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Ditemukan 61 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Siti Yasmina Zubaedah
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini membahas keterkaitan antara Strategi Bisnis, Inovasi, Konfigurasi Sumber Daya Organisasi dan pengelolaan Model Bisnis yang efektif. Investigasi keterkaitan antara hal-hal tersebut dilakukan melalui eksplorasi efek mediasi Tipe Inovasi dan efek mediasi Siklus Hidup Kapabilitas. Penelitian ini merupakan studi empiris atas pencapaian transformasi organisasi yang efektif. Pada akhirnya, pencapaian kinerja ditentukan oleh efektifitas proses adaptasi organisasi untuk mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif yang lestari. Penelitian dilakukan melalui survei di tujuh (7) perusahaan di Indonesia yang bergerak di berbagai jenis bidang usaha. Perusahaan yang ikut dalam sampel adalah perusahaan terkemuka di industrinya masing- masing. Hasil akhir yang diperoleh adalah suatu kerangka kerja bagi perusahaan dalam mengelola konfigurasi organisasi yang tepat dalam beradaptasi untuk menghasilkan kinerja yang baik. ......The following dissertation examines the relationships beween Business Strategy, Innovation, Firm Resource Configuration and the attainment of Effective Business Model. Examination on the relationships between constructs were conducted through explorations of the mediation effect of Innovation Type and mediation effect of Capability Lifecycle Path. This research study provides empirical evidence on the attainment of effective organization transformation. Ultimately, performance is determined by effective implementation of organizational adaptation in order to achieve Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Research was based on a survey conducted on a total of seven (7) Indonesian firms in various lines of businesses. Sample firms are leading companies in their own related industries. In the end, the study provides a new framework for companies to manage the appropriate firm configuration to ensure adaptation leads to effectiveness.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Wayfinding merupakan suatu kegiatan oleh manusia dalam memilih jalur untuk mencapai tempat tujuannya. Proses wayfinding akan bergantung kepada bagaimana sebuah lingkungan dapat terbaca dengan jelas bagi penggunanya. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai hubungan antara peran citra dan konfigurasi ruang yang terkait dengan fungsi dan strategi yang digunakan dalam wayfinding. Studi kasus dengan beberapa responden di sebuah pusat perbelanjaan dilakukan untuk memahami lebih lanjut mengenai hubungan peran citra dan konfigurasi dalam wayfinding. Dari hasil studi kasus dapat disimpulkan bahwa elemen citra memiliki peran yang berguna sebagai penanda ataupun petunjuk untuk mengidentifikasi lokasi keberadaannya. Konfigurasi berperan untuk memfasilitasi elemen citra tersebut untuk dapat diakses secara visual bagi penggunanya yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memerkirakan jarak dan arah.
Wayfinding is a process on how people choose a route to reach their destination. The success of wayfinding process depends on how the environment can be readable by its users. This thesis describes about the connection between the role of image and configuration of space related to the function of wayfinding and its strategies. A case study was conducted at a shopping mall to get a better understanding about the role of image and configuration in wayfinding. From the case study it can be concluded that image plays an important role at hinting the users to identify the location. Configuration plays a role to facilitate the elements of image to be visually accessible to its users which can be utilized to estimate the distance and direction.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Budiwiyanto
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian relasi makna paradigmatik dengan topik konfigurasi leksikal eksonim verbal yang berendonim kaki dalam bahasa Indonesia. Tesis ini berusaha menemukan eksonim verbal yang berendonim kaki di dalam bahasa Indonesia, mengetahui jenis verba dalam hal aksionalitas, tata hubungan antareksonim, dan konfigurasi leksikalnya, baik pada setiap medan makna maupun secara keseluruhan. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan konsep relasi makna dan konfigurasi leksikal dari Cruse (2004) dan konsep Aktionsart dari Riemer (2010). Penelitian ini menemukan 193 eksonim verbal yang berendonim kaki dalam bahasa Indonesia. Meronim kaki yang menjadi komponen makna dalam eksonim verbal ini ada delapan, yaitu paha, lutut, betis, punggung dan sisi kaki2, telapak kaki, jari kaki, kuku jari, dan kaki1. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa eksonim verbal yang berendonim kaki terdiri atas empat jenis verba, yaitu (i) verba keadaan, (ii) verba aktivitas, (iii) verba capaian, dan (iv) verba rampungan. Verba keadaan berjumlah 28 leksem; verba aktivitas berjumlah 113 leksem; verba capaian berjumlah 28 leksem; dan verba rampungan berjumlah 31 leksem. Ada tiga jenis hubungan makna di dalam eksonim verbal ini, yaitu (i) hubungan kehiponiman, (ii) hubungan pertelingkahan, dan (iii) hubungan kesinoniman. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa di dalam konfigurasi leksikal eksonim verbal berendonim kaki ini terdapat beberapa rumpang leksikal, yaitu di dalam medan makna mengukur, memukul, menyentuh, meyodok, menjepit, dan mendudukkan. ......This thesis is a research on a paradigmatic sense relation. The topic is lexical configuration on verbal exonyms of leg in Indonesian language. It aims at finding the verbal exonyms that related to leg as its endonym in Indonesian language, obtaining the verbal types of Aktionsart, discovering the sense relation among the exonyms, and determining the lexical configuration based on the semantic field and the verbal types. The analysis utilized the concept of sense relation and lexical configuration of Cruse (2004) and the concept of Aktionsart of Riemer (2010). This research found 193 verbal exonyms related to leg in Indonesian language. The meronyms of leg which become the semantic components of the verbal exonyms consist of eight parts: thigh, knee, calf, instep, sole, toe, nail, and leg. Moreover, the research discovered that the verbal exonyms comprise four types: (i) state verb, (ii) activity verb, (iii) achievement verb, and (iv) accomplishment verb. The state verb consists of 28 lexemes; activity verb consists of 113 lexemes; achievement verb consists of 28 lexemes; and accomplishment verb consists of 31 lexemes. Besides, there are three kinds of sense relation found within the verbal exonyms: (i) hyponymy, (ii) incompatibility, and (iii) synonymy. Furthermore, there are some lexical gaps within the lexical configuration, such as in semantic fields of measuring, hitting, poking, gripping, and seating.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfons Banteng Pramono
Abstrak :
Fotografi telah secara tidak terbantahkan menjadi elemen yang terintegrasi pada masyarakat modern. Hal ini menjadi penting dalam mempelajari proses berfotografi yang sangat kompleks dalam kaitannya dengan konteks keruangan. Karenanya, mempelajari studio fotografi adalah sama dengan memplejari konfigurasi dari ruang-ruang dan komponen-komponennya. Skripsi ini Konfigurasi ruang di studio fotografi, merupakan sebuah investigasi terhadap ruang, sedangkan tujuan dari konfigurasi pada kinteks nya, adalaha untuk memahami bagaman ruang mempengaruhi proces fotografi dan juga sebaliknya. Ini dalah sesuatu yang esensial untuk memahami pengalaman ruang didalam aktifitas berfotografi sehingga kita memahami konfigurasi atas ruangnya. ...... The significance of photography is undeniable as it has integrated deeply in the modern society. It becomes important to investigate the complex process of photography in regard to its spatial contet. To investigate the studio placce of photographers is to study the configuration of its space and all its spatial components. Space Configuration in Photography studio space is meant as an investigation of the space. The obbjective of configuration in this contet is to understand the way its affect the photography process and vice versa. Moreover, it is essetial firstly to understand the experiential perspective in photography activity in order to learn the configuration of its space
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arie Ardiningrum
Abstrak :
Konteks masa depan dengan berbagai perkembangan dan kemajuan teknologi turut mempengaruhi berkurangnya interioritas dalam pembentukkan ruang arsitektur. Crafting memiliki potensi untuk memberikan jiwa ke dalam arsitektur dengan kedalaman yang dimilikinya. Tugas akhir ini membahas tentang metode crafting seperti apa yang dapat menghasilkan desain yang tetap memiliki interioritas walaupun berada dalam konteks masa depan yang serba modern dan cepat. Apakah konfigurasi dalam crafting musik dan lukis dapat menghasilkan kualitas ruang yang memiliki kedalaman dalam mempertahankan interioritas suatu ruang. Berdasarkan studi crafting yang dilakukan dalam tugas akhir ini, didapatkan bahwa kedalaman dalam crafting didapatkan melalui proses pembuatannya dan proses menemukan teknik yang tepat untuk menghasilkan crafting yang baik. Narasi menjadi alat untuk menciptakan alur dalam crafting sehingga crafting tersebut memiliki kedalaman yang dapat menghisap siapapun yang mengalaminya. Metode baru ini mampu menghasilkan ruang relaksasi yang memiliki kedalaman tanpa kehilangan interioritasnya. ......Technologies development in the future context also gives effects in interiority decreasing of the formation of architectural space. Crafting has potencies to give a soul into architectural space with its depth. This final project discusses how the crafting method could produce a design that still has its interiority in the future context that so modern and fast. Wether configuration in music and painting crafting could produce a space that has a depth inside and still keep its interiority. According to some crafting studies on this final project, found that the depth in crafting method is produced in the making process and inside the process of finding the best method to produce the best craft. Narrative becomes the tools to create a crafting plot so it has a depth that could sucks people into it. This new method could produce a relaxation space that has a depth and still keep its interiority.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Adi Purwanto
Abstrak :
Perusahaan yang memiliki unit ? unit usaha di lokasi tertentu tentunya ingin agar unit - unit usaha tersebut tersambung satu sama lain dalam satu jaringan dan dapat berbagi informasi penting untuk menunjang kelangsungan bisnis perushaan tersebut. Namun aspek privasi dari tiap unit ? unit usaha tersebut tentunya tidak boleh dikesampingkan sehingga aktifiitas penggunaan jaringan oleh suau unit usaha tidak mengganggun unit usaha lain. Salah satu solusi yang bisa digunakan adalah penggunaan VPN. Dimana sumber daya jaringan dapat dipakai bersama namun aspek privasi antar unit usaha tidak dikesampingkan. Salah satu alternatif pengimplementasian VPN adalah dengan L3VPN. Sesuai dengan namanya, backbone untuk menunjang L3VPN ini adalah divais yang beroperasi pada layer-3 yaitu router. Sehingga untuk mempesiapkan jaringan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan L3VPN perlu disiapkan sebuah jaringan backbone yang tersusun dari router ? router yang walaupun tidak tersambung fisik tetapi harus tersambung secara logika. Ketersambungan secara logika ini dapat diakomodasi oleh routing protocol. Dengan studi kasus dimana PT. Indonesia Comnets Plus bermaksud untuk membuat jaringan antar unit usaha PLN di Kota Palembang. Maka akan dilakukan perancangan jaringan yang dapat mendukung pengimplementasian L3VPN dengan memakai routing protocol OSPF yang akan dikonfigurasi menggunakan IOS command pada router.
Enterprise that has several branch unit within area surely wants so that its branch units can connect to each other within one network and share important information in order to support its business operations. Under that constraint, privacy among each branch units may not be neglected so the activity of network using won?t bother other unit branch?s activity. One solutin can be used is to implement VPN, on which network resources can be shared among unit branch and privacy aspect is still considerated. One of the alternative for implementing VPN is to implement L3VPN. Backbone network used for supporting L3VPN is using layer-3 devices, which is router. So, in order to prepare a ntework to ready for L3VPN implementation it needs a backbone network which consist of routers, which are although not physically connected but logically connected. This logical connection between routers can be achieved using routing protocol. With a case study on which PT. Indonesia Comnets Plus want to build network among PLN unit branch at Palembang, a network planning will be carried, under constraint that the network to be designed has to be able to support L3VPN implementation using OSPF dan EIGRP routing protocol configures using IOS command.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Suryanegara
Abstrak :
Rangkaian Concatenared Code terdiri dari 2 (dua) jenis yaitu Seria! Concatenated Code (SCC) dan Paralel Concatenated Code (PCC)- Dengan menetapkan mekanisme iterasi pada decoder, kedua jenis rangkaian ini dapat mencapai harga Probability of error minimum untuk SNR yang rendah. Rangkaian PCC melakukan proses encoding dengan cepat tetapi membutuhkan desain interleaver yang khusus. Sebaliknya SCC memiliki waktu proses encoding yang lebih lama tetapi dapat menggunakan random interleaver biasa. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengurangi waktu proses encoding, rangkaian SCC dapat disusun menjadi 3 (tiga) konfigurasi, yaitu konfigurasi Seri, konfigurasi Paralel dan konfigurasi Seri-Paralel. Skripsi ini akan mensimulasikan ketiga konfigurasi rangkaian SCC pada bahasa komputasi teknis SIMULINK MATLAB versi 6.l. Ketiga kontigurasi tersebut menggunakan encoder Convolurional code dan APP Decoder dengan algoritma SISO-MAP. Analisa diiakukan untuk mendapatkan performa dari tiap kongurasi berdasarkan parameter Probability of error, waktu proses, jumlah itelasi dan jumlah tools yang terkait Iangsung dengan biaya (cost). Analisa hasil simulasi menunjukkan jika dibandingkan dengan koniigurasi Seri dan koniigurasi Seri-Paralel, maka konfigurasi Paralel memiliki perfomma yang paling optimum.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suryo Nuswardhono
Abstrak :
Kegagalan handover di area Jakarta sebagai studi kasus adalah sebesar 6 % s/d 9 %, Analisa kegagalan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dengan mengidentifikasi kemungkinan penyebab terjadinya kegagalan handover dan mencari solusinya. Tesis ini membahas proses handover melalui kriteria handover, tingkatan prioritas, algoritma, hubungan antara level sinyal dengan daya terima dan daya pancar. Terdapat hubungan yang erat antara kegagalan handover dengan trafik, kapasitas radio dalam sel, interferensi. Interferensi merupakan kajian utama dalam tesis ini. Dengan mengambil solusi memperkecil daya pancar pada kanal yang menyebabkan interferensi. ......Handover failure in Jakarta area is about 6 % to 9 %. Fault analysis for solved the problem by identification the most faulty. The first we briefly discuss handover process, the subject are handover criteria, priority level, algorithm., relationship between signal level & power level. They are closed relationship between the handover failure and traffic density, radio capacity in cell interference. From analysis view, it can be said that decrease power transmit, is a solution for overcome Interference fluent.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paviliyanti Juwita
Abstrak :
Tulisan ini membahas ruang lingkup tahapan pemisahan (distilasi), sebagai tahapan yang penting dalam pemisahan komponen agar mendapatkan komponen yang murni. Dalam tahapan distilasi ini, terjadi perbedaan yang dipengaruhi oleh tekanan, temperatur, konsentrasi, dan kecepatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa nilai kehilangan eksergi di setiap tray pada konfigurasi tertentu dari setiap pemisahan multikomponen. Komponen yang dipisahkan dari kilang LNG berupa metana, etana, propana, n-butana, i-butana dan i-pentana. Data eksperimen khususnya komposisi untuk komponen yang dipisahkan tersebut diperoleh dari penelitian sebelumnya. Metode perhitungan yang digunakan mengacu pada penelitian sebelumnya. Konfigurasi pemisahan komponen berdasarkan titik didih menghasilkan exergy loss sebesar 9.220,57 MW. Utility cost yang dibutuhkan untuk kondensor sebesar US$ 6.892.639 dan untuk reboiler sebesar US$ 11.054. Konfigurasi pemisahan komponen berdasarkan fraksi terbesar menghasilkan exergy loss sebesar 12.582,29 MW. Utility cost yang dibutuhkan untuk kondensor sebesar US$ 6.898.806 dan untuk reboiler sebesar US$ 19.382. Konfigurasi pemisahan komponen berdasarkan equimolar menghasilkan exergy loss sebesar 23.012,08 MW. Utility cost yang dibutuhkan untuk kondensor sebesar US$ 6.900.682 dan untuk reboiler sebesar US$ 21.939.Semakin kecil nilai exergy loss akan semakin kecil pula utility cost yang dibutuhkan.
This research discusses the scope of phase separation (distillation), as an important stage in the separation of components in order to obtain a pure component. In this distillation stage, there is a difference which is affected by pressure, temperature, concentration, and speed. The main goals of research on the simulation of distillation is to analyze exergy loss in each configuration for multicomponent separation. Component will be separated from LNG Plant are methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, i-butane, and i-pentane. Experiment datafor composition of the separated components written by previous researcher. The method is arranged by previous researcher. Configuration component separation by boiling point has produced exergy loss of 9.220,57 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.892.639 and for the reboiler of US$ 11.054. Configuration component separation by the largest fraction has produced exergy loss of 12.582,29 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.898.806 and for the reboiler of US$ 19.382. Configuration component separation by equimolar has produced exergy loss of 23.012,08 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.900.682 and for the reboiler of US$ 21,939. If the value of exergy loss is small, It will be needed utility cost that small too.;This research discusses the scope of phase separation (distillation), as an important stage in the separation of components in order to obtain a pure component. In this distillation stage, there is a difference which is affected by pressure, temperature, concentration, and speed. The main goals of research on the simulation of distillation is to analyze exergy loss in each configuration for multicomponent separation. Component will be separated from LNG Plant are methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, i-butane, and i-pentane. Experiment datafor composition of the separated components written by previous researcher. The method is arranged by previous researcher. Configuration component separation by boiling point has produced exergy loss of 9.220,57 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.892.639 and for the reboiler of US$ 11.054. Configuration component separation by the largest fraction has produced exergy loss of 12.582,29 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.898.806 and for the reboiler of US$ 19.382. Configuration component separation by equimolar has produced exergy loss of 23.012,08 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.900.682 and for the reboiler of US$ 21,939. If the value of exergy loss is small, It will be needed utility cost that small too.;This research discusses the scope of phase separation (distillation), as an important stage in the separation of components in order to obtain a pure component. In this distillation stage, there is a difference which is affected by pressure, temperature, concentration, and speed. The main goals of research on the simulation of distillation is to analyze exergy loss in each configuration for multicomponent separation. Component will be separated from LNG Plant are methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, i-butane, and i-pentane. Experiment datafor composition of the separated components written by previous researcher. The method is arranged by previous researcher. Configuration component separation by boiling point has produced exergy loss of 9.220,57 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.892.639 and for the reboiler of US$ 11.054. Configuration component separation by the largest fraction has produced exergy loss of 12.582,29 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.898.806 and for the reboiler of US$ 19.382. Configuration component separation by equimolar has produced exergy loss of 23.012,08 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.900.682 and for the reboiler of US$ 21,939. If the value of exergy loss is small, It will be needed utility cost that small too.;This research discusses the scope of phase separation (distillation), as an important stage in the separation of components in order to obtain a pure component. In this distillation stage, there is a difference which is affected by pressure, temperature, concentration, and speed. The main goals of research on the simulation of distillation is to analyze exergy loss in each configuration for multicomponent separation. Component will be separated from LNG Plant are methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, i-butane, and i-pentane. Experiment datafor composition of the separated components written by previous researcher. The method is arranged by previous researcher. Configuration component separation by boiling point has produced exergy loss of 9.220,57 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.892.639 and for the reboiler of US$ 11.054. Configuration component separation by the largest fraction has produced exergy loss of 12.582,29 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.898.806 and for the reboiler of US$ 19.382. Configuration component separation by equimolar has produced exergy loss of 23.012,08 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.900.682 and for the reboiler of US$ 21,939. If the value of exergy loss is small, It will be needed utility cost that small too.;This research discusses the scope of phase separation (distillation), as an important stage in the separation of components in order to obtain a pure component. In this distillation stage, there is a difference which is affected by pressure, temperature, concentration, and speed. The main goals of research on the simulation of distillation is to analyze exergy loss in each configuration for multicomponent separation. Component will be separated from LNG Plant are methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, i-butane, and i-pentane. Experiment datafor composition of the separated components written by previous researcher. The method is arranged by previous researcher. Configuration component separation by boiling point has produced exergy loss of 9.220,57 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.892.639 and for the reboiler of US$ 11.054. Configuration component separation by the largest fraction has produced exergy loss of 12.582,29 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.898.806 and for the reboiler of US$ 19.382. Configuration component separation by equimolar has produced exergy loss of 23.012,08 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.900.682 and for the reboiler of US$ 21,939. If the value of exergy loss is small, It will be needed utility cost that small too.;This research discusses the scope of phase separation (distillation), as an important stage in the separation of components in order to obtain a pure component. In this distillation stage, there is a difference which is affected by pressure, temperature, concentration, and speed. The main goals of research on the simulation of distillation is to analyze exergy loss in each configuration for multicomponent separation. Component will be separated from LNG Plant are methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, i-butane, and i-pentane. Experiment datafor composition of the separated components written by previous researcher. The method is arranged by previous researcher. Configuration component separation by boiling point has produced exergy loss of 9.220,57 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.892.639 and for the reboiler of US$ 11.054. Configuration component separation by the largest fraction has produced exergy loss of 12.582,29 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.898.806 and for the reboiler of US$ 19.382. Configuration component separation by equimolar has produced exergy loss of 23.012,08 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.900.682 and for the reboiler of US$ 21,939. If the value of exergy loss is small, It will be needed utility cost that small too., This research discusses the scope of phase separation (distillation), as an important stage in the separation of components in order to obtain a pure component. In this distillation stage, there is a difference which is affected by pressure, temperature, concentration, and speed. The main goals of research on the simulation of distillation is to analyze exergy loss in each configuration for multicomponent separation. Component will be separated from LNG Plant are methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, i-butane, and i-pentane. Experiment datafor composition of the separated components written by previous researcher. The method is arranged by previous researcher. Configuration component separation by boiling point has produced exergy loss of 9.220,57 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.892.639 and for the reboiler of US$ 11.054. Configuration component separation by the largest fraction has produced exergy loss of 12.582,29 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.898.806 and for the reboiler of US$ 19.382. Configuration component separation by equimolar has produced exergy loss of 23.012,08 MW. Utility cost required for the condenser of US$ 6.900.682 and for the reboiler of US$ 21,939. If the value of exergy loss is small, It will be needed utility cost that small too.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aria Dito Warganegera
Abstrak :

Pengering berbasis Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) adalah suatu sistem pengering yang tidak mengandalkan panas untuk mengurangi kandungan air pada suatu subjek. Pengering berbasis EHD mengandalkan ionic wind, yaitu fenomena bergeraknya gas yang terionisasi oleh suatu elektroda bertegangan tinggi menuju elektroda lain. Berdasarkan berbagai eksperimen, subjek yang diletakkan diantara kedua elektroda tersebut dan terkena ionic wind tersebut akan mengalami peningkatan laju pengeringan. Dikarenakan fenomena ini dapat terjadi pada suhu ruangan, pengeringan EHD dapat diaplikasikan untuk berbagai subjek yang sensitif terhadap suhu tinggi. EHD drying telah banyak di uji dan pengaruh berbagai macam konfigurasinya telah banyak diuji coba. Walau demikian, belum banyak penelitian-penelitian tersebut yang mengarah ke pembuatan rancang bangun dengan kapasitas lebih besar dari skala uji coba dalam laboratiorium. Penelitian ini berusaha memahami faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi laju pengeringan dengan alat pengering berbasis electrohydrodynamic serta mengaplikasikannya pada rancang bangun alat pengering berbasis electrohydrodynamic dengan skala lebih besar.

An Electrohydrodynamic Dryer is a dryer system that works without utilizing heat. An Electrohydrodynamic Dryer works by utilizing ionic wind, a phenomenon that occurs when gas, ionized by an electrode of high voltage, moves to another (grounded) electrode. Based on experiments, subject placed between the two electrodes and exposed to ionic wind experiences an increase in drying rate. Since this phenomenon can happen in room temperature, an EHD dryer can be used as a solution to dry heat sensitive subjects. EHD drying has been quite extensively researched and the influence of the various configurations of an EHD dryer has also been recognized. But even then, not much of the research in EHD drying tries to use their findings to build an EHD Dryer with largerthan-lab capacity. This research will try to comprehend the influence of the various configurations of an EHD dryer and apply those findings to create a design of an electrohydrodynamic dryer with a larger scale in mind.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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