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Mochamad Umar Al Hafidz
"ABSTRAK Agile adalah sebuah metode pengembangan software yang fleksibel dalam menangani perubahan kebutuhan software. Begitupula scrum sebagai salah satu framework yang populer dari agile juga fleksibel terhadap perubahan kebutuhan software. Namun kelebihan ini ternyata harus diiringi dengan beberapa kekurangan terutama pada bagian dokumentasi software dikarenakan agile lebih mengandalkan komunikasi langsung. Knowledge management pada scrum juga turut dipengaruhi dengan meningkatnya tantangan dalam pengembangan software seperti letak tim pengembang yang berjauhan tempat, atau adanya pergantian pengembang software, penggunaan metode untuk proyek bersakala besar, adanya kebutuhan software dengan kualitas tinggi. Permasalahan ini perlu diselesaikan untuk menghidari banyaknya knowledge loss. Knowledge merupakan salah satu unsur vital dalam meningkatkan kinerja dari suatu organisasi. Sehingga jika knowledge antara anggota tim tidak tertangani dengan baik akan menghambat kecepatan pengembangan dan kinerja tim. Beberapa pendekatan telah dilakukan untuk menangani permasalahan knowledge tersebut salah satunya dengan menggunakan knowledge management system. Oleh karena itu peneliti ingin mengetahui lebih jauh bagaimana pengaruh knowledge management system pada pengembangan software berbasis scrum dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja pengembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan quasi-experimental dengan penerapan di dunia nyata pada perusahaan startup. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian dengan metode pra-uji dan pasca-uji dengan membandingkan kondisi sebelum dan sesudah penerapan knowledge management system. Percobaan ini dilakukan dengan dua minggu menggunakan sistem pendukung scrum standar dan dua minggu dengan knowledge management system. Hasil temuan yang diperoleh dari percobaan tersebut yaitu terjadi peningkatan performa kontesktual sebesar 12%, performa tugas sebesar 5%, performa adaptasi sebesar 8%, serta perbaikan sirkulasi knowledge dari tim pengembang. Knowledge Management System terbukti mampu meningkatkan dan menangani sirkulasi knowledge pada scrum dan memberikan dampak pada pengembang dan proses pengembangan software.

Agile is a software development method that easily adapts to changing software requirements. Scrum as one of the popular frameworks of agile is also flexible to changing software requirements. But this advantage turns out to be accompanied by several shortcomings, especially in the software documentation section because agile relies more on direct communication. Knowledge management in Scrum was also influenced by the increasing challenges in software development such as the location of the development team that was far apart, or the change of software developers, the use of methods for large-scale projects, the need for high quality software. This problem needs to be resolved to avoid the amount of knowledge loss. Knowledge is one of the vital elements in improving the performance of an organization. So if knowledge between team members is not handled properly it will slow down the development and team performance. Several approaches have been made to deal with the knowledge problems, one of them is by using the knowledge management system. Therefore this research want to find out more about how the knowledge management system influences the development of scrum-based software and its effect on developer performance. This study uses a quasi-experimental approach with the application in the real world with startup companies. The research conducted is research with pre-test and post-test methods by comparing the conditions before and after the implementation of the knowledge management system. This experiment was conducted in two weeks using a standard scrum support system and two weeks with a knowledge management system. The findings obtained from the experiment were 12% increase in contest performance, task performance of 5%, adaptation performance of 8%, and improvement of knowledge circulation from the development team. The Knowledge Management System is proven to be able to improve and handle the knowledge circulation in Scrum and have an impact on developers and the software development process.


Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhika Audi Prathama
"Penerapan Knowledge Management di perusahaan nampaknya sudah menjadi suatu kebutuhan mendasar pada era globalisasi ini. Kurangnya pengelolaan pengetahuan di divisi Medical Representative PT. Darya-Varia Laboratoria, Tbk dapat menghambat proses pemerataan kompetensi karyawan. Hal ini terjadi karena terbawanya pengetahuan yang unik seiring dengan karyawan yang pensiun atau pindah ke perusahaan lain, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu solusi untuk menyimpan dan menyebarkan pengetahuan tersebut.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan model yang sesuai untuk sistem manajemen pengetahuan di perusahaan. Penelitian dilakukan pada divisi Medical Representative PT. Darya-Varia Laboratoria, Tbk dimana lokasi setiap pegawai tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi contingency factor dari Sabherwal & Fernandez karena cocok diterapkan pada perusahaan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan empat proses manajemen pengetahuan, yaitu externalization, routines, socialization for knowledge discovery, socialization for knowledge sharing.
Berdasarkan proses-proses yang dianalisis, maka didapatkan lima teknologi, yaitu document management, article management, online library, forum discussion, dan chatting. Semua proses dan teknologi tersebut dijadikan dasar untuk pengembangan sistem manajemen pengetahuan.
......Application of Knowledge Management in the company seems to have become a basic necessity in this era of globalization. Lack of knowledge management in the division Medical Representative PT. Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk can hinder the process of equalization competence of employees. This happens because the entrainment unique knowledge as employees retire or move to another company, so company need a solution to store and disseminate such knowledge.
This study aims to obtain an appropriate model for the knowledge management system in the company. The study was conducted at the Medical Representative division of PT. Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk where the location of each employee throughout Indonesia. This study uses a methodology contingency factor of Sabherwal and Fernandez as compatible to the company. Based on research conducted found four knowledge management process, namely externalization, routines, socialization for knowledge discovery, socialization for knowledge sharing.
Based processes are analyzed, it obtained five technologies, namely document management, article management, online library, discussion forums, and chat. All the processes and the technology is used as the basis for the development of knowledge management systems."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rivan H. Kartowisastro
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pita Larasati Fauziah Nur
"Tugas akhir ini membahas suatu pengembangan model untuk suatu knowledge management system dengan domain riset, yaitu pada Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi. Model berupa prototipe berbasis web. Pengembangan ini bertujuan dalam sharing data, informasi, dan pengetahuan serta komunikasi yang terjadi pada lembaga tersebut sehingga diharapkan dapat membantu pertukaran informasi yang terkadang terputus. Hal ini dikarenakan belum ada suatu repository khusus yang menampung dan mengelola human capital (sebagai dasar utama pengetahuan yang dimiliki lembaga riset) di BPPT.
Prototipe web ini menggunakan teknologi semantic web dengan penerapan ontologi. Pemilihan teknologi tersebut berdasarkan kajian terhadap pengembangan knowledge management system di beberapa lembaga riset dunia. Lalu, analisis project flow di BPPT serta analisis berdasarkan contingency factor. Kemudian, pengembangan model bernama BPPT Intranet ini dibuat dengan menggunakan open source, yaitu portalCore yang telah digunakan pula dalam salah satu proyek SWAD-E, yaitu SWED serta blog Wordpress sebagai media untuk membantu sharing komunikasi (bersifat independent).
Selain itu, tugas akhir ini menampilkan beberapa screenshot tampilan disain prototipe BPPT Intranet serta rincian uji fungsionalitas pada sistem tersebut. Model knowledge management system pada BPPT Intranet ini adalah knowledge sharing system. Hal ini dibuktikan melalui analisis contingency factor yang disesuaikan pula dengan project flow dan tujuan penelitian.
The focus on this thesis is developing a model for knowledge management system in research domain, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi. This model is a web prototype. The purpose of developing this knowledge management system are sharing data, information, knowledge, communication that happen at this organization so that the system can improve information exchange in research area. In BPPT itself, they do not have yet some repository which can accomodate and manage human capital (as main fundamental of knowledge owned by research area).
This web prototype is using semantic web technology with ontology application. The chosen of the technology is based on study from previous works about development of knowledge management system in several research organizations in the world. Then, continue with some analysis for BPPT?s project flow and analysis based on contingency factors. After that, knowledge management system model (known as BPPT Intranet) is developed using an open source named portalCore that has been used in one of SWAD-E projects, called SWED and also Wordpress blog as a media for helping knowledge workers to communicate each other.
Moreover, this thesis displays some screenshot from BPPT Intranet?s prototype design and details about functional test that have been applied on the system. The appropriate knowledge management system model at BPPT Intranet is knowledge sharing system. That is proofed by analysis based on contingency factor and also according to BPPT?s project flow and purpose of the research itself."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irvanda Kurniadi Virdaus
"Knowledge management system merupakan sistem yang dibuat untuk mengelola knowledge yang ada, baik yang bersifat tacit, maupun ekplisit. Knowledge management system banyak dibutuhkan dalam organisasi karena knowledge yang ada pada organisasi tersebut harus dikelola agar termanfaatkan dengan baik. Untuk membangun sistem ini digunakan metode Software Development Life Cycle dengan model waterfall sebagai metode Software Engineering. Adapun tahapan SDLC antara lain user requirement, design analysis, implementation, dan testing. Dalam penerapannya, knowledge management system ini dibangun menggunakan Mediawiki sebagai framework untuk membangunnya. Dalam skripsi ini dilakukan tiga pengujian, yaitu unit testing, load testing, dan usability testing. Dari pengujian yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil unit testing keberhasilan sebesar 96,47% yang menunjukkan bahwa fitur-fitur yang terdapat pada sistem sudah berjalan dengan baik. Dari load teting didapatkan hasil rata-rata response time untuk akses halaman utama sebesar 4705,1 ms dan rata-rata response time untuk akses halaman artikel sebesar 2173,5 ms, dimana hasil tersebut menunjukkan response time yang wajar. Untuk load testing dengan variasi virtual user menunjukkan kenaikan response time yang linear. Dari usability testing didapatkan hasil untuk pengguna rata-ratanya sebesar 4,73 dan untuk responden acak menghasilkan nilai rata-rata sebesar 4,14 dari skala 1-6. Hal tersebut menunjukkan sistem yang diterapkan sudah sesuai terhadap perusahaan dan cukup efektif dalam penggunaannya.
......KMS is built to manage knowledge, either tacit or explicit knowledge. KMS is needed to manage knowledge so that organization can use their knowledge properly.( versi lain: Many organization need KMS because their knowledge need to be managed so that the knowledge can be used properly ). Software Engineering Development Life Cycle with Waterfall model was used in the KMS developing process of this research. The SDLC phase of Waterfall model consists of user requirement gathering, design analysis, implementation, and testing phase. In the implementation phase, Mediawiki was used as the framework to build the KMS. Three kind of testing was used in this research, which were unit testing, load testing, and usability testing. It can be derived from unit testing that the success rate to use the system was 96,47% which means the system features was running well. From load testing, showed that the average response time to access the main page was 4705,1 ms and the average response time to access article page was 2173,5 ms, which means the system had acceptable response time. Load testing with virtual user variation showed that there was linear response time escalation. The result of usability testing was 4,73 for average user and 4,14 for random respondents in 1-6 scale. In conclusion, the testing result showed that the system had been implemented properly according to corporate needs."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhiemas Rangga Yonathan Sembor
"PT XYZ adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri keamanan identitas. Penelitian ini mengangkat tema permasalahan pengelolaan pengetahuan yang kurang efektif di Unit Bisnis MO PT XYZ. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebutuhan Knowledge Management System (KMS) di Unit Bisnis MO PT XYZ serta merancang sistemnya. Analisis kebutuhan knowledge management system menggunakan metodologi Becerra-Fernandez dan analisis Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran (mixed method) dalam pengumpulan dan analisis data. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi wawancara, focus group discussion, dan survei kuesioner. Analisis OCAI pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa organisasi memiliki budaya pasar. Selain itu, analisis metodologi Becerra-Fernandez menghasilkan prioritas proses manajemen pengetahuan di organisasi penelitian, yaitu sosialisasi baik itu knowledge discovery maupun knowledge sharing, pertukaran, arahan, dan kombinasi. Fitur KMS yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini adalah grup chat, manajemen dokumen, dan case-based reasoning. Perancangan KMS menggunakan metode prototyping, diagram UML, dan arsitektur sistem Tiwana. Diagram UML yang digunakan meliputi use case diagram, activity diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram, dan behavioral state machine diagram. Rancangan sistem menghasilkan 12 use-case dan 4 aktor. Arsitektur sistem yang dirancang meliputi interface layer, access and authentication layer, collobarative intellignce and filtering, application layer, transport layer, middleware and legacy integration layer, dan repository layer. Prototipe sistem divalidasi dengan menggunakan pendekatan user acceptance test.
.......XYZ is a company engaged in the identity security industry. This study raises the theme of less effective knowledge management problems in MO Business Unit. This study aims to analyze the needs of Knowledge Management System (KMS) in MO Business Unit XYZ and design the system. The analysis of the knowledge management system used the Becerra-Fernandez methodology and analysis of the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). This study used a mixed method in data collection and analysis. The data collection instruments used included interviews, focus group discussions, and questionnaire surveys. The OCAI analysis in this study shows that organizations have a market culture. In addition, the analysis of the Becerra-Fernandez methodology resulted in a priority of knowledge management processes in research organizations, namely socialization for both knowledge discovery and knowledge sharing, exchange, direction, and combination. The KMS features developed in this study are chat group, document management, and case-based reasoning. KMS design used prototyping methods, UML diagrams, and Tiwana system architecture. UML diagrams used include use case diagram, activity diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram, and behavioral state machine diagram. The system design produced 12 use cases and 4 actors. System architecture are designed include interface layer interface, access and authentication layer, collobarative intelligence and filtering, application layer, transport layer, middleware and legacy integration layer, and repository layer. The system prototype is validated using the user acceptance test approach."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Univeristas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Company is more aware that knowledge management is one of the important factors because it gives competitive advantages for them. Knowledge is intellectual asset that is owned by individual or company. Knowledge becomes very useful if it is documented or stored, organized, shared to others and can be understood and applied. Knowledge Management System (KMS) is made to manage knowledge. KMS does identifying process, capturing, organizing and disseminating knowledge. Technology is one of three model of KM that supports the implementation of KM. This time there are various options of technology that support the KM implementation for companies. In this research, there are various options or types of technology that can be used to support the implementation of knowledge management.
621 COMMIT 5 (1-2) 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lesika Suharita
"Pelayanan merupakan tugas utama sebuah organisasi pemerintahan tidak terkecuali dengan Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika. Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi merupakan satuan kerja di bawah unit Sekretariat Jenderal Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika nomor 25/P/M.KOMINFO/7/2008 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika, salah satu fungsi yang diselenggarakan oleh Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi yaitu penyelesaian masalah-masalah kepegawaian. Dalam menyelesaikan masalah kepegawaian, pengetahuan dan pengalaman seorang pegawai sangat dibutuhkan sehingga diperlukan sebuah knowledge management system untuk mengelola dan mendistribusikan pengetahuan serta pengalaman tersebut kepada pegawai lainnya agar pelayanan prima pun dapat terwujud. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah rancangan model knowledge management system yang sesuai dengan kondisi Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi dalam mewujudkan pelayanan prima melalui analisis dan perancangan prototipe dari model yang dikembangkan. Model knowledge management system dihasilkan dari analisis faktor-faktor kontingensi yang kemudian dipetakan ke dalam SECI model dari Nonaka dan Takeuchi. Model knowledge management system yang dikembangkan pada Biro Kepegawaian dan Organisasi sesuai dengan tugas pokok dan fungsinya termasuk ke dalam penangkapan pengetahuan yaitu melalui proses internalisasi dan eksternalisasi. Aplikasi dari model knowledge management system dapat digunakan untukmengevaluasi model tersebut serta diperlukan strategi dalam pengimplementasiannya. Database knowledge management system dapat.

The service was the main task of an organization of the government including with the Department of Communication and Informatics. The bureau of Employment and Organization is a part of Secretariat General in Department of Communication and Informatics. Based on Minister Communications and Informatics regulation number 25/P/M.KOMINFO/7/2008 about the Organization and managerial in Department of Communication and Informatics, one of the functions that was held by the Bureau of Employment and Organization that is solving the employment problems.In resolving the problem of the employment, knowledge and the experience of an employee really were needed so we needed Knowledge Management System to manage and distribute knowledge as well as this experience to the other employee so that the good service could be then realized. This research aim to getting model of Knowledge Management System according with condition at Bureau of Employment and Organization in realizing good service through analysis and develop prototype from developed model. Knowledge Management System Model is yielded from contingency factor analysis and then mapped into Nonaka and Takeuchi SECI model.Knowledge management system model what is developed at Bureau of Employment and Organization as according to fundamental duty and its function representing in knowledge capture that is internalization and externalization process. Knowledge management system application from model can be used to evaluated that model and also strategy needed for implementing that knowledge - management. Knowledge management system database can applicable to helpdesk employment application."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hafidh Finandriyanto
"Pengetahuan merupakan sumber inovasi di BPTP Jawa Timur, sehingga keberadaanya harus mudah untuk diperoleh. Kendala yang dirasakan oleh peneliti dan penyuluh BPTP Jawa Timur adalah keberadaan pengetahuan terutama pengetahuan spesifik lokasi sulit untuk ditemukan. Pengetahuan masih tersebar di berbagai sumber dan sebagian besar pengetahuan milik peneliti dan penyuluh masih belum terdokumentasi. Oleh karena itu BPTP Jawa Timur memerlukan sistem manajemen pengetahuan. Sistem manajemen pengetahuan bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi para peneliti dan penyuluh untuk saling berbagi pengetahuan melalui sistem yang terintegrasi, sehingga proses mendapatkan pengetahuan terutama pengetahuan spesifik lokasi semakin mudah. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan pendekatan soft system methodology (SSM), organizational culture assessment instrument (OCAI), knowledge audit, dan teori manajemen pengetahuan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah fitur yang harus dimiliki sistem manajemen pengetahuan. Fitur tersebut kemudian ditranslasi kedalam rancangan prototipe sistem manajemen pengetahuan yang dapat digunakan oleh BPTP Jawa Timur sebagai pedoman dalam membuat sistem manajemen pengetahuan.

Knowledge is a source of innovation in East Java BPTP, so the knowledge existence should be easy to obtain. But there is obstacle that perceived by researchers and extension worker is that the existence of knowledge, especially location specific knowledge is difficult to find. Knowledge is still scattered in many sources and most of the researcher's and extension worker's knowledge still undocumented. Therefore, East Java BPTP need knowledge management system. The knowledge management system aims ato facilitate researchers and extension workers to share knowledge through integrated system, so that the process of acquiring knowledge, especially location specific knowledge is easier. This research was designed with soft system methodology approach, organizational culture assessment instrument (OCAI), knowledge audit, and knowledge management theory. This research produced a feature that knowledge management system must possess. The feature is then translated into prototype design of knowledge management system that can be used by East Java BPTP as a guidance in building knowledge management system."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Kompter Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Bimo Laksono
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kesuksesan portal KM-ON yang diukur dengan menggunakan model dari Nattapol dan Laddawan (2010). Dalam model Nattapol dan Laddawan, kesuksesan KM-ON diukur dari variabel penggunaan dan kepuasan pengguna. Penggunaan dan kepuasan pengguna dipengaruhi oleh beberapa hal antara lain kualitas sistem, kualitas pengetahuan, kualitas layanan dan kepercayaan pengguna. Penilaian evaluasi kesuksesan KM-ON berdasarkan persepsi dari para pegawai selaku penggunanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan survei yang disebarkan langsung ke beberapa divisi di PT.PGN. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan kualitas sistem tidak memiliki hubungan positif terhadap penggunaan KM-ON, kualitas layanan tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kepuasan pengguna, dan kepercayaan tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap penggunaan dan kepuasan pengguna. Hasil lainnya yang diperoleh, yaitu penggunaan dan kepuasan pengguna memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kesuksesan KM-ON. Perubahan dan peningkatan di dalam KM-ON perlu dilakukan agar lebih memudahkan pengguna dan memberikan kenyamanan dalam pemanfaatan sehari hari

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the successfulness of KM-ON web portal which owned by PT.PGN. This research uses Knowledge Management System model from Nattapol and Laddawan (2010). In the model of Nattapol and Laddawan, the KM-ON successfulness is measured by the variables of use and user satisfaction. Both of them depend on the system quality, knowledge quality, service quality and trust. The evaluation of KM-ON is based on the perception of the employees as the users of KM-ON. This research uses questionnaire which directly distributed to the several division on PT.PGN. The results of this research are the system quality does not have positive effect to the KM-ON use, service quality also does not have positive effect to user satisfaction, and trust does not have positive effect to KM-ON use and user satisfaction. KM-ON use and user satisfaction have a positive effect on the KM-ON successfulness. The improvement of KM-ON must be done in order to make the user feels comfortable in utilizing KM-ON daily."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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