Failure which discusses some variables that become the main indicator. The method used is qualitative approach. The findings of this Thesis show that almost all variables (leadership and policy, organization and bureaucracy, Warning and Information, Analytical Challenge) determine the success of OSINT implementation on HTI radicalism case and its supporting media."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Kurniawati
Bom yang meledak di Bali pada 12 Oktober 2002 terjadi satu tahun pasca
tragedi 11 September yang menewaskan hampir 3000 orang. Bom yang
menewaskan 202 orang tersebut tidak hanya meluluhlantakkan Bali, namun juga
Indonesia dan kawasan Asia Tenggara. Banyak orang kemudian bertanya-tanya,
kemana intelijen? Mengapa intelijen tidak dapat melakukan pencegahan?
Bukankah tugas intelijen untuk diantaranya melakukan pengawasan dan deteksi
Banyak pertanyaan seputar intelijen yang belum terjawab dalam kasus
tersebut; tentang apa peran mereka, bagaimana mereka bekerja, kepada siapa
mereka bertanggung jawab, dan bahkan bagaimana negara melalui otoritas politik
menentukan penggunaan intelijen untuk keamanan nasional, termasuk bagaimana
otoritas sipil dapat menentukan sukses atau gagalnya intelijen dalam menjalankan
tugasnya mengamankan kepentingan nasional.
Bom Bali 12 Oktober juga menunjukkan sebuah hasil kerja jejaring
kelompok teror Al Jamaah Al Islamiyah yang berafiliasi dengan Al-Qaeda.
Mereka bergerak secara lintas batas di kawasan Asia Tenggara dengan tujuan
untuk mendirikan Pan Islamic State. Adalah menjadi kepentingan bersama
negara-negara yang tergabung di dalam organisasi kawasan Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) untuk melakukan usaha kolektif
mengamankan kawasan dalam sebuah kerjasama keamanan regional, termasuk
diantaranya kerjasama intelijen.
Tesis ini berusaha menjawab dua pertanyaan tersebut: mengapa intelijen
gagal melakukan antisipasi bom Bali 12 Oktober 2002, serta kemungkinan
kerjasama intelijen yang dapat dibentuk di wilayah ASEAN.

This thesis discusses not only on the subject of intelligent failure in the
case of the first Bali bombing occurred in October 12, 2002, because after all,
intelligent failures are inevitable and natural. More importantly, the thesis throws
a discussion on the necessity of regional intelligent cooperation in the framework
of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), where a terror network
called Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) operates through its borders.
Intelligent services worldwide are widely known for its crucial role in
preventing terrorist attacks by providing security through its early warning
system. However, when facing an enemy with specific characteristics such as a
global terror networks, no single state can work alone. As such, intelligent sharing
and cooperation are needed not just on a global scale, but also on the regional
The thesis offers an idea to establish a form of ASEAN intelligent center
as a way to prevent future attacks in the region through a counterfactual reasoning
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuruddin Lazuardi
Rangkaian konflik komunal yang terjadi pada tahun 1998 hingga 2001kemudian berlanjut menjadi aksi teror menimbulkan pertanyaan besar sejumlahkalangan Salah satunya adalah mempertanyakan apakah intelijen kepolisiangagal berperan sebagai alat negara dalam mendeteksi mengantisipasi danmemberikan infomasi penting terkait kerusuhan yang terjadi di wilayah Poso Akhirnya dalam kurun waktu lebih dari dua tahun 2005 2007 sebagian besarpelaku teror yang beroperasi di pulau Sulawesi pada umumnya dan di kota Posopada khususnya berhasil dibongkar dan diungkap intelijen Polri Pengungkapanini memunculkan pertanyaan bagaimana intelijen kepolisian berhasilmengungkap jaringan tersebut Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif Metode in depthinterview digunakan untuk pengumpulan data penelitian Informan sebagai narasumber penelitian ini merupakan anggota kepolisian yang pernah bertugas dalamoperasi kepolisian di Poso selama konflik dan teror Poso tahun 1998 2007 Informan lainya adalah pelaku teror serta tokoh masyarakat Poso Untukmenjawab pertanyaaan penelitian digunakan teknik analisa timeline fishbone danwildcard analysis Untuk menganalisa kegagalan inteljen tersebut penulis mengunakananalisa kegagalan intelijen dengan pendekatan teori Thomas Copeland Sedangkanuntuk analisa keberhasilan intelijen digunakan antithesis dari teori kegagalanThomas Copeland Dalam penelitian ini penulis akhirnya menemukan sejumlahvariabel kegagalan maupun keberhasilan intelijen Polri sesuai dengan penjelasanThomas Copeland pada sisi Kebijakan dan Kepemimpinan Organisasi AnalisisIntelijen dan Persepsi Informasi Ancaman

The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ;The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ;The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information , The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silitonga, Yudha
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji fenomena anomali pada
konsep kegagalan intelijen milik Thomas Copeland dalam konteks Peristiwa
Gerakan 30 September 1965.
Didalam memperoleh pengetahuan terkait fenomena anomali tersebut,
penulis menggunakan analisa dekomposisi dan rekomposisi. Pada analisa
dekomposisi penulis memecah temuan yang diperoleh dengan analisa hubungan,
analisa kebudayaan, analisa anomali, analisa antisipatip serta analisa resiko
politik. Setelah itu, penulis menyatukan kembali data-data tersebut dengan
menggunakan analisa rekomposisi. Tahap akhir, penulis menggunakan analisa
sintesis guna memperoleh suatu pengetahuan yang komprehensif.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah fenomena anomali atas konsep
kegagalan intelijen Thomas Copeland dalam konteks Gerakan 30 September 1965
disebabkan karena faktor sosial budaya yang khas serta faktor politik. Faktor
sosial budaya telah mematahkan penyebab kegagalan intelijen dalam hal
permasalahan birokrasi dan organisasi intelijen, sedangkan faktor politik,
khususnya politik kekuasaan yang diterapkan oleh Presiden Soekarno menjadi
pemicu munculnya anomali.

The purpose of this study is to examine the anomalous phenomena of the
concept intelligence failure belonging to Thomas Copeland-in the context of
events Movement 30 September 1965.
In acquiring knowledge related to the anomalous phenomena, the authors
used analysis of decomposition and recomposition. In the decomposition analysis
the authors break down the findings obtained by analysis of the relationship,
cultural analysis, anomaly analysis, antisipatip analysis and political risk analysis.
After that, the author reunite these data using analysis recomposition. The final
stage, the author uses the synthesis analysis in order to obtain a comprehensive
The conclusion of this study is anomalous phenomena on the concept of
intelligence failures in the context of Thomas Copeland Movement 30 September
1965 due to the unique socio-cultural factors and political factors. Socio-cultural
factors have broken the cause of the failure of intelligence in terms of the
problems of bureaucracy and intelligence organizations, while political factors,
especially political power imposed by President Soekarno to trigger the
emergence of anomalies."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tony Wijayatmo
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan suatu model keberhasilan operasi
intelijen DJBC dalam menghindari terjadinya kegagalan dalam operasi intelijen
DJBC dalam tugas dan fungsi DJBC sebagai Community Protector melalui
instrumen cukai. Peneliti ingin mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang memberi
kontribusi dalam keberhasilan sebuah operasi Intelijen DJBC. Penelitian
menggunakan beberapa teori yang mengenai kegagalan intelijen sebagai
pedoman, dan peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk
mempelajari dan menghasilkan kesimpulan yang faktual mengenai model
keberhasilan Intelijen DJBC.
Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna untuk mengembangkan ilmu
intelijen khususnya tentang model keberhasilan dalam pencegahan dan
pengungkapan atas pelanggaran ketentuan perundang-undangan. Penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pendorong keberhasilan kerja
intelijen DJBC. Hasil penelitian akan menjelaskan bagaimana efektifitas sebuah
organisasi intelijen dalam merespon dan melakukan upaya pencegahan melalui
peningkatan kinerja intelijen.

This thesis aim to obtain a model of successful intelligence operations in the
DGCE avoid failure in intelligence operations DGCE in DGCE duties and
functions as the instrument through excise Community Protector. Researchers
want to know what are the factors that contribute to the success of an operation
DGCE Intelligence. Research using several theories about intelligence failures as
a guide, and researchers using qualitative research methods to study and produce
factual conclusions regarding efficacy models DGCE Intelligence.
This research is expected to be useful to develop a science of intelligence,
especially on a model of success in the prevention and disclosure of violations of
statutory provisions. This research was carried out by identifying the factors
driving success DGCE intelligence work. The results of the study will explain
how the effectiveness of an intelligence organization in response and prevention
efforts through increased intelligence performance.;This thesis aim to obtain a model of successful intelligence operations in the
DGCE avoid failure in intelligence operations DGCE in DGCE duties and
functions as the instrument through excise Community Protector. Researchers
want to know what are the factors that contribute to the success of an operation
DGCE Intelligence. Research using several theories about intelligence failures as
a guide, and researchers using qualitative research methods to study and produce
factual conclusions regarding efficacy models DGCE Intelligence.
This research is expected to be useful to develop a science of intelligence,
especially on a model of success in the prevention and disclosure of violations of
statutory provisions. This research was carried out by identifying the factors
driving success DGCE intelligence work. The results of the study will explain
how the effectiveness of an intelligence organization in response and prevention
efforts through increased intelligence performance., This thesis aim to obtain a model of successful intelligence operations in the
DGCE avoid failure in intelligence operations DGCE in DGCE duties and
functions as the instrument through excise Community Protector. Researchers
want to know what are the factors that contribute to the success of an operation
DGCE Intelligence. Research using several theories about intelligence failures as
a guide, and researchers using qualitative research methods to study and produce
factual conclusions regarding efficacy models DGCE Intelligence.
This research is expected to be useful to develop a science of intelligence,
especially on a model of success in the prevention and disclosure of violations of
statutory provisions. This research was carried out by identifying the factors
driving success DGCE intelligence work. The results of the study will explain
how the effectiveness of an intelligence organization in response and prevention
efforts through increased intelligence performance.]"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library