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Ditemukan 26 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Noris Subekti
Abstrak :
Pengaruh variasi putaran terhadap stabilitas nyala api premix campuran udara dengan gas Hycool HCR 22 diteliti menggunakan bunsen bumer dengan menggunakan Roraling Fan Mixer (RPM). Dengan variabel bebas adalah laju aliran udara., fenomena yang diambil adalah fenomcna Yellow Tip, Flashback dan LQ? Off Perhitungan AFR, luas daera stabilitas nyala (AT), burning load, serta burning velocity juga didapatkan dengan perhitungan tempeatur campuran belum terbakar (Tu), temperatur ignition (Ti) dan Temperatur nyala api (Tr). Dari grafik luas daerah stabilitas nyala diperoleh untuk A BL konstan didapat nilai luas stabilitas optimum pada BL; = 6 MW/m2 dan BL; = 8 MW/m2 yajtu sebesar 20.958 m2 pada putaran 1400 rpm. Dengan meningkatkan putaran RFM secara signifikan didapatkan bahwa kencepatan nyala api cenderung naik. Hal ini disebabkan kecepatan putar dari RFM tersebut ikut memperbesar kecepatan campuran udara-bahan bakar yang keluar tabung pembakar (Vu). Dengan semakin besamya Vu otomatis akan ikut memperbesar SL. ......The influence of rotation of variation to air mixture premix flame stability with Hycool HCR 22 gas is investigated with Bunsen Burner by using Rotating Fan Maker (RFM). With free variable is air flow, the phenomenon taken are Yellow Tar, Flashback and LM Off The calculation of AFR, flame stability area (Ay, burning load and burning velocity are obtained with the calculation from unburned mixture Temperature (Tu), ignition temperature (Tig) and flame temperature (Tj. From the flame stability area, it is obtained that for A BL constant, the optimum stability area value is achieved for BL; = 6 MW/m2 and BL; == 8 MW/rn? that is equal to 20. 958 m2 at rotation of 1400 rpm. By increasing the rotation of RFM significantly, it is obtained that burning velocity tends to go up. This is caused that rotation of RFM also increasing air-fuel mixtured that leave the tube (Vu). The increasing of V., will also enlarge SL automatically.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panofsky, Hans A.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984
551.515 PAN a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandra Dwi Sari
Abstrak :
Penggunaan kompor briket batubara dapat mengurangi penggunaan bahan baker minyak yang semakin mahal dan semakin sedikit. Namun banyak kendala dalam penggunaan kompor briket batubara yaitu dalam hal waktu penyalaan (ignition time). Permasalahan penyalaan briket selama ini adalah kurangnya pasokan oksigen untuk proses pembakaran awal briket. Pada awal penyalaan penetrasi oksigen eksternal ke dalam briket terhambat oleh adanya laminer boundary layer. Setelah itu briket mengalami proses devolatilisasi yaitu pelepasan zat-zat volatile melalui pori-pori ke permukaan batubara dan membentuk awan volatile matter yang menyebabkan penetrasi oksigen eksternal terhalangi. Perpindahan panas radiasi dan konveksi juga menjadi lambat dikarenakan tidak adanya suplai oksigen dari dalam briket batubara, sehingga untuk mengatasi masalah ini digunakan briket promotor yang mengandung oksidator etil asetat sebanyak 15% dari massa total briket. Untuk menghasilkan hasil yang optimum dari segi waktu penyalaan maka kompor briket batubara dirancang sedemikian rupa yang dilengkapi dengan blower, briket bawah sebagai briket pemasakan dan briket atas yang mengandung oksidator sebagai promotor penyalaan. Dengan rancangan kompor briket yang dilengkapi dengan blower di bagian bawah maka akan terjadi aliran udara secara forced updraft sehingga menjamin kecukupan penyediaan udara untuk pembakaran. Saat ini modifikasi metode konvensional dilakukan dengan menciptakan turbulensi pada aliran udara pembakaran yang dialirkan ke arah briket. Tujuannya adalah untuk membuat aliran turbulen pada boundary layer yang biasanya terbentuk pada permukaan briket. Pengontrolan turbulensi pada pembakaran batubara umumnya dilakukan dengan mengalirkan udara menggunakan blower ke arah briket. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memecah awan volatile di permukaan batubara dan mempenetrasikan udara sekunder tersebut masuk ke dalam briket. Penggunaan variasi kecepatan superfisial udara pembakaran pada penelitian ini yaitu sebesar 1,9 - 0,6 m/s, sehingga akan diketahui laju alir yang optimum untuk mendapatkan pembakaran yang sempurna dan diperoleh waktu penyalaan yang singkat. Pada penelitian ini juga akan dilakukan variasi tinggi chimney dengan menggunakan laju alir yang optimum yang diperoleh dari variasi kecepatan superficial udara pembakaran.
Usage of coal briquette stove can lessen fuel consumption of oil that is increasingly expensive and increasingly a few. But many constraints in usage of coal briquette stove that is in the case of ignition time. Ignition time problems of briquette until now is lack of supply oxygen to process initial combustion of briquette. In the early of ignition of penetration of oxygen eksternal into briquette pursued by existence of laminer boundary layer. Then briquette experiences devolatilisation process that is release of volatile matters through pore to surface of coal and forms volatile cloud matter causing penetration of oxygen eksternal is hindered. Radiation heat transfer and convection also becomes is slow because of inexistence of oxygen supply from within coal briquette, so that to overcome this problem applied promotor briquette containing oksidator ethyl acetate counted 15% from briquette total mass. To yield optimum result from the angle of ignition time hence coal briquette stove is designed in such a manner equiped with blower, briquette under as cooking briquette and briquette to containing oksidator as promotor. With briquette stove planning equiped with blower in underside hence there will be air current in forced updraft causing guarantees supply sufficiency of air for combustion. Now modification of conventional method is done by creating turbulent at combustion air current poured into by direction of briquette. The purpose is to make turbulent flow at boundary layer usually formed at briquette surface. Controller turbulent at coal firing generally is done by flowing air to apply blower towards briquette. This thing done to break volatile cloud on the surface of coal and penetration of the secondary air comes into briquette. Usage various speed of combustion air superficially at this research that is 1,9 - 0,6 m/s, so that will be known optimum rate of flow to get perfect combustion and obtained brief ignition time. At this research also will be done various height chimney by using optimum rate of flow obtained from various speed of combustion air superficially.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tuburlensi laju jantung heart rate tuberlence {HRT} baru-baru ini dianggap sebagai prediktor terbaru paling kuat untuk terjadinya kematian mendadak (sadden cardiac death (SCD) melebihi prediktor lain yang telah ada sebelumnya.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Herianti
Abstrak :
The purpose of this study is to examine and analyse the effect of local governments ability on the relationship between budget turbulence and budget deviation. The study sample uses the regional budget (APBD) report and realization of a number of districts/cities throughout Indonesia encompassing the 2014 until 2017 period, while the analysis covers the period from 2015 until 2017. This study uses the least square approach with EViews analysis tool version 10 to test the hypothesis. Result of the study shows that budget turbulence has a positive and significant effect on budget deviation. The result also shows that the capacity of local governments can reduce the influence of budget turbulence on the budget deviation. Sensitivity tests using proxies of local governments not sampled by the main test also show consistent results. Finally, sensitivity test by area category proves that for the three categories, mainly western, central, and eastern Indonesia, the results are consistent with the main test results. The contribution of this study to the policies of the local governments is aimed to enhance efficiency of spending and increase productive spending to support the priority of government programs and encourage efficient, innovative and sustainable financing while maintaining the investment climate. Through several of these alternatives, the local government can overcome the conditions of resource instability that can threaten the effectiveness of the implementation of various programs.
Jakarta: Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengembangan, 2019
340 JTKAKN 5:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ryllian Chandra Eka Viana
Abstrak :
This study discusses the emergence of Islamic populism in Palembang in the 1950s. In the official narratives of Indonesian history, the political turbulence in Palembang that occurred in the mid-1950s is often associated with a regional Army commander-led rebellion. This research instead finds that Islamic groups played a crucial role in developing the preliminary conditions before the military group took the initiative to pull the trigger. Islamic groups, through their network of ulama, tried to unite all groups opposed to Jakarta’s leadership and communism to incorporate under one umbrella of political identity: Islam. We determine that the emergence of Islamic populism in Palembang was caused by multiple grievances: economic decline, redistribution of welfare to the region, the exclusion of Islamic groups, and the fear of communism. However, Islamic populism only succeeded in uniting factions in the Islamic community but failed to reach other groups because of the social cleavages from previous feuds.
Jakarta: UIII Press, 2022
297 MUS 1:2 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Winda Anggraini
Abstrak :
Beradaptasi terhadap environmental turbulence adalah keharusan bagi setiap perusahaan disektor perbankan. Diperlukan untuk mengembangkan strategi rasional upaya merespon lingkungan tersebut secara efektif. Environmental turbulence terutama turbulensi pasar dan turbulensi teknologi,yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini di industri perbankan, mengharuskan perusahaan untuk meninjau strategi mereka secara terus menerus. Strategic Agility dengan dimensinya: strategic sensitivity, collective commitment, dan resource fluidity, adalah kemampuan perusahaan yang telah diidentifikasi sebagai kunci untuk berhasil dalam lingkungan yang sangat kompetitif dan cepat berubah. Kelincahan strategis juga dikenal sebagai sumber keunggulan kompetitif yang juga akan meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan. Studi ini mencoba untuk menguji strategic agility dan dimensinya, dan mengungkapkan pentingnya di sektor perbankan untuk mendapatkan keunggulan daya saing dalam turbulensi lingkungan. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini mengeksplorasi penerapan kelincahan strategis dan potensinya untuk meningkatkan kinerja unit melalui keunggulan daya saing. Populasi penelitian ini adalah manajer di salah satu bank swasta di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling(PLS-SEM) untuk menganalisis data. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategic agility memiliki peran untuk mendapatkan keunggulan daya saing dengan mengambil keuntungan dari turbulensi lingkungan khususnya di pasar dan turbulensi teknologi yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan kinerja unit. ......Adapting to environmental turbulence is mandatory for every player in the banking sector. They need to develop rational strategies and respond effectively. Environmental Turbulence especially market turbulence and technological turbulence, which happen lately in banking industry, require firms to review their strategies continuously. Strategic agility with its dimensions: strategic sensitivity, resource fluidity, and collective commitment, is a capability of a firm that has been identified as a key to succeed in a highly competitive and rapidly changing environment.  Strategic agility is also known as a source of competitive advantage which will also enhance performance of the firm. This study tries to examine strategic agility and its dimension, and reveal its importance in the banking sector in order to gain competitive advantage in environmental turbulence. Furthermore, this study explores the application of strategic agility and its potential to improve unit performance through competitive advantage. The population of this study is managers in one of private bank in Indonesia. This study uses Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to analyze the data. Findings of this study suggest that strategic agility has a role to gain competitive advantage by taking advantages from environmental turbulence spesifically in market and technological turbulence which in turn will also improve firm performance.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book contains a collection of the main contributions from the first five workshops held by Ercoftac Special Interest Group on Synthetic Turbulence Models (SIG42. It is intended as an illustration of the sig’s activities and of the latest developments in the field. This volume investigates the use of Kinematic Simulation (KS) and other synthetic turbulence models for the particular application to environmental flows. This volume offers the best syntheses on the research status in KS, which is widely used in various domains, including Lagrangian aspects in turbulence mixing/stirring, particle dispersion/clustering, and last but not least, aeroacoustics.
London: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Song Fu, editor
Abstrak :
The present book contains contributions presented at the Fourth Symposium on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods, held in Beijing, China, 28-30 September 2011, being a continuation of symposia taking place in Stockholm (Sweden, 2005), in Corfu (Greece, 2007), and Gdansk (Poland, 2009). The contributions to the last two symposia were published as NNFM, Vol. 97 and Vol. 111. At the Beijing symposium, along with seven invited keynotes, another 46 papers (plus 5 posters) were presented addressing topics on Novel turbulence-resolving simulation and modelling, Improved hybrid RANS-LES methods, Comparative studies of difference modelling methods, Modelling-related numerical issues and Industrial applications.. The present book reflects recent activities and new progress made in the development and applications of hybrid RANS-LES methods in general.
Berlin: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book provides state-of-art information on high-accuracy scientific computing and its future prospects, as applicable to the broad areas of fluid mechanics and combustion, and across all speed regimes. Beginning with the concepts of space-time discretization and dispersion relation in numerical computing, the foundations are laid for the efficient solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, with special reference to prominent approaches such as LES, DES and DNS. The basis of high-accuracy computing is rooted in the concept of stability, dispersion and phase errors, which require the comprehensive analysis of discrete computing by rigorously applying error dynamics. In this context, high-order finite-difference and finite-volume methods are presented. Naturally, the coverage also includes fundamental notions of high-performance computing and advanced concepts on parallel computing, including their implementation in prospective hexascale computers. Moreover, the book seeks to raise the bar beyond the pedagogical use of high-accuracy computing by addressing more complex physical scenarios, including turbulent combustion. Tools like proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), proper generalized decomposition (PGD), singular value decomposition (SVD), recursive POD, and high-order SVD in multi-parameter spaces are presented. Special attention is paid to bivariate and multivariate datasets in connection with various canonical flow and heat transfer cases. The book mainly addresses the needs of researchers and doctoral students in mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, and all applied disciplines including applied mathematics, offering these readers a unique resource.
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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