Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari 300 responden yang merupakan midle management di rumahsakit. Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan bantuan perangkat SPSS 24 dengan tehnik regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kapabilitas dinamik perusahaan lebih berpengaruh dalam kecepatan pengambilan keputusan dari pada kepemimpinan. Gaya kepemimpinan generatif dan rasional berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan pengambilan keputusan. Sementara kapabilitas dinamik memoderasi pengaruh kepemimpinan terhadap kecepatan pengambilan keputusan.
In addition to leadership factors, it is necessary to examine the influence of strategies where in the context of the dynamic environment a dynamic capability of a company will be used. Leaders must regularly make decisions about how to renew existing operational capabilities into new ones that are more in line with the changing environment, dynamic capabilities are an important challenge for management in their efforts to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.
The research data was collected from 300 respondents who were midle management in hospitals. Data was analyzed using the help of SPSS 24 devices with regression techniques. The results of the study show that the company's dynamic capability is more influential in the speed of decision making than leadership. Generative and rational leadership styles influence the speed of decision making. While dynamic capabilities moderate the influence of leadership on the speed of decision making.